Prologue - Love At First Shot
"Non, non, non." The voice coming from her ear comm said with a heavy foreign accent. "Ameonna-sama, you can't just walk away from your target."
"Monsier?" The woman with a heavy furry coat frowned.
"Mademoiselle over there is none other than our precious sible." The voice said once again and the woman turned around to watch the person she just passed and was surprised.
The target walked down an otherwise empty alley besides the two of them, soaking wet and the woman wondered if there ever were an easier job. When the boss gave it to her, telling it was an easy one, he didn't mention how easy it was. So easy that the partner designed to help her had to point it out exactly who the target was otherwise she would've just pass it.
"Oh my... So she's the one?" The woman asked. The photograph she saw a few hours earlier had obviously been taken years before. Her hair was still blonde, but longer than the chin length of the picture she saw and clearly a few years older.
As if feeling someone watching her, the target turned around and both women stared at each other for a moment. They couldn't be more different: the target was clearly a perky happy woman while the captor was dark and forgot about what happiness was a long time ago.
"Huh?" The target asked and with the heavy rain falling around them, the captor could only see the movement of the lips. She reached for the gun inside her heavy navy blue coat and when the other blonde saw it, she took a step back, clearly surprised. "Phantom?" The blonde asked and this time, loud enough to be heard over the rain and her surprised expression turned into one of anger. "Y-you're the ones that attacked Levy-chan...!" She reached for her purse and took it out what seemed to be pepper spray and it was amusing to see such weak person putting on a fight.
The captor didn't want for her to create more attention than necessary and shot a dart on the woman's shoulder and another on her leg – to which the blonde gasped in surprise.
"Wh-wh-what is this?" She asked, taking the darts out and dropping them on the floor and it was clear she was already getting dizzy.
"Juvia has given you a strong sedative that cannot be fought off." The woman in a coat said, stepping closer to the blonde, who was trying her best to stay awake, but her legs gave out and she fell on the muddy ground. "Do not worry. Juvia will not kill you for it is Juvia's mission to bring you back, Lucy Heartfilia-sama." Even when losing consciousness, the woman named Lucy stared at the other with disbelief, fear and a good measure of anger in her clear brown eyes.
"Mmmmm! Tres bien!" Monsier's voice came through the comm once more. "Victoire!"
Juvia looked down to the unconscious woman lying on her feet and said: "Capture complete. Monsier, you may call our transportation. Master will be pleased."
A few hours later at the Phantom's Headquarters when Juvia was finishing her report at rescuing the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in the country, some low level solder knocked on her office's door and quickly said: "We are under attack, Ma'am! FT is attacking us."
For a stoic woman, even she looked surprised for a second, after all, Phantom had been the best Company for years and whoever was crazy enough to attack them had defeat certain in their future. "Stall them the best you can at the first floor." She commanded, already in the attack-mode so natural to her. "Take as many enemies down there as you can and whoever manages to go to the next floors we will take care of it. Go." The boy ran away.
Juvia picked an earpiece and put it on and then picked up a radio and spoke on it. "Listen up: Phantom is under attack. I repeat, Phantom is under attack and it is not a drill. Units Charlie through Fox stand at the first floor, defense condition 4. Alpha and Beta protect the second floor and stairwells. Aria: eastern side of third floor. Totomaru, south corner. Sol, North. Juvia will take west. Gajeel-kun, stay with the Master and protect the mission."
"Copy." She recognized Aria's voice.
"Roger." Totomaru's tone was of boredom.
"Oui." Sol answered.
"You are not the boss of me, but fine." Juvia smirked at Gajeel's answer. "Whoever makes this far it's worth fighting anyway."
Juvia grabbed her two SIGs and checked if they had ammo and was glad she had them full. She grabbed four more clips and put two in each boot just in case she needed it. It was better to be prepared. She was about to grab her Kevlar when she heard gunshots and knew she had no time to protect herself any further. She put one of the guns secure on her belt and ran to her designed place, hearing the units downstairs through the radio.
Apparently, FT was not playing around and went in guns blazing, which was odd. Their business were just like Phantom's, and they had been rising in the past year, but to take Panto head on like that... Something was wrong. She didn't know exactly why because their briefing would be in the next hour, so, she had to assume the worse: it was about the blonde woman she got earlier that morning.
The west side of the third floor had a large balcony before someone could enter the building again and for Juvia, that was the best fighting ground there was: when it was raining. She trained so much in it when she was a child, that it felt more natural to her than anything else. That's why her codename was 'Ameonna' – The Rain Woman.
Through her ear comm, she heard Sol and Totomaru being taken down and she gripped her gun harder. Granted that of the four of them, they were the least experienced, but they were her coworkers and she didn't want them to die and hoped they could make it even if there was no feeling of friendship among them.
Juvia saw the opposite door open and a man step up, looking up and probably bothered with the rain. She readied her guns and stepped outside as well. Her heavy dress was still on and she wished for something that allowed her better movements, but there couldn't be any changes now. It was time to fight for survival.
The man halted when he saw her and Juvia concealed her gun – the element of surprise was always better and men usually underestimated women. They stared at each other for a moment – one of his hands was behind him and she was sure he was also carrying a weapon.
