Sam and Gabe walked through the university campus, try to track down michifer so they could initiate project cage.
After a long evening of brainstorming and arguing over ideas, they had an excellent plan to help Michifer get together. Sam, despite being busy with Gabe, had noticed his brother duck out at one point, and he learned it was because Dean had been at the movies with Cas.
Gabriel had laughed, saying Destiel was close to being Cannon. Which, judging from the look Cas and Dean had been sharing, was probably true.
Still, Sam had noticed that Dean had been rather quiet, as if he was nervous about something, and that made Sam nervous as his mind made up the worst possible scenarios.
"Hey, Samsquatch, you in there?" Gabe flicks Sam's nose, bringing the moose back into the present time.
"Sorry babe," Sam watches Gabriel's cheeks go red as he realities Sam had changed the first letter of his name. "You're cute when you blush," Sam murmurs, placing a quick kiss against Gabe's nose.
Gabriel pouts, tilting his head back and looking up into Sam's eyes before slowly dragging his eyes down to Sam's lips and flicking them back up again.
Sam smirks, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend and placing a small kiss against Gabe's pouted lips. Gabe makes a small noise in the back of his throat as he leans up in an attempt to kiss Sam.
Sam stands up a bit straighter, using his height to keep Gabe just out of reach.
"Saaaammmmmyyy," Gabe groans, reaching up and entwinning his hands around the back of Sam's neck and running his fingers through Sam's hair.
Sam sighs, leaning down slightly. Gabriel smiles, pulling himself up onto the tips of his toes and placing as long, soft kiss against Sam's lips. They pull back and Sam rests his forehead on Gabriel's forehead with a content smile.
"We should go somewhere tonight, like a movie or the diner," Sam breathes.
Gabe brushes his lips against Sam's, "like a date?"
Sam snorts, "yes like a date, dork."
"Hey, I'm your dork though," Gabe says in a cheesy tone.
Rolling his eyes, Sam leans in, "whatever, cheeseball, but yes you are mine and I..." Sam froze, unsure on whether he should say those next two words.
Gabe pulls back slightly, searching Sam's eyes with his own golden whiskey ones. "You okay Sammy?"
"Uh, yeah, sorry I just realised I forgot to ask Dean for the Impala tonight, we'll rethink the Michifer thing later," Sam stutters, pecking Gabe's lips once more before saying a hurried goodbye.
"Oh, Okay, see ya later Sammy," Gabe calls out, his brow furrowed.
Sam runs down the street, forgetting about their Michifer plan altogether as he turns down a familiar street and bounds up their front steps. Bursting through the front door, Sam skids to a stop, his eyes wide.
"Holy shit..." Sam trails off as Cas and Dean jump apart.
"Sammy, h-hey there," Dean blushes, rubbing the back of his neck.
Cas sinks into the couch, his cheeks flaming red.
"Wow, how long...?"
Dean glances at Cas, still blushing, "Um, since just now..."
Sam blinks, he would have fun with this later but right now he needed his brother's advice.
"Right, um, thats awesome I was getting sick of the eye sex." This causes the two to blush even harder. "But I need to ask you something quickly," Sam looks at his brother.
Dean nods, excusing himself from Cas with a soft murmur, grabbing his brother by the arm and pulling him out of the room.
"Whats up?"
Sam flushes, "uh, I think I love Gabriel," he speaks in a quiet rush.
Dean falters, "love? As in..."
"Ye-yeah," Sam looks down at the ground in embarrassment.
"Oh, wow, I guess I should have seen this coming," Dean smiles at his brother before a pained expression crossed his face. "But, there is something I should tell you, hell I should have told you days ago."
Sam, surprised by his brother's suddenly serious tone, looks up at his brother. "What is it?"
"Da-dad told me something before he left for work, and I wasn't sure how I was going to tell you, especially with how happy you've been lately."
Sam felt sick, knowing by Dean's sudden change of tone alone that this could only be bad news.
"We're moving again Sammy, and dad said we have to come with him."
Sam shook his head, refusing to believe it, "can't we stay with Bobby?"
"Sorry, Sammy, I know how hard it will be for you to say goodbye to Gabe."
Sam felt hot tears run down his cheeks, "no, I don't want to go."
"I know, believe me, I know," Dean pats Sam's shoulder.
"One month, I'm sorry brother, I wished we didn't have too."
"What about Michael, can't we stay with him?"
Dean shook his head, "you know dad, he'd never let us."
"What if we ran away?"
"Dad would find us, he always does."
Sam grips his hair with his hands, "I don't want to move again, I can't loose Gabe, or any of our friends."
Dean doesn't speak, he had lost the ability to as the lump in his throat grew bigger. Sam just looks up at his big brother, searching for something in his eyes, although he wasn't sure what it was that he was seeking.
