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Sana felt rejected by him and he knows it well. Her moist eyes and face filled with pain, said it all to him. He felt immense pain in heart but he had to push her away from him for her own good.
Every relationship have some boundaries. He or she, they just can't cross it. He is her professor. She is his student. Plus she is his best friend Harman's niece. Harman is like a big brother to him. He can't cheat Harman by breaking his trust on him. By fucking around his niece behind his back. Moreover, she is 15 years younger than him. Too much things that are against their love and their relationship. There is no way they can be together in this lifetime.
He have to stop her now, and he have to break her innocent heart too. For her own good. Even if it gives him unbearable pain in his heart and also her. He have to do it. He hopes, she will move on in life soon. After all, she is just a kid. Only 21. She will forget him soon and will find someone else of her age. But little did he knows, it won't happen. And he knows, he will always love her. He can't love anyone else apart from her anymore. He knows it well by now.
"What the fuck were you doing? Huh? I'm your God damn professor Sana. I'm your Harman uncle's best friend. Did you forgot? God damn it." Sidharth roared at her angrily controlling his own pain seeing her sobbing silently.
"I know every God damn thing Sidharth. But I still love you. Yes! You heard me right. I love you Sidharth Shukla. I do love you. I have fucking fallen in love with you. Hard. Deeply. Madly. Passionately. Crazily. I'm in love with you Sidharth. I love you." She finally confessed her love leaving him in deep shock and speechless.
"She really loves me." He thought looking at her face in shock. He can't believe his love, loves him back. But fuck their destiny. He have to break her heart and reject her and her love today. He have to do it for her.
"T-This is wrong Sana. You're in wrong direction. I never thought you will be this stupid. What got into you? Hmm? You're my student. I'm your professor. You're my best friend's niece. Did you forgot?" He asked shouting at her.
"I wish, I could. But unfortunately I haven't. I know every God damn thing. But I still love you. I still fall in love with you. We can't control our heart right? So I couldn't. It just happened. And now I'm here infront of you confessing my love for you." She said
"Just leave from here. Now." He shouted, hiding his own pain for breaking her innocent heart.
"No! Tell me Sidharth, you love me. I won't feel disgust or judge you for anything. Just tell me the truth. Please. We will be happy together. I promise, I'll love you a lot. Just give me a little in return. I'll be forever loyal to you, I promise. Just accept your feelings to me. And accept me. Please." She begged him holding his hands, crying.
But he yanks her hands away from him. It did hurts him a lot. But mostly seeing her begging for his love. His heart was crying and begging him not to do it and accept her now. But he can't. He faced his back to her, to hides his emotions which was reflecting in his dark orbs. That how crazily he loves her and wants her. And how much pain he is feeling now for breaking her heart. Maybe! He is feeling more pain than what she is going through. But he is helpless. He have to do it.
"This is bullshit Sana. I don't love you. I don't. I don't. Do you understand? Did I ever did something special? No. Did I ever gave you any hint like that? No. So just stop. And get the fuck out of my house now." He said angrily but tears were fighting back to fall anytime soon.
"Fuck!" He cursed internally feeling unbearable pain and the thought of being helpless that he can't just accept his love and be happy with her.
"Just say it looking into my eyes Sidharth. That you don't love me. You don't have feelings for me. You don't care for me. You don't have desire for me. You're not protective for me. You're not possessive for me. Tell me. Looking into my eyes. Only then I'll believe your words. I know you do love me. I just know you do. Even if you'll deny it for thousand time in future. I don't give a fuck. I won't believe it. Untill the day I die." She said matching his tone.
Her words was like a sharp stabs on his heart making it bleed and causes pain, when tears rolled down from his cheeks mechanically which he wipes with back of his palm harshly, hiding it from her.
"Don't make it hard for me Sana. I beg you please leave." He begged inwardly still in same position.
"I-I don't. Just l-leave from here." He roared in anger biting his lips to control his broken voice.
"He is so much in pain! He is so helpless." She cried more thinking about the pain he is going through now which Sidharth is trying to hide from her showing his back to her.
"I know it's complicated. We're fucked up. But just remember one thing Sidharth. I love you. I'll always love you. I won't put pressure on you for now. I'll give you time and space. I know you're in pain for doing this to me." She paused seeing some movement of him but he didn't dared to look back at her.
He don't wanted to show her, he is in pain. She is right whatever she is saying now. He just kept quiet and let her speak farther. But still in shock how she knows it?
"Don't be surprised Sidharth, like how I know you're in pain. Do you know how? Because you're mine. You're my soulmate. My love. My life. My God damn everything. I'll wait for you and for the day you'll accept me. Take care babe and don't hurt yourself and don't cry. Or else, I'll cry more. Not for what you did now to me. Not for the rejection. But for you, MY LOVE. I can't see you in pain like you can't see me. I love you, infinity. Just remember it." She pressed her lips against his back and plant and soft kiss then harshly bites in end knowing it will leave a mark on him.
