Chapter ~ 11
'Wake up' you chanted to yourself as the blaring sound of the building's alarm rang through your ears, deafening you to the extent you could barely here your thoughts let alone Cassy yelling at you.
Hell is what you preferred over waking up like this every single damned day as you groaned and kicked off the sheets in hopes of getting some breakfast before you were too late.
You knew it wasn't just you, the glum faces you saw everywhere only portrayed the horror held within the work you were all doing. Some were faces of regret, guilt; but others had stooped so low as to accepting the filthy lives they lived.
You were all for lack of a better term, assassins, some even murderers for wanting to do this willingly. Although you personally were just a hacker you watched and sat idly by as your other team members carried out their missions with your help.
Murders, chaos, everything your family's name stood for tarnished as you suffered alone. Sometimes you were glad to be the only one of the three that got left behind, at others you were envious and imagined what it'd be like if you escaped, that however is a topic you didn't even want to touch.
As soon as you come to your senses you move to sit upright, a low groan escaping your mouth as you reach for your head in pain. "You're awake thank god" a familiar voice beams as you focus your sight.
"Cass what are you doing here?" You question worriedly before noticing someone else's presence. Your eyes widen in shock as you process the sight before you
"B-Baekhyun?" You stutter.
Eye contact. A powerful yet deadly concept that can be used in several different ways. Usually you deal pretty well in situations like these however right now you seem to be experiencing the other side of it.
Baekhyun glares at you, not even in an understanding way, just in one where he knows that what you're doing is wrong, even though he doesn't know the other half of it.
'She ran away to save herself' is what you assume is circulating around his thoughts as you let out a shaky breath. Cassy walks through your line of tension cutting it off abruptly with a smack to the younger's head "why did you follow me?" She shouts "well if you told me what was going on I wouldn't have kidnapped her" he yells back.
"Why did you come here anyways?" You question before the two finally realise you still exist. "To give you these of course" she grins whilst raising a bag "this was the only time I could sneak out but now that Baekhyun's here I'm scared they'll realise that there's two of us missing, I'll head back quickly and cover for us and Baekhyun can show you around" she states whilst glaring at the younger boy.
"Come on" he grumbles whilst walking forward, you follow in suit not wanting to face the consequences of confronting him as he leads you into a room filled with computers and all kind of tech that leaves you gaping in surprise.
"Beakhyun" you call quietly, he doesn't listen instead he continues to walk over to a table to empty the bag out. With sore eyes the man looks towards you signalling for you to listen as your ears perk attentively.
Has he gotten taller?
"So this is your compact, it looks like an ordinary makeup piece, but it can be used for several things such as communication, requesting help, taking full control of any vehicle in your range and it's non traceable" he groans out tiredly.
You nod your head whilst staring at the piece of machinery given to you in your palm, it's round and has metallic rose gold colour on the outside, once you open it all you have to do is put your thumbprint on the edge which would transform the compact into a full on gadget.
"These are the different knives you can use, this one leaks poison when it comes into contact with skin, and this one is great for throwing" he explains holding up a blade that's ivy coloured and another one that's slightly smaller and shaped like a star.
"Obviously you get a normal blade too" all three of them are given to you, you make sure to place the green one properly ensuring no skin contact is made.
"These are mini bombs, you throw them onto a hard surface and they'll explode on collision" he explains whilst rolling them around in his palm before putting them in a case and handing them over to you gently.
"I'm sure I won't need all of these I mean I'm not that bad at fighting" you state rolling your eyes, in return however you get something thrown at you which you skilfully dodge by crouching to the floor. An agitated look paints your face as you swipe your leg through his feet, causing him to land on his ass with a loud thud.
"Look okay, I'm sorry for not..." you're about to continue before the male before you gets up in rage. The corners of his mouth point downwards as his brows arch. Gritting his teeth Baekhyun boots towards you as you stumble back pathetically. He doesn't want to hear it, he doesn't even want to acknowledge any excuse you have.
Your back soon collides with the wall as he slams his palm next to your head, encasing you to the wall. "Noona" he growls lowly, you hesitate to speak as his face lowers to your level "don't test me" he warns, his gaze piercing into yours as you gulp.
The ringing of a phone forms some kind of space between the both of you as Baekhyun curses under his breath in annoyance, "what is it?" he beams loudly after answering the call, when he's done however, you're no longer standing there.
What was that? You shudder whilst making your way upstairs. Leaving the art building you quickly sprint towards the dorm with hopes that Taehyung has already fallen asleep, the dark midnight hues let you know that you've been missing for quite a while and you're afraid that they'll notice you're gone.
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