WildKitty getting overprotective.
Vanoss's POV-
I woke up and felt Delirious hugging me. I moved quickly but slowly, making sure he doesn't wake up. When I got out of his grip I started walking to the kitchen. Yesterday was weird. The girl that gave Jonathan a gift turned out to be named Lily and she almost killed him. She got arrested, luckily, but the other girl is still out there. I think he name was, Clare? I don't know and I don't care I just hope she got stopped or something like that. I turned on the T.V. and turned on the news. 'Breaking News: A young lady named Lily Gabriela Smith is on the loose and is very dangerous. She is about 5'11; has blue dyed hair; light blue eyes; and also wearing normal clothes with a baby blue colored hoodie. If you ever find her please call-' WHAT!? SHE'S OUT ON THE LOOSE?! Now we need to be careful with two people. Great job cops. Really protecting us now.
I did the normal thing; cooking breakfast and giving Delirious extra food. Everyone was eating normal and everything was normal. The usual, Piper messing with Kelvin but the only thing that wasn't normal was the fact that Erin hasn't stopped smiling when she woke up. When we were eating breakfast she was barely eating and that caused everyone to look at her and ask questions, especially Tyler. "Why are you smiling too much?" Tyler said to Erin. "Because it's a beautiful day, don't you think?" "I don't trust you... What are you up to?" "Love," "What?" "I finally found my other half." "What? Okay, stop right there. Who is the guy? What's his name? Where does he live? Are you sure you like the guy? I swear to god-" "Tyler! Jeez, can't you be happy I finally found someone that likes the same things that I do?" "I am happy," Tyler said trying to hide his anger but clearly failed badly. "His name is Isaac and he lives right next door to us. On the right. He's a really cool dude don't worry. Plus, he's really smart and funny." Tyler didn't look convinced but Craig just rubbed his arm and told him to calm down. That caused Tyler to calm down and he closed his eyes and sighed. "Fine. I'll try not to kill him," Erin was sitting right next to Tyler so that caused her to say 'Yes!' and hugged Tyler. "That still doesn't mean you're off the hook, okay? I have to see that 'Isaac', guy." "Yeah sure. Whatever." That ended well I guess.
When we finished eating it was Nogla's turn to do the dishes so Lui stayed with him while everyone else just recorded. I pulled Delirious to our room while Tyler yelled not to be loud, that asshole. Anyways, Delirious, of course, was confused. "What is it, Evan? You look stressed." He said. "So, you know how Lily was being taken away by the cops, right?" "Yeah?" "Well, not really. I turned on the news in the morning and turns out that she escaped somehow and they don't know where she is." When I finished he rubbed his face and shook his head. "I swear the cops these days don't help at all." (You have to agree. They don't do shit for us sometimes.) Delirious said. "Well, yeah but they're on the lookout. I didn't mean to make you even more worried but I had to tell you because I can't keep it to myself." "You did make me a bit worried but I'm glad you told me. Let's go downstairs before they start saying we're fucking." I nodded and when we went downstairs the guys were playing and Tyler had to be the first one to talk. "That was fast. Luckily no sound escaped from your room." "Shut up Tyler." Jonathan and I sat down on the couch and then we heard the bell ring. No one walked to the door so I walked to get it.
When I opened the door Brian and Brock yelled. "Vanoss!" Which scared me and made we yell. "You both almost gave me a heart attack! I'm too beautiful and young to die. "Yeah right. Let us in, please." Brian said. "Hm, no." I closed the door and I heard Brian yell to let him in. "Fine whatever.." I opened the door and they both came in. "Hi everyone," Brock said. "Sup Brock!" Everyone said. "Hey, brock and Brian. I want to compete with you two. If I win you guys give me 20 dollars and if you guys win I'll have to give you 20 dollars. Deal?" Tyler said. "I'm in!" Brian immediately said. "Um, I'll just sit down. You Tyler, get too competitive." Brock said. "I know but come on! I'll try not to rage." When he finished talking we all laughed because we all knew Tyler will NEVER stop raging in games. The game was just a race simple enough. The competition was on. Tyler was winning by a little and they just needed to do one more lap and someone would win.