"To think that you could defeat two of my Unit. However, Juvia and Aria are not to be taken lightly." She raised her voice so he could hear her over the heavy rain.
He scowled. "Sorry, but it doesn't matter if you're a woman or even a child; I don't go easy on anybody who hurt my friends."
The most unusual feeling boiled inside her stomach and she vaguely recognized as lust; after all, the man in front of her was very handsome with his dark hair and eyes and most of all his clear determination. It had been so long since she's seen someone who had that much determination in his eyes that she was thrown back for a moment because her stupid heart had beaten faster. The last one who did that tried to put a bullet through her skull and ended up with one, instead.
The thought of that other man angered her and she pulled her gun just when he did the same. Even as a great shot, Juvia decided that she didn't want to kill her opponent, just incapacitate him enough so she could regain control of the Phantom building. She could do that, she was that good.
Luckily there were large plant pots at the balcony and a sculpture, where she hid behind so she couldn't get shot. Once she found a good place and angle, she shot at him once more – it was strange, because he hadn't look for cover yet. Juvia managed to graze him on the arm and heard him groaning in pain and was halfway through thinking that he was a wuss when she saw that his white shirt was now painted blood red at the stomach and, like a rookie, she took a step out of safety to have a better look at what she had done. She never missed. Never.
Her opponent had opened his shirt and hid behind a plant pot once he saw her, but not before she could notice he had bandages around his stomach and that's where the blood had come from. She wasn't one who hit him, then. He had gone to Phantom, injured and obviously expected to win. Fool man.
"Huh, ya got me good there, didn't ya?" He said and Juvia returned to her spot behind the statue and changed her SIG's clip and when she was about to shoot once more, she saw him taking off his shirt and throwing it away.
If it was a distraction, it worked perfectly because her focus went straight to how well sculpted his body was, even with the ugly bloody bandages. She was not prepared for him to raise his gun and shoot at her direction once more. Luckily for her, she had always been fast, and took cover and at the moment he stopped shooting, she began.
He was mostly likely recharging his gun and she did the same with her second weapon. "It is impossible for you to defeat Juvia." She yelled from where she was hiding. "There is still time for you to be saved. If FT surrender, I shall speak to our Master and convince him to let you and yours live."
"Oi! Quit saying screwed up things!" He yelled back at her and Juvia closed her eyes in sadness. In her gut she knew he wouldn't just let things go. "Both sides have come too far to just stop fighting now. Lucy is our friend and we won't let her stay in this place even if I die!"
A feeling of anger suddenly bubbled inside Juvia's chest and she realized she was jealous of the blonde woman she took earlier. No one ever went to that extent to save Juvia. She had been in situations where she was just abandoned in the field and had to find her way through survival. Yet, when a girl is about to be taken back to her rich daddy, who will offer her a princess-like life everyone just flipped and went to war.
No one ever went to war for her.
She was trained to be calm under any circumstance, under any stress, but maybe she was in a bad day. Or that unnamed man had just pushed her buttons without even knowing, but suddenly she wanted to die other than to give back their princess, so, she shot aimlessly, trying to take off some of her frustration out on her opponent. "Juvia will never let her go!"
At that point she was firing her two guns and she could see that he was trying to find a breech but she just couldn't stop. But when both her weapons went out of ammo and she went to grab another clip, she failed to stay covered and suddenly she felt hot pain as a bullet got her on her left shoulder and she fell forward, cussing.
"Dammit, dammit, dammit!" Between her haze of pain, she felt two strong hands turn her around. "Fuck, don't die on me. I hate killing women!" She felt him search for the wound – her navy wet dress hid quite well the blood. When he put a hand on her breast, she flushed and was about to tell him he was groping her when the pain on her shoulder it her in a wave again. The man finally realized where his hand was and if Juvia's eyes were not deceiving her, he became quite red. "Oh, god! I wasn't... Sorry!"
She tried to laugh because really: that had to be the most bizarre situation of her life, but the pain made her grasp her shoulder, which seemed to put him to work. "Fuck, I thought you were going to duck like you did before or you were wearing a fucking Kevlar! Who goes out knowing it's going to be gunshots without a fucking Kevlar?" He said between gritted teeth and pulled her to a sitting position even when she moaned in pain.
"You... are not... wearing one also." She panted, trying to push the pain away, but it was quite difficult.
He pushed her dress off her shoulder enough so he could see the damage. "Well, I'm crazy and cannot be used as an example." He examined the front and then looked at her back. "Thank god: through and through." He put her back on the floor and ripped a large piece of the bottom of her dress. She would've complained it if not even a moment later he was hauling her up once again and putting the rag under her armpit – to which she whimpered lightly in pain with the movement of her arm – before knotting it over her shoulder, earning another sound of pain from her when he made it too tight. "It's not perfect, but this should hold on most of the bleeding."
Juvia felt him take her off the floor bridal style and she was so stunned that the next thing she knew, there were no more raindrops falling on her face and she was being gently put back down on the floor and realized he had taken her inside the building.
"Why?" She asked in a whisper when he was almost leaving. "Why help me?"
He grinned. "You didn't want to kill me even when I knew you could. I didn't want to kill you too. Besides, we only came here to rescue a friend. Let me know when you are ready for round two." He winked turned around and ran away and for just a moment, her wound hurt less when her heart beat faster than ever before.
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