Chapter Twenty Five: I Love You.
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After heaps of fun and games, laughs and jokes, everything thing you'd not do before setting off to fight, but did we give a fuck? Not one single bit.
All that had to end too soon, We were all grabbing guns and loading them while Tyler and I made sure the RPG's were ready, looking over to Jonathan who was happily playing with the blades reminded me of last night, lightly putting my hand over the cut he made, caused a smirk to form on my lips, "Oh Jonathan~" I hummed and Tyler growled, "why don't you stop thinking about him for a moment." Turning to face the other male I was grabbed and dragged to behind a corner.
"Just focus on me for at least on minute." He said sternly while towering over me, "T-Tyler?" confusingly I gazed up at him, I've never noticed how tall and strong he was until he was pinning me against a wall.
"God. You look so innocent right now." He huskily purred and quickly pinned my wrists to above my head, leaning head closely to mine, he started nibbling against my jawline, "T-Tyler what a-are you d-doin-" he hushed me with his lips pressing against mine, running his long fingers up my shirt, tracing every muscle line.
Tyler moved his wet lips away from mine and started to feast upon my neck "S-stop Tyler." I gasped out when he bit down onto my skin, my hands tried to push the other male away but my touch was weak by what pleasure he was giving to my body.
"I've only ever wanted you Evan." He panted out as his started to slowly move his hips against mine, my mind was loving the sexual attention that I was getting, but my heart was wanting to push Tyler away and go to Jonathan.
"T-Tyler!" I managed to muster up enough breath to shout his name out, stopping he looked at me with pure disappointment, he knew what was stopping me from giving him attention back.
"I see." He sighed and stepped away from my body, lowering his head Tyler went to walk away when I stopped him, he had tears in his eyes along with a glare of hatred n sadness, "Look Ty, I like you and all, But Jonathan owns my heart and I own his, I'd never leave him. But I know who may like you-"
"Ty Ty is everything okay, w-why are you crying?" the small brit that I was going to mention came around the corner, "Speaking of the devil." I mumbled while smiling as Craig ran up to Tyler and hugged him, "did you do something Evan?" Craig growled at me and I stepped back innocently, "n-no." I stumbled and quickly took off away from the two, Jonathan looked up from the pile of knives that he had made and smiled at my like a little kid on Christmas.
Quickly I ran up to him and rolled myself onto the ground and on top of him, smothering him with butterfly kisses and whispering kind little messages between each kiss, Jonathans light giggles filled the air as he gently petted my head while I continued my actions, "What's gotten into you Evan?" he question happily while tugging my head away from his body, glancing up at him my happy expression turned to sad as I thought of all the stuff that could happen during this night, sitting up I grabbed his small hands and looked directly into his eyes,
"Look Jonathan, you're the most astonishing person I've ever met, your uniqueness shines before everyone, your beauty is incomparable to anything of this earth, even compared to the infinite universe you stand higher, in my eyes, nothing is better then you. You're my world. My life. Everything about you makes me overly happy, and want to spend every second of my time with you, I know we haven't sealed this yet... but I'm positive that I'm ready. So Jonathan Denis will you be my bo-"
"Jonathan, Evan! We are leaving now, the enemy line are moving positions!" Brock shouted out extremely panicked, I pulled Jonathan up from the floor and cursed, "Why the fuck are they moving, that's not right?" quickly letting go of jonathans hand I approached the weapon supply room to grab the items needed, "Evan." I heard Jon call back to me, but I had no time to go back to him, we needed to hurry.
"Okay Tyler, Evan are you in place?" David cooed through the headset, Ty and I said yes and Jonathan looked at me fearfully, "Be careful out there." Seeing him in this distressed way made me quickly pull him into an embrace.
Holding the shaking male I kissed him on the cheeks while whispering "Everything's going to be A-okay, don't worry."
Was everything going to be okay, giving Jon false hope was making me feel better in a way? But deep down in my gut, I knew nothing was going to be all right.
I then Nodded and started to slowly crawl forward, pulling my body harshly through the thorny bush in which I was hiding in, "18:59 Fire!" Lui squeaked through the headset as Tyler and I shot the RPG's over to the enemy camp line, we all expected screams to fill the ghastly silenced night, but there was nothing, not a single peep.
"The fuck?" I mumbled while standing up from my hiding position, gazing across the land I saw all the other guys had raised from hiding and were also examining to where the enemy squad was.
"Shoot them now!" I heard Kody's voice yell out as she held a gun high in the air and multiple armed soldiers jumped out from trees and bushes, a loud click symbolized that the gang had all loaded there guns, everything passed by slowly as all the men pointed there guns at us and started to fire.
"Get down now!" Jonathan quickly yelled at me and pulled my shocked body down to the cold ground, all the guys managed to crawl over to our position, "H-How the shit did they know." Craig panted out while peeping slightly over to bush to see what was going on, "Kody." Tyler chocked out, we all questioned but and he responded what we feared the most, "I-I gave her a copy of the plan."
"Why the fuck would you do that!" Jonathan scream out and leapt onto Tyler, "n-no wait listen." Tyler tired to get out but Jon was pinning him to the ground with a blade to his throat, "You motherfucker!" he screamed while bringing the blade up and strongly piercing it through Tyler's skull quickly and with no procrastination.
