Swamps Are Bad M'kay. 2
After Y/N and Co. realize what has happened, and they started to chase after the swamp monster.
Deva: Get back here!
Avoid trees, rocks, and low hanging branches as the monster slowly loses them.
Deva started trying to block it with ice, with Ami trying to stun it.
Agni: Don't worry, I got it!
He throws a fireball at the monster, only for it to send the fireball back after whiping it with its tail.
Y/N dodged it, the others, not so much.
Y/N kept going barely keeping up, twist and turns, running into low hanging branches.
Eventually, the ground started to get mushy to the point where he couldn't run anymore, with the monster getting farther and farther away.
He looks around, seeing dead trees, and a bunch of water, with him in the middle, alone. Having no idea which direction he came from, he decided to keep going forward, hoping to find the creature before it's too late.
*With the rest of our group*
Agni: Where is he? It's not like he could've ran that far, right?
The group, minus Y/N, of course, was trying to find him, but with the humidity, mosquitoes, and night approaching, proving difficult.
Deva: Maybe. He does have electricity to boost himself.
Ami keeps looking around and shouting Y/N's name, hoping to hear him call back. The rest of the group clearly sees the distraught look she has and the pain in her voice.
Lanney walks up to her.
Lanney: Don't worry, we will find him.
They heard something running towards them.
Lanney: Or him finding us?
The sound of running multipled, one became two became four, four to sixteen, and so on and so forth. The 'things' were running all around them until, at once, they stopped.
There heart's, pounding, desperate for escape, wanting whatever is out there to show itself.
???: What are all of you doing out here?
*Cut to Y/N*
Lost and hungry, Y/N tracked through mud, dirt, and the occasional water puttle. He still had no clue where he is, or where he is going.
Stopping at a lake, he looks around. Luckily, he sees a light across the water. And with new found hope, he dashes along the sides of the lake on his weary legs.
Once he gets to the light, he sees an old, abandoned shack that looks to crumble at the tiniest of taps.
As you enter, the smell of moss, rotten wood, and death enter your nostrils. You see dried up blood covering the walls.
???: Ah great, another imbecile.
You turn around to see nobody there, your electricity pulses around the room.
???: Up here, moron.
Looking up, you see an ebony girl with brown hair and a white jacket. Oil was rotating around her.
??? glares at you, before her eyes widen.
???: Wait, you're the demon!
What did the strawberry say when it walked into the bank?
Put your hands in the air. This is a strawbery.
???: What are you all doing out here?
They looked to see Lucy and a bunch of other soldiers.
Ami ran up to her crying and started hugging her.
Lucy: What happened?
Agni: Well, you see...
Deva: Marlow got kidnapped by a monster!
Lanney: And Y/N chased after them!
Agni: And we lost them after having the monster trip us.
Deva: After you threw a fireball at it!
Agni: How was I supposed to know it could hit it back!?
Lucy: Quiet! It is not the time to start bickering! It's almost night, we will go back to camp and rest for the night.
*Snap back-!*
She jumps down.
???: I don't want any trouble, Demon.
"Who are you calling a demon?"
???: Are you not Y/N?
"I am. How do you know my name?"
???: Them malita folks been talking about you, rallying up people willing to help take you down, promising them riches if they do.
???: Yeah, man. It's been going on since you showed how powerful you can be. Names Cacoa, by the way.
"I would introduce myself, but you already know my name."
Cacoa: Yeah, say, what are you doing in the sticks anyway?
"A 'friend' of mine got taken by a swamp monster. Then I got separated from my group. Walked around till I found this place."
Cacoa: That's rough, buddy.
"If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing out here?"
Before she could say anything, a low growling noise came from Y/N.
Cacoa: (snickering) How about something to eat first, Demon.
"That's sounds wonderful."
I guess you wonder we're I've been?
With the Princess and friends now at a camp site that Lucy took them to, there in her tent, being served food by a servant while telling Lucy what happened.
Lucy: So Y/N is out there tracking down Marlow, that was taken by a "swamp monster"? And is probably lost due to the terrain, and lack of knowledge of the swamp. Is there anything else I need to know?
Deva: He's packing heat.
Lucy: ...What?
Deva: Nothing!
Lucy: Okay then. After you finish eating, I'll get some spare cots for you all to sleep on tonight, and first thing in the morning, we'll move deeper into the forest and keep an eye out for Y/N and Marlow.
Lanney: Why aren't we going to send a search party or go look for him?
Lucy: Because my troops and I still have a job to do, and that takes priority over two missing civilians. Once the task is done, then we can search for them.
Agni: What! But what if there hurt, cold, or scared! What if we're too late when-!
A punch to the head shut him up.
Deva: This is Y/N we are talking about, he'll be perfectly fine when we see him again! I know it!
She didn't, and she was scared she didn't, hoping to convince herself it is true, that he will be fine, that he will come back safe.
Ami, who's been awfully quiet, hopes the same.
Lucy, watching this all unfold looks st them with a sadness in her eye's, wanting to promise them it will be okay, but can't.
Lucy: I'll be back with your cots soon, best be off to bed, I'll brief you on what's happening in the morning.
Wish I had a laptop, make things easier.
After finding food and starting a fire, Y/N and Cacoa sit opposite of each other, on the cold, wet ground. Waiting for the food to be done cooking in the water your pretty sure isn't safe for any kind of consumption.
Cacoa: Me and my grandmother used to live here.
Cacoa: We didn't have much, but it was enough. We lived in peace, any time we had to go into town, everyone was so nice. Then, one day, a man came into town while we were there. He called us fowrth, told us he could get us riches beyond belief if we worked for him. Everybody refused. We thought nothing of it till he started screaming, howling in pain. Then he turned into a monster. And more came from all around, they started killing everyone, those who weren't killed were taken. My grandmother hid me in some rubble, and I never saw her again.
Cacoa: You wanted to know why I was here, right? Well, there you go. Just some no-name orphan in a now dead town.
"...That's a lot, I now it won't mean much but-"
Caocoa: Save it, I don't need your apologies, especially from someone who can't understand.
"...I accidentally up part of a city. Thousands died. I took down the person who caused it, but part of me wonders what it could have been if I did something different, if I could have done something better. But it's too late now, and I can't fix what happened."
Cacoa: Heh, I lost a town, you blew part of a city up, what a pair we are...
An uncomfortable silence was all that was left through supper, two sides of a coin not knowing how to console the other. Both having life ruining events, both not knowing if they could have done something better, to have stopped the wheels of fate from turning their respective days.
Once they were done with their food, they just stared into the fire, soon Vacoa gets up and stretches her back, grunting in relief when there was a small pop.
Cacoa: Well, I'm off to go make sure the malitia ain't trespassing on my territory. Wanna come bash their heads with me?Might even find you friends.
"...Sure, sounds fun."
Soem BS has happened, and i hate it. Goodbye.
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