Calling 2 unknown girls.
Delirious's POV-
I woke up and Vanoss was not next to me. He's probably making breakfast right now. I stood up, took a shower, changed, and walked out of the room. While walking opening the door an aroma of puncakes hit my face. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Yep, puncakes.
I walked to the kitchen and I saw Evan cooking. I slowly walked to him and hugged him from behind. "Good morning Ev." He smiled but didn't move his eyes from the puncakes. "Good morning Jon." I stood next to him and smiled. "I bet Tyler is going to come downstairs and scream out-" "PUNCAKES!!" I turned around and Tyler was walking down the stairs with Craig. "Jesus Tyler. I'm right next to you and you probably hurt my ears." Craig said covering his ears. Tyler frowned and hugged Craig from behind. "Sorry babe. I just had too." Craig smiled and walked to the table. "Good morning guys." Craig said. "Good morning to both of you." I said. "Alright breakfast is ready. Where's David and Lui?" Vanoss questioned. "They're probably still asleep. Should I wake them up?" Tyler said. "Yeah please." Tyler stood up and walked up the stairs and all I heard was a scream followed by two other screams. "FOCK YU TYLER!!" Nogla screamed while Tyler walked calmly down the stairs. "They're up. Wait we still need to wake up Piper, Erin, and Kelvin." "Alright. Tyler wake up Erin, you Evan wake up Kelvin and I will try not to die with Piper." I said and both of them nodded.
I walked up the stairs to Pipers guest room and opened the door to see Piper asleep. She looks so peaceful dreaming and I really don't want to wake her up but I'm her brother so I'm very annoying. "PIPER WAKE YOUR ASS UP RIGHT NOW!!" I said shaking her. She barely even moved a bit and then opened her eyes. Alright Del. Get ready for Pipers scratches and screaming. I closed my eyes but didn't feel anything. I opened one eye to see her sitting on her bed and stretching. "Good morning Jonathan." She said smiling. What the fuck just happened? "Um... Good morning to you too Piper. Question why are you so calm?" I said carefully. "I don't know I'm just in a very good mood. It's a miracle!" She smiled in the end and stood up quickly. "Well let's go eat breakfast." She dragged me by my arm and she went skipping on her way to the table where everyone else was.
"Good morning everyone!" Piper said cheerfully and sat down in a chair. "Um... Piper are you ok? You never wake up like that." Erin said. "I don't know I just feel more alive and more cheerful. I'm so happy." Piper said and started eating her food. "You know what? Let's just not get her mad or annoyed because this is SUPER rare to happen." I said. Everyone started eating except for Erin. "Piper did you start doing drugs?" I choked on my own food and then swallowed but I started to cough and drank water. "Oh god Jonathan are you okay?" Evan said patting my back. "Yeah I'm fine but what's not fine is how Erin thinks Piper did drugs. Did you do drugs Piper?" Piper looked at me with a serious face and shook her head. "No I will never do drugs. I swear on our mother." I was really relieved since when we promise by our mother then it is serious. "Alright thank god. So now that we're all done eating how about if we call the mysterious girls that gave us the boxes?" Evan said to me. "Yeah sure. So who's doing the dishes now?" I said. "Don't worry I have that covered. Lui go do the dishes." "What?! Why me?" He said in a childish voice. "Because remember you guys follow my orders for a week and today is the last day. Tomorrow you can do whatever you want." Lui got a little bit mad and stood up to the sink. Everyone started to stand up and put the dishes in the sink.
Vanoss's POV-
"Alright let's call them. I'm going to put it on speaker so everyone can hear. First we're going to call the girl that send me my gift." I said and everyone nodded. "Lui do you want to hear the conversation or finish the dishes?" Nogla said. "I'll do the dishes once you guys are finished talking so I'll do them later." He walked towards Nogla and sat on his lap. "Alright let me just type in the number." I said and once I put in the number it started to ring. (V- Vanoss. G1- Girl 1 G2- Girl 2 D- Delirious.)
G1- Hello?
