Beach day part: 2
I forgot to add something: Kelvin doesn't like any type of girl he only likes his type. When I mean type I mean like those badass girls that don't give a shit about anything they're probably a little bit emo but no that much. Anyways enjoy the story.
Vanoss's POV-
I told everyone about the bar and everyone agreed to come so we left our stuff in the sand and walked to the bar. When I walked in ever single eyes where on me. Some turned around but others, group of girls, kept looking at each other then to my direction. We all sat down and the waiter came to our direction. "Hello gentlemen and lady's, what will you guys want?" "8 margaritas, please." Tyler said. "Wait isn't it 9?" I said. "No it's 7 because Erin and Piper won't drink. They're still not old enough." We looked at Piper and Erin and they nodded. "We're both 20 years old. We're almost going to be 21 in about 2 months." Piper said. "Alright here are your drinks. Enjoy." The waiter said and winked at Kelvin. I looked at Kelvin and he smirked and started to follow her with his eyes. "How the fuck can you get the lady's Kelvin?" Craig said. Tyler didn't like that question. "Hey, why did you ask that question?" "Don't worry I was just curious I would never replace you with another person." Craig said and Tyler hugged him. "That's right. Your my bitch." Craig frowned. "Hey don't you dare call me your bitch!" Tyler leaned to Craig and whispered something that only he could hear. Once he finished he smirked and Craig got all red. We all laughed and drank our drinks.
The waiter came with the check and Kelvin just stared at her. "Well here's the check you guys have a wonderful night." She was about to leave then Kelvin stood up. "Wait. I wanted to tell you if you wanted to go eat something later?" I swear if Kelvin is a fuck boy I'm personally going to kill him. "Yeah, how does 8 o'clock sound like?" "Perfect. Do you want to meet me at where I'm staying or do I pick you up?" "Can you pick me up please?" "Yeah sure see you then." He grabbed her hand and kissed her palm. She giggled and walked away. "Really how can you get the lady's?" Craig said and Tyler hugged him. "I don't really know. I guess I'm just too handsome." He then looked at me. "I'm way more handsome then Evan that's for sure." I playfully punched his arm and laughed. "Plus she's not really my type I'm just giving her a chance then if I don't really like her I just dump her." I death glared him and he smiled. "Don't worry I'm not a fuck boy if that's what you're thinking." "Good." We all walked to the same spot we where at in the beach.
Once we made it their everything was normal until I saw a red box and then a blue box. I grabbed the red one and looked at it to see if their was a note. "What do you think it is?" Del said. "I don't know but you can grab the blue one and check what's inside of it. He grabbed the blue one and told me to open the red one first.
I opened it and inside of it was little boxes of chocolate and a note.
Dear Evan/ Vanoss-
Your my favorite youtuber and my crush. I know you probably have a girlfriend but whatever. I really like you. Call me~ 832-581-3591 💋
Secret admirer.
"What the fuck?" I said and everyone looked at the box. "Can I have some?" Delirious said. I nodded and he grabbed some. "Can we have some too?" Nogla said. "No only me and Del." Everyone growled and I told them they could only grab ONE! I told everyone about the note. "Well why don't you call her?" Nogla said. "Yeah I would call a random girl when I'm dating Del. What kind of idea is that?" I said. "No I mean like just call her, put it on speaker, and then talk to her and tell her thanks for the chocolates and also that your already dating someone." I thought about it and yeah. Why not? "Yeah okay I will do it. What's inside the blue one?" I said and Del looked at it and opened it. It was all the same but the card was different.
Delirious's POV-
I opened it to reveal the same thing. I looked at the card and started reading out loud.
Dear Jonathan/ Delirious-
I know who you are and I got to tell you. You look amazing! Your absolutely handsome and I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out some time. I'm not the same girl from Vanoss's gift. I'm another person. See you soon handsome and call me~ 832-194-4829.
Secret Admirer. 💋
"Should I call this bitch too?" I said. "Yeah let's call them both to see what's up." Evan said. "Okay. It's getting kind of dark shall me head home?" Lui said. "Yeah let's go." Ev said. We packed our stuff and started eating the chocolate on the way.
Once we made it home we all took a shower and Vanoss cooked some food for all of us. He made everything the same for everyone but for me he added desert. Of course everyone got jealous and I just smiled at Evan. Everyone ate except for Kelvin since he's going on his date. "So when are you leaving again?" Evan said to Kelvin. "In about an hour. I'm going to change now." He stood up from the couch and went to the guest room he's staying in. I looked at Piper and she just looked at her plate. What's up with her?
We all finished eating and it was Nogla's turn to do the dishes. We all sat on the couch and we where watching a movie then Kelvin appeared out of no where. "I'm leaving see you guys later!" "Bye bitch!" Evan yelled. I looked at Piper and she looked at her hands and she stopped watching the movie. Why did she- Oh. I think I know what's up. I stood up and made Evan fall on accident. "Sorry. Hey Piper can I talk to you in private?" She looked up and I saw she was kind of sad. "Yeah sure." She stood up and I walked in front of her and I went outside. We started walking for a while in peace. "Alright what's wrong?" I said. "What do you mean?" "Your acting like Evan. I know something's wrong I'm not stupid." "No everything is okay." "Oh my lord. Piper, I know your hurt. I have never seen you like that. Tell me what's wrong. You will not convince me that something isn't right." She looked in front of her and nodded. "Fine. Something is wrong. You know how when Kelvin asked the waiter out?" "Yeah?" "Well I got a tiny bit jealous. The first time I saw Kelvin something clicked and I started to have butterflies in my stomach when ever I see him. When he got a date I felt like tiny bits of my heart where falling." I FUCKING KNEW IT!! "Don't worry about it. Remember he said he didn't like girls that aren't his type. He probably might like you because your basically his type. Don't get your hopes up. It was like me and Evan. I thought he would never love but look at me now. Dating the best guy ever." She laughed a little which made me smile. "Thank you Jon. You really know how to make someone happy in depressing moments." "Hey remember when we where teens? You helped me too back then." She smiled and nodded. "Do you want to go grab something to eat like Ice Cream?" "Yeah. Oh and by the way you will love my ride." "Let me guess? It's a motorcycle color blue?" "Hell yeah. Let's go." We started joking around and walking to the house.
We reached the mansion and I walked inside. "We're back." I said and walked to the living room. Everyone looked at us. "Were where you two?" Evan said. "Relax Mama Evan. We just went for a walk and talked a little." I said. "Mama Evan? Don't call me that." "What do you want me to call you?" "I don't know something else than Mama Evan." "Alright. How about... you know what? I'm going to call you Mama Evan from now on." "No you-" Evan didn't finish because someone knocked on the door. "Isn't Kelvin suppose to still be on his date?" Lui said. I walked to the door and Kelvin was bleeding from his lip and from his eyebrow he also had a black eye. I was about to tell him something but he shoved me and walked fast to the guest room he stays in. "Kelvin!" Evan yelled and walked towards him.
What happened to Kelvin? What will happen in the future? Will Piper have a chance? Yes I made Piper and Kelvin fall in love. If you don't like it then I'm sorry but I already have plans. Don't worry Erin you will have a partner. Well hope you enjoy and PEACE!! ✌🏻️✌🏻
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