PART- 49 (New Problem unlocked)
Now we both are sitting on the blue sofa, side by side. Where Ananya and Sanvi are already sitting waiting for us. They are sitting opposite us. Sanvi is looking at me with curiosity waiting for an explanation from Sidharth.
"Sanvi.. Anu. She is my friend, Sana. And, Sana she is Sanvi. My sister. And that's Ananya, my niece." Sidharth gives us a formal introduction.
Sanvi has an amused expression on face but Ananya is just smiling and shyly looking at me. I am already in love with Ananya. I so wanna hold her and kiss her chubby cheeks. They must be soft like cotton balls.
I'm observing them from the corner of my eyes, still looking down at my lap, playing with my fingers. Still thinking how will I cover my bruised lips now?
In my mind, I'm cursing my fate, for the awkward situation I'm in. Thanks to Sidharth. But I can't blame him either. I definitely enjoyed it when we were having a quick make out session in the hotel room. So, no need to curse him unnecessarily. He didn't force me that time.
"Oh!" Sanvi paused. "Hello! Sana."
"Hi!" Ananya says shyly
"Hi!" I greet them both by taking a quick glance at them, smiling slightly.
"You have such a young friend?" Sanvi asks Sidharth but eyeing at me. Not suspiciously but in amusement.
Honestly, no one can ever imagine a girl like me (age 21) and a man like him (age 36) can have a relationship what we have in real. At least, here. Romantic relationship, involving all the sexual stuff.
"Why?" He asks. "Why can't I have a young friend? We are friends for a very long time. Since my teenage time. You can ask mom."
I couldn't help but smile seeing him acting like this. Like a grumpy kid.
"Oh! Wow!" She is shocked. "Mom knows her?"
"Yes." Sidharth says firmly, still offended.
"Oh! So, does she live here? Did you meet her accidentally in the streets while coming home?" Sanvi asks more.
"No. She lives in Mumbai. She is.." Sidharth was cut off by his mother.
"Stop giving her explanation Sidharth. You know how nosey she is." Aunty says making Sidharth laugh as Sanvi makes an offended face. As if it's a wrong allegation on her.
"Mom! I'm not nosey. I am just curious. He never got a girl at home. Not even a girlfriend or a female friend. That's why I'm asking." Sanvi says in her defense.
I quickly look at Sidharth realizing what Sanvi just revealed. He never got a girl to his home. I. Am. The. First. He brought it here. I felt happy and special. I smile happily looking at him. He is already looking at me with a knowing smile. His this step means a lot to me. Seriously. A lot.
"So what? People change with time. Moreover, Sana is not a random girl. They know each other for so long. When Sana was a kid. Around 4 or 5?" Aunty says making Sanvi shock
"What!!!" She grasp. "How?"
"She is Harman's neice. Harman, his best friend. Sana must be here to visit his house. Right Sana?" Aunty asks, making me and Sidharth shock.
New problem unlocked: Harman uncle.
We both shared a look thinking we totally forgot about Harman uncle. He lives here with family. So, aunty must have thought I just came here to meet them. Not to stay here with them. I don't even have any luggage with me.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
"Is there any problem?" Sanvi's voice made us both quickly look back at her.
"No. Everything is fine. I just came here to meet you all." I tell them with a fake but convincing smile I could pull off. But from the corner of my eyes I can see Sidharth is upset with my reply. But I can't help. I had no other choice but to agree with them.
"Wow! Small word." Sanvi shakes her head in disbelief. "Nice to meet you Sana."
"Same here."
She then helps aunty to put the tray on the tea table and serve me a glass of water, a glass of juice and a bowl of something sweet which is homemade. Just for me not for Sidharth. I am the guest after all.
"Mom!" Sidharth try to say something but his mother cuts him off.
"You should better inform us before coming here. But it's okay. Go and freshen up. Then I will serve you something to eat. Till then, we three are here with Sana. She knows you but not us." She says.
"Mom?" Sidharth try to argue
"Go." She says firmly
She basically ordered him to go. Which I didn't like somewhere. I mean, come on Sidharth is not a kid anymore. He is a grown up man. All ready to become a father of my children. But, maybe it's normal for them. For everyone. Maybe, a mother can order a grown up man like this. Just because he is her son. I don't know. I never experienced this type of things at home.
"Oh God." He is irritated but, "Fine.", eventually gives in. He looks at me with a small smile then went inside a room. I guess that's his bedroom.
"So, Sana, tell us about your parents. How are they?" Aunty asks me sweetly.
I smiled then tell her. "They are fine. Busy in work." As usual.
"What are you doing now?" Sanvi asks
"Just finished my last semester exam of BBA." I tell them.
"Oh. Wow."
