Dad's Home
The next day, they were all back in their normal lives. This meant school for the teens, and college for Michael and Lucifer. After the fun, and admittedly strange, weekend getaway, getting up and heading to school felt like hell.
Of course, Lucifer made sure to remind them all that actual hell was a lot worse, and then they'd decided that he was just being Lucifer and ignored him. Everyone seems to have forgotten the whole pranking ordeal with the looming day at school, well everyone except for Gabriel and Sam, who were plotting way to get back. They had even stayed up past midnight texting over it.
This, it turns out, was a huge mistake. Sam woke to his alarm going off, and felt a strong surge of regret as he remembers why he was so tired. He really should've gone asleep earlier because now he was stuck surviving though the day on 4 hours sleep. Great.
Then again, they had come up with some pretty cool ideas. Sam walks over to his dresser, still half asleep as he grabs his clothes out and heads for the shower, thankful that Dean was already downstairs and hopeful that Dean had made coffee.
After his shower, Sam jogs downstairs and mumbles a tired hello to Dean, who was slumped over at the table. Both of them were quiet, drinking their coffees and dreading having to leave the house when an all too familiar rumble of their father's pick-up truck comes from outside. Sam jolts upright, all his tiredness fading away as he watches their father walk past the window.
"Dad's home," he murmurs.
Dean frowns, shifting so that he could watch the front door. Sure enough, John walks in and slams the door shut behind him, something that made both the brother's stomachs churn in fear. Obviously, John's trip hadn't gone well. Which meant he was going to be in a bad mood.
"Sammy, grab your bag, we should leave for school," Dean mutters quietly, already halfway out of his chair as their dad walked in.
"Sam, Dean, whats with the rush? Don't you want to catch up?" John was sneering.
"Uh d-dad, we should be going to school," Dean moves in front of Sam.
"Nonsense, I'm sure you can spare a few minutes," John walks over to the liquor cabinet, pouring himself a whiskey and downing it in one go. He pour another and moves towards the boys, glass in one hand and bottle in the other.
"Now, how are you two? Still being good in school I hope."
Dean glances at Sam, who had gone very pale.
"You two are pathetic, you know that right? Answer me boys."
"We're do-doing fine, Dad," Dean grounds out.
"Not that he'd know," Sam hadn't meant to say that, but at least he'd whispered it so maybe John hadn't heard.
"What did you say Sam?"
Shit, he'd heard. Sam scrambled for the right words to try and save himself, but it was too late, John was livid.
"You pathetic kid, you can't even man up and speak your mind, toughen up son, this is the real world and going around mumbling shit ain't gonna get you no where," John was practically growling. "You can barely even speak to people like a normal person."
"Leave Sam alone," Dean defends his little brother.
"Get out of here, both of you, before I get real angry."
Sam and Dean grabbed their bags and were out the front door before anything else could be said. Sam was fighting back tears, he was sick of the constant verbal attacks from their father, but he wasn't strong enough to fight back, and so he let all those harsh words ht him, sinking in like pieces of shrapnel.
Dean starts the Impala up, pulling out onto the street without a word. The ten minute drive to school was spent in heavy silence, but at the same time, they couldn't help but be glad at how easy they'd gotten it this time.
By the time they pulled into the school parking lot, Sam just wanted to get to class and throw himself into his school work. The moment Dean pulled into a parking spot, Sam was out of the car and walking angrily into the school.
He was so caught up in his emotions, he didn't notice an energetic Gabe bouncing towards him, not until he bumped into him, sending the smaller by sprawling.
"Oh my god, Gabe I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there," Sam exclaims apologetically, reaching down to help Gabriel up.
"Don't sweat it Samsquatch, are you okay? You look like you're either about to burst into tears or punch someone."
"I'm okay, I just wanna be left alone," Sam murmurs.
"Sam?" Gabriel asked worriedly, using Sam's actual name for once.
