Harry had been crying all week. He hadn't gone into school, and he'd barely eaten. I was lying beside him. It was nearly time for him to meet with his mum. We all took the day off, so we could support Haz. We are all we have, so we protect it, with all our heart.
I was lying awake, him in my arms. I admired his beautiful blue eyes and his soft curves. I love his hair, his golden, fluffy hair.
I felt him stir.
"Morning babe," I said kissing his head.
"Morning. Today's the day."
"Yes it is."
"I am going to be alright. I am. I have decided. No more crying Harry and depressed Harry. We are going to do this."
I smiled at him.
"Yes we are. And when I say we, I mean we. Vik, Ethan, Tobi, Si, and Josh are all downstairs prepping."
He chuckled, "What did I expect?"
"Should I go tell them that you're done being a depressed little shit?"
"Fuck off, I have the right to be a shit."
I kissed him briefly, "Yes, yes you do."
He kissed me again but held it for longer. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and started threading my hand through his hair. I reached for his boxers.
"No, no, nah, no. Hands off," he told me.
"Why?" I said, pouting at him.
"I am not going to do anything with my boyfriend before I see my mother for the first time in years. No."
"But it'll make you feel better," I said, smiling at him.
"No," he said, pulling himself outta bed. I layed back.
"I hate you," I said.
"Yeah, yeah, love you too."
He went into the bathroom, and I got changed.
Simon's POV
"Is everything ready? The table is there and food and it-"
Josh grabbed my shoulders and kissed me.
"Calm down. It is all perfect. All we need now is a Harry Lewis."
"Right. Your right."
"I am always right."
"Shut up," he said, giving me another kiss.
A few moments later, Harry and JJ walked down the stairs, hand in hand.
"Morning," Josh said.
JJ said, "Good morning fellow residents of this home. Harry is done being a little shit, so that's good."
Ethan commented, "Let's see how long that lasts."
"Don't be a shit Ethan, you don't have a right too," Tobi said.
"Well let's see. I think I do because I, too, have stinker pa-"
"Shut it Behz," I said to him.
Harry spoke up, "Where we doing this, then?"
"Kitchen table," Josh said, "We can all be there, and there is food. Food helps with everything."
"I back that," Ethans said.
"Of course you do," Vik said, snarkily.
"Fuck off you little shit-"
The doorbell rang.
"WAIT," Harry said. We all shot him a worried look.
"How do I act? I am I nice to her or do-"
JJ looked at him, "Just be kind and talk with her. No one is asking you to move in with her or love her forever, alright?"
"Fine, fine," Harry said, "Open it then."
Vik said, "Behz, Tobi, and I will wait in the kitchen."
I nodded at them.
"Who's opening then?" I asked.
"I'll do it," Josh said.
We all walked towards the door.
"Ready Haz?" Josh questioned.
"Yep, let's just," he made a forward motion with his hands.
Josh opened the door. There was a man wearing a suit, the person who is supposed to supervise. Next to him stood a woman. She was definitely Harry's mother. (Just for the record I think Harry's mum is epic so this isn't a reflection on her, merely a character for the story line to function. I am not even going to use her name, Sue)
"Hi Harry," she said.
"Hi," Harry said in a whisper as he stared at the ground.
"Hi there," I said, "I am Simon and this is Josh. We're two of his best friends."
"Bit more than friends," JJ chuckled.
"And who is this, Harry?" she asked.
"This is JJ my friend."
"Oh nic-"
"He's my boyfriend."
"Hi JJ.'
"Sorry, do you want to come in?" Josh offered.
"Yes, yes," she entered, removing her shoes.
As we made our way towards the kitchen, I introduced Ethan, Tobi, and Vik.
"Harry sure does have a lot of friends."
"They aren't friends," Harry said, "They are my family."
Harry was still talking awfully quiet. We all sat in our regular spots, and JJ pulled over a chair between him and Vik for Harry's mum. We sat in awkward silence for a moment. Harry was freaking out and we could all tell. JJ took his hand and whispered something in his ear.
"So harry, why did you all move in together."
Harry didn't speak, he was shaking.
I spoke up, "Stuff just happened and we all ended up here."
"Well how did you get your parents to agree to let you move into one house all on your own?"
Ethan spoke up, "Mine fought too much to even care about my existence.
