004-School Has Robots?
I would like to apologize for one section of the story, I won't say where or what, but if you know, you know. If there is a problem with it tell me and I will change it. Again, I apologize for it.
???: Alright Ami, you know the cords really well. Now you need to tweak your solo.
Douche: Hey look, guys! The weirdo's wannabe rockstars!
Frozen kick!
???: UGH! That's why I hate boys! Ami, promise me something. If I ever like boys, hit me with whatever is on reach, okay?
Ami stares at her.
???: Fine, let's move on.
(This is where the theme song goes, but I don't have it!)
As Y/N wakes up, he sees Ami staring at him... he pulls the blanket up more while he turns to lay on his shoulder.
Ami got him out of bed and they started eating breakfast. Y/N goes back to sleep, face-first onto the table.
Gwain: Alright, if you want to stay alive, you have to learn to defend yourself to protect Ami. In this world, threats come in sizes, amounts, and powers.
Y/N looks around to see that they are in an arena-looking area, surrounded by water. Ami is on the sidelines waiting for something to happen.
Gwain: Since you were barely able to defeat me, you will undergo both pyisacels and magical tortu- ahem, advanced training techniques.
Gwain: Now then, if you are able to punch me, the training is over. And if I knock you down before you can, then I double the tortur- advanced training. This will be a no-magic fight. For you at least. Ready?
Before Y/N can respond, Gwain is already flying at him at high speeds. He somehow catches the punch aimed at his head. They look each other in the eyes, one of fear for their training, and the other of spite.
Gwain sends multiple round and back roundhouses, with an axe kick spinning him in place and a punch knocking him back, and to the ground.
Gwain: Magically, you have the upper hand. Physical, you suck. Ami, again, is this really your ticket to independence?
Ami only nods her head.
Gwain: in fact, he will be our doom if he uses what we teach him.
Lucy: Queen Gwain,
Gwain pushes Y/N into the water
Lucy: The chefs await you for lunchtime. Hurry up.
Gwain and Ami stare at Lucy.
Gwain: It may sound really bad, but luckily Lucy is blind.
Ami looks at her mother with a questioning face.
Gwain: Your human can't stay in the castle anymore, it's too risky. You'll have to leave him someplace nobody will see him.
Ami looks over her mother's shoulders to see a big tower, luckily there isn't a plane in sight.
Gwain: What? Do you have something in mind?
Gwain gets a fave of fear.
Gwain: I forgot, humans can't swim here.
Ami also gets a fave of fear. As they look to the water and see electricity cackling where Y/N is
After literally, fishing out Y/N, Gwain opens the top door of the tower. She hands Y/N a broom.
Gwian: Alright you're by yourself here. Make sure nobody sees you. And if you need anything ask me or Ami.
She leaves, with Ami in tow. Y/N looks at the dusty room.
Gwain floats down while Ami goes down the ladder.
Gwain: I can't believe we are hosting a future murder in a watchtower. Teaching him how to fight, so he can easily destroy us later.
They make it to the bottom of the tower.
Gwain: At least up there he won't hurt anybody.
A giant metal gear falls only a couple of yards away from them. They look up to see some smoke coming out of the tower.
Gwain: Please, Ami, tell me why I can't kill him.
Ami looks at her with a smug face.
Gwain: Well, you two have something in common, but you can't compare your history with his.
Ami gets a joyful look.
Gwain: Well, even so, tomorrow will be your first test for when he walks you to school... so you have to be ready.
???: A bodyguard?
Lanney: That's right, he's just as young as us. He's very strong, and you can say he's very sweet.
They look over to see Y/N behind Ami, looking very intimidating to those who see him. ??? Is looking very surprised.
Ami greets them.
Lanney: It's a pleasure to see you again, Princess. And I hope you have a nice day, young Y/N.
The now-known Deva stares at Y/N and starts to drool slightly. Y/N stares back, as Ami and Lanney have a conversation not paying attention to the other two.
As they stare at each other, a firey redhead is seen walking up the path, he sees Y/N and thinks he is an enemy.
???: Hey, scum! They're under my protection, if you want to do anything to them, you have to get through me first!
Deva: Agni, calm down.
