Josh's Pov
"Hey Si," I said, entering our room. He and I were currently studying for our A-Levels. Simon and I desperately needed to get into a university near to the House. This means we must attend London University, Kings College, London South Bank University, ect.
"Hey," he said, not looking up from his paper.
"Luke and Hen are coming over today."
"Uhm, ok," he said, biting the end of his pen.
"Rosie and Josh Jr. are not coming."
"Got it," he mumbled into the end of his pen.
"How's the studying going?"
"Fine," he replied.
"So, I'll leave you to it then," I said, slightly vexed.
He finally looked up at me.
"Sorry, sorry," he said, "these exams are killing me. I just need to study, and the boys are really stressing me out right now. Especially in light of recent events with Harry, Vik, Ethan, and Tobi."
"It's all good, love. I'm making dinner and I can look over the boys."
"Thanks. Have you done all your work?"
"I'll do it later," I replied.
"Josh, a-are you sure?"
"I'll be fine."
"I know it's just that A-levels are...they are important."
"How did I do on my GCSEs?"
"Well fucking amazing," he replied.
"And I can replicate them on my A-levels with the same amount of hard work. I'll squeeze it in, I always do."
I walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss.
"You're certainly allowed to worry about yourself, however you do not get to worry about me."
He smiled a little grin, "Fine."
"Love you," I said, walking out.
"Love you, too."
I headed to the kitchen to start dinner. Tobi was sitting at the counter, studying.
"Hey Tob, I'm making dinner now."
He nodded, "Can I still study in here?"
"Course, I just don't want to disturb you," I replied.
"No, it's all good."
"How are you, then?"
"Same old, same old. Literally nothing to worry about."
"As you always say. What was that thing earlier then?"
"At lunch, at the field," I replied.
"Trust me, I'm good."
"Tobi," I said in a serious tone.
"I-i just got a bad grade back is all."
"Ohh Tobi, I know how much work you put into your studies. Do you need help with anything? Are the boys distracting you? Are we-"
Tobi cut off my rambling, "See Jo, I knew you'd freak out. It's calm, I just didn't understand this one topic is maths. I meeting with the teacher tomorrow and it should be sorted, right?"
"Fine, fine, but are you sure? Because if-"
"Calm down, I'm no harry," he joked lightly.
I chuckled at the truth of the comment, "Speaking of Harry, Lucas and Henry are staying over. I suggest you get as much work done as possible before you get roped into playing with them."
"Good idea," Tobi agreed, chuckling lightly.
I went to focusing on the preparation of food, and he went back to the learning of Precalculus.
Harry's POV
I got in the car with JJ and we drove to the boys' school, which was only six or seven minutes away.
"I'm glad we are chillin' with the boys," JJ said.
I hummed in agreement.
"Haz, what's up?"
"Oh-uh nothing just thinking," I replied.
"About," he urged me on.
"Josh Jr."
"What about him?"
"He didn't want to come because he said the twin were not getting that much attention at home."
"Your dad does wor-"
"I know J, but just I-I-the twins deserve to get a normal childhood with time with their parent. Parents for that matter"
"Harra don't worry. They are fine, I promise. Your dad is pretty epic."
I laughed a little, "Yeah, I know."
"So, calm your titties."
"JJ!" I shrieked.
"What?" I said, and we both burst out laughing.
"I really do love you."
"Yeah, I know, I'm pretty awesome."
"And modest to," I commented.
"Indeed," he said, chuckling as I pulled into the parking lot. We got outta the car and headed towards the main building which had the entrance to the playground in which the kids who stayed in after school care were picked up. Once we entered the building JJ said, "Geez so many kids."
"You are such a nonce," I replied.
"Funny that, Josh said the same thing earlier."
"Why do you always sound so-I don't know, creepy."
"That is racism!" JJ exclaimed.
"Keep it down child, we're in a school."
"Swear again, I dare you," I said, lightly punching him.
"I will do f-"
I cut him off by placing a hand over his mouth. He merely grabbed it and held it in his own.
We walked to the desk.
"Hi there Harry, JJ, why you here?"
"Dad let me pick the boys up extra time this week. Been missing 'em is all."
"Well that's very nice. ID and sign in as usual please."
"Course," We said, producing our IDs and signing the paper with our names, entry times, and reason for entry.
"Yep," JJ said, "See ya Wednesday Eleanor."
"Bye boys."
We headed towards the playground which happened to be the third door on the left. As we entered Lucas and Henry were sitting on the bench beside the after care teacher. I noticed they weren't playing.
"Hello," I said to the teacher.
"Hi there Harry, JJ."
"HARRY, JJ!" The boys screamed, getting up and running towards us. JJ picked up Luke as I grabbed Hen.
"Hey bub," I said to him.
"Bye boys," the teacher said, giving them both high fives.
"Bye Mr. Lavender," they both said.
"Let's head home."
"Home as in Dada's home or home as in Harra's home," Luke asked.
"My house, bubs," I said.
"Why? Is no Wednesday?"
"Dad's giving us a special day with you," I said.
"Alright," Henry said, beaming.
Once we arrived I quickly pulled out my key in an effort to open the door. With a swift twist, the door unlocked. The boys scurried in and ran straight to the kitchen. They claimed our house had the better snacks and spent of their majority time eating them. JJ and I smiled at each other.
"After you, ma lady," he said.
"Fuck off."
Hey all! Only two more parts till the end of act one. Who's enjoying it so far? See ya on the dark side.
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