This is getting out of hand...
Delirious's POV-
I woke up to the sun in my face. I looked around and saw that I was still on the balcony sitting down. I felt someone in my chest and I saw Evan still asleep. I slowly stood up trying not to wake up Evan and then I carried him bride style to the bed. I started walking to the door when I stopped to hear Evan, "Where do you think you're going?" I turned to see Evan with his eyes closed than opened, smiling at me. I turned completely around and smiled at him. "Going downstairs. Want to make me company?" I said. He sat down on the bed and nodded while stretching. "Hey, did we fall asleep in the balcony?" Evan said. "Yeah we did. Come on let's go." I stretched out my hand for Evan to grab but he pulled me into the bed and all I hear is his beautiful laughter. "You bitch! I was trying to be nice but I guess I shouldn't anymore." I stood back up and just crossed my arms getting out of the room. "Jooooonnaaaaathaaaaaan." Evan complained. "What is it?" I said peeking inside the room. "Can you carry me? I'm too tired." He then just raised his hands and I couldn't complain. Who could say no to the beautiful CanAsian?
I sighed and gave Evan a piggy-back ride. I walked all the way from the room to the kitchen while Evan was tickling me on the way. I finally put Evan down on a chair and he just smiled at me. "What?" I said. He shook his head gently. "Nothing. Can't I just see my beau-" Evan was stopped immediately once we heard a 'thump' and a little yelp. Please tell me it isn't her... I thought to myself. It came from the basement- of course, it would be from the basement- so I went to the kitchen to go grab a little knife and started slowly walking to the basement. "Evan you stay here and wait. If I don't come back in about 5 minutes, then you can go look for me but stay here." "What? Are you crazy? You think I'm going to let you go alone? No, I'm going with you." "Evan, wait for me here okay? I don't want you to get hurt because if you get hurt I'll get hurt." "Why would you get hurt?" "Because Kelvin will most likely, 100% sure, he will kill me." He sighed and sat back down with a worried face. "What happens if it's those girls that won't leave us alone?" "That's why I want you to sit there like a beautiful princess you are." "Don't you dare call me princess." "Alright princess, sorry for calling you princess, princess." He crossed his arms and I began to walk towards the basement.
When I entered the basement it was dark as fuck. Even with the sun, you can still not see anything so I had to go back and get a flashlight. This time when I could see I saw nothing really important just some boxes. Then I heard it again; Thump. This time I turned off the flashlight to see if I could catch whoever was there. It worked. When I turned on the flashlight I saw a girl probably younger than me with Blue dyed hair and a blue hoodie almost identical to mine. It might even be mine... She yelped and I just screamed a bit. She looked at me and kind of panicked. "H-Hi, umm... I'm Lily! I' the one who gave you the chocolates on the beach." Lily said with a high-pitched voice. She sounded too innocent. "Why are you here? Can't you just leave us alone!" She shook her head. "Jonathan, we are meant to be, don't you get it!" I looked at her hoodie- well my hoodie and looked at her. "Is that my hoodie you have on?" She looked at it and smiled. "Yeah I got it from your closet while you fell asleep. Anyways, I saw you sleeping in the balcony with Evan. That could be me and you!" She walked a bit closer to me and tried to grab my hand but I pulled my hands away and stepped back. "Oh, yeah I forgot. You won't take me seriously. I'm just stupid for coming in here trying to get my dream guy to like me... I-I'm not worth it..." She started sobbing and I couldn't help it. When someone feels bad I tend to comfort them. So I rubbed her back a bit. "Look, Lily, I don't like you and I'm happy with Evan. I'm sorry I can't like you but it's for the best if you leave and I won't even call the cops." She took small deep breaths and wiped out the tears. She looked at me with sad blue eyes and shook her head. "If only it was that simple..." Lily said. I heard a click and I knew what it was. I moved away as quickly as possible but the blade cut me a bit of the skin of my stomach. She didn't look happy and tried to cut me again. I slapped the blade out of her hand and pinned her to the ground. "We were meant to be Delirious. Why won't you accept that?" She said and tried to wiggle herself out of my grip. "Evan!" I called down. I heard footsteps running then I saw Evan running towards me with a flashlight. He yelped a bit since he saw Lily and grabbed his phone. "Should I call the cops?" He questioned. "Call the cops and my friend Clare won't be afraid to kill both of you! Especially you Jonathan!" Lily said. For a really innocent looking girl, she was very feisty. "Call the cops," I said plainly.
The cops arrived about 5 minutes later and the guys were confused at first of why the cops were here then they saw Lily getting arrested and they had wide-eyes. We also told them about Clare and they said they'll be on the lookout and that they will investigate Lily for any clues on finding Clare. Once they left the guys were looking at both me and Evan. "You guys have a lot to explain," Piper said. Both she and Erin crossed their arms and looked at us with death glares. So we did tell them. While eating food I told them what happened with Clare first, then Lily. It felt weird saying it out loud since it sounded like a made up story but everything was true. I was there anyways. When we finished talking I went to my room and closed the door and took off my shirt. The blade did cut me but it was something simple. I grabbed some alcohol and started rubbing it in my stomach. I can't lie, it burned like shit! I cursed and then someone knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I said. "It's me Jonathan, Evan." "Come in." I said and when Evan entered he gasped. "Jonathan, are you okay?" He said with a panicked voice for some reason. "Yeah, why?" I said with an eyebrow raised. "She did this to you? I swear that bitch-" "Evan I'm fine. I'mm going to live it just burns like shit since I put some alcohol." "I still don't like it that she did that to you," Evan said crossing his arms. I put my arm over his shoulder and hugged him so I don't cover him in blood from my stomach. "Hey, I'll live don't worry," I said with a smile. He hugged me back and then smiled. "When I'm done we can go record some shit," I said and he nodded and left the room. I was fine now but Clare was somewhere probably stalking Evan and what Lily said that she'll kill us wasn't helping either.
Hey, everyone!! Long time since I updated this book but I finally did and I'M ON A BREAK!!! I don't know if you guys also have a Christmas break but I do and it's until today (12/16/2016) until January the 4th 2017. The year passed really quickly don't you guys think? It did for me. Well you guys are awesome, keep being awesome, and PEACE!!! ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
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