Evan POV
I was laughing with my best friend Craig as we were at the beach I ran out to the water my feet touched it as I felt it my hair flowed through the wind I giggled as Craig came running with me too the beach after a while of playing we sat down "Tyler should be getting here in a bit" he said I sighed "thanks again Craig" I said "for what" he asked "for taking me out to the beach it's just been a rough couple of weeks" I said he placed his hand on my shoulder "hey if he wants to be a asshole and say that it will be disgusting if you go and be a boy than I say dump him" Craig said I smile thank you Craig I said hugging him "but it's not only that" I said "what else did he do" he asked "I think he's been cheating on me"I said as I felt tears flow down my face Craig cradled me "sh Ev he's not the one" he said "but I love Jon to much to let him go" I said "hey Ev I'm leaving this decision too you Tyler's here we should probably go"he said I nodded got up walked to the car
The drive was quite as I got home I walked in the place was quite and it was a mess I sighed as I started to pick stuff up as I threw it on the counter I than heard a yawn not Jonathan yawns but a women's yawns I looked over saw a women about nineteen than I heard the bathroom door open I stopped dead in my tracks Jon was there only a towel wrapped around his waist he had a shocked face as I felt tears flow my eyes as I ran he ran after me "Eva please it's not what it looks like" he said as I locked the door I leaned against it as I. Cried I brought my knees up to my face cried into them for hours until I thought I should pack as I did I walked downstairs I reached the door as I felt arms wrap around my waist "please Eva let me explain" the same thing he always does when I'm about to walk out on him I pushed him away this time "no save it Jon I'm done with this relationship between us you always pushed me aside for your friends and for that whore" I said "all I ever wanted was for you to love me like how I loved you and for you to take me on dates but no YouTube was the only thing that mattered too you" I said he was shocked "Eva I never noticed that it meant so much too-you" "who cares now we're over" I said as I walked out too the. car I jumped in the front seat the only one I felt like trusting right now was Craig as I got there I ran inside running into his arms "I dumped him he was sleeping with someone else" I cried in his arms "sh Ev sh" he said rocking me back and forth
Week later
I was in the hospital because me and Craig we're discussing "do I really want to be a man and live like that for the rest of my life" I said yes I'm not a girls don't want to be either we were waiting before he came back in "um excuse me miss Fong but do you happen to be married or anything" he asked "no I just left a relationship" I said "um can me and Eva talk privately" he said Craig left as the doctor looked at me "miss Fong I can not do the operation" he said "why" I asked shocked "um well have you had any vomting or stomach pains" he asked "a few times" I said "well you're pregnant and we can't do the switch until the baby is born" he said
I walked out stuff running through my mind how will I tell him we broke up I thought as I went home walked to the bathroom I looked in the mirror nobody knows
Two months later
I finally was on the right track I had my own apartment and I have it all settled I thought as laid down on my bed I thought of the baby what if I'm not cut out to be a mom I thought "no stop it Ev it going to be beautiful"
Seven Months later
I smiled as tears dripped from my eyes I looked down at my son he was the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on I thought
Eight years later
I was a graduate from college a mom and now I finally opened my own Cafe people ask me why I opened it I never say I guess I'm still in love with him I thought as it was almost time for my son Ashton to come home I sat down as I had a cup of coffee I smelled it
Flash Back
I was eighteen I smiled Canada's cold weather and the coffee turning my cheeks a crisp red as I sipped my coffee "excuse me but did you happen to drop this" I looked up meeting eyes with blue ones I looked saw he had my drawing note book "oh yes" I said "thank you so much" I said taking it I stood up trying to fit it in my backpack "mind if I sit with you" he asked "sure" I said as he sat across "so I saw you are a pretty good artist" "y-you l-looked through it" I stuttered and blushed "yeah I hope you don't mind" he said scratching the back of his neck "its okay thanks" I said "I'm Jonathan by the way" he said "Eva" I smiled shaking his hand "so Eva have you lived here all your life" he asked "yes I grew up on a ranch which meant barley anything to do or play with but I have a love for hockey" I said smiling as I took another sip "hmm mind showing me around Canada I just moved here two weeks ago" he chuckled as he drank
His coffee I watched him his expression as he smiled at me his black hair blue eyes the beanie jacket everything about him seem so surreal I stood up "are you seeing anyone Eva" he asked "no I'm single" I said "how old are you" he asked as we walked "eighteen nineteen in a couple of months" I said "hmm" he said "why aren't you telling me about you" I said nudging him "I'm a mysterious person Eva but you seem to not be bothered by it" I looked at him and laugh your silly
End of flash back
In came Ashton with his friends as they came in they sat as my coworkers were busy in back I saw customers I got up running to them taking there Orders as I walked back in back got there orders tell I saw a man I took his order I noticed I forgot his change I walked up to him "sir you forgot your change and here's your coffee" I said placing it down in front of him he looked up I felt the world around me stop "I can't I can't do it I can't Jonathan" I said "baby it's okay just let me take care of you"
I stared at the glowing blue eyes "momma are you going to help me with my homework" Ashton said grabbing my dress shaking me I cleared my throat "um yes sweetie just go in the kitchen and ask if Miranda needs any help" I said he nodded and ran I was taking a step away "so I see you found a man who can see the beauty in you" he said I turned to him "what" I asked "you found the man who gave you all the things you wanted that I never had the chance to" he said as he stood up "well I guess I'll see you around Ev" he said as he walked out I watched him as he walked out I can't tell him all the pain would come back I thought as I walked to the back I sighed as I put my hand on my head "you having another hard day" I looked up saw my friend Marcel he's been in a relationship off and on with his ex and girlfriend "so I was wondering if your stress why not I take you too the movies" well sounds fine I thought "fine okay" I said "but who's going to watch Ashton" I said "well minx looks like she's doing good with him" I turned looked at him as they were finishing up his homework
The night was great he took me to go see the movie dead pool I laughed after we went got some ice cream and he kissed me a little anyway Ashton is in bed I'm still awake I decided to take a slow jog outside it was a nice night why not I locked the door and stepped the cool air hit my face as I turned on my music Miss Jackson by panic at the disco came On I sang along
"Climbing out the back door didn't leave a mark no one knows it's you Miss Jackson"
I felt free from my life at that moment
"Miss Jackson Miss Jackson are you nasty"
I saw I was close by the city as I stopped at the top I saw all the beautiful lights I smiled "I always remember you loved staring at the lights like they were stars glowing in the night" I turned meeting the eyes I thought I would never see again I took out my head phone the song
The end of all thing by panic at the disco came on he chuckled as he stood next to me staring at the stars "I remember you loved to dance around in town as everyone paid attention to you as your body moved to the music everyone could just stop and realize what a beautiful art piece was in front of them" he said I looked down "why-" I was caught off "babe are you coming" I turned saw a women older than me tap her foot impatiently on the ground "yeah go on I'll catch up later" he said as she sighed walking away "I guess I missed my chance" he said sighing something deep inside said no you didn't or tell him I finally cleared my throat "w-why did you come back" I asked he chuckled turning around "I guess somethings about this town told me too" he said as he turned away "I thought your dreams were too become famous as an actor" I asked "yep but I decided that dream was on hold" he said and he did put it on hold he has stared in great movies yes I watched some I will admit I check the time well time to go I thought as I saw a glimpse of the sun as I jogged home
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