The Rooftop
This is based off a comic but with my own twist sorry I forgot what your name was but yeah anyway hope you enjoy lets get right into the story
Evan POV
I was feeling ill today I didn't know why but this week of school been pretty fucked up as I was walking down the halls I told my teacher he said to go down see the nurse but I knew the only place that could make me feel better I went up to the third floor of the school opened the window climbing out as I felt the cold air hit my face I smiled then i heard scratching I turned seeing a guy maybe older then me he was the transfer student as he threw a rock down as I heard a sniffle "hey are you okay" as he turned around I looked at him as his eyes had sadness but soon turned to anger "why the fuck do you care why are you even fucking up here" "woah calm down I uh" "you what" he stood fuck he was tall as I looked up at him "look dude I just wanted to comfort-" "what comfort me why can't you mind your own fucking business" "look I'm sorry Jon-" "it's not fucking Jonathan it's Delirious" he said "Delirious I'm sor-" "what the fucks wrong with you" as I felt my head getting dizzy as I grabbed his shirt before throwing up and passing out into darkness
I opened my eyes but the light hit my eyes making me hiss at it "Evan why the fuck didn't you come down here if you were sick" the nurse Calvin or what we liked to call him Mr. Cyber bully asshole him self Leafy is Beafy anyway I sat up rubbing my eyes
No it's happened again
"If it wasn't for Mr.Densi carrying you over here you'd probably be splat on the ground anyway get some rest before going home okay" Calvin said I nodded Calvin was cool well too me but I turned over seeing Jonathan I mean Delirious "uh thank you" I said "better not tell anyone about me crying I swear I'll Fucking end you if you do understand" he grunted I nodded "you ruined my shoes" he said as he walked out I saw his shoes fuck I thought as I laid back down when my heart fluttered he's hot I thought as I blushed smiling "don't get fucking cheeky now Evan" I sat up seeing Calvin he had a juice box in his hand as he sipped on it "what" I said turning away "I saw your smile trust me don't mess with Jonathan Denis he didn't come here because he moved he came here for a reason but be careful your condition might put you well you know what again" I sighed "I think it's already starting" I said as I looked up at him he sighed "want to call him" I nodded as I stood up seeing My sister Jaclyn as I had my head low as I walked to the car she sighed as she got out of the car wrapping her arms around my small frame "come on let's go to the hospital" she said I nodded taking a seat in the car I had my head low
Next day
As I sat at the lunch table holding my head as it was hurting so much "Hey Ev you okay Lui" asked me as I looked up "yeah I'm fine" as I held my head "hey do you guys know anything about the new kid" "oh Delirious yeah well he likes wearing Blue and Black and a Mask why you have a man crush" I blushed looking up at Brock smirking "n-no why does everyone just assume that"
"oh my god he does" Lui said coving his mouth squealing "shut up" I said "Watch out" as I turned before I could think a foot ball hit me in the face as i fell out of my seat "oh sorry Evan here let me help you up" as I rubbed my eyes the cafeteria was quite "no I'm fine" then the talking started up again as I looked up at Marcel "Tyler you suck at aim" Marcel said as he looked over at Tyler and gave me his hand as he helped me up "hey what do you expect we're fucking inside" as I looked over at Tyler as he blushed looking down at me why is he blushing I thought as I turned over at Marcel "why are you guys playing football inside" I asked Marcel "cause it's raining outside" "hey Tyler you are student body president you should know the most about Delirious do you know about him" Lui asks "yeah why" Tyler asks "Ev over here had a little man crush" "shut the hell up Lui" I sneered at him as I turned to look up at Tyler "yeah I'll tell you about him as long as I get the rest of your apple juice" he said pointing at my lunch "yeah but it's pretty much backwash" I said as I handed it to him "deal" he said as he sipped on it "okay well The most I know about Delirious is that well he was in a band before he came here and well he walks home alone everyday and well pretty well worked" he said as he took another sip "but yeah he's pretty cool guy after all" but then Tyler's name was called out on the intercom "well cya guys later" he said as I watched leave I then looked around for a bit and I saw Delirious leaning against the wall that leads to the hall he was staring at me as I blinked he turned away was he staring at me as I almost squealed inside hey my headache disappeared
