Josh's POV
"Hey Lux," I said, taking the seat next to him.
"Sup Josh," he replied.
"How's everything," he asked.
"It the regular. What's up with you?"
"Same old, same old. Where's Freezy at?"
"No idea," I replied, realizing his absence. He was in the same English class as us.
"Mad. He didn't text me back last night, so I guess I'm not surprised."
"Fair, fair."
Mr. Watson called attention to the front of the room. Mr. Watson was young, maybe 25, and he had taut pale skin and golden hair. He was a fairly good teacher given his youth.
"Good morning class. Today we are continuing oral presentations. Today I believe Josh is to present."
I was zoned out until I heard my name. Shit, shit, fuck. I forgot about the presentation, and I hadn't even read my chosen novel let alone found and written a report on themes. I blame the boys by the way, but not really because I love them. Think fast Josh.
"Sir, I do apologize, but in my schedule is reads that I am going next Monday. I haven't got anything prepared." I knew I could get away with this because Mr. Watson was a good lad.
"Ohh, we all make mistakes Josh. Will you be able to prepare for this friday, I assume you have read your book, yes?"
"Of course Sir, no problem."
"Well then shall we move on to the lesson. Open to your homework, scene three, act two." he asked rhetorically.
Everyone opened their editions of Hamlet, and we began to analyse the text.
Harry's POV
There are some benefits of being a shitter. By this I mean that because my life is so fucked up along side my brain, I get special treatment. Well, I wouldn't go as far as to it is special treatment so much as compensation. I get to have almost every period with my boyfriend. See, JJ is technically a year and a bit older than me, but he quit school (long story) for a year, so now he is my year. Vik's also in my year, but he doesn't really take the same courses as me. Tobi and Ethan are in the year above, and Simon and Josh are in the year above them.
"Baby," JJ said, taking me out of my trance, "What's up?"
We were in maths class. I didn't need to pay attention. School was easy, and I didn't want to challenge myself and that shit by moving into advanced courses, as much as Simon and Josh tried to convince me. But, I was happy with school being easy. I prefer to do something else with my time, art. Art was far more fun that any of this shit.
"Yeah," I replied.
"You okay?"
"Fine, Jide."
"Ok. Ok, you sure?"
"Yes," I said wrapping my hand around his.
"Ok," he replied, going back to his notes. Our teacher continued to ramble on about the shit we were learning.
No one's POV
Finally the bell rang and the kids were released into lunch. The entire morning had been a bore for Harry, Maths sucked, English was stupid, and Science was useless. Study hall was relatively okay.
JJ, Tobi, Ethan, Vik, and Harry all sat at a table together. They couldn't be bothered to try and meet new people given that none of them were particularly socially apt. They were totally happy with it just being them.
"How were your lessons?" Tobi asked, attempting conversation.
"I'm not hungry," Harry commented.
"Nor am I," Vik agreed.
"Vik, Josh and Simon would kill you if they found you not eating."
"However, Josh and Simon are-" Vik began.
"What are Josh and Simon not?" Freezy asked, interrupting as he sat down.
"Why are you invading our lunch period? " JJ asked our older brother more like parent things's best friend.
"Well I had a free, so I figured I might come and hang with some of my little bros," he said.
"Freezy, don't you have some friends your own age to chill with," Tobi asked.
"Well, my three friends who I actually enjoy spending time with are off in class, and I do not feel like hanging out with the Jocks, who I am supposed to be friends with."
"Glad to have you then," Harry said, rolling his eyes.
"Hey," Freezy said, smirking. He then punched Harry's shoulder lightly.
JJ quickly wrapped his arms around the small boy, "Mine."
"I wonder who the possessive one is?" Behz said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Wait, wait, I walked in on Vik saying something about Si and Josh, enlighten me."
"No way Cal, you'd just tell them and they'd go all parent mode on me," Vik said.
"Generally, my small Vikram, they have good reason to 'go all parent mode.'"
"Yeah, yeah."
"Speaking of which, Vik, you really should eat," Ethan advised.
"Fuck off," Vik said.
By this time Harry and JJ were in their own world.
"Vik wasn't eating, shocker!" Freezy said, sarcastically.
"Seriously I'm fine, would everyone just get off my back."
"Whatever," Tobi said, "Can we just go and football now?"
"I'm down," Freezy said.
"Same," Ethan agreed.
"Me three," Vik said.
"Harry, JJ?" Tobi asked. Harry and JJ were caught up in their own world.
"What-sorry-hu?" Harry said.
"Football?" Ethan asked.
"For sure," JJ and Harry both agreed.
They kicked around the ball in the field behind the lunch tables. No one ever went back their for a multitude of reasons, the primary one being its state. The field was a mess, weeds growing left, right, and center. However, the field worked perfectly for the boys. The boys most enjoyed just passing the ball around and occasionally taking some free kicks and pens.
"Fifa twenty," Harry argued.
"No way bruv, fifa 19," Ethan replied.
"20's market is bang, and the sbc's are miles better," Freezy commented.
"Free kicks are easy to score and penalties are near impossible, 19 is better," JJ weighed in.
"Fuck off 20 is so superior in many ways," Vik began, "Al-"
"Try the fucking pack luck in 20, mad shit," Tobi commented.
Vik started again, "No way Tobi, nah man."
Most of them flinched from the loud noise.
Is this a day late? Yes.
Is it short? Yes.
Is school killing me? Yes.
Do you need a hotel? Trivago.
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