V- Hello um... I got your present from the beach. Takes for the chocolate but I really don't want to date you. I just called to tell you thank you.
G1- You're welcome. The chocolates where very expensive. They where made in France and they cost be a lot. Why don't you want to hang out with me? We can be a perfect couple. You can even bring Delirious with you and I'll bring my friend. Yes we do know who he is.
V- No thank you. I already have a girlfriend.
G1- Oh Evan... We both know that you don't have a girlfriend. Sydney cheated on you and plus you don't like girls. You like guys but that doesn't mean I can't change your mind. I have everything you need to make you like me.
V- Well yeah I don't have a girlfriend but I do have a boyfriend.
G1- Hahahahahahaha. That's really funny. You know you don't have to lie.
V- Nope I swear. I am not lying I really do have a boyfriend. Isn't that right Jonathan?
D- Yep. He's my boyfriend no matter if you believe it or not.
G2- WHAT!! No Del you where suppost to be with me!
D- Who are you?
G2- I'm the girl that gave you your box. I'm your soulmate I know it! Don't go with Evan go with me!
D- Sorry but I already have my soulmate right here next to me.
G1- Really? I thought you two where straight. What a disappointment. Well your welcome for the chocolates. We have to... go. I have a feeling we will meet again.
D & V- Hope not.
G1- Hahaha. Yeah you hope to hear us both. Well see you guys. Bye bye.
I hang up and then look at Delirious. "Can you really believe that? They're probably one of those crazy type of fan girls that will try to do anything just to be with you or me." "Yeah. Do you think that we're going to see them again?" "Hope not." "Hey if those bitches get close to you then I will kick their ass." Piper said. "Yeah we both will kick their ass." Erin said. "Yeah thank you. Both of you but I don't want you two getting hurt." I said. "Evan don't worry about them. When I was in High School I was bullied because I was gay and I was bullied by a jock and it was the most build guy ever. One day I was outside with Erin and Piper. Tyler and I used to go to the same school that's why Erin was their with me. Well I was getting bullied and Tyler wasn't their with me because he was absent so I was stuck with Erin and Piper. I was told stuff and Piper and Erin got mad but I told them they can't do anything. I was wrong. Piper and Erin jumped on him and started to beet the shit out of him. Piper got her pocket knife out and stabbed him in the arm. We left and started to run but before we left Piper told him if he tells anyone then he's going to get even more bruises. He stopped bullying me and then he stopped going to the same school as me. Moral of the story: Don't ever underestimate Piper or Erin." Delirious said. "Wow then I guess I don't have to worry about both of you. What time is it?" "5:30. What now?"
"Can we see a movie?" Kelvin said. "Hm... Yeah why not? What type of movie?" "Action movie." Lui said with his little kid voice. "No. Let's see a scary movie." Piper said. "We're going to see an action movie! Last time we saw a scary movie and Delirious got the idea to scare the shit out of me! We're not going to see a scary movie." I said. Delirious got close to me and hugged me. "Hey Evan it's alright. I said I was sorry so we're good now, right?" Del said. "Yeah we're good but we already saw a scary movie and I want to see an action movie." "Alright fine. We will see an action movie just for you." I smiled and hugged him tight. "Thanks Del." "Come on! Let's watch a horror movie." Piper said. "Yeah why an action movie?" Kelvin said. "Well if you two don't want to see an action movie then go watch a scary movie with Kelvin." Delirious said to Piper. "I will go with him if he wants or I'll just go alone. I don't care." Piper said and crossed her arms. "Alright then we're all ready. We will all go and see an action movie and Piper and Kelvin are going to see a scary movie. Alright everyone get ready and get changed since we're going to see a scary movie. Lui before you change remember to do that dishes." I said and Lui just growled. "Fine." Lui said and walked to do the dishes.
Sorry I haven't posted it's that I have 6 projects to turn in into class and I haven't even finished one. I'M NOT DEAD!! I'm just busy plus this isn't my phone it's my sisters and she barely even let's me use it. I have no phone, no tablet, or no laptop so yeah sorry. PEACE!! ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
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