Chapter Nine: Dream To Reality?
"EVAN!!!!!!!" I shot up screaming... I was in the school infirmary with bandages all over my arms, I was panting from what seemed to be a bad dream...
'I-I was dreaming... Where is Evan... Did he leave me' I started to hyperventilate and freak out, I didn't know what was going on, quickly the nurse ran into the room and laid my head back down onto the pillow "shhhh Jonathan it's okay... Relax" my eyes searched the room like a maniac, as she brushed the sweat from my forehead.
"W-where is E-Evan.." I crooked out, still intensely breathing I started to become light headed, "Jon, Evan is in class right now, I told him to leave you alone to rest, but Jonathan, your having a panic attack, please relax... Everything is alright"
She tried to calm me but I had to much shit running through my mind, quickly I ripped myself from her grasp and stood up off of the bed, looking at her as calmly as I could I lightly smiled and pulled my hoodies sleeves down, "thank you Ms, I think I'll be fine now" grabbing my bag I looked down to see my white jumper had blood stains on the arms,
"do you have a spare hoodie by any chance?" I asked her politely, she opened her mouth to reply but got cut off quickly, "I do" that voice echoed down the hall and I looked for who it belonged too, searching behind the nurse I saw Evan standing at the door way, I've never felt so much relief
'You didn't leave me... Evan...' At that moment I wanted to run up and hug him, but instead I lowered my head and remembered what he saw this morning.. All my cuts and how much I've destroyed myself.. I hated that he saw 'just go away Ev...' I was so lost in thought, then I felt something be wrapped around me, Evans sent filled my nose as I noticed That he had put his favourite jacket around my shoulders, "won't you be cold?" I asked as I snuggled into warm jacket, all he did was smirk "nope, but make sure you keep that unzipped so people can see your amazing shirt" shit... I forgot I had the Vanoss shirt on, I rolled my eyes and slightly chuckled, "the ambulance is on its way" I herd the nurse call from the back room, she entered the room that Evan and I were in and smiled as he pulled me close to him with a protective and stern look on his face, "you can go with him Mr, just make sure he doesn't move much... Cause those wounds need stitches and those bandages aren't going to hold for long" and with that comment I felt my feet being swept off the ground as he picked me up and held me bridal style "he'll be fine".
Moments later I was in the back an ambulance, with Evan by my side for some reason he was looking around with concern... "You alright?" He didn't respond, he must be in deep thoughts, reaching my arm out I grabbed ahold of his shirts sleeve, quickly he looked at me and nodded. The medic from the passenger seat walked to my side, he had a syringe in his hand, grabbing my arm he quickly injected the unknown substance into my arm... I looked over to Evan, I started to breath intensely... And then everything went blurry and I felt my body go all heavy. Closing my eyes I slowly went to sleep.
As the medic came to the back with Jon and I, I looked a Jonathan and nodded, quickly the medic injected some stuff into Delirious's arm with a needle, he looked over to me and sent a gaze of distress as I noticed he started to breath heavily again, The man waited for his eyes to close before returning to the front passenger seat of the vehicle, I looked a Jonathan and wondered why he was wearing that Hockey mask... I only just realised now because I was in such a trance this morning, gently I unhooked the mask and pulled it from his delicate face, noticing he'd split both sides of his mouth open like a smile, and had tear like lines carved under his eyes....
'Jonathan, why have you done all of this to yourself?'
I placed the mask back over his face and ran my hand down his slow moving chest, he's always been my best friend... And I have to leave him when he needs me the most.
Laying my head softly on his stomach I relaxed myself, and slowly started to fall asleep with the feeling of his slowly moving to his breaths.
Waking up with a jolt I lifted my head to see the two medics standing and looking at Jonathan, they whispered a few words to each other before they noticed I was awake, and that's when they smiled and started to gather some materials that will assist them on taking Jon to his room, "how are we going to get him there? We need to cause as little discomfort as we can" my head instantly snapped up and I smiled "I'll take him" standing up quickly I started lifting his light body, his skin was cold, the medics started freaking out, and kept on asking me to place him onto the stretcher cause it was 'safer'.
After a huge argument with the men they finally got there way, we ended up carrying Jon with the stretcher to his room.' And that's when everything went bad...'
Moments after getting Jonathan set up in the room I sat in the chair besides his bed, looking at him and thinking about everything his done, "why?" I asked him, knowing I wouldn't get a response due to him being asleep, 'why is he doing this, is it-' my thoughts got cut of as I heard a cough coming from the door, my head snapped up and I saw my mum, she looked pissed 'oh shit' she turned and headed down the hall to the elevator that headed to the car park... I should follow her, getting up I looked down to Jonathan resting peacefully, leaning down I gave him a tiny kiss on the forehead,
'What was that??'
'That was to give him luck... Not be gay'
'Oh okay..'
Turning away from him I started to head out the door, just before I properly got to the hallway I turned my head to see Jonathan wide awake looking at me through the glass window, he had tears in his eyes and his hand was reaching out to me... I turned away and pressed the button for the elevator, the doors finally creaked open and I got it in, not wanting to look towards Jons direction I kept my head low, not looking up... I mumbled to myself a few words before the doors went crashing shut and then elevator began to travel downwards.
"I can't..."
|| was Jonathan's Dream becoming a Reality ? ||
Sorry for the late update, It took me a while to update it cause I've had like Zero motivation... Sorry forgive me ;-;
((Also sorry for being such a short chapter :( ;-; ))
And I apologise for any spelling or grammar mistakes
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