Mad Love
"We can't stay living in a hotel." Gray said when he came from the bathroom, drying his hair and Juvia looked his way; she was lying on the bed, on her stomach, feet up and her laptop was in front of her.
"I know." She sighed.
They had been back in Magnolia for two weeks and after three days of Gray sleeping in her room, Juvia just told him to pack his things and stay with her: if he was going to sneak into her bed every night, it was easier if he just moved there.
"It takes a while to find a good place." Gray said, throwing the towel on the couch and Juvia had a mental note to put that on the bathroom before she fell asleep, and he sat next to her, putting a hand on her lower back. "How about we rent a furnished place temporarily so we can leave here and we can look for a permanent one?"
Juvia thought it over for a moment and ended up nodding. She was tired of living in a hotel, she wanted to be able to come and go without people at the front desk knowing, have a kitchen so she could make her own food and have more space.
"Makes sense." The blunette agreed. "I'll see if I can find some options online." She looked to the computer's screen
"Hm." Gray hummed and his hand traveled from the small of her back to between her shoulder blades. "I was thinking about the money my dad left me."
"Really?" Juvia asked without taking her eyes away from her search. "You finally decided on what to do with it?" A few days after they returned to Magnolia from Gray's hometown and were putting their things in storage, Gray received a phone call from an attorney. Once they went to a meeting with him, they discovered that Silver left some jewelry that belonged to Gray's mother and all his money to his son.
It was a lot of money.
Gray wanted to donate it all to charity so there could be some good coming out of his father's bad deeds while he was infiltrated, but there was a clause in the will stipulating Gray needed to have at least twenty percent of the money, and even so it was more than Gray ever had.
"I did." He agreed. "I was thinking that I could actually buy a place."
Juvia finally looked away from the screen and looked his way from over her shoulder and she could see he was serious. The blunette sat on the bed, her eyebrows raised. "You want to buy?"
"Yeah." He shrugged. "I have zero idea of what else to do with the money and I don't have any intention to leave Magnolia. Buying actually works."
"Oh." Juvia said. His logic made sense in the end, but she was surprised Gray wanted something that permanent. "I guess."
"So... how is this done?" Gray asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Do we look up online, on the papers, hire someone...?"
"Uh... I think it's better to go to a real estate agent, tell them what you want so they can find the best options for you. It's a bit more expensive, but..."
"It's easier that way." Gray nodded. "Got it. Let's find an apartment so we can leave the hotel and then we'll get a real estate agent." He kissed her quickly. "Now let's go to sleep."
"Sure." Juvia closed the laptop and got up from the bed, putting the computer on the couch and taking Gray's towel with her to the bathroom to hang it there – it appeared he hadn't lost the habit of throwing his wet towel anywhere while he was away.
Chuckling with the thought, Juvia exited the bathroom and walked towards the bed, where Gray had already made himself comfortable on the top of the covers.
"What are you laughing at?" Gray asked, raising an eyebrow.
"You." Juvia chuckled when she saw him get confused. Juvia kneeled on the bed and moved his way, putting one leg on each side of his hips and rested the top of her body on his.
"Me? What did I do?" His hands went to her hips.
"You just can't walk two meters and hang your towel in the bathroom." She kissed him lightly. "Is this a pre-setting of men?"
"Probably." Gray chuckled. "Alongside with never putting the toilet's seat down." Juvia started to giggle and she hid her face under his chin while he caressed her back slowly. They stayed in silence for a few moments until Gray spoke. "So, what do you want?"
"House, apartment? We need to tell the agent that at least."
Juvia raised her head to look at him. "What Juvia wants? You are the one buying."
"Yeah, I'm buying but you'll be living there with me." Gray frowned and sat, bringing Juvia with him so she was seated on his thighs and they were face to face and suddenly he didn't seem so sure. "Won't you?"
The blunette blinked two times before answering. "When I thought we were renting an apartment, sure. But you want to buy, that's very permanent. Do you think we should? Last time you – I am not bringing this up to fight or anything – but last time you left when..." She left the phrase in the air.
"I left when I felt things were too serious, I know." Gray sighed. "I understand why you might be feeling doubtful, but I wouldn't tell you to come and live with me if I didn't want you to or if I had doubts."
Juvia studied his expression for a moment and after a few moments, put her hands on his cheeks and kissed him, Gray's arms wrapped themselves around her waist and brought her closer. "If you are sure-"
"And I am." Gray interrupted her and Juvia rolled her eyes when he stole a peck on the lips.
