Are you a..girl
Basically this one I saw of a erei video and I thought it was cute and yes I watch aot and Levi and eren are cute okay I'm done enjoy
Delirious POV
I was sitting at my desk with Craig and Tyler when Tyler brought up something "Craig's on her period" he said Craig's face went red "what the fuck Tyler why would you say that I can't forg-" "and I smell it on Evan to" Tyler has this thing of smelling people "but Evan is a boy is he not" I asked "yes now that you say that he sheets werent pure white and he was saying he had stomach pain" Craig said "I know a women when I smell one" Tyler said "fine I'll go ask him if he's a boy or girl" I said "wait delirious what if he is a girl and a man looked at her" Craig said "I should go" she said "well it'll be find if I marry right" there eyes widen as I walked into Evan's room we sat face to face he was trembling "evan this is an order" I said "yes sir" he said "take off your clothes" "WHAT" he screamed "sh don't be so loud it was an order" I said
"No no w-why" he said "because to see if your a girl or a boy" I said "I-I'm a boy am I not y-you can ask an-any one in my class" he said "okay but men shouldn't be ashamed to show his body" I said "I-I can't" he whimpered I pinned him to the bed "Evan this is an order you either lose your shirt or .....lose your pants" I gulped what if he is a girl I thought "n-no I-I can't n-not in f-front o-of m-m-my c-c-crush" he cried as tears were streaming down his delacate face "hey don't cry" I said wiping his tears as I picked him up and put him in my arms rocked him "Evan" I said "y-yes" he quivers "I WILL TAKE YOU VIRGINTY IF YOU SHOW ME WHAT YOU ARE" I said quick as possible he eyes widen "I-i m-mean I'm not a skinny g-girl b-but" he said "I rather if I get a erecting by the girl i love" I said I pinned him down again "I guess I have to check" I said as I took off hi-hers shirt I thought "I-i guess that explains it" she said my face burned as I stared at her perfect body
Skippy dippy
Tyler was sniffing me again "I smell Evan on you" he said I was sweating hoping he wouldn't "that reminds me
So did you find out Evan gender" Craig asked "yes it's a girl" I said and "surely you didn't put your hands on an inoccent girl did you" Craig asked I turned away
Jonathan f-faster no Jonathan mmh~
"I did" I said
Next day
I was with Evan Tyler in the room too when he said "Evans pregnant" he said Evan face went red as she jumped into my arms I glared at Tyler I. Carried her away
Next day
"Why don't you take her out side" Tyler asked Evan again jumped into my arms
Nine months later
"Maybe you should show the kid the world" Tyler said this time I was handed a baby as Evan held my hand as we walked outside "good night Evy bear" I said "and goodnight beautiful Junior"
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