He doesn't. He and Y/N start glaring at each other in silence. Agni starts getting worried. Y/N puts a hand on his shoulder.
"I like the fire in you."
Agni: Aw, stop it, it isn't that great.
"But as your upper, I have to do this."
Agni: Do what?
Y/N starts zapping him till he falls to the floor, twitching.
Deva: See what happens when you mess with someone you don't know. Now be polite, he's Ami's new bodyguard.
Agni offers a high-five while saying,
Agni: What's up, bud?
After the high-five, they all start walking toward the school.
Agni: Wow. It's awesome you're in The Royal Guard being so young. Also, how come you saved Ami from a pack of wolves, and a ravanger you said? I'm curious.
Deva: Pretty curious.
Lanney: I don't think young Y/N feels comfortable if we raid him with questions.
As she says that, she runs into the headmaster of the school.
Headmaster: Miss "Ca'hadean," I always tell you... your hay.
She swiftly takes off her hat.
Headmaster: And, miss Le'viand, I know the Queen allowed the use of your so-needed accessory, but you know my very well my condition... ears down.
She puts the ears down.
Deva looks at Ami smugly.
Deva: How can this be?
Headmaster: Your math teacher is absent, so hurry up, her substitute is about to get here.
Deva: Great, a substitute teacher, nobody takes them seriously.
Agni: Very well, Geo, would you like me to show you around the school?
"That would be very nice"
Agni gets hit in the face with a dodgeball.
The substitute teacher walks in and sets her briefcase down on the table, as Ami and Deva take their seats.
Deva: And how did you get that kid? He's awesome? Besides, he's kinda mysterious, what hair he was is white.
The substitute is seen reading a book.
Deva: You already kissed him, didn't you?
Ami is shocked that she asked that.
Over with the boys.
Agni: That's the girl's room, a place in which you don't know the secrets that are hidden there. Some day my camera and I will capture them.
He got another dodgeball to the face.
The teacher writes equations on the board.
Deva: Come on, don't lie to me! There's no way you and him, alone in a forest, and nothing happened.
Agni: The cafe, well meet here with the rest at lunch, be aware, it's a minefield here.
He blocks one dodgeball with a platter, only to receive a second dodgeball to the back of his head, imprinting said head to the platter, his anger turning it red.
Deva: Don't give me no crap, you took him to your bedroom last night!
Substitute: Alright, people I don't care to meet, you have until the end of the day to solve this simple exercise.
She points to the board that shows numbers and letters that not even Einstein can understand.
Deva: What!? That's impossible! Not even the smartest kid in class could do it.
She points to the very confused student, who looks baffled beyond belief.
Substitute: So they can go to the library, use the computers and go out on the field. Your choice.
Everyone rushes out so fast, that the briefcase on the desk moves afoot closer to the substitute.
Substitute: Well, that will distract them. Uh... looks like somebody did take it seriously.
The smart kid is seen to be struggling, only to stop and scream in agony.
Agni: It's incredible how "Gwain College" was established, they were rivals to The Queen.
He took, yet again, a dodgeball to the fave. Only this time he grabbed it.
???: Hey, idiot!
Blue hair: Agni, what the hell did you do?
Agni looks in fear as he drops the ball.
Yellow hair: Once again, nibbling our balls?
Hat guy: You can't... wait more than one of the elements of fire.
Pink hair: *gum pop*
Blue hair: Agni, you'll haveyouru punishment.
Hat boy: Always causing trouble.
He hits Agni with his dodgeball.
Yellow hair: You're nothing more than a burden for this school.
He also hits Agni with his dodgeball
Blue hair: You're just incompetent.
He tries to hit him with his dodgeball, but Y/N catches it.
Blue hair: Hey, wait your turn. Luz, you're up.
Pink hair, other known as Luz, throws her dodgeball.
A random Deva appears.
Deva: Why are you here? You should be at the Cafe.
Agni tries to warn her but...
Deva: And don't tell me you're in trouble again, if that's so...
She turns around, only to be hit right in between the eyes by the dodgeball.
Y/N is shocked as Deva falls to the ground.
Agni: Oh, it can't be. Deva!
Luz: Dumv girl, when will you learn not to play with the big kids?