"If you are sure" she gave him a pointed look "Juvia would like to live with you, yes." Juvia smiled and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
"Good." He nodded and gave her a quick kiss. "So I'll ask again: what do you want?" She opened her mouth, but Gray cut her off. "And stop saying you don't get a say because the money is mine. I'll only buy what I also like so if you say you want a farm or something, it's not happening. I just want your opinion."
Juvia seemed to think for a moment. "Well, apartments are more practical, I guess."
"I didn't ask what was more practical." Gray pointed out, his hands leaving their places on her waist to go to her bare legs and up to her buttocks. "I asked what you want."
The blunette smiled, shy. "I really liked living in a house when we were away." She told him. "Juvia lived in one when she was a child and her parents were alive, it was very homey; but when I moved in with my uncle we stayed in very bare houses made for military families, so it was like living in barracks apart from the flowers some of the maids put there to make me feel better; but it never felt like home. After Juvia quit the military she always stayed in apartments."
"So you want a house?" He asked.
She shrugged. "Maybe. Home is where the heart is, right?"
Gray hummed in agreement. "Right, but if you were to choose, you'd choose a house." He said in a matter-of-fact tone. "I liked living in a house too. First with my mom and dad, then with my adoptive mother and Lyon. I ended up staying in apartments too when I left the military until we lived together."
Juvia started to caress the back of his head, his hair between her fingers and he seemed to be really enjoying it. "Are you sick of apartments?"
"I guess I am." He said. "So we'll get a house."
"Really?" Juvia asked with a huge smile.
"Yeah." Gray nodded. "You will finally have a place to put all those pictures you selected from my dad's private investigator." Since they left so soon, Juvia never had the opportunity to print and to display the pictures she had with Gray and now with them moving in together, she could.
"And we need new pictures." She informed him and Gray groaned in annoyance. "Come on, we need pictures of us actually looking to the camera instead of the ones that some weird guy took by hiding behind a bush."
He made an annoyed expression. "I hate taking pictures."
"I know." Juvia kissed his lips sweetly. "But we need some. It's time to have something normal for once."
Gray snorted. "You and me normal? Good luck with that." Juvia giggled while Gray got himself busy with kissing her cheek, down to her jaw and then her neck.
She sighed in contentment with the action, it was the furthest they had gone since they returned to Magnolia. "Gray-sama?"
"Hm?" Gray asked mindlessly, clearly more interested in biting the skin between Juvia's neck and shoulder.
"Juvia still thinks we have to wait a bit more to have sex, but... how about getting to second base tonight?" The blunette asked and Gray stopped his actions to look up at her.
"Oh, yes." He nodded and Juvia reached for the hem of the shirt she borrowed from Gray, pulling it off and throwing it behind her. The way his eyes darkened when he saw she was only wearing panties made Juvia feel as if her blood was boiling in her veins. His gaze focused on her breasts for a moment. "I really missed those." Juvia rolled her eyes at how predictable he was, but then he frowned and he touched her side. "You lost weight. A lot of it. I knew it from when I held you, but I didn't think it was so much that now I can see your ribs." He touched the protuberances there and Juvia sighed.
She had always been a fit woman but Gray was right, she did lose a good amount of weight from her six months on her own. "Juvia will be more vigilant about her food to get the weight back."
Gray looked up. "I'll remind you when you forget." Juvia nodded and Gray kissed her, the sweet kiss turning heated when his hand slid up from her ribs to her breast and Juvia moaned into the kiss and gasped when Gray broke the kiss and his lips went to her collarbone. "What else do you want?" He asked and Juvia had trouble understanding him.
"The house, what else do you want?" Gray was trailing down towards the top of her breasts with kisses.
"You want to know this now?" Juvia gasped when his other hand grabbed her breast.
"It is a very important question, Juvia." Gray said in a very condescending tone but when Juvia looked down to him, his eyes were sparkling with mischief.
"You say what you want first, then." She said and he smiled. The next thing she knew he spun then around so Juvia was lying on the bed and he was atop of her.
"I like space." Gray kissed Juvia between the breasts and her hands went to his hair. "Even at my old apartment I had an extra bedroom even though rarely someone used it." He kissed the side of both breasts before speaking again. "So I want a big house."
"Alright." Juvia nodded. "Big house."
"Now you tell me what you want." He said and Juvia all but pulled his hair in frustration when his lips barely brushed her nipples and she really needed him to do more than that.
"Damn it." She whispered to herself. "A garden, so I can grow buttercups there, perhaps."