We all awkwardly laughed.
Vik said, "Mine kicked me out for being gay."
"My mum killed herself, so my dad ya know wanted to make me happy."
"Mine are dead, and so I got left with my shitter of an uncle. He bought this place to get rid of me."
"Shockingly, I am the only normal one. It took awhile for mine to let me."
"I had to get away from my dad, and so mum let me go," Josh said, lastly.
"We're so fucked up," Harry said.
"Harry language, your mum," I said.
"She's the one who wants to know me. This is me: emotionally unstable, gay, shy, akward, swears a lot."
She cleared her throat.
"You all seem lovely a-"
"We really aren't. We are a mess," Tobi chuckled.
"Best behavior fell apart quite fast," JJ commented, and we all chuckled, aside from Harry's mum.
Harry cracked a smile. We were all trying to get Harry to loosen up and smile.
"So mother, why are you doing this to me then? I was finally okay with life, happy I suppose. Now my entire world is fucked up because you want to spend more time with me."
"Harry, I-i don't think that is fair, son," she said.
"I do," I commented. Josh hit me.
"Shut up you idiot."
"You all seem like lovely boys, but may I speak to my son alone, please?"
We all, simultaneously, said no, including Harry.
"These boys are my family just as much as Josh, Rosie, Luc, Hen and Dad are. They take care of me. They are the people who come to my teacher conferences, they come to my school shit, they make sure I eat, they make sure I am happy. These are those people. Josh and Simon are those people really, the others just tease me."
We all smiled at him.
"I am personally offended," JJ teased, "I do that too."
"Love you, J," he teased back.
"Family," Harry said to his mother, "They don't leave for the bar. At least not without me."
"Harry you don't understand. I know what I did was wrong, I should never have been with the twins whilst drunk. However, I have been in rehab and I am s-"
"I don't care. I really don't. Seriously I don't give a shit. You lost my trust that day, all of it. So, I don't care how much you are okay now, you are a shit person for what you did to them. They deserve so much better than you in their lives."
"Are we done here?" Harry asked the man in the suit.
He spoke, "You have to spend at least half an hour with her. It's been eleven minutes."
"Fuck that. I am going to play fifa," Harry said, getting up and leaving.
We all sat in silence for a moment, and Harry's mum began to get annoyed.
"What have you done to my baby boy?"
I got pissed at her at that comment, "What have we done? We stopped him from taking his own life, made sure he wasn't malnourished, making sure he gets a good education, and kept him happy. Anything else I am missing? Oh yes, when his alcoholic mother left him, we made sure we felt like he was valued and had worth. The better question is what have you done. You made the love of my life feel like he was nothi-"
Simon interrupted me, "JJ, why don't you go after Harry, and calm down. Okay?"
I got up, knocking over my chair, and I headed out of the kitchen.
I quickly made my way up to our bedroom.
I heard light sobs.
"JJ? Cuddles please, no words."
I stripped down to my boxers and climbed into bed. I spooned him, holding him tight.
"W-what did I do?"
"You told her the truth."
"She's my mother."
"Biologically, yes."
He closed his eyes and stopped talking.
"I love you, Haz," I said, kissing the back of his neck. He was my boy.
"Love ya too."
I love cuddling him, he is the perfect person to cuddle. When we cuddled it was always safe and peaceful. He is warm. Harry is always warm, no matter what. Always.
Josh's POV
"Behz, Tobi, Starboy, give us a minute."
The three of them left.
"So this it, uhm," I started.
"I am not a monster boys, I am not. I have made mistakes, bad ones, but I just want to see my kids. I love them."
"We don't think you're a monster. I just want to tell you something. Consider it. If you really love him, you'd let me go. This is making his life hell. He's barely eaten all week, hasn't gone to school, has said about four words," Simon explained.
"I can't give up, I am sorry but I can't. I need to show them I care."
"This isn't the way to do that. Forcing him to spend time with you, trying to get him removed from the place that makes him feel safe, and rocking his whole world. Not the way," I said.
She gave us a look, "I am going to leave now. I shall see you in court. Take good care of him whilst I can't."
"Si, look at me. We are trying, it's going to be fine."
I pressed his forehead against mine, and then I pressed my lips against his.
That was long. It's honestly one of my favorite chapters and I think it displays all the boys really well. Hope you enjoyed!
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