P & M's Character Profiles
Tria and Mi are here to introduce the main characters...
Petria Kafka
By Mianna Bavaro (Petria says her bust is too big in my drawing, but in proportion to her small body they do look biggish but that's because she's shortish). < PLEASE IGNORE THIS, I am not that short!
Name: Petria Samantha Kafka
Pronunciation: Peh-Tree-a (say it quick)
Official Nickname: Tria
Age: 14, going on 15
Grade: 9
Birthday: 23rd September 2000 (missed being born last century by a few months!)
Skin: White/Fair... few light freckles sprinkled on nose.
Eyes: Murky greeney/blue, depends on the light.
Hair: Copper blonde and annoyingly wavy, goes past shoulder blades
Height: 158 cm
Weight: *will not say* she is 'semi-anorexic'
Likes: Economics, drawing (attempting to), Torelli (hehehe), sad songs and violin music, her best friend, walking around Kings Park, family, being alone on her patio and looking over the city while listening to classical music... AND DISNEY!
Dislikes: Science, horror movies, Klaer Armadale, mandarins, chocolate cake (shock horror), rap music, fatty and sugary foods, looking in the mirror, people who don't like goldfish, bad pencil sharpeners, mosquitos and squeaky doors
Interesting Facts: she has a goldfish named Hyperbole. She named it Hyperbole because she thought a hyperbole meant 'really exciting' when she got it 4 years ago (it's amazing it has lived this long)!
Mianna Bavaro
By Petria Kafka. Mianna and I both watched a video online and developed similar styles. She made me look like an instrument model! Is that a thing?
Name: Mianna Katherine Bavaro
Pronunciation: Me-ar-nah (say it quick)
Official Nickname: Don't Call Me Mia! (Mi is alright)
Age: 15 already!
Grade: 9
Birthday: 6th July 2000
Skin: Light olive
Eyes: Hazel with a small rim of some puke green colour. What a lovely description, Tria!
Hair: Chocolate brown, goes halfway down back and is beautifully straight
Height: 164.5cm
Weight: 54.5 kg
Likes: violin (especially playing in front of friends), photography, drawing, watchind sports where you somehow hit a ball with something in your hands (e.g. tennis and badminton), watching Masterchef and The Bachelor and Darrin Noakes (she is blushing now)... SHE LOVES DISNEY!
Dislikes: Klaer, watching friends get hurt, being alone on the train (I'm Sorry!), blunt pencils, people who ask to borrow a pen, blurry photos, horror movies, basketball and contour
Something interesting: she is currently doing Grade 5 Violin! She practises in front of her us and sometimes we make up words to her songs.
Clarke Torelli
By Petria Kafka. Isn't he handsome?
Name: Clarke Alberto Torelli *blushes*
Pronunctiation: Klark
Official Nickname: SuperNurse
Age: 14, going on 15
Grade: 9
Birthday: 13th August 2000
Skin: Medium white to olive
Eyes: Endless chocolatey brown... *sigh*
Hair: The colour of ANZAC biscuits and uncut roasted almonds, slighty wavy and incredibly soft and fluffy. Always smells of something sweet, like Maple Syrup.
Height: 174 cm (he has nice arms from all that Badminton- yeah we know Tria, you always tell me)
Weight: no idea (his muscles are a good % of it... Tria!)
Likes: Badminton, first aid, medical science, science in general, Tchaikovsky, reading sci-fi, Kafka (he doesn't mind the author too), watching doctor shows (eg. 24 Hours in Emergency), braiding hair, going on walks, and cucumber (he really loves cucumber!) HE LOVES DISNEY!