She and her gang start laughing. Deva supports herself with her arms, as her eyes are nowspiralss
Agni: Oh, cousin, please forgive me, this is all my fault.
Y/N gets mad, he tightens his fist as electricity goes around the dodgeball in his hands. The ground starts cracking. He turns around and throws the dodgeball at Hat boy, sending him flying back. The rest of the ganglooksk back to see what happened to him.
Luz: Alright, you asked for it.
As they were about to battle, a... train? Stops by them, with the substitute teacher on top.
Substitute: Hey, guys, I think one against four is not fair.
She reaches for her sunglasses,ass they turn into a big visor.
Substitute: What if we balanced the game a little bit?
She takes off her clothes. Agni, ready with his camera, stops in confusion as he sees her wearing a cloak.
Agni: Hey, that doesn't even make sense.
Luna: Play ball, right?
The train? shoots out multiple robots. Which goes everywhere. In the courtyard, one on the roof, and one in the bathroom as a character for later screams.
Luna: Y/N isn't it? What if we continued what we agreed on?
Luna jumps down and starts attacking Y/N. He jumps back, sending arch-lightning out at her. She directs it to the ground. As Y/N pulls out his AMP. They stare at each other. Luna takes her literal handgun, andstartss firing at him, he brings up his electro-shield and blocks some of them, heteatherss to her and starts trying to hit Luna, they attack and defend at the same time, but after growing tired, Luna kicks the weapon out of Y/N's hands. He gravity blasts her back and starts throwing electro-sticky bombs at her. Once the effect of the gravity blast is done, she quickly runs towards Y/N, having her robots surround him. He, however, nightmare blasts her, making her stop and be very confused, allowing the bombs to explode. Y/N thought it was over, only to be hit in the stomach with a kick, sending him to the ground.
On the roof, a green-haired girl is watching all of this.
Luna: Nice effort, though I can tell you are holding back.The lastt time we fought, you were more, determined, in a sense.
She looks around and sees Ami, Lanney, Agni, and Deva watching their battle.
Luna: That's right, last time I was attacking The Princess...
She points her gun at the group.
Luna: Maybe killing them will motivate you.
Her gun starts to load up with energy. As she is about to fire, she is kicked in the shoulders, diverting the blast in the process.
She looks to you, only to receive a punch to the face, sending her back.
As she looks at you, she sees your body covered in black marks lining your veins, mainly around your head. Black and red electricity dances around your hands, eager to find their mark. You teather your AMP back into your hand. Luna looks in surprise, which quickly changes to that of impressed.
Luna: Very nice. See, I knew doing thatwouu-
She gets hit with a hell-fire rocket. As she looks at you, she can see the anger and hate in your eyes. She has awoken the beast.
You seemingly teleport rightin frontt of her, the AMP coming down over her head, and she uses both hands to block it. You turn in a 360 manner and throw a sidekick to her stomach.
Unrelenting, you then threw a back roundhouse at her, hitting the side of her head and sending herintoo school.
As you are coming at her she summons her robots,ass she fires her gun at you.
You easily take care of the robots, either cutting through them or making them short-circuit. You fire scythe bolts and hell-fire missiles at her. She throws down a smoke bomb, covering most of the area. You sent out a pulse of electricity and found her in the middle of the courtyard. You launch directly to her. Hitting her with your AMP you send her down into the ground. He walks to her ready for the final swing.
Luna: You wouldn't kill someone would you?
"Only people."
Luna sighs in relief.
"But I don't view you as such."
She tries to back away using her hands.
Getting ready to strike her down, Ami suddenly hugs him. Luna takes this opportunity to run away.
Y/N, realizing what just happened, drops his weapon. He turns and hugs Ami. Once he calms down, they decided it was time they went home.
As all the robots explode as the smart kid is in the middle. Thegreen-hairedd girl and the headmaster just walked into the courtyard.
Headmaster: Is that the troublemaker?
Greeny: It was right here and stuff...
Headmaster: Miss Daunagin, I've never seen that attitude in you.
Greeny gets a determined look on her face, as the screen fades to black.
Again, really sorry if the joke offended you or anything, just tell me you want it changed and I will do so swiftly.
May you have a good whatever time it is, and goodbye.
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