Sidharth hissed in pain and quickly looked back at her angrily but he gets shocked seeing a pair of glossy red eyes but with a beautiful smile played on her beautiful face.
"Why she is smiling?" He thought with an unamused expression.
"I just marked you mine, babe. Take care." She quickly kissed his temple and runs towards the main door leaving him in shock.
"Forehead kiss means I care for you. I really do babe. So please take care, what's mine." She yelled before leaving.
As he heard a loud thud sound of door, his body collapsed on the floor and sits on his knees and cried his heart out thinking the words she said to him in last. She loves him a lot. This thought breaks him down.
"I love you Sana. I really love you a lot. But we can't be together, PRINCESS. I'm sorry." He cried hiding his face with his palm.
Once he got a grip on himself, he quickly got up from floor and lazily went to locked the door but quickly went down through lift and walked fast towards the night guard who was looking towards the direction from where Sana's car left. He quickly grabbed his collar and pulled him up and gave an unannounced hard punch on his face making his nose bloody. Who was still in shock what happened to him in few seconds.
"You asshole, if you put a finger on her I myself will kill you with my own hands." Sidharth pushed him away not before giving another hard punch on his face making him fall on his chair roughly.
"Have you gone mad? What have I done? I just helped her." The night guard argued holding his bleeding nose with a handkerchief, which he took out from his pant pocket.
"Just stay the fuck away from her." Saying he started to walk back towards the lift but stopped on his spot hearing him taking.
"Who is she to you?" Night guard asked in anger
"My everything." He replied without looking back at him and entered inside the lift, knowing he must in shock or cringe which he don't want to see.
Sidharth closed his eyes and took a deep breath and exhale deeply to control his eyes to get blurry with tears again. Once he gets inside his home after locking the main door properly he went towards his bedroom but stopped in middle seeing the living room. The cake and everything was still on it's place. His eyes welled up automatically thinking how excited she was to spend time with him. But everything got ruined now.
He quickly walked towards the table and sits on couch and pulled the cake closer to him and saw a "§" written in middle with golden food colour. Or maybe with real gold. He doubt it's specially made. His hands automatically took the knife and cuts a small piece of the cake.
"Happy Valentine's day, Princess." He mumbled softly before eating the small piece of cake with his teary eyes.
He quickly wrapped up everything and went in bedroom and quickly took his phone in hand to see her beautiful face from his phone's gallery. But stopped in midway, seeing a message from her which came few seconds ago.
"I hope you liked the cake babe. I specially made it for you. I mean us. There's a "§" symbol in middle made with real gold. Double S means Sidharth & Sana. Gold, because my babe's heart in pure gold. Which beats for me. And don't worry I'll message you once I reach home safely. I know you must be worried for me."
He was shocked that will be underestimated, he is beyond shocked reading the message. That how did she comes to about the "cake"? Moreover, she is acting so normal. As if, she is not in pain. Or she already prepared herself for this long ago. That he will reject her.
"She obviously knew. But still she did it. Why?" He was confused now.
Keeping his thoughts aside, he lay down on bed comfortably holding his phone in hand waiting for her message that she reached home safely. After 40mins he received another message from her and tears rolled down from his eyes again after reading the message.
"I know babe you have many question in mind. Why I'm acting normal? I always knew. This will happen. I was prepared for it to happen. I knew things will change. Our relationship will get awkward and bad. But it hurts babe. In my heart. I'm feeling pain now. Can't stop crying. Not because of me. But for you. And your pain. I know you're in pain as well. Just like me. But I did it to let you know. HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU AND WANTS YOU. If you really think your ONE fucking rejection can break me or stop me from making you MINE. Then you're WRONG. Babe. I'll NEVER GIVE UP ON MY LOVE (YOU). I'll win your love one day. I'll wait for you for life. Even if I die someday I won't stop loving you. I'll keep loving you from heaven or maybe from hell. I'm not a good girl, you know. Maybe! My death will make me win you. When you'll crying for me after losing me. That way I'll still win babe. No? Btw, I reached home safely. Good night babe. Sleep well."
"She is crazy. For me!" He cried thinking how much this girl loves him and crazy for him and knowing well she must be crying now but will act brave and normal as if nothing happened. This thought broke his heart more and a loud sob left his mouth. He quickly kept his phone aside and hides his face into pillows and cried his heart out until he gets tried and fall asleep.
On other side; reaching home Sana directly runs towards her room but stopped on her way when Divya called her from behind.
"Fuck!" She cursed under her breath.
Divya was anxiously sitting in living room's couch with hands on head after not finding Sana in her bedroom and also in garden. She went in her room to give a glass of warm chocolate milkshake to drink before sleeping. It's her usual routine to have. Her favourite chocolate milkshake before sleep. Not finding her, she called Sana few times but Sana ignored her calls while driving to Sidharth's house then she was with Sidharth at his house now she was again busy driving.
"Sana!! Stop right there." Divya ordered approached her in quick motion seeing her all ready to leave the place in hurry.
