Beat up
Sam woke up the next morning feeling warmer than usual. He could feel something hard and warm pressed against his chest. He had one arm slung around the warm bundle, his face was half buried in the shockingly familiar golden hair.
He was sleeping next to Gabriel Novak. The very boy that, only a couple of weeks ago, Sam had hated. And now he was sleeping in the same bed as him, and he enjoyed being this close to Gabe, not that he'd admit it of course. Closing his eyes, Sam decides to enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasted, because soon enough they'd be off to school before heading out for a weekend away.
Thankfully, his dad was out of town for work again, meaning that they wouldn't have to worry about him prowling the house for another week or so. His phone buzzes on the nightstand, but he ignores it, trying to cling to the fading warm strands of sleep.
His phone buzzes again, several times, but Sam found he couldn't move without waking Gabe. Which is why, moments later when his door is flung open, an inhuman screech fills the air as Charlie goes into fangirl mode.
"SABRIEL IS TOO CUTE, MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT," she squeals, snapping a photo of the two boys.
Gabriel shoots up into a sitting position so fast he nearly ended up falling off the bed.
"What the fuck was that?" He exclaims, sleep still thick in his voice.
Charlie snaps another photo as Dean runs up behind her, confusion on his face as he reaches the doorway. The confusion quickly turns to annoyance as he see's the photos on Charlie's phone.
"Why the hell were you two sleeping together?" Dean narrows his eyes at the startled boys.
"Dean! It wasn't like that."
"Yeah Deano, I was just hiding from satan, he seems to be wanting to kill me," Gabe's eyes widen as he looks past Dean's shoulder, at the approaching Lucifer.
"Maybe its because you dyed my hair blue," Lucifer growls.
Gabe's golden whiskey eyes widen, and as he shrinks into his two sizes too large jacket, Sam felt a rush of affection for the shorter boy. He quickly dismisses this strange feeling, laughing at the fear on Gabe's face. Gabriel, realising Lucifer wasn't going to let him go easily, stumbled to his feet and ran towards the window. Lucifer bolts after the fleeing Gabe, who was actually wearing Sam's jacket, leaping out the window after him. Sam, Charlie and Dean all laugh as they hear Gabe screeching as he ran down the street.
Dean turns to Sam, "just be careful Sammy, I don't want you to end up being hurt."
Sam nods quietly, but he grins again as Gabriel shouts out again.
"You bitches ready for an awesome weekend away? I can't wait for the chance to get my ships together."
"Charlie, you can't make two people get together-"
"Please, all my ships have so much denied sexual tension between them, its suffocating people," she retorts. "Did you ask your dad if you could defiantly go?"
Dean rubs the back of his neck, "well, he's actually out of town, so we don't need to."
"Oh, okay then, thats cool!" Charlie doesn't notice the look the two Winchester boys share, they knew their father would kill them for going on this trip without asking, but it wasn't as if he was around.
Soon enough, it was time to head to school, and the trio begin counting down the hours until freedom.
~~~time skip~~~
Lunch rolls around, and so far the day had been uneventful, Sam hadn't even had to deal with Azazel glaring at him. He begin to hope that maybe the bully was finished with him. Of course, he wasn't so lucky.
He was heading for the cafeteria when Alastair, Azazel's friend and fellow bully, came out of nowhere and slammed Sam against the lockers. Alastair was in Dean's grade, so he normally wasn't a problem for Sam because of the different schedules, but obviously today just wasn't going to be Sam's day.
"Looky here, Dean Winchesters faggot brother, what a pleasure," Alastair pins Sam against the lockers, one arm against his neck.
Sam struggles and gasps for air, barely able to breath past Alastair's arm. Out the corner of his eye, he could see Azazel approaching and his stomach lurched in fear.
"It was so so hard to get you alone now you have all your friends, but now you have no one to protect you, so are you gonna cry fag?"
Sam bites his lip, squirming as Azazel approaches him. Alastair shifts to the side slightly, and before Sam could react, Azazel drives his fist into Sam's stomach, causing Sam to double over in pain but he stays silent.
"Is the pathetic baby gonna cry?" Azazel taunts.
Sam keeps his head down, tears filling his eyes as the assaults continue. Alastair throws in a couple of punches, throwing Sam to the floor.
"Please stop," Sam gasps.
"You disgust me, fag, maybe if you weren't so stupid and worthless we'd leave you alone."
Azazel's foot collides with Sam's head and for a moment all Sam is aware of is blackness. As he comes to seconds later, Azazel grabs the front of Sam's shirt and pulls the tall boy to his feet. He pulls his hand back to punch Sam again when a furious voice fills the empty corridor.
"Let my fucking moose go."
Gabriel's eyes were so full of rage that he looked like an entirely different person to the trickster Sam knew. He had never been so glad to see the golden haired boy, he wasn't even objecting to his nickname.
