Creepypastas vs Reality's most strongest
Well this is going to be interesting. There all cheering for slender while uncle chuck is looking at me taking me I can strike......NOW!! I charged at slender only to have a tentacle fly at me but I dogded it and punched slender straight in the face he wnt stumbling but didnt fall over I waited until he regained his balance and then striked straight towards his heart but got tangled up in spenders tentacles I struggled to get out but I couldn't but then he said something that made my eyes turn a bright red from anger because he said "well I guess well be having dinner afterall.and a broken doll" that really pissed me off. soon I started to glow a bright white then his tentacles unwrapped me I started to laugh like a maniac" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!! were not gonna be eaten never!! The only thing that will happen is me and chucky TRYING TO FIND THE REST OF Y/N FAMILY!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!" god why does this hurt so much I couldn't stop screaming the pain is unbearable. 'Y/n can you come out again?' " yeah I actually think that's a good idea.night sheela"(sheela isn't her real name they just call her that) ' night y/n' "well time for me to wake up"
That must of hurt her if she wanted me to come ba-well I've just been sliced in half now how the hell did that happen"uh...when did you guys cut me in half? " " like an hour ago. By the way how the hell are you still alive!?" I think the one named eyless jack? Asked "hehehehe I'm magic bitches!" Then I was whole again! "Dafuq!?" They all went I just giggled and went to go find chucky he's probably outside..........I was correct! He's sitting under a tree " hey uncle chuck" he looked up at me and ran an hugged me and said "thank god your alive! Second time I've said that now" I bent down and hugged him back I didn't bother asking him because I was to tired to so I ended up falling asleep on the ground under a tree with chucky but then I thaught just before I Blacked out
Where's lui jdad and edad? And what was that shiny thing that went through the machine with us?
Black out
Woooooooooooo I finally got this chapter done and sorry I hadn't wrote any chappies yet but I'll TRY not to keep you waiting next time so......
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