The door bell rang and I had to get it since everyone is lazy. When I opened the door I saw a young guy. He was handsome I guess. He was kind of my size, he had gray eyes, chiseled face, and brown hair. When he saw me his eyes widened. "Oh jeez, y-you're VanossGaming!!" He said in a deep-ish voice. "Yeah, who are you?" "I-I um-" All of a sudden Erin is right beside me. "Hey, Isaac! Come on in." Erin said and grabbed his hand pulling him inside. I closed the door and walked behind them to see Tyler drop his controller and look at Isaac making him loose and Terrorizer won. "Haha! I won bitch! Pay up." Terrorizer said raising his hand. "Erin who is this guy?" Tyler said. He stood up and obviously towered above Isaac. "H-Hi, um... My name's Isaac and I have to say I'm a fan of you Tyler." Isaac said trying to sound polite. Erin smiled at Isaac and then turned to look at Tyler. Like always Tyler didn't look convinced. "I don't know about this guy," Tyler said still looking at Isaac directly at the eyes. Basically, death glaring him. All of a sudden Kelvin just stared at Isaac like if he knew him. "Isaac is that you?" Kelvin said. Isaac looked at Kelvin with a 'what?' face and then he smiled. "No way, Kelvin? As in Kelvin Fong. Jeez man, I haven't seen you since Highschool! How you been?" Isaac said. I guess they knew each other. "Great man. Why didn't you tell me you lived here?" "I didn't have your phone number so how the fuck would I contact you?" "Oh yeah. Well, ignore my stupid question. I see Tyler wants to kill you right now." When he finished Isaac turned to look at a not happy Tyler and smiled but it turned out to be a really scared smile. "Tyler, you said you'd be cool if I had a boyfriend. It's not fair, how come you have a boyfriend and I don't say anything, but if I have a boyfriend you get all jealous." Erin said looking irritated. "W-Wait, did you say Tyler had a boyfriend?" Isaac questioned. "Yeah, got a problem with that?" Tyler said getting all offended and got closer to Isaac's face. "N-No I'm c-cool with that!" Isaac said all frightened. Craig quickly got in the middle of them. "Okay Tyler, that's enough. You frightened the boy too much. You need to calm down." Craig said while gently pushing Tyler back. "Erin is right, Tyler. Let her be happy. She didn't tell us anything so we, well, you shouldn't say anything about them." Craig said which made Tyler calm down. It was like seeing Tyler going from fiery hell to calm relaxing heaven. If, that makes any sense. "Fine, but there's one thing I have to tell him," Tyler said. He got closer to Isaac and looked at his eyes. "If anything happens to my sister or you do something you're not supposed to do I will do anything to come find you and then kill you. Do you understand me, Isaac?" Tyler said in a deep voice. "Y-Yes Tyler I p-promise nothing will h-happen to her," Isaac said all traumatized. Craig grabbed Tylers' hand and Tyler looked at Mini. "Calm down Tyler. No need to get all scary. Isaac seems like a nice guy, don't worry." Craig said and Tyler snickered. "Yeah people seem nice but when you meet them they turn different." With that, Tyler reached into his pocket and handed Terrorizer his twenty dollars. "Another race?" Terrorizer said. "You're just lucky he came here just in time to make you win. I would've won." Tyler said. "Yeah right. You're just jealous of my skills bitch." "The only bitch here is you Terrorizer." "And the old Tyler is back people." We laughed and played around. Isaac talked to Piper, Kelvin, and Erin ignoring us.
Bets were made that night and the person with the most money that day was me, of course. We joked around and then had dinner. Isaac joined us and Tyler just looked at Isaac like he was a threat and needed to be executed or something. It was weird but once Isaac left Erin punched Tyler in the arm. "Tyler! You said you would control yourself. How could you?" Erin said. "I just don't like that guy. What's wrong with that?" Tyler said. "You just don't like the guy? You frightened him to death! He was talking to us and he told me he thinks you hate him. I mean it's nothing personal, you just hate everyone." "That's not true. I love you, Mini, and the guys. I don't hate everyone." "That's not what I mean and you know that. If someone looks at me or talks to me you get all defensive. Stop it! I love that you care about me like a big brother should but you just need to let me live my life." Erin finished and walked to her guest room. "Goodnight everyone," Tyler said half mad and walked away quickly followed by Craig. "I'll go talk to Erin," Piper said. "I'm right behind you," Kelvin said. The rest of us just stood there not sure what to do. "Well, I guess we need to go to bed?" Nogla said. Everyone nodded and Brock and Brian then left to wherever they're going.
We I was with Jonathan, he looked unsure. "Do you think Tyler was a bit too overprotective?" He questioned. "Well, he was really overprotective. I mean, being protective is good but being overprotective like Tyler is bad." I said half sleepy. "I guess. I wonder if Isaac right now can even sleep with the thought of Tyler telling him he would kill him if something happens to Erin." "Huh, yeah. I wouldn't even close my eyes if I was him." "Luckily I have you and I'm not Isaac," Jonathan said and hugged me. "Yeah, you're really lucky you have me." I hugged him back tightly and he giggled cutely. I heard a little noise but ignored it. It's probably just the wind.
HEY!! Sorry for not updating quickly. Christmas just passed and the New Year is just around the corner!!! For Christmas, I was given a TEDDY BEAR! But it's a big teddy bear and it's so fluffy! I also had a new Playstation controller, in my favorite colors black and red, and a candy. Tell me what you guys got 'cause I'm curious. Anyways, THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading my book and see yah later! PEACE!!! ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
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