--one week later--
Sam trudges from his locker to the cafeteria. Today was the first time that Gabe had managed to convince Sam to sit with Charlie and her friends, which in itself was terrifying for the shy boy, but after getting little sleep the night before, his sleep deprived mind wasn't helping. Grabbing an apple and placing it along with a slice of pizza on his tray, casting His eyes around for his new friend. Sure enough, Gabriel was waving him down from a table near the back of the cafeteria, a couple of people sat around him, including Charlie whose red hair stood out even from this distance.
Sam sighs, mentally preparing himself for socializing as he heads over to the table.
"Heya Samoose!" Gabe chirps cheerfully as Sam hesitantly sits beside him.
Sam smiles slightly, "hello Gabriel," he murmurs.
"Oh my chuck, I ship it," Charlie whispers.
"Hey Charlie," Sam says quietly.
"Hey bitch," Charlie grins, "this is Kevin, Garth, uhh wait what's your name again.... Oh yeah Adam." At this the boy she was indicating too narrows his eyes.
"And I'm Crowley," a short, British guy adds.
"He just started sitting with us, got held back a year," Charlie explains.
Sam smiles shyly at the group, surprised at how friendly they all were, none of them commented on him being quiet.
"I'm in advance placement, which is why we don't have classes together," Kevin explains.
The thin boy Charlie had called Garth rolls his eyes, "Kev, you do know that you don't have to tell every one about you being in advanced placement right?"
Kevin simply pulls out a textbook and buries his head in it. The rest of the group chuckles before moving into a conversation about different shows and movies, as this conversation involved fandoms and Charlie was apart of it, it wasn't long before arguments over ships sprung up. Sam watches this all quietly, amused at how passionate Charlie was when it came to fictional characters love lives. Gabriel was also quiet, which he never really was unless he was plotting a new prank, but this time he wasn't. This time he was watching Sam, the tall boy occupying his thoughts.
Crowley glances up at something behind Sam's shoulder, and seconds later Dean joins the groups table, Cas in tow.
"What's the word, guys?"
"What does that mean?" Cas asks, tilting his head sightly as he takes a seat on Gabriel's other side.
Dean sits on the other side of the table, next to Charlie who sat opposite Sam. Dean catches Sam's eye, a small smile on his face.
"Good to see you sitting here Sammy."
Sam nods in response, before turning his attention back to his pizza, after all, he could only handle so much socializing.
Two more people follow Dean over to their table, a girl whose name Sam learned was Meg, and a quiet boy called Samandriel. Sam stays quiet as the conversation starts up again, he wasn't used to hanging out with such a large group of people, and felt even more awkward as they try to engage him in the conversation. Dean instantly brings up Johnlock, and everyone seems to finally agree on a ship.
"I just don't see it," Adam pipes up and immediately finds himself staring back into nine shocked faces, all staring at him in disbelief. Even Sam is looking at him like he had sprouted a second head.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dean splutters.
"Are you serious?"
"Did your mother drop you as a baby?" This last one comes from Charlie.
The bell rings, stopping anymore conversation on the topic. Sam, relieved to finally escape, grabs his bag and all but sprints out of the room, stopping only to dump his tray. The other's were too shocked at Adam to notice, except, of course, Gabriel and Dean who both watch him leave. Dean notices Gabe's gaze, and instantly turns on his protective, stop looking at my brother or I'll kill you, look. Gabriel, noticing this look, actually shrinks a bit in his seat. But he doesn't look away as he meets Dean's distrustful green eyes. Instead he narrows his own eyes, challenging Dean to say something as he slides out of his seat. Gabriel grabs his bag and follows Sam's path out of the cafeteria. Dean huffs in annoyance, but because he was a senior, he had a completely different schedule to most of his friends, including Sammy. The rest of the group, aside from the senior who had still had most of their lunch left, disperse, heading for their next class.
[And now back to Sam]
Sam heads down the still quiet halls, heading for science and trying not to feel guilty about ditching Gabriel, who was with him in his next class. He stops by his locker to ditch his jacket, shutting the door, he spins around only to find himself facing the one person he dreaded seeing more than anyone else. Azazel, the worse bully Sam had ever encountered.