Anger radiated off Gabe as he approached the bullies, his fists clenched at his sides. Sam wanted to tell Gabe not to bother, that Sam was used to it, but a small part of him wanted Gabe's protection.
"Gabriel, back off, this isn't about you and fagstiel."
Sam could see and angry Cas behind Gabe and felt his heart swell, he actually had friends that wanted to look out for him.
"You're hurting our friend, of course it involves us, now back off or I'll punch you so hard you'll be seeing stars for weeks."
Azazel steps towards Gabriel, fists clenched. Gabriel raises his own fists, and suddenly Lucifer is beside him as well, icy eyes murderous.
Alastair's eyes widen, no one messed with Lucifer Novak, and no one in their right minds would make a move on his brothers while he was on campus.
Azazel, however, didn't seem to know this, because he throws a punch and catches Gabe on his jaw. Gabriel rams a fist into Azazel's stomach, and Lucifer grabs Azazel's shoulder, throwing his into the lockers before pinning him to the ground and punching him over and over in the face.
Gabriel rushes over to Sam as Alastair sulks off before Lucifer turns on him, and as Gabe pulls Sam into a bear hug, Lucifer keeps attacking Azazel.
"If I ever hear about or see you hurting my brothers or my friends again, I will kill you, you scummy piece of shit," he snarls.
Suddenly Michael is sprinting towards them (having followed Lucifer after Cas had text him during their lecture), and he pulls the furious Luci off the beaten up Azazel.
"Luci, stop!"
Lucifer shoves Michael off him and glares at the now unconscious Azazel. "He hurt Sam Mikey, and Gabe, the bastard deserves it!"
Michael places a calming hand on Lucifer, "he isn't worth getting in trouble for Luce."
And for the first time in his entire life, Lucifer let Michael lead him away from the bully. Gabe would've made a michifer comment if it wasn't for his worry for his beaten up moose.
"Hey Sammy, do you think you need the nurse?" Gabe asks softly, running his fingers through Sam's hair, which was just as soft as he'd imagined it would be.
"I'm fine Gabe," Sam croaks, he pulls away from Gabe reluctantly and offers him a small smile.
Lucifer, having somewhat calmed down, spat on Azazel's prone form before letting Michael drag him away.
Castiel was wringing his hands nervously, "guys, I think that there is a teacher heading in our direction."
Sam and Gabriel look up and sure enough Mr Ketch had just come round the corner.
"Shit, let's get outta here," Gabriel mutters, grabbing Sam's hand and dragging him towards the cafeteria. And even once they got there, neither boy let go of one another's hands until they were sitting with their friends.
"So, who is looking forward to going to the lake?" Jo was asking when they had arrived.
Balthazar, who was reluctantly sitting with them so he would actually know what was going on with the trip planning, went to reply only for his words to fall short as he see's Sam's state.
"Holy shit what happened to you?" He asks bluntly.
Dean looks up from his tray to see the trio and his eyes immediately darken with anger when he see's Sam.
"Who the hell did that to you, give me their name and I'll kill them."
"Don't make a big deal out of it Dean, I'm fine."
"It was Azazel and his buddy Alastair," Gabe supplies helpfully. "And it isn't nothing, those bastards knocked him out while beating him to a pulp."
Dean clenches his fists, standing up and looking ready to murder the bullies.
"Dean, it is okay, my brothers took care of him," Castiel murmurs soothingly.
Dean looks between Gabe and Cas, eyes widening when he saw the blossoming bruise on Gabriel's jaw.
"Did he hurt you?" He asks Cas.
"No, Lucifer beat the shit out of Azazel before he could do anything else, I'm fine by the way," Gabe mutters as he and Sam sink into their seats.
"We still meeting up in the carpark after school?" Dean asks as he sits back down beside Cas.
"Hells yeah, we'll finally get a break from this hell hole," Gabe grins.
Everyone at the table starts chattering excitedly about the weekend, but Sam stays silent, picking at his food as he feels the aches in his body from the attack. He was glad that most of the bruises were hidden by his clothes, aside from the flowering bruise across his cheek and jaw from Azazel's foot.
Gabe nudges Sam gently, catching his eye and offering Sam a small smile which was so different to his usual smirk or shit eating grin.
"You okay?" He asks quietly.
Sam nods, not saying anything, but he smiles slightly in return.
This chapter, like most, are not edited yet
Hey all, most of thus chapter was actually unplanned, I had planned a brief bullying scene before they all went to the lake. This means they were supposed to leave in this chapter, but I guess that that's how writing can work, by taking different paths or extending and adding to scenes as the book and characters need it.
Lucifer (the TV show) is baaacccckkk!!!! I'm so glad to have all my shows coming back, it'll make my lack of social life less painful :D
Peace out, Wayward Readers
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