Tyler POV
"Yeah teach" I said walking into the office "Tyler we have a new student his name is Craig Thompson" as a boy turned around he had pink hair "hello" he said as I almost blushed at his cuteness "h-hi" I stutter "may you show him around" "yeah" I said follow me
Evan POV
God damnit I thought as I held my head as I looked up to see if I was at the nurses yet I saw a familiar person as I bumped into him purposely "opps sorry" I said groaning holding my head as I looked up "oh hi Jonathan I mean Delirious" I said he grunted "thanks again about yesterday" I said "don't worry about it" he said as he leaned against the lockers "sorry again about your shoes" "they were my favourite pair" he said as I rubbed my arms embarrassed and guilty as I saw he was wearing a worn out pair of sneakers "sorry" I mumbled "shouldn't you be in class" I asked him "look little fresh men I may only have two years left in this dump but that doesn't mean I'm going to be friends with you those last two horrible years of my life got it" he said as he pointed at me
Freshman ha lol never mind
"What the fuck are you" smiling at he said as I thought of my stupid joke I started laughing as I put my hand on his shoulder to make sure I wouldn't fall as I stopped looked at him smiling "nothing" as I walked away to the nurse my headache gone again I thought as I got there "Ready Ev" Calvin asked "yeah" I said as I pulled my sleeve up for him as he looking at me "I remember the first time I did this" he said as I laughed "I couldn't sit still for how scared I was" "yeah and when you stopped seeing me that was a dream come true" I gasped in a playingly way "so you didn't miss me" he laughed "you know what I mean" he said "yeah I just hope this isn't severe unlike the last one" "yeah let's hope" he replied
Next day
As I walked to my first class I walked in taking my seat "hello class today My Brother went on vacation for the next to week so I'll be your teacher for the next two weeks please refer to me as either John or Mr.Green" he said "okay our project for the next two weeks will be needed with a partner" as I thought I have no friends in this class and I don't have much friends as I tapped my pencil to my desk as I was nervous I turned around I saw a face I knew well
Delirious as I stood up when everyone else did I walked over to him "hey" I said he groaned "what do you want" he mumbled your giving me a headache he said sarcastically
"Delirious and Evan
Are you two partners" "what" Delirious said "uh yes sir" I said as I turned over to Delirious face was filled with anger "look your the only person in the class i know" I said "don't think we're Friends Fong we just happened to be paired up okay and after This project is over you leave me alone got it" he said pointing at my Chest as I looked up at him I nodded "okay we go to my- no we go to my house you made us partners we go to my house got it" he said "okay um about-" "just find me after school and if your not there fast I'm leaving got it baby face" he said as he got up as the bell rang "okay" I whispered as I looked Down at the note on his desk it had his address on it I sighed picking it putting it in my pocket as I walked out smiling I was soon slammed against a locker "what the fuck" I looked up seeing the jocks had me under someone there attacking as I got out and ran between "hey leave him alone" I said as I turned to a British lad with pink hair he was new here "what you going to do about" they mumbled in there idiot voices "your going threw me to get to him" said the one and only Marcel as I turned looking at Marcel I smiled "fine better watch it next time Newbie" as I walked over to him "you okay" I asked "yeah" he said as i helped him up "I'm Evan your name" I asked "Craig" "oh and this is Marcel but in my opinion it's Mar Mar" I said as I smiled Marcel "thanks" Craig said "no problem" I said
But the I was pulled away and my name being called as I looked up at Tyler "jeez Tyler what's up" I ask "please Ev I need your help" he said "yeah okay what is it" "well you seem to already met the new kid and well I need your help I like him like a lot" he said very fast "woah okay slow down Tyler you'll be fine" I said as I pushed him off "just get to know him be friends with him" I said as I looked up as I heard rain fall "wow it's raining pretty hard out there anyway I'm going to the bathroom" as I walked into the bathroom I went into the stalls unzipping my backpack pulling out my medication I sighed as I took them one by one as I was walking out I could hear them "wow did you see how much they took" I sighed
This will hopefully be over soon I thought
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