The Rooftop [p.t2]
Jonathan POV
As I was at my locker minding my own business I saw somebody come flying down the halls as I did they quickly grabbed me and hide behind. Me "what the fuck" I said as I turned seeing a very scared Marcel "what the hell Marcel" "look man I don't want to be a dick but can you just shut up and hide me" he said "hide you from what" as I turned looking and there happened to be a angry Tyler stomping his way over "where fuck" I said as I rubbed my head here we go "hey chill out Tyler just let Marcel free and we cool ok" I said looking at him as then a another person comes speeding down the halls this time it was somebody much smaller then the rest of us it was the baby face himself Evan Fong as he crashed in behind Tyler "sorry Ty got to go" he said as he speed off again Tyler seemed to chill out as he watched Evan run away "okay Marcel tell me" Tyler said taking in a deep breath around these people "no way man" "fine" he said "lets go you too Delirious" he said I sighed following them "what is it" I sighed as we were in the boys bathroom "fucking Marcel knows something I don't about Evan" Tyler said as I looked over at him groaning "just fucking tell him" I said as Marcel looked down at his feet "Tyler it's back" he said as "Tyler's angry face soon disappeared into a shocked face don't tell him that I fucking told you okay" Marcel said as his voice cracked at the end as he pointed at Tyler "what the hell is back" as they looked at me as Tyler started "when we we're all little Evan was with us just one grade lower and we all were friends and when Evan turned eleven something happen he got sick and well h-"
As I got up from my chair to walk out of school as I
Heard footsteps running after me as I kept walking "Jonathan slow down" as Evan ran up to me "it was pouring a lot" he said as he looked up he was soaked in the rain as we turned the corner we were at my house "you live here Evan" asks "yeah" I said turning to him "now you know where I live" I told him as we walked in "here come on your soaking" I told him "my mom doesn't come home for awhile my sister is out the house so it's just me and you for a while" I said "oh okay mind if I leave my bag by the door along with my sweater" he asked "I don't care" I said "here some dry clothes for you" I said handing him some clothes
Evan POV
I took his clothes looking at them "um where's your bathroom" I asked him almost forgetting my medication as I grabbed my bag I took his direction ran into the bathroom as I quickly swallowed down my pills as I took of my clothes as they were dripping wet as I put on Delirious's clothes they were big but really comfortable as i walked out "Delirious" I called out as I walked down the hall before seeing him I blushed he was shirtless as I quickly turned around bolting down the stairs as I sat down I the couch I waited tell he came down in a black tank regular jeans and a black beanie as I sat uncomfortable on his couch my leg was crossed over as he sat next to me "well what should we do for our project" he asked "uh about that I um wasn't quite listening" I said he groaned
Tyler POV
I can't fucking believe this Evan he's sick again I thought he was better but no apparently when he was getting better the virus didn't quite go away as I bumped into somebody I looked up as I blushed "uh sorry Craig" he giggled "no problem Tyler" he said my face was so red "hey Tyler do you have anything going on later" he asked "no" I told him as we walked down the hall "well how about we hang out after school" he asks "sure" I said smiling as he smiled back he kissed my cheek "see ya" he said walking away I stood there shocked as I touched my cheek watching him walk away "hey dude you okay" as I shook I looked the halls were empty and it was just me and Marcel "yeah uh I have to go meet somebody see ya later" he was confused "oh okay bye I guess" as he waved bye this is weird but I liked it it's weird because I like Evan but know I love Craig what the hell is wrong with me I mean Jon doesn't really have a crush on Evan he doesn't like Evan right because he said he's annoying right please somebody tell me I thought as I walked out of school smiling when I see Craig waiting "hey" he said walking up to me
Jonathan POV
"Well at least one of us knew what it is to do" I said looking at Evan he blushed "yeah sorry" he said
So he does have a Crush on me this little Freshie
As I leaned back "so what should we do" I ask baby face "maybe a solar system" I turned to him "to boring" "well what about a aquarium" he said "yeah sure" I said start looking stuff up I said as I stood up "where are you going" he asks "to go get something to drink want anything" I said "water will do" as I walked out I poured a glass of water I looked up going to grab some chips I moved over some medicine when a bottle fell "shit" I said the lid popped as three pills fell into Evan's water I picked up the bottle as I looked at it nothing seemed really wrong with the pills as I watched them disappear in the water I mixed it nothing is going to make him sick I thought as I walked away back to my room
3rd person POV
Horny pills
No more then two will do anymore will cause two days or more memory lost
Back in the room
Evan gulped down his water "wow want anymore" Jon asks "sure" Evan replied as Jon left Evan searched the web when all of a sudden a sensation in his lower region as he grabbed hold of his stomach he groaned as he sat up as he leaned back he grabbed a pillow clutching him against stomach and crouch holding it tight as his pants got tighter and uncomfortable as Jonathan came back as Evan tried his best to stop he was turned on as Jon sat next to him find anything "mhh ugh" Evan moaned as he grinds against the pillow lightly so Jonathan wouldn't notice "are you okay Evan" Jon asked "yes" Evan moaned "do you need any help" Jon said standing up "no yes I-I-I" Evan said as he leaned back before standing up grabbing Jonathan wrapping his arms around Jon's neck "Evan what the hell" as Evan smashed there lips together Jon tried to push him away but Evan pushed Jon on his bed as Evan sat on top of Jon's crouch "Evan what the hell is your problem" as Evan grinded against Jon's crouch Jon looked at Evan as he had lust in his eyes "please Jonathan I don't know what's wrong with me Evan" said as he pulled me up "well I guess this is awkward" Jon said scratching the back of his neck "this feels wrong I know Jon but it hurt I don't know what's with me" Evan said as he thrusted up wards he moaned Jon pinned Evan to the wall "look keep yourself together got it" Jon said "I'll try Evan" said as Jon "let him go as he fell to his knees" Jon ran to the kitchen grabbing the pills "fuck" he said as he ran back to Evan as he saw Evan clutching his stomach "okay Evan just ugh" Jon said as he pinned Evan to the wall as Evan wrapped his legs around Jonathan waist but this wasn't really Evan anymore at least as he smiled at Jonathan Jon was confused at this "Evan what's your problem now" Jon asked looking at him "oh nothing daddy I just really need your dick inside of me now" Evan said "well keep saying that and maybe daddy give you it" Jon smirked as he laid Evan in the bed Evan grinned "please daddy give me it take my innocence I don't want it anymore" Evan smirked Jon looked at him "you want me to take your v-card" Jon smirked at Evan "why if you say so" Jon said unzipping Evan's tight jeans "aww please daddy"
Daddy faster please I need you really bad please fill me
Jon slowly opened his eyes seeing Evan laying next to him at least he got something instead of an hand as he smirked your innocence is gone freshie as Jon got up putting on clothes as Evan still laid on his bed Jon threw a pillow at Evan Evan shot up before groaning Jon smirked "wake up"
Well there goes innocent little Evan
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