"I need some air," Sam gasps, standing up and running from the room.
He flies out of the house, tears streaming down his cheeks and a ragged sob escapes his cheek. He didn't have a destination in mind, instead he just keeps running as the pain really hits him. He was going to lose the first person, other than Dean, that had ever really tried to get to know him, to try and cheer him up and break through Sam's walls. The first person he had ever started falling in love with.
Sam ends up sitting under a tree at the local park, his heart hurt and his eyes stung with a fresh wave of tears. It wasn't fair, why did they always have to move?
Sam thought of Gabriel, how he had wasted all that time disliking him before they finally became friends, and then more. He thought of how, in a months time, he'd lose Gabe forever.
Caught up in his pained thoughts of heartbreak, Sam didn't hear the footsteps of someone approaching.
"Sammy? Are you okay?"
It was Gabe, and just the soft sound of his caring voice made Sam feel even worse.
Shaking his head, Sam hurriedly wipes the tears off his cheeks and looks up at the trickster. Gabe's expression was full of worry as he sits down beside Sam.
"What's wrong Sam?"
So, after taking a shuddering breath, Sam told him what Dean had told Sam. After he was finished, Gabe sat there in shocked silence.
"So, your dad's taking you away?"
"Yeah," Sam coughed to try and clear the emotional lump from his throat. "Uh, and he would never let me stay in contact with you because..."
"Because your in a gay relationship with me," Gabriel mutters angrily.
"I'm sorry Gabe."
Gabe grabs onto Sam's hand, his eyes watery. "Hey, it isn't your fault, you don't need to be sorry."
Sam bit his lip, he wanted to tell Gabriel there and then that he loved him, but he couldn't. He couldn't say that to Gabe and then leave, Gabe needed to move on once Sam left.
"Hey, we should have some fun while you're still here," Gabe gives Sam a watery smile, "I found a good place to start project Cage, maybe it'll take this off your mind."
Sam didn't have the heart to argue, instead he just nods silently and lets Gabe help him up onto his feet.
"Jesus you're so tall," Gabriel giggles weakly.
Sam just wraps an arm around his boyfriends shoulders, trying to shove all his pain away.
~~Don't kill meh, plus time skip!~~
Sam crouches outside the Novak's house, keeping watch for Michael and Lucifer while Gabe put the finishing touches to their biggest prank against Michifer yet. It had taken the rest of the afternoon, and now as the last rays from the sun start to fade from the sky, Sam felt Gabe's arms wrap around his shoulders.
"Its done, Samoose."
Sam smiled, "now we just need Lucifer and Michael to show up."
Minutes pass, and Sam shuffles with discomfort as they stay crouched.
Gabe took this time as a chance to be close to Sam, shuffling so his side brushed Sam's and grabbing onto his moose's hand. He was gonna miss Sam, there was no point denying it. But he wasn't going to spend this time moping about and crying, that could come after Sam... Left.
Sam nudged Gabe, drawing him out of his thoughts and back onto the prank at hand. Lucifer was leading Michael around the back of the house, talking excitedly about something and no doubt using Satan jokes.
Snickering, the two tricksters followed them hand in hand. What they didn't see was Cas walking out through the back door with a book in his hand. Then, Michael let out a very unmanly screech as a cage, yes a cage, fell over him, Luci and poor Cas.
Lucifer, who had set the trip wire off, was lying on the ground while clutching his knee and going on about seeing the light filled tunnel. Then he seemed to notice the situation they were in and sat up with a glare.
Gabe smirked, casually strolling out from behind the corner and dragging Sam behind him.
"Why. Are. We. In. A. Cage?" Lucifer growls.
"Hey bro's, sorry Cas you were not a part of this plan, but I can't let you out until the Michifer cage works."
Cas narrows his eyes at Gabe, slumping down against the bars. Michael steps up beside Lucifer.
"How the hell did you get this cage?"
"A Trickster never reveals his sources," Gabe chuckles, pulling a lollipop out and sticking it in his mouth.
"I'm going to kill you, little brother," Lucifer mutters.
"Sure, once this works you can kill me if you still want too."
Sam and Gabe then proceed to pull the sun lounger over and sit on it, sides pressed against each other as they wait for Michael to accept the rainbow and make Michifer cannon.
All the while, both of them were contemplating the looming deadline of their time together.
Oh wow, so I didn't take as long to do this as I thought I would 😃
Still, its not what I was wanting it to be, but NaNoWriMo is taking a lot of my writing time and motivation up....
Hope you guys liked it! What do you think is going to happen to these poot fellows now the Winchester's are moving??
*gives popcorn because of work 🍿🍿*
Peace out, Wayward Readers🌈😇🌈
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