Divya quickly grabbed her arm and made Sana face her and grasped seeing her red and swelled eyes. She had cried. Infact, she is at the verge of crying again now after seeing her. Without asking anything she pulled her towards the couch made her sit and took her in a tight hug. Sana quickly buried her face into her neck and started to cry bitterly hugging her. Divya's one hand automatically comes in contact with her long beautiful hair and start running through them to comfort her saying some sweet words to assure her everything will be fine soon. She kept doing it until Sana became quite. She broke the hug and runs to get a glass of water then made her drink half glass forcefully. Then took her in her bedroom and made her lay down on bed comfortably and covered her with duvet and get inside her quilt and lay down beside her and took her in her arms. Sana quickly hugged her tightly hiding herself in her chest still crying silently.
"What happened baby? Why are you crying? And where did you went in midnight?" Divya asked caressing her hair softly.
"Divya mom!" She cried silently
"Baby I'm listening. Tell me. Did you went to meet Sidharth sir?" Divya's sudden question caught her off guard.
Sana quickly comes out from her hold and locked at her in shock.
"So I'm right? You went to meet him, to confess your love for him?" Divya's this question made her more shocked.
"H-How do you know?" She asked looking down feeling guilty somewhere not to tell her yet noticing her hurtful eyes.
"I'm your mother. A mother knows what's her children doing secretly. But my Sana baby was doing it openly. I noticed how you got attached with him in short time. How you look at him. Steal glance of him. How you try to get his attention doing stupid things. How you talk with him. How you frequently go to his house to meet him. I noticed everything baby. Do you love him?" Divya asked caressing her cheeks softly making her look up at her.
"Yes! A lot. Do you feel disgust about it? That I love him? Who is my professor. My uncle's bestfriend. He is 15 years older than me?" She said softly trying to avoid looking into her eyes, thinking she is feeling sane what she said.
"No. I'm not feeling disgust or anything. My daughter's love can't be disgusting or sin. Because I know why you fall in love with him. He did some sweet things for you that made you fall for him. He cares for you. He is protective for you. He thinks what's best for you. He made you feel special somehow. He asked your parents to spend time with you. He did it for you. For your happiness. It's normal for you to fall for him. No one did this for you before. No one thought about your happiness before. Even I couldn't made your parents do what he did for you." Divya's words made her surprised that she noticed his actions too.
"He is very good. I love him Divya mom." Sana cried hugging her
"I know he is. And I know he loves you t-" Divya was cut off by her.
"I know he loves me. But he..."
"He rejected your love. Right?" Divya asked
"Yes! He did. I'm feeling pain. A lot of pain in my heart now. What do I do Divya mom?" She asked crying.
"Sana, give him some time. Things will be alright. All I want to say, make yourself strong. For you and for him. If you want him by your side. You have to be strong enough to face all his rudeness now. He won't do it from his heart but he will do to push you away from him. Why? You know the reasons well. It's not that easy for him to accept you. Atleast for now. Make yourself strong and fight for your love. Help him to overcome his insecurities. Show him your love. I know you're crazy but only he can handle your craziness. Apart from me obviously." Divya said making her smile in end.
"I love you Divya mom. You're the 2nd best thing that even happened to me." She confessed honestly hugging her again.
Divya didn't dare to ask who is the first person. Obviously her love, Sidharth. But she didn't mind for it.
"Now sleep. I'll go now. And don't cry and worry too much. Everything will be alright. You just need to keep patience and wait for that moment. But I know you're an impatient girl also. So don't rush." Divya kissed her temple before leaving her room.
As Divya left Sana quickly hugged Pinku tightly.
"Why it's paining me so much Pinku? Why? I already knew it will happen. Then why this pain is so unbearable? Why?" She asked getting emotional again.
"Did I somewhere expected he will accept me? I don't know Pinku. But his rejection is really causing me pain. Unbearable pain! I'm not able to take it. I want him Pinku. I need him now. I want him to hug me and comfort me. Saying he is with me. He will be with me forever. Sidharth!!" She cried burning her face into Pinku
After 30 mins of crying she finally stopped and sit straight on bed resting her back on the bed headboard.
"No.. no.. no. I-I.. I can't break down so easily. I have to be strong. For him and for us. H-He can't see me in pain. I need to be strong. I can't just sit and cry like this. I have to follow what Divya mom said. I still can't believe she accepted our love. After all, she is my mother." Sana smiled happily thinking at least her Divya mom was with her in this.
"I'm sorry Divya mom." She suddenly felt guilt for not telling her before.
She quickly got up from bed and went to change in some t-shirt and pajama bottoms to sleep.
"Oh! My eyes. It's so red. It got swelled up too." She huffed sadly seeing her reflection in mirror while raising her mouth and face with water after using washroom.
"I need to look beautiful for him. I just can't cry and make me look like a horror movie's ghost. I should better go to sleep. Yes!" She quickly dried her face and gets in bed to sleep.
That's all for today guys... Spread love and positivity.. Stay blessed, stay healthy, stay happy and stay safe..😊❤
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