Chapter Twenty Four: it's Tyler
"Fuck." I choked out while heaving myself painfully away from the wet bed sheets, which were still clinging onto my salty skin.
Shakily I limped across the room and into the bathroom, stepping into the dirty glass covered shower I turned on the hot water, only to hiss at a stinging sensation that ran through my small body, gazing down I saw multiple purple and red markings printed upon my pale skin and painful claw lines molded my hips and stung as the heated water hit the ripped flesh.
"Shit Evan...." I hissed and rubbed the soap covered sponge extremely delicately over the marks of passion caused by only one heated night, "I heard you say my name." turning my head I saw Evan stumbling tiredly to the doorway, still rubbing his sleep filled eyes, he's hair all knotted up and stuck around all over the place, not bad Jonathan, you messed his hair up good.
"Uh, yeah. Sorry if I woke you up." I mumbled awkwardly while covering myself with more soap so I was more hidden from his eyes, Evan walked over to the mirror which was across from the shower "My back burns like shit, do you see anything on it?" he grunted out while reaching for his back to feel what it was, turning to see what he was talking about it I saw burning red lines down his tanned back, 'oh fuck, I did that!?' I questioned shockingly in my mind, looking down at my slightly sharp nails I glanced back at him, "Jonathan?"
"O-oh no there's nothing there, uh must be just muscle pains." I gulped out while nervously shaking my hands around as I spoke, he shrugged and turned around to step into the shower with me, slightly started I paced back until I hit the wall, trying to not get into contact with him.
Keeping his eyes on mine, Evan approached me, so his body came in contact with the water I could see all his body tense by the burning pain coming from the inflamed scratches, but that didn't stop him from pinning me against the cold shower wall, his hot breath infecting mine, "It's not muscle pain is it, Jonathan~" the way he purred my name cause my body to go into a frenzy of excitement.
"N-no it's not Evan." I stuttered out while looking down, feeling a pressure against my chin forced my head up to face him directly, he held my small head delicately in his hand and leaned his lips so they were slightly touching mine, "you've marked me and I've marked you, were even." He hummed against my lips before conjoining the two; the kiss was slow and calm compared to last night, which I liked. But some rough water play would've been all right too. Just saying.
Running soapy hands against one another's skin we lathered up the soap not with sponges but with each other's touch, smiling happily our body finally got completely cleaned up and rinsed off, getting out of the shower Evan and I dried our selves off and got changed.
After putting my clothing on I looked into the mirror, glancing at my neck I saw more passion bruises along from my jaw to the edge of my shoulder, "Evan you bitch... how am I supposed to hide these." I growled as he entered the bathroom laughing a little, "Sorry babe." He apologized quietly and stood behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning down to kiss one of the many hickeys.
"Calling me babe now are we?" I replied giggling as he started to tickle the sides of my hips, he smiled as he nuzzled his way into my neck, I started laughing more while he ran his fingers along my sides, "S-stop it t-tickles." I laughed out as I tried to escape his tight grip.
"Am I aloud to call you babe?" he whispered into my ear as he stopped tickling me and let me crawl out of his embrace, "I guess you can, babe." I smiled at him and turned to waddle off to the bathroom door.
"You better fix up the way you walk other wise you wont be able to run in the fight and the guys will find out." He chuckled at my walking stance as I stopped to flip him off with a glare, "Fuck you, you caused this." I mumbled as he asked me what I said sarcastically, "You heard me.... Asshoe." I coughed out and tried standing straight up to walk out the room correctly, Evan followed me as we left the memorable bedroom and headed to the main lounge room, where everyone was at surprisingly.
"Had a fun night." Tyler grumbled out, not even facing us, my cheeks flustered red and I looked over to Evan who was just casually standing there like nothing happened, "So what's the battle plan?" he spoke up while Brock looked over to him with a cup of orange juice in hand, "Over in the heist room you'll see it, tell Jon about it." He nodded and led me into the designated place, entering the 'heist' planning area Evan directed me to sit on the nearby steal stool while he walked up to the scribbled white board,
"Okay so as you see here, on the North side is the enemy line (Fong Agency, Evans parents\ army) and we are going to approach at an unpredictable time on the south side. That time is 19:00. Okay so by the sketch you and I will approach from the left, Brock, Brian, David and Lui from the center then Craig and Tyler on the right, Tyler and I will have RPG's to start off, then everyone else will have selected rifles and blades, one grenade each." Evan continued on how the plan will lay out, I collected all the information and managed to fully remember the plan.
After the explanation all the guys were grabbing some plates, there was two large pizza boxes sitting on the table, "Eat up." Brian cheered at he grabbed four slices of pizza, "oi greedy bitch." I laughed as I snatched a slice from his plate and stuffed it in my face, Evan then walked up to me with a bright smile and two plates in his hand, "Thank you." I bowed with a fancy voice while grabbing one of the plates and walking over to the couch, looking for a place to sit my eyes directed to Tyler, he just glared and looked away still eating his pizza.
"Hey what's wrong with you?" I said sitting down beside him, Tyler just shrugged and gave me the cold shoulder, "Hey? Is this because of Evan and I-?" why did I just say that? Evan and I aren't even classed as together are we?
I went touch Tyler's shoulder in worry but instead he snapped his neck to me angrily, "What if you're the cause of my anger and sadness Only YOU? Huh Mr. perfect Jonathan?" He snarled, I just looked at him shocked, it hurt to think that I was one to cause pain on him, "W-what did I do Tyl-"
"You stole him! You stole him from me!" he screamed and threw his empty plate to the floor and left for one of the bedrooms, my whole body was frozen with confusion, "Ty wait!" I heard Craig call out to the taller male.
Tyler Liked Evan? So all that time when he trying to comfort me, be nice to me, was all because he wanted Evan to one day notice and start to fall for him?
"Hey what was all that?" Evan's voice came into my mind as I turned to him, his face filled with concern until he saw the tiny droplets forming in corners of my eyes, "Hey, Hey, hey its okay, what's going on?" hurryingly Evan rushed to my side and sat down close to me, rubbing my back for comfort, to be honest hearing his voice in general, made me smile slightly.
"It's Tyler." I said muffled by my shirtsleeve that was wiping my eyes with, "What about Tyler?" Evan questioned.
"I'll let him tell you."
sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
WOO WILDNOSS! to be honest it was always planned to slightly be in this fanfic I'm sorry, I'm a shipper.
(So does The-Winchesters-win Babes ;3)
Enjoy my third update for today!
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