"Look who we have here, good to see you again Sam."
Sam narrows his eyes, but he finds himself unable to speak as fear rages inside him.
Azazel chuckles, shoving Sam's shoulder lightly. "Still quiet I see, how yo make friends I will never understand... oh wait you don't have friends."
Sam, despite being a couple of inches taller the the bully, shrinks back. Azazel chuckles again, shoving Sam harder, trying to get any kind of response out of him.
Sam hits the lockers with a bang, but he stays silent, simply glaring at Azazel. His head ached where it had hit the locker and the lock digging into his back was hurting. And still, he doesn't move.
"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" He holds Sam against the locker, "Do you think your brother is sick of you yet? His little, overly shy, weak brother."
Finally, Sam snaps. "Shut up," his voice is quiet, yet angry.
Azazel smirks, before kneeing Sam in the gut.
Sam doubles over, gasping in pain. Azazel drives a fist into Sam's side, then his stomach again. The beatings go on for several, long, moments. Sam struggles to breath as the bully sends Sam sprawling onto the hard floor. Rolling over, Sam manages to bring a knee up as Azazel leans over him, and knees the bully in the stomach. Azazel narrows his eyes as the pain flashes across his eyes. Azazel hardens his expression once more and draws back his fist.
"You're gonna pay, freak," he growls, before punching Sam square in the jaw.
Sam blinks as the pain erupts across his face, leaving him feeling dazed. Azazel goes to punch him again, but before his hand can hit Sam's face, another hand shoots out and grabs Azazel's. A very angry Gabe glaring at Sam's attacker.
"Look Samuel, a pathetic knight in shinning armor."
Gabe narrows his eyes, "Shut up and don't hurt my Sammy."
Azazel turns his attention fully onto Gabe, leaving Sam lying on the floor to watch as Gabriel punches Azazel, sending the bully flying backwards.
Gabriel himself was shocked at the sudden strength, but before he knows it, Azazel is back on his feet and heading for Gabe. Gabe gets ready to fight him when the warning bell goes and all the teens that had been trying to put off going to class were now rushing into the halls, and within seconds the three of them were surrounded by loud, chaotic teens. Azazel glares at Gabriel and Gabriel glares back.
"This isn't over Novak," he spits, before slipping into the crowd as he spy's an approaching teacher.
The teacher, Miss Talbot, rushes over to them, her eyes following the fleeing Azazel. She looks down at Sam and purses her lips. "Take him to the nurse."
Gabriel is already kneeling beside Sam, helping him up into a sitting position. Sam rubs his aching jaw and smiles grimly.
"Thanks Gabe," he whispers.
"Don't sweat it kiddo, let's just get you to the nurse."
Sam let's Gabe help him up, wincing at the pain in his back.
Gabe glares at where Azazel had disappeared, "I'm going to kill him."
"Don't worry about it Gabe."
"He beat you up Sam, no one hurts my Samoose," Gabe stops in front of the nurses room. "Why are you so calm about it?"
Sam shrugs, walking into the nurses office.
" Unless... Does this happen often Sammy? Oh I swear to-"
"Gabriel, leave it alone, it isn't a bug deal." Sam says quietly, too tired to correct Gabriel's use of nicknames.
Gabe falls silent as the nurse, Nurse Hanscum, rushes over with a first aid kit.
"Azazel?" She asks.
Sam nodded sadly and the nurse clicks her tongue.
"You need to tell Principal Singer Sam."
"Wait, you know about this? His long has it been going on for? Why haven't you done anything?"
She shrugs, "Sam pleaded me to keep quiet, said he was dealing with it."
Gabe scoffs, ignoring Sam's annoyed expression, "why don't you fight back? You're bigger than him."
Sam sighs, "Gabriel..."
"Samantha, you do know that as your friend, I have to stand up for you."
A small smile makes its way onto Sam's face, he had never had a friend like Gabriel before, hell he'd barely had friends, and although he wasn't sure when exactly they'd become friends, he was suddenly grateful for it.
Hey all :D
This probably isn't the best, half of it I wrote on my laptop while watching Sherlock, the other half on my phone while the elections take over the TV.
Peace out, wayward readers!
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