"Tyler!" Craig cried out while tearing Jon off of Tyler's twitching body, the brit hugged the mans body with complete loss and heart break, "P-please stay with me... T-Ty?" Craig shook his body violently while tears poured the way down his soft face, looking over to Jonathan I saw no regret in his eye's, we've all noticed what Jonathan is capable of now.
"You fucking cunt!" Craig screamed as he turned to Jonathan and pulled out his gun, his figure tugged at the trigger and he fired, Lucky for Jonathan Craig was too shaken up to aim correctly. Everyone all started to lose control out of panic, so I decided to take matters into hand, grabbing my small pistol I knocked Craig out and faced the guys with full seriousness, "Grab your guns now! We have to fight back or were going to turn out like, T-tyler." I gulped out his name, turning I glared at Jon, he knew that he hurt me when his blade took Tyler's life, "Go." I tilted my head towards the army and he gulped, "What?"
"Just go fucking do what you came here to!" I yelled as he nodded and crept away from us and into the darkness, I wanted to tell him how I really felt, but I cant.
Brock and Brian nodded to me as they ran off, rifles at hand, Lui and David did the same, and I followed.
We all charged at the army, hopping from side to side and hiding behind the rocks that scattered across the 'no man's land', dodging bullets we continued to fire at the enemy line. After we all threw our grenades Quickly David and Lui ran up to the surviving soldiers and started attacking them with axes, slicing the blades through the sides of their heads and hammering the weapon into the chests.
All of us managed to smash down the lines of soldiers, but one thing that was odd was that my parents and Kody were, missing.
Stepping over dead corpses and some organs that were forced out by the bullets our shoes dirtied up with blood, the scent I lightly burned Flesh stained the airs scent, as we all walked worryingly still holding our guns up read to fire I spotted someone leaning against a tree.
Cautiously I approached them and noticed it was Kody, she had a blade through her shoulder in which pinned her solidly to the trunk, dried blood sticking to her damp and pale skin around her lips and body.
"Jonathan must've got her." I said as I closed her dull eyes, everything seemed to turn out well, sighing in relief I went to walk back the gang until I got knocked to the ground by a body, gazing up dizzily I saw Jonathan hovering over me with a throwing knife high above his head.
"J-Jonathan it's me!" I panicked out while trying to shield myself, He's whole body went weak and he dropped down onto me, Jonathans head collapsed onto my chest and I felt his warm peaceful breath against my shirt, "It's okay now." I sighed and started to stand up, pulling him up along with me I noticed he was smiling at me.
"Hey you found Jonathan" Brian cooed as Brock and the others walked up to us, we all hugged and started cheering, everything was finally alright and we only managed to lose one in the proses, All walking together we told Jokes on how frightened each person looked, Laughter filled the death marked air as I held Jonathans hand in my own.
"Hey Jon." I mumbled and grabbed him into a hug and nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck so the laughing guys couldn't hear, Jon hummed at me, indicating that I say what I needed to.
"I never got to ask you this before but will you, Jonathan Denis, be my Boyfriend?" He's body tensed as I pulled away, kissed his forehead and leaned my head down and touched my nose with his, the hair at the front of our heads linked together as his bright smile shinned at me, Jonathans mouth opened to say a response but that's when a gun noise was sounded and Lui's name was screamed out.
Snapping out of my stare on Jonathan I turned to see Lui on the ground holding his stomach tightly while coughing up an unhealthy about of blood, David was lifting the tiny squeaker up from the ground with tears in his eyes, "Shit, we have to get out of here, no chance on fighting them!" Brian yelled out at they started to run, I turned too see my parents approaching us with a SWAT like team behind them.
"Run!" I screeched out while grabbing Jonathans arm and running with the others, all the adrenalin kicked in and we all started laughing as we ran, everyone had that single weak hope that we were all going to live, and that's what made us enjoy our final moments, "Our grenades have all been used besides Jonathan." Lui coughed out and I looked at Jonathan, he gazed back and grabbed out the explosive, "Do it." I said as he pulled the pin and tossed it behind the gang, "Come on guys! We have done it!" Jonathan cheered out as his speed picked up, he lead the gang and I looked at the shorter male, every happy thought about him appeared into my mind, his adorable smile made my heart flutter, a simple smile marked my lips as men jumped from the bushes and grabbed all of us guys instead of Jonathan, who was still running way ahead, not knowing what was happening behind him.
The team pulled all of us further away from Jonathan, muffling out mouths so we couldn't call out to the only source of help, Looking over to the guys I saw Lui's body drooping in become very flimsy in the soldiers arms, he's life slowly seeping away as David cried and tried to break away from the hands that were tugging him away but he was unsuccessful like everyone else, the only person who wasn't struggling was me.
I just kept my eyes on Jonathan, hoping he wouldn't look back, I wanted him to survive no matter what, my lips formed into a greater smile as tears rolled down from my eye and onto the soldiers hand that was across my grinning mouth.
"Goodbye Jonathan, my babe" I muffled out as I saw the grenade make it's final bounce off of the ground before flames started to ignite around it. The air around me became almost un breathable as the grenade formed into a huge explosive fire ball, ragging towards us I got my last glimpse at Jonathan before closing my eyes and letting the heat swallow my body and life, along with the others.
"I love you."
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