Chapter Eleven: "J-Jonathan?"
(Wo, hello surprise POV)
It's been two hours now and we were only just leaving the Police Station, Jonathan and I got into the car in silence, he was so quiet, as soon as he sat down he looked out the window. I didn't want to question him on his parents, I think I got enough information from the police officer for now.
"So how was the interview, are you okay?" My voice sounded so loud as it broke the silence, he turned to look at me and Smile, his head moved into a nod motion as he returned to the view on the window, I started the car and pulled it into gear and out onto the road, "the officer told me to take you back to my place, is that okay? I have a twin brother the same age as us, I'm sure you can stay in his room and borrow some of his clothing" Jonathan once again replied to my question with a nod... This is going to be a long drive.
'Jonathan... Hmmm his sweet, a cutie if I must say so myself, I think we are going to become close friends as long as he-'
My thoughts got cut out by a vibration against my thigh, hearing the ringtone pick up its beat , I drew the phone out of my pocket and up to my ear.
(Vibrating against her thigh aye * insert Lenny face here * 😏)
Kody: "hello?"
Unknown: "hey sis, it's me"
Kody: "oh, Luke hey, we are going to have someone staying with us for a while, mind if they cabin with you?"
Luke: "ooooooh is it a hot girl?"
I could basically see his smirk through the phone, I'm sure he was thinking dirty too, filthy pervert...
Kody: "no it's a guy, and he'll have to borrow some clothing too"
Luke: "sweet a bro, not as good as a hot chick... But he'll do"
His laughed echoed through the phone as I pulled the car up into the driveway...
Kody: "unlock the door you lazy ass, and come out and greet your roomie"
Hanging up the phone I glanced over to see Jonathan inspecting the house, nudging him i smiled and implied that he is aloud to get out and look about, Jonathan's eyes lit up as my brother stepped outside.
I think Jonathan is glad to have a brother... Kinda
He got out of the car and ran up to Luke, greeting him with a handshake and a.... What do you call it.... 'Bro-hug'? Yeah I think that's what it's called.
After greeting Jonathan, Luke and I gave him a tour of the house and set up the spare bed in the room designated for his stay. By the time all of this was done it was 10:30p.m.
"Wait 10:30!!! You have school tomorrow Jon, get to bed!" I screeched through the hall, a grunt came from my brothers room as I saw Luke walk out "can he skip tomorrow and go on the same day as us?" Grumbling and mumbling to myself I finally thought of a choice.
"Fine... But you two don't stay up too late okay?" Heading to my room I herd Luke call "yes mooooom" and then a laughter broke out and I herd a bedroom door be slammed shut.
"Boys" rolling my eyes I entered my room and got ready for bed, after I had my shower and put my night gown on, I called up the Hospital telling them I took Jon to my place and that I'd look after his medical needs, then I finally laid down and sunk into my heavenly white coloured, water bed.
This was awesome! A new life! New family....
No. Not a new family, I miss my parents. I wonder if the hospital knows I'm here. I wonder is Evan is okay... Evan. Why would I worry about him, he, he....
"Yo Jonathan!" Shaking my head I looked over to Luke who was standing in front of me waving his hands around in the air, "want a bottle of water before we start the game?" I nodded as he walked to the mini fridge in the corner of his room and tossed me a bottle, "I'm gonna kick your ass, I'm going to be the King of Mortal Kombat X now!" I screeched as I opened the bottle of water and took a swig of it.
After an hour of Kicking his ass, he wanted to make me an online GTA 5 account so we can play together sometimes, "what should your name be? Mine is CaRtOoNz" Luke questioned, I responded with a shrug as I finished a bottle of water, "dude that's your 5th bottle of wate-.... Water... H2O!" He quickly typed H2O into the gamer tag, "what the fuck man? I'm not a water lover, just thirsty" I ran up and slam dunked the bottle into the bin "thirsty hoe" Luke laughed and I laughed along with him, then his laughed stopped and he looked at me happily "your laugh is insane! Oh.... It's not insane. It's Delirious!" chills ran down my spine as he said that word, Shortly after he typed more into the gamer tag, until it showed as 'H2ODelirious', looking at the name I smiled, it sparked something inside of me, I liked it, Luke and I nodded and we hit enter, then we designed my character... Searching through the lists of design I almost Fanboyed when I saw you could get the same mask as Jason Voorhees for your character, obviously I got it, 30 minutes passed and the character was complete.
A tall slim man with short cut hair, a mask covering his face and a blue hoodie around his upper body, dark blue bagging jeans hanging over his figure. He looked like me, I like it... Can't wait to actually play it with Luke and maybe my other friends.
~3 a.m~
Luke stretched and yawned as I intensively stared at the screen, this game was awesome, I've never played GTA before "it's 3 in the morning Jon, we should get some sleep aye?" He walked up to the console and turning it off on me, my head snapped up and I glared at him "the fuck was that for..." He just laughed at me and climbed into his bed "goodnight man... Or should I say good morning"I take a glance towards the clock and see what he means, I didn't notice we stayed up for so long, tucking my legs into bed I sighed "Goodnight Luke" closing my eyes, I quickly fell asleep.
Opening my eyes, I felt my whole body tense up against the cold hard surface, I looked up to see Evan chained up to a wall, with claw marks down his.... Abs. Wait ABS! He's ripped and hot! Oh shit.., I should be worrying about him being hurt Jesus Jonathan, get your head out of the gutter.
Quickly and painfully I scrambled to my feet and ran up to Evan, grasping his shoulders in my hands I started to shake him shout his name... "EVAN!"
I stood there for a well good 15 minutes trying to get him to wake up, I still felt his heart rate and his body heat, so I still knew he was alive, pulling my arms off of his shoulders I looked down to the cuts across his chest and stomach, I traced my fingers along the cuts and his ab lines, biting my lip stood on my tippy toes to reach his neck, closing my eyes I ran my lips down his neck to his collarbone, where I laid my head, continuing to trace his body with my fingers I noticed what I was doing, quickly I got off of him and hid my face blushing like crazy, I felt like he was a drug, and my body and soul was addicted to him.
That's when I saw his chest hitch and his eyes opened slightly, a ragged cough escaped his mouth and he started to breath deeply, his head that was hung over, lifted up and saw me.
His eyes widened as he spoke
Hmmmm boring cliff hanger, maybe I should leave for a month and not update this book :3
To tease you guys x3
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes
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