Chapter Three: Demon...
{ random private note: Here you go @NutellaLoverGirL sorry it took so long <3 }
Pulling myself from the harsh-fabricated bus seat I groaned...
'Maybe I should get some real friends'.
My thoughts ran through head as I stepped off the bus and looked at the tall, dark bricked building before my eyes, a sign with huge letters spelling 'St Jasper High' was arched across the entrance of the forest surrounded plains, it was a neat looking school to be honest, no rubbish laying around or skid marks on the parking lot concrete, the school cleaning and managing team must get payed a lot to keep this place in top condition, I'm sure of it.
Crossing through the parking lot I saw all the groups gathering together again, hugging, talking, greeting, taking photos of each others new rides, all that shit.... They all had the whole typical high school stereotype groups happening, you know? Like the girly girls, jocks, nerds, outcasts, etcetera, you get the memo. Finally I passed through the the lot of new cars and loud students and walk up those few steps into the building, shortly I am treated with a rich oak wood smell coming off the walls and a fresh bleached scent lifting from the shinny marble floors below, yep, I know what your thinking... Rich kid school. The dark halls are tattered with paintings and class photos from previous years, every now and then you'll cross a trophy cabinet, exposing metals and crests from sport and achievement teams, along side all of this there are isles of tall lockers, painted with a metallic black, which fades into gold as the lockers progress, I gazed my eyes over the lockers and looked for mine, spotting out my locker I rushed over and started fiddling with the padlock as I tried to remember the combination.
"Jon!" I Jerked my head up in a frustrated manor as I looked over to whom called my name... Evan. Again.
The tanned boy came up to me and leaned on the locker besides mine, he had a smile slapped on his face as he noticed I was slightly pissed, "locker code troubles aye kid?" He laughed, I just growled at him and turned back to the demon of a padlock, I hated it when people called me kid... It's only cause I'm short, that's why!
"I can get my locker open, thank you very much jack-ass..." I added to his comment with a hiss, "I can see that" I herd the smug tone come from his voice as he lightly chuckled,
"It's only because you here... Your distracting me" I groaned and punched my locker, Evan turned and faced away from me and I looked up at him confused, lifting an eyebrow as I questioned his action "the fuck are you doing?"
"Looking away so I'm not 'distracting' you" he replied simply, with a shrug I turned back and glared at the lock
'It's only me and you buddy, and today I'm gonna win'
I attacked the lock with all the numbers, and formed the code, my eyes intensely looking at it, it was like a dramatic fighting scene from a movie... But it wasn't two badass men fighting.... It was me.... Fighting with a shit creation of mankind-
"FINALLY!" I cheered as I ripped off the lock and opened up my locker and tossed my bag onto the singular hook which hung in the middle of it. I saw Evam slightly jump when I screamed, I laughed a little as I grabbed my books out and lined them up on the small shelf, smiling in victory I looked at him "so what subjects do you have first up?" I asked while checking my school roster.
"English and History, yuck" Evan grunted as he laid his head ageist the locker he was leaning on, "you?" "Same" I replied, grabbing out the two needed books I closed the locker and locked it, I looked up at one of the few clocks scattered across the school, the hands exposing the time as I watched the seconds tick by 8:25a.m , five more minutes till school starts, I leaned up on my locker as Evan and I stood there awkwardly for a minute or so, until I broke the silence between us "wanna go grab your books?" Getting of the locker he sighed and started to head further down the hallway, I followed like a little puppy following his new master, as Evan approached his locker Lui and Mini appeared out of now where, suddenly grabbing my arms and covering my eyes, mouth and ears, they dragged me around the corner, out of Evans sight.
'Shit, they came out of this air.... Assassins... Assassins everywhere, for all I could know they could of wanted to rape me.'
Pinning me to the wall, my eyes got uncovered and I adjusted to the lit up hallway, seeing both mini and lui's faces close to mine, "the fuck are you guys doi-?" I started to ask until I got cut off by Lui covering my mouth again and giggling like an anime school girl, "we need to hook you and Evan up" he spoke as mini started giggling too
'What the fuck.......'
Yes the title was referred to the stupid padlock, I feel your pain Jon, it happens to me to much.
Sorry for late post, anyway I'm enjoying this XD I think I might do a second update straight after this one, if I continue writing tonight Xp
One question to y'all, how well did I describe the school? It just came into head, but man I wish this was my school XD.
Oh and the name of the place isn't real, also made up.
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes
Anyway see ya later, vote, comment and I guess enjoy
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