Hello y'all ...
Hope you're enjoying ...
Updates will be two chapters a week ...
Since its a high school story ..
So Cliffhangers won't kill you 😀
The same way the Mid term test ( or exam as I like calling it since its hard asf ) came was the same way it left , holiday did the same and broke my heart as it was just a week .
Resumption day was annoying , with the whole searching of load thing and " cut your nails "...
" Hannah , Hannah are you awake"
"Tap her well jare , abi shey you can't tap j girl ni ( juniors in junior class 😒(english is stupid sha) were called j girls )
"Hannah wake up "...
To be honest, I was asleep . It all sounded like a dream , but trust me it was worse . Three jss3 girls stood at the end of my bunk bed waking me up for the third time this term. Oyin , Kanyi and Lola .
" I'm up , I'm up " I replied , practically shouting since the 11 pm they chose to wake me up every day was the only time I could disrespect them and get away with it .
Staring at each other , Kanyi decided to speak first
" Do you still have peanut , sebi don't like it "
olonje abami
"Yes I still have it " I replied , laughing deep down at the three beggars
" Okay oh , we just decided to ask you " Lola spoke this time
" Okay thanks , I need to sleep now " I replied laughing . if they wanted to beg can't they beg well . And again why was Oyin not talking , other days she was like the only reason why I gave them things , things I won't mention 😂
" Hannah wait joor " Oyin the boss lady finally spoke . " Bring peanut jare"
...and like every other night I gave them and went back to sleep "
" Friday again " I literally screamed out as I got out of bed , almost everyone was out of the room trying to get space in the bathroom , and I forgot to tell Praise to keep spaces for me .
While I scanned my brain and remembered that our Room head , Annoying T , as I loved calling her , made a rule that the last person to bath would fetch her water
Speaking of water , I did a mental note to remind myself that I was owing Victoria one bucket and I had to fetch it for her today . I face palmed myself as I realized I was still sitting on my bed instead of rushing to bathroom
Thank God I slept with my towel ...
With that I carried my almost half bucket of water and rushed to the bathroom , as usual no space , so I stripped my towel off my body as I spread it on one of the clothes lines at my back , and started bathing
Fetching water is not my portion
" Hannah "
"What " I shouted back not knowing who was calling me , not like I did care tho
" Calm down , its me Samuel " The voice spoke back
Ehn ehn , even if you're angel Michael should you be waking me up
" Anyway , you're the only one still in class " he continued
"Fuck , thank you ", I replied , still not removing my head from the desk .
" Sha leave block , before Ss3 boys come for you "
"I've heard , can you leave me now ". I replied . Then I think he heard it . He heard my tears through my voice .
Trying to cover it up , I feigned a cough , not knowing I was worsening it .
Not sure if where he was but I suddenly noticed he was sitting beside me . Then I felt his hand touch me
" Ha _ Ha _ Hannah " he blurted out " are you crying ?"
"Talk to me now " he continued
Suddenly I raised my head up , shoved his hand away from my arm , stood up and walked out of the class .
Immediately I got to the door I muttered a Thank you and a Bye almost at once .
Back to the dreadful hostel I went
Being in jss3 gave those people one kind of mind as though the ruled the junior world ...Truth is they did .
Luckily for me and the bad ass ( I wish ) that I am , I became free with my fellow Niger girls , although girls in other houses still despised me ...
It was not till today I realized I had really hit it off well with my fellow Niger girls
Those jss3 had gone for Basic Technology practical , a kind of prep exam before their BeCe exam , and today being a Saturday we had inspection . So with the jss3 girls off the junior block hostel (Togo as we called it ) we (jss2) had it all to ourselves .
As usual , room was clean , beds laid , lockers arranged , lockers had their lays on them , cutleries and cups on the locker , The inspectors broke our tiny hearts and didn't come .
Funny enough , three days ago they put all jss3 girls in room one , and we in room two , and you know that my duty partner Helen , became my bunkmate . Long story aside , it wasn't long before I saw kristina sitting on the edge of her bed
" Kris , Kris " , I called out " what are you thinking about "
After what took like twelve years , she sighed and replied " nothing oh , I'm just tired "
Trust me when I say that girl was lazy as any other thing . Suddenly some jss2 girls ran out of jss3 rooms
"You people should come and see oh " Margret shouted " those stupid jss3 girls "
Without knowing why , every single one of us ran out of our room to the next room.
Then Olaitan burst into laughter , finding my way through the crowd I moved to the front . I was beside Olaitan ,when I saw it
They had just opened a locker of one of the Jss3 girls there and trust me , with what I saw all I wanted to know was her name ... My roommates were still shouting and laughing and passing the dirty pieces of laundry , cups , bags , in fact everything they could find .
"Olaitan " , I tapped her beside me as I called her name
" yes ", she replied , traces of laughter still in her voice
" who's locker is it " , I inquired .
Before I could say Jack , or before she could even reply me , another set of my room girls that just left this present locker had gone into full search of all jss3 girls locker shouted again . This time I recognized the voice to be Tomi's .
"Come and see Bridget's locker ohhh" she screamed .
That was how we ran again ...
All that happened was , we'll search their lockers ,most especially the ones with handsome boyfriends or the ones that used to claim big for us , once we found anything , we would mark their names in our head and get ready to insult them ...
"Aren't you guys ready for inspection "
At first I thought I was the only one who heard that , only for us to look up almost at once to see three inspectors standing by the door
"Niger house Jss2 and Jss3 hostel , Zero!! "
The female voice shouted out .
Trust me the inspectors that came today were the worse . Worse part , they didn't even wait as they walked out almost immediately
Our French teacher , One Mrs Raphael and Mrs Omonigho . Three teachers we all never wanted to inspect us .
Talk about beating when our room head comes back .
Headed back to our room , the likes of Holier_ than _ thou girls gave us the " I told you so " look and the kind of eyes you used to look at bad children . The ones your mummy warns you not to talk to .
Again again , first term went ....
Short holiday came ( three weeks per say )
Second term came , the most boring term where there was no midterm
Third term came , Graduation , tears , results . Luckily for me I came out fifth in my class and I didn't hesitate to show everyone I knew ...
Little did I know that this summer holiday was holding back all the fun that came with being in Jss3 ...
whoa!!! I feel so tired right now
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It means a lot ..
Ps : this is a true story but names have been changed, events have been spiced up , sha sha sha ...
Any reason why Hannah cried ??
Any reason why ???
Just comment
Anyway enjoy
1431 words koh easy ooo
** phone rings 🎶
🎶Motigbano , moti elevate eh eh 🎵
I need to pick my call ...Keep reading 😁
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