Like this we three fall into a conversation. Where they ask more about me, my shitty parents and other stuff. Aunty even told me a few incidents of the past with my grandma and also about me and Sidharth. Like, how we became friends when my grandma died. That we used to play hide and seek and many other games. She even told me I used to call him fliend instead of friend. Which I know. This made me comfortable with them. Honestly, all the time I was literally smiling listening about our past moments.
We talked and laughed until Sidharth come back looking fresh. He is wearing a black t-shirt with gray trouser. He even took a quick shower. His hair is messy and wet. He sits beside me. Seeing him coming aunty went inside the kitchen to serve him something to eat, I guess.
He leans to me and whispers, "Did you like them?"
Honestly, "I do." I tell him the truth.
"They're your family." He whisper smiling
I couldn't help but smile back. "My family?"
"Yes." He nods and my smile widens so is his.
We are a family.
I have a loving family.
God! How am I got so lucky?
"What are you both talking about?" Sanvi asks.
"Nothing important." Sidharth says. He pulls Ananya on his lap and makes her sit comfortably and kiss her chubby cheeks again.
I want them too. Give me the girl. I felt like telling him this. But controlled hearing his next words. It's serious.
"You tell me, when you're planning to go home and talk with Rajeev? If you want I can accompany you." He asks, and kisses Ananya's cheeks again.
Why is he teasing me damnit? I know he is doing it to tease me.
I look back at Sanvi, she literally grasps hearing his words and looks at me, "Sana is here for God's sake. We can talk about it later."
"She knows it." He reveals giving her another shock
Poor Sanvi.
"Why did you tell her this?" She asks
"Because she is my friend. I was stressed out so I told her. She told me it can be cured, as he is in the first stage. Even she asked me to come here for you. You just have to..." He was cut off by Sanvi.
And....I know why.
"What did you just said? She asked you to come here? In Delhi? For me? And for Anu? That's why you came? Otherwise, you wouldn't have come here for us?" She asks, and looks at us suspiciously for the first time. "What's going on between you two?"
Oh God! Please help me. I wanna buried myself here. With this idiot man. He became an idiot in love.
"Fuck!" I heard him cursing in a low voice after covering Ananya's ears. Smart-ass.
"Nothing. We are just friends Sanvi. Can't a friend advice another friend? Who is stressed out? Who was not in his sense? You know what I was thinking. I thought he was cheating on you. So I was fucked up in a guilt trip to even think that. Alright." He explains. Pissed a little.
"Okay. Sorry. Don't give too much explanation for it. I was just saying she holds a good power on you. As a friend. That's it." She says in her defense.
"Whatever. Now tell me. When you're going home. You should better be there with him, than staying here with mom. He needs you. You need to make him understand." He says, firmly
I totally agree with him. She should better be there not here. Questioning us. If we are just friends or not. Btw, just friends my foot. We are anything but definitely not a fucking just friends. People can see the sexual tension between us. If they want to.
"I know." She is about to cry. "But he is not listening to me. I tried to make him understand yesterday. I told him to think about Anu at least, if not for me. What do I do now?" She is crying, and she is both clueless and helpless.
I feel sorry for her.
"First of all," Sidharth looks down at Ananya then look at me. "Sana, can you take her to my room?"
"Sure." I nod, "Ananya come." I left with Ananya from there, giving them the privacy to talk.
"This is Sid uncle's room." Ananya told me, as we entered inside.
I took a good look of his room. It's really beautiful and cosy. His room is also in white and gray. There's very less fernicher. A king size bed. Nightstands on both sides. A couch. A big TV on the wall, right opposite the bed. Beside it, a dressing table with a mirror attached to the wall. Finally, an AC right above the TV. There's a floor to ceiling glass door, which leads to a balcony. And a cupboard in a corner just beside the wooden bathroom door. I'm pretty sure the bathroom is also gray and white.
"Wow! So, pretty." I say in awe.
"I know." Ananya says. She is sitting on bed.
Oh! Finally. I am alone with this goofball.
"Ananya.." I say sweetly and sit beside her. "How old are you?"
"Five and a half." She replies sweetly
Aww! Such a cute baby she is.
"Do you go to school?" I ask.
I am trying to make her comfortable with me. I can't just grab her and kiss her chubby cheeks and pull them in end.
"Yes." She again says in her sweet voice.
"Wow! Do you have friends?" Here I asked the main question.
"Yes. Five." She says smiling showing me her five fingers
She is a smart kid. Smart niece of a smart-ass professor.
"Wow! But now you will have six." My words shocked her and she made a cute O mouth face.
"How? I have only five. Then how can I have six?" She says in confusion
"I am number six." I tell her.
"But you are not my friend. You are Sid uncle friend." She said the fact.
"That I know. But.." I made a sad face. "Won't you make me your friend? I want to be your friend. Like I'm to your Sid uncle." I tell her in a sad baby voice.
"Oh!" She came closer and forwarded her hand to me. "Friends?"
Yes! Fucking yes.
