Chapter Six
-Grian's POV, 1st Person-
I woke up with a horrible pain in my side, and feeling like literal crap. What had happened? Last I remember, I heard Doc's voice tell me to count to ten, and I passed out halfway through.
Hm... My ankle also felt like shit, which, now that I think about it, was also probably broken.
"Mumbo..?" I asked quietly to the dimly lit room. "Are you there?" I peeked around the curtain in front of me, and saw that it was still night time through Mumbo's window. I should probably head back to sleep.. And so I did.
In my dreams, I woke up, and my eyes roamed around the dark room in which I was. It had small, slanted windows that were too small to fly out of, and when I tried the door, it was locked. I flew around, frantically trying to escape, when I suddenly heard the familiar hiss of tnt. Fuck. I was sobbing my eyes out, waiting for it to blow up, but it didn't. It just kept going.
That only succeeded in making me panic more, and as I flew around, trying to escape, I heard a voice that I was all too familiar with, laughing insanely. "No, no no no, SAVE ME, SOMEBODY!" I screamed, and he laughed even more. "Herobrine, please, leave me alone, what are you doing, how are you here?!"
His laughing got louder, as I yelled, crying, "HOW ARE YOU HERE?! I killed you, and you-" "I'm still dead, sadly, I've just come back to tell you that you're not invincible. I've been sent to tell you a message, anyways, so listen up, I'm only gonna say it once." I was too curious to continue, but I didn't trust him
"You have to prepare, he's coming, and no matter what, you have to help him." "Who's 'he', and why do I have to help him?" "It's Sa-" BOOM! Was the last thing I heard before I woke up, drenched in a cold sweat. "Fuck!" I screamed, awakening Mumbo. "who's there?!" He yelled, "I have a stick, and I'm not afraid to use it!"
He then rushed over to where I was, after realizing that I was the one who had yelled, and sat down next to me. "Are you ok?" He asked, and I nodded. I was still sweating, my heart was beating really fast, and my breathing was hitched, but I tried to hide it.
Doc walked into the room, and sat down on the end of the bed, taking my pulse. "Your heartbeat is going a hundred miles an hour, what happened?" He asked, and I looked down. I didn't want to tell him, but I felt like he would know if I lied to him.
"Just a nightmare, that's it.." I said quietly. He stared at me, before saying, "some nightmare, huh? Want to talk about it?" I sighed, and responded, "I had a dream that I was in a dark room, and then some tnt blew up, and scared the living shit out of me." Technically, I wasn't lying.
He looked at me, and then looked away. "Are you sure that that's the whole truth?" He asked, putting his arm around my shoulder. I was quiet for a minute after that, because I didn't want to scare them anymore. "Yeah, I'm sure.." "Ok..." He left the room, giving me one last concerned stare as he did.
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