Dislikes: people who think they are superior (*cough* Klaer *cough*), rap music, stinging nettle, murder mysteries (he finds it frustrating how he never can figure who killed who or blah blah blah until the end), cliff-hangers, red whiteboard marker on whiteboards and having a cold
Something interesting: He is a Christian, he goes to church every Sunday and got Confirmed last year. He wants to be a doctor or a nurse when he is older, or maybe a Badminton player and go to the Olympics
Darrin Noakes
By Mianna Bavaro. *sigh* just look at him. Per.Fec.Tion. Except I can't draw hands I'm SORRY. It looks fine!
Name: Darrin Henry Noakes <3
Pronunciation: Da-ren
Official Nickname: The Hot One (guess who came up with that one...)
Age: 14, going on 15
Grade: 9... (Why did we even have this option? We are all in year 9! idk it just makes sense...)
Birthday: 20th November 2000 (how come is so tall if he is the baby of the group? Genetics?)
Skin: Tannish, and his hands are so smooth! Wait how do you know that Mianna...?
Eyes: Light brown, almost amber... beautiful!
Hair: Dark blonde, nearly brown
Height: 176cm
Weight: He mention something about 60 kg once...but remember he is really tall and he does a lot of jogging so he has muscle!
Likes: BADMINTON, BADMINTON, BADMINTON (he is vice-captain), Rom-coms, Romance Novels, jogging early in the morning, cereal, dancing to 80s music, playing barbies with his little sister (her name is Emmie) arm-wrestling competitions, violin music, Bavaro, riding his bike. HAS A SOFT SPOT FOR DISNEY MOVIES!
Dislikes: The acting in Twilight movies, weeding the garden, injuring himself, Minecraft (he simply hates it...?), when his little sister wants his Ken doll to skip Prom and go with her Barbie doll to Seattle (Direct Quote: "It wasn't my fault mum let her watch Twilight!"), Klaer Armadale and her 'possy', when it rains in the morning
Something interesting: He does nothing on Sunday afternoons except play with Emmie. They have an actual storyline in their Barbie games, it's quite fun joining in actually
Klaer Armadale
By Mianna Bavaro... very accurate is all I can say (head is out of proportion). Except she is taller in real life. She is horribly tall.
Name: Klaer Something Armadale
Pronunciation: "Claire"
Official Nickname: Talons
Age: 14, yet she acts so much older
Grade: 9
Birthday: 3rd January 2001 (grade cut off dates is 30th June)
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Black slits... I mean very dark brown
Hair: dyed black with pink ends much to the teacher's irritation, her natural hair colour is brownish
Height: Slightly taller than Mianna so around 167cm
Weight: ???
Likes: Social media, acting superior, makeup, being better than everyone else.
Dislikes: People who are not up to her 'standards'...
Something Interesting: we don't really care anymore
Author's Note: A new book which I had lots of inspiration to write. It started when I was verbally bullied a couple months ago, yet not as bad as these characters. I want to show people that they are special... there is always someone for you... Even when the dark comes crashing through, when you need a friend to carry you, when you're broken on the ground...
To 'James', I used to think you were my 'Clarke', but really you weren't, I'm still finding my Clarke. I wonder if you want to know how I feel about you...well, I kind of wrote this book for you too... you kind of made me doubt why we even bother crushing on people because they are never who they seem to be in our fabricated minds. Maybe one day you'll see the truth. I think I can safely say you broke my heart. But I guess I want to thank you because it's taught me that crushing on people is exactly like looking at an iceberg above the water. There's so much more underneath the surface.
And also, 'Lila'. I know you will never read this. But in case one day this book gets into your hands, I also wanted to thank you. You may question me but if you never said those harsh things to me, glared at me across the room and pretended I never existed, then I wouldn't have had the idea for this story, and I wouldn't have taken a good look at the way I treated people. I don't care anymore, really. It's juvenile. You and 'James' go skip into the sunset and get married. I'll sit here and eat my popcorn and put on my 3D glasses.
Thank you to:
'Goldilocks', yet to get wattpad
and my beautiful mother...
For being there for me when I was in doubt and feeling worthless myself.
This is my way of giving you massive big hugs!
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