Please read IMPORTANT
So I've been gone the past weeks or so I don't know but I started school with my brother which is cool because our teachers call him his preferred name which is awesome too but something has been wrong with me I've been feeling depressed with things so I've always said I was bi or pan sexual because I felt as if if I didn't say I was those things my mom would not be okay with it and I would disappoint her because I wouldn't have a baby but the past weeks have been hard because I've been forcing myself to try and like boys and try to date them but now I'm done I've imagined trying to date one but the love isn't there there's a emptiness there because I realized I can't love a man or a boy sadly because the love and Connection just isn't there it isn't it fells cold and empty it feels like I can't love or I'm refusing to love that's until I met this girl who's been making me happy and loved and now she said she likes girls and boys as well so I think that's okay but she said she wouldn't ever mind marrying a girl which is cool but yeah I'm hanging in with her ya know and I now realize that i wasn't who I was yesterday no I'm gay or lesbian either on but I like girls and I can't help myself you know I'm not going to force myself and I've decided tomorrow I'm coming out to my older brother cause I know him and his friends will except me and he just broke up with his boyfriend sad but he's happy now cause he's free from distance but yeah I'm gay or lesbian either on but now that's off my chest I can live a much happier life being myself and not someone I'm forced to be
~ happy and gay as I can ever be😊
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