"Yes. I'll be your friend." And we share a handshake.
Damn! Her hands are so soft and tiny. Awe. I think I'll just keep saying awe in mind. Because I haven't seen a baby in all these years. I have no siblings. I always wanted one but they never gave me one. For them I was enough. But they never knew how alone I was, till now.
"Can we hug?" I ask cutely
"Yes." She herself hugs me tightly wrapping her tiny little hands around my neck. I hold her tight in between my arms.
Shit! She is so damn cute. And soft.
"You know you are so cute. I'll eat you up." I say in a baby tone, then kiss her forehead and chubby cheeks.
These are so soft. Awe!
She giggled, "Even Sid uncle says it."
"Hmm? Because we are same." I tell her, and pulled her chubby cheeks softly.
These are fucking soft. Ugh!
"Okay. It's my cartoon time." She says breaking the hug.
"Okay. I'll let you go. But.. you have to give me a kissie." I give her a condition, before freeing her.
"Okay." She kiss my cheeks lovingly then I let her go.
"Bye!" I wave hand to her.
"Bye aunty." She did the same, then left the room.
I am happy she called me aunty. Because she calls Sidharth, uncle. She is innocent but smart.
"Damn! She is such a cute baby." I say to myself, smiling.
"I still can't believe this is my family also. Sidharth and my family. They are so good. So welcoming. So nice and loving. Sidharth is very lucky to have a family like this. Who loves him so much." I was smiling happily thinking about all these, but then my smile vanished thinking about the future.
What if they don't accept us? Me? What will he do then? Will he leave me then? Because I know he can't live without them. Even I wouldn't able to, if they were my family. They're so good. He loves them a lot. Aunty, Sanvi and Ananya are his family. His small word. Last day, he was so broken after knowing about Rajeev.
What will he do then? Leave me for forever? I don't want him to leave them. But I can't live without him either. How will I survive without him? I couldn't help but tears started to form in my eyes. I feel like crying thinking about the worst outcome of our relationship.
But, I quickly wiped off the tears from my cheeks. Aunty is coming here seeing me alone. She sits beside me and put a hand on my head and cares lovingly. Why? I don't know.
"Are you missing your parents Sana?" She asks.
I can't tell her the truth so I lied, "Yes. They're always busy in work. They don't give me time. Apart from Sundays. Seeing you all. The love and everything. I am just.. sorry."
"It's okay Sana. I can imagine your pain. But don't worry. Hopefully things will be fine. You are such a sweet girl. There is no one who can't love you." She says sweetly, and kisses my forehead like a mother do.
I hope you can love me and accept me as your daughter-in-law one day. I thought closing my eyes feeling her love through the kiss.
"Come. Have brunch with Sidharth. It's already 12:15." She says.
"I?" I'm not sure if I should stay here any longer. I should better go back to hotel and book a room. Maybe! Better I'll go shopping. I need clothes.
"Don't hesitate. Consider it your house. Okay?" She says sweetly
I felt overwhelmed. I felt like crying happy but I just nod positively.
"Come with me. You can go home later." She pull me up, then took me to the dining room.
This room is also in gray and white. Aunty must have done the home decor by a interior designer.
"Sit." She made me sit opposite Sidharth, then starts serving me.
It's besicaly lunch items. Rice, vegetables, chicken curry and all.
"Thank you." I tell her, once I felt she put enough food on my plate.
"That's it? Just two spoons of rice and some chicken curry? Take some more." Aunty says in disbelief then look at Sidharth. "Make her learn how to eat some more food. She needs to eat. She is very weak."
"She is not weak mom. She is healthy. She doesn't eat all these desi food. She is eating this much. It's a big deal." He says in my defense.
It's true. I don't eat desi food.
"What!?" Both Sanvi and aunty say in shock
"You don't eat desi food?" Aunty asks to confirm
"I don't." I tell her the truth.
"Then what do you eat?" Sanvi asks
"French, Italian, Mexican, English, Chinese. All the restaurant food. Pizza, pasta, burgers, sandwiches and all." Sidharth says again.
"You eat only junk food?" Both the ladies said in unison.
Now I am feeling extremely mortified. They just called my food junk food.
"Mom. Sanvi. Let her be please." He said feeling embarrassed by their remarks.
"Sorry Sana." Both of them said.
"It's okay. You're right." My words made them relax a bit.
Sidharth look at me and mouthed a sorry and said, "Sana, for now eat this. Hmm?"
"I'm eating anyways." I shove a mouthful of rice mix with chicken curry.
Fuck! It's very yummy.
"It's very tasty. I loved it." I said pointing the chicken curry.
"Great! Should I serve you more Sana?" Sanvi asks, insisting.
"Yes. Please. More rice too." I say before eating another spoonful of that heavenly rice and chicken curry.
Sidharth and them smile happily on my request. I just smiled back having my food.
Fucking delicious.
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