Sam shakes his head quietly, adjusting his backpack and walking off. Gabriel watches his friend go, feeling confused and hurt. Was this because of how close they'd been getting? Was Sam regretting getting close to Gabe? Did the almost kiss scare him off?
"It's not your fault," Dean's gruff voice come's from behind Gabriel.
"Sam, he isn't in that mood because of you, our dad arrived home in a bad mood and said some things that hurt Sam, don't worry about it."
"Oh, is Sam going to be okay?"
"I think so, can you stick by him in class today? I don't want him to be alone."
Gabriel smiles, "please, I never leave him alone during classes."
Dean nods, his eyes full of worry as he watches his little brother enter the building. "Good."
Gabriel runs after Sam, plastering a wide grin across his face as he slows to a walk beside Sam. Sam glances at him, but doesn't speak as he keeps walking.
"It's okay if you're feeling down Sammy, I'll just be here and probably talk your ear off to distract you, of course if you don't want me here I'll leave I know I can be annoying and now I'm babbling but I just want you to be happy so..."Gabriel trails off, clearing his throat as an embarrassed blush spreads across his face.
Sam feels his chest warm at Gabe's words. He silently takes Gabriel's hand, not wanting to talk but the feeling of Gabriel's hand comforted him.
Although, he half expected Gabriel to pull his hand away, so he was surprised when Gabe tightened his grip and entwined their fingers.
~~Time Skip~~
Lunch rolls around, and Sam's mood was brighter than it had been that morning. The reason for that was hopping along beside him, chattering away excitedly about their pranking plans they'd made up the night before.
Sam was just watching Gabriel with a fond smile, and once again he found himself wondering what it would feel like to kiss Gabe. And despite all his hesitations to even be friends with Gabe, his relief to have Gabriel in his life was weighing in on these strange feelings and urges.
The realization that he liked Gabe hit him hard, he, Samuel Winchester, like Gabriel Novak. Perhaps, if they had been in a novel, Sam would have planned an awesome night out and told Gabriel that he liked him then, but this wasn't a book, it was real life and these feelings were surging through his heart.
They were so strong that he made a choice that was so unlike him, he grabbed Gabe by the arm and turned him around.
Gabriel was startled out of his conversation, "uh Sammy?"
Before Sam could change his mind and wimp out, he quickly pulls Gabe closer and presses his lips against Gabriel's. Gabe freezes in shock, and Sam goes to pull away, scared that he'd made a mistake.
But then, Gabriel grabs onto Sam's shoulders and pulls him closer. The kiss was soft, and Sam could taste the watermelon lollipop as their lips melding perfectly together.
Sadly, humans had to do this thing called breathing, and the two reluctantly pull apart. Sam rests his forehead against Gabe's, smiling shyly as they catch their breath. Gabe smiles back, his eyes glowing. (no, not literally)
"So, am I right to assume that you like me?" Gabriel whispers.
Sam blushes, "well, I me-mean I gu-guess." Great now he couldn't even speak.
"You wanna know something?" Gabe asks. "I like you."
Sam felt the warm fluttery feeling grow even stronger, and the two boys grin at each other for a moment before they were rudely interrupted by a fangirls screech.
Sam chuckles as Charlie runs back, then she hands a small envelope to him, "Here Sam, the photos you wanted! SABRIEL WAS THE FIRST SHIP TO BECOME CANNON!"
"God we have weird friends," Gabriel chuckles.
"I think they're awesome..." Sam trails off as he watches Charlie doing cartwheels, what even.... "Never-mind, defiantly weird."
What's this? Another update? The same day as the last? I must have no social life... Its probably shorter, but its something 😇
Or maybe I've just been writing during breaks on my HTML assignment
So... Sabriel was the first ship to become cannon, not how I planned it originally, but I think it works!
And next chapter we have more pranks coming from the Trickster and his Mooseman ✨🍭 Oh and I'll be using some of your ideas 😄
Peace out, Wayward readers!
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