Chapter ~ 2
Avoiding personal questions. That's what you've managed to do for the past twenty minutes or so. The doe eyed male seated next to you indulges in your presence relating stories and keeping you entertained. There's nothing directly intrusive about his behaviour but something in you nags otherwise.
When all has quietened down and the raven haired male beside you closes his eyes tiredly your thoughts suddenly circulate around the plan that brought you here in the first place.
Ah yes. The reason why you bravely decided to escape the world's most secure secret assassin base well, that's the theme that occurs on the inside. To everyone else however, the place you lived at for all your life was a safe and secure agency aimed at protecting lives.
You've left to tell everyone else otherwise.
The only place you can return to is a little more than ten minutes away and that too you'll have to break into. Your cousin Cassy had informed you to leave for there saying it was owned by your aunt who, according to her, is on holiday.
The only person you're willing to trust fully is her, and that's why you need to do it. It's why you needed to escape and it's why you're here on a mission to free her and the others.
Jungkook stirs in his sleep nudging you as he does so. You have to say you find him quite odd, something you haven't encountered before, and to you it's dangerous because somehow he has this unexplainable duality to his nature.
The bus finally halts at your stop. As you stand up to leave however, a pair of eyes shift towards you, watching your every move. A cold shiver runs down your back forcing you to escape at your stop without even saying goodbye to Jungkook. No one's following you when you turn to look and just the thought of that makes you sigh out of relief.
You can't afford to let anything or anyone get in your way when you haven't even begun yet.
Pain, that's the only word that can describe what you feel as your eyes nostalgically shoot open. The rims of your bottom lids coat with liquid that threatens to spill if the hot aching magma in your stomach doesn't stop burning.
It's that time of the month again.
Slowly and anxiously you lift your feet out of the tangled array of sheets moving at a snail-like pace towards the bathroom. You can barely open your eyes as you wash up and get out quickly noticing your lack of preparation for the situation.
You immediately find that amidst your hurry to leave that prison you escaped from, you only managed to pack enough sanitary things for you to last a few days which is why you groan when you realise you'll have to leave to get some supplies.
After using the bathroom you rush and change into more suitable attire-
You grab onto the only mask you have whilst clasping it onto your face in hopes that no one will recognise you. The solemn streets of the neighbourhood remain oddly isolated as you pick up your pace and head towards the nearest mall.
After twenty minutes of running around the mall you manage to quickly find a store as you curse under your breath whilst chucking your items into the trolley.
Picking up other random things and throwing them into the cart you're about to leave when a certain person catches your eye, he's standing in the same section as you.
His big doe eyes scan the shelves lined with an array of sanitary products as he scratches his head in confusion and you can't help yourself, you can't help it when you walk up to him, utter sincerity present in your actions as you tap on his shoulder.
"Y/n" he calls, but you're still wearing your mask, is that even possible?, you question before shrugging it off "you look like you could use some help" you grin whilst pulling down your mask.
"Well, yes" he grins sheepishly as you nod whilst watching with amusement. "Well, my friend she said she's bleeding and the only bandage big enough to help is in this aisle, she did mention something about wings" he explains cutely as you nod.
Picking out the 'bandage' with the wings you put it in your trolley "I've got this one" you smile as he beams a "thank you" reluctantly. About ten minutes later the two of you find the toilets and you find yourself counting the doors to find the the fourth on the left.
Sighing when you find it, you grab the pack and slip it under the door hearing someone shout a thank you before you leave. Jungkook waits for you outside before you check the time and say your goodbyes.
Something's off though, you feel as though you're being watched and when you look around your eyes meet his. Dressed in black the blonde haired male adjusts his mask as you pull up your own and begin to scramble your way out.
It doesn't last long when you find yourself slamming into someone else.
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