Chapter Seven
-Doc POV, 1st-
As I left the room, I took one last, long stare at Grian, before closing the curtain. "How is he, Doc, is he doing okay, is-" I cut Mumbo off, waving my hand around. "He's fine, now that he's been treated, just let him rest a bit." He nodded, but didn't stop talking. Finally, I had had enough of his non-stop questions, and re-entered Grian's room, telling Mumbo that I had to check Grian's heart rate. I didn't really, but I may as well.
"And you're back already.." Grian said, chuckling. "Yeah, I've just come to check your heart rate again," he nodded, and I proceeded with my work. "So, why are you back so soon?" He asked, and I started. "Mumbo, he's worrying his gay ass off, and it was getting quite annoying to have him at my neck with questions," "Sounds like Mumbo, haha," "Yeah," He laughed quietly, his delicate features hitching with the movement.
"So, what about you? Has anything changed in the past 10 minutes?" I asked jokingly. He laughed fakely, but I think that at this point, it was just his coping mechanism: laugh it off, pretend you're fine, try not to cry. "Grian, what's up?" I asked, but he just shook his head. "I- I wasn't telling the whole truth earlier..." I nodded, urging him to continue. "Well, I just... Where do I even start?" He said rhetorically. "The beginning?" I said, earning a small laugh. "Sure, the beginning,"
"Okay, well, you know Herobrine?" I nodded. "I think I've heard of him, can you describe him?" I said sarcastically. "Haha, really funny. Well, he appeared to me in my dream. I was in a small room-type thing, and I had no way to escape. He started laughing at me as I screamed for help, and then... He told me that someone was coming back, but I can't remember who he was talking about..." I nodded, taking it all in silently.
"So, basically, Herobrine turned up, delivered a message, and just fucking left?" I summed up, and he nodded. "Sounds creepy, you should investigate," I said, staring at him. "Yeah, well, if it's what I think it is, then it's gonna get a lot worse than it is now..." I looked at him, eyes filled with curiosity. "Just- don't ask..." I nodded, even though I really wanted to know what he was hiding.
Just then, Mumbo came bursting in, bruised and with a look of pure terror on his face. "Hide, now!" The command took a minute to register, but we did as told, me slowly helping Grian over to a big closet. Mumbo joined us in the open space, and told us what was going on. "He's looking for Grian, he should be here any second, I could only stall him for a tiny bit-" A big banging sound interrupted Mumbo midsentence, and he promptly stopped talking.
"Where are you Grian?" A strange male voice asked. It sounded gravely, as if it's owner rarely used it. "I know you're here~," it said, and it sounded like it was getting closer. I looked over to Grian, only to see that he was crying. "Who is he?" I wanted to ask, but I knew that saying anything would compromise our position. Grian looked conflicted for a minute, before leaving the closet, and closing it behind him.
-Grian's POV, 1st-
I left the closet where we had been hiding, and came out to meet him: Sam. I hadn't seen him in a long time, and he was much different looking now. He had that superior, "I'm a bigshot now", kind of aura to him, and his eyes were cold and wary. "Hello, Grian~." He said, stepping towards me slightly. "Hello Sam..." I said, forcing myself not to cry. "How has it been since the whole... Taurtis incident?"
"I can't believe that you have the gaul to bring that up!" Sam yelled at me. "I can't believe you murdered him, Sam! He can't respawn, he left, I was alone, with nothing, and I had to watch while you murdered him! I had to help you because of how you were! I can never truly forgive you for that." My voice turned stony as Sam stared straight at the ground. "I remember that night." I said, gaze unflinching.
"I just might remember that night for the rest of my days." He looked at me, his hard outer shell cracking. "I remember Yuki." He cried out in rage, lunging at me. I stepped aside. "I remember what you made me do." He got up, and lunged again. I dodged him. "You know, Sam, that what you did is unforgivable. It's a sin." He stared at me stonily. "So is using people."
"I never used you. You used me, to help you with the murder, to help you with Yuki. To help you, Sam, not me, you." He shrieked, leaping at me, and catching my arm. "I was trying to protect you from those people, and Taurtis was just an unfortunate casualty!" I kicked him off of me, but he was strong, and it only held him at bay for a few seconds. "You were never there to help me, Sam, you would rather I rot in Hell, than admit that Yuki made you do those things!" He slapped me. "Yuki was better than you, that's for sure! She was supportive, she helped me!"
"Yuki was a bad influence on you, Sam. She used you, and made it look like I was the bad guy. Me and Taurtis were trying to save you. But you just had to kill him. I've been trying to forget you, and until now, it was working." I kicked him again, this time in the gut. He fell backwards, subdued, giving me enough time to leap up, grab the closet door, and swing it open. I closed the door and knelt down, hearing Sam scream in a blind rage.
"What-?" Mumbo tried to ask, but I shushed him. "It won't take him that long to find us, so we need to be quick. On the count of three, we jump out and tackle him, okay?" They nodded. "I'll explain everything later, but for now, this is what we have to do." I added, as Doc opened his mouth to ask a question. He shut it in silence, and I started counting on my fingers.
"One..." I put down my thumb.
"Two..." the others stared at me aprehensively, swords ready. "Three!" I shouted, busting open the door. Sam ran at us, knife in hand. I swear he didn't have that knife before. Doc fended him off with his sword, meanwhile Mumbo fumbled with some sort of object. I had my own, self-assigned job: find a submissive. Submissives are my version of laughing gas in a needle. I was going to use it on Sam, if worst came to worst.
I ran around checking through all of the chests, and eventually found one. Taking it gingerly in my hands, I saw Doc holding Sam's arms behind his back. Mumbo lay in the corner, bleeding. It wasn't too bad, but it might cause some issues later. Sam was struggling under Doc's strong hold, his knife no longer in his hands. "Hmpf, I thought you might have changed, Sam. It seems I was wrong." I said, taking out the needle filled with liquid, and ejecting it into his neck. Sam stopped struggling, as the submissive wore in.
"What was that- Grian, please explain, who is this- this maniac?!" Doc asked, confused and angry. "I'll explain after we get him bound, and Mumbo patched up." He nodded, mumbling something inaudible under his breath. Boy, this was one hectic day.
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