Josh's POV
Once we were done with dinner, we decided we would watch a movie.
"What movie we watching?" Harry asked as we stood around the counter in the kitchen.
"Whatever," Simon smirked, "We just dibs the love chair."
Simon then sprinted into the living room, and Harry immediately took off after him.
"Well let's go then," Ethan said, urging the rest of us to follow him into the livingroom.
Eventually we were all seated. Simon was sitting on my lap in the love chair as we snuggled. Harry was being spooned by JJ on the big sofa. It was an L sofa, and Vik was sitting up, next to Tobi, at the bottom of the L. Ethan was sitting on the carpet in front of the sofa.
"What we watching, then?" JJ asked.
"Cars?" Harry suggested. Vik perked up at the suggestion.
"Yes, yes, yes."
"We are not watching a children's movie?" Ethan commentted.
"Hey" Simon said, faking offence, "Disney creates beautiful movies."
"Well," I said, chuckling, "we watching cars then, Objections?"
"I do but it doesn't matter," Ethan said.
"Your right, it doesn't," Tobi commented.
So, with the remote, I went onto Google Play Movies and I rented Cars. I hit play, and we were immediately enthralled by the children's movie.
To everyone's surprise, Ethan was sobbing by the end.
"What Lighting did, h-he," Ethan sobbed again, "H-he did s-s-omething n-n-not f-for h-himself l-l-like Doc w-w-wan-."
He could hardly get a word out. Tobi fell onto the floor next to him in an effort to provide him with solace. The rest of us were just laughing our asses off. JJ pulled his phone out to record the hilarious scene.
Simon then began to tease, "Hey, what happended to kids movies being stupid?"
"S-shut up," Ethan said, tears subsiding.
"E, I can not belive you are crying over Cars," I commented.
Vik yawned, "I'm heading up to bed, see ya tomorrow."
"Me too. Eth, you going to be alright," Tobi added, continuing to tease Ethan.
"Shut it," Ethan said, standing up, "If one of you ever mentions this again, I will kill you."
"Right then," Simon said, the rest of us still laughing.
Ethan flipped us all off as he left up the stairs.
"Night," I said to his middle finger.
It was only JJ, Harry, Simon, and myself left downstairs. JJ was falling asleep.
"J, you wanna head to bed?" I inquired.
"I'm-" he yawned, "fine."
"Let's go," I said, pulling JJ up. I shoot Simon the look of, "talk to Harry."
Simon's POV
"So, harra," I started.
"No, no, no, Simon seriously fuck off about this. I really don't want to talk about this."
"So you're just going to ignore it then."
"Yeah Si, because it's not real."
"We don't know that."
"Ok, so what if it is? It adds to the list of things that make me a fucking weirdo."
"What even is weird, Bog?"
"Weird is living in a house with your best friends because your mum is a crazy bitch, and your dad has too much to deal with. Weird is not being able to talk to anyone but your best friends and family. Weird is, weird is me."
"Don't start Simon. This is not something I want. Can you please just leave it now?"
"No Harry because I actually care about you a hella lot, and I want what is best for you."
"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SIMON," Harry yelled, a few tears sliding now his cheek.
"Harra, keep it down, the others are sleeping."
"Simon," he said, weakly.
I moved onto the sofa with him. I wrapped an arm around him, and he cried into my shoulder.
"Haz, you know that these things are not who you are. Labels are simply labels, nothing more."
"See Si, you don't understand."
"So the guy who's mum killed themselves doesn't understand labels." Harry realized his mistake.
"Oh, Si, I'm so-"
"It's okay Hazza," I replied, wanting the small boy in my arms to be okay.
"I just want to be normal."
"Normal is boring," I said, smiling at him.
"No, no it's not. It's peaceful."
"You'll see. Living in a house with your mates is not normal, I agree, but it is sure as hell more fun."
"No, it's just, it's just an effect of us seven being fucked up."
"Sometimes the cause genuinely does not matter."
"I know, I know it does. Of course I want to be normal to Haz. I want to have a normal family, a normal home, and a normal life. We get what we get though, and I love living with you six. The only way we all ended up here is because of the fucked up things that have happened, and finding the silver lining is far easier than dreading on all the bad stuff."
He took a deep breath in, slowly nodding.
"So we are going to do this?" I asked.
"I guess," he replied, looking unsure, "I just don't want, I j-just, I d-don't know."
"Bub, no one will help, ok? The good people won't judge you off what they have heard about you." "I guess so. When, if, hypothetically, we were to do this, where would we do this?"
"Your teacher, who suggested you might have a learning difference, also recommended a psychologist."
"You can see them whenever you want."
He nodded, still burrying his head in my shoulder.
"It could be worse."
"It could be worse."
Saying, "It could be worse," had always been a commonly occurring sentence.
"Harry, I understand why you don't want to do this, but don't let the fear of not being perfect define how you live and your future.."
"This isn't fear.."
"It is."
"Can I think some more? I just don't k-know."
"Of course, Harry, but knowing you have ADHD or dyslexia or anxiety isn't going to affect whether you have it or not. If we know, everyone can help you a lot more.
"Fine, fine, I'll maybe do it. No soon at all. Also, if I don't like it we stop."
I smiled, victory.
"You going to tell JJ?" I asked.
"When we get the results?" he replied, unsure.
"I think you should be honest with him off the bat."
"Is that a piece of advice coming from experience?" he asked, referring to my relationship with Mr. Joshua Bradley.
"Yes, yes it is."
"Ok, ok, no, no, I don't want to tell him. Not unless we know for sure."
"That's fair enough, but I think you should let him know that you are getting some testing done. You don't have to tell him what for."
"I'll think about it."
I gave Harry other hug.
"I love you, my Bogger."
"Oi, fuck of Simon."
"Yeah, yeah," I said smiling at him as he headed up the stairs into his room.
Hey all! This was part 3 of act one. Let me know if you're enjoying this story. See ya on the dark side.
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