Gray stopped his ministrations to look at her. "You want buttercups, huh?" Juvia nodded. "Alright, a big house with a garden."
"I think we can talk about the other details later." Juvia put her hands on Gray's cheeks and brought him close so she could kiss him and Gray's chuckle made Juvia smile into the kiss. It felt good to move forward.
"So this will be your new office." Cana said showing the room to Juvia; it was roughly the same size as her old one had been but it was quite dusty yet as it would take a couple of weeks for the rebuild to be done. "Now Makarov decided that each office needed a small bathroom. There." The brunette pointed to a door and Juvia nodded.
"This is nice." Juvia said.
"We are getting in touch with our clients to try to bring them back to us." Cana informed Juvia. She had spent the past year traveling around the country but was more than ready to come back to work.
"Juvia will call some of them." The blunette said and looked across the hall where Gray was with Natsu and Lucy, looking at his own office and she smiled when Gray laughed at something Natsu said.
"So..." Cana cleared her throat and Juvia's attention returned to her friend. "I heard about you and Gray, then you and Lucy getting out of town for a few days. How are things now? I know you two are living together but should I go kick Gray's ass?"
"No need." Juvia was fast to tell Cana, she was sure the brunette wouldn't hesitate to pick a fight if Juvia was still hurt. "We talked, I forgave him and we are taking steps in the right direction now."
Cana's eyes narrowed as if to decide if Juvia was telling the truth or not and probably decided she was, because she gave a nod. "Alright, then. As long as you are fine. I know you are a big girl but hey, sometimes you just need to offer a friend to kick her boyfriend's balls."
Juvia snorted. "Please, don't damage the merchandise."
"Just putting it out there: if you need me I'm a great ball kicker." She shrugged and Juvia chuckled.
"What are you laughing at?" The women heard Gray's voice and they turned just to see him, alongside with Natsu and Lucy, coming their way.
"I was just offering Juvia my services as a friend." Cana pretended to take off dust from her jeans. "You know, just making sure she knew I was willing to kick you in the nuts just in case she wanted to but got cold feet. I have no love for what you have in your pants like she does, so it would be easier for me." Her brown eyes focused on Lucy. "Him too." She pointed at Natsu. "Just say the word and I'll do it. I have no interest in whatever he is packing."
Gray and Natsu stopped on tracks, their eyes wide and the women actually giggled at their reaction.
"That's not funny." Gray finally move and went to stand next to Juvia, he was scowling but relaxed a bit when Juvia grabbed his hand.
"Yeah. Threatening a man's junk is a low blow." Natsu actually stayed behind Lucy, his hand on her stomach holding her close to him.
"Should we tell them, Juvia, that you promised to teach me self-defense so I can do my own kicking?" Lucy asked and Juvia smiled.
"You did?" Gray looked down to his girlfriend.
"Yes." Juvia nodded. "She already had classes during this past year, Juvia will work her harder so she can defend herself better. Oh, and shooting too."
"You are asking Juvia to teach you how to shoot?" Natsu sounded confused. "I already taught you the basics."
"Yes, I know." Lucy rolled her eyes and looked over her shoulder to her boyfriend. "Juvia is an excellent teacher, and so are you," she added when he opened his mouth to protest "but it's different, you know? You are emotionally attached to me as my boyfriend. Juvia is my friend, she'll give it to me real and not cut me some slack."
Natsu frowned and seemed in thought for a moment. "I did go easy on you, didn't I?"
"Yes and I love you for it, but I need someone who won't back off because, and I quote you here, 'you look so cute when you are focused', unquote." Lucy told him. "The training sessions cannot end up in sex, Natsu."
"No risk of that from me." Juvia said, trying to be helpful.
"Yeah, that would be a risk for me." Cana said, pensive and everyone looked at her. "What? She does look cute when she's focused."
"Ha, told ya!" Natsu said in Lucy's direction. "On your face."
Lucy's cheeks were red but she cleared her throat and looked at her boyfriend. "So, Juvia is my teacher now. You can test me later when I'm better."
Natsu thought it over and finally nodded. "Sounds good to me. As long as you learn how to protect yourself, Juvia is a very good option. I've seen her fight and it's pretty impressive."
"Thank you." Juvia raised her chin in pride.
"Respect." Natsu nodded her way.
"Well, since my nut kicking won't be necessary as these two lovely ladies seems to be qualified for it, I need to meet with Makarov. He knows I am good with choosing furniture and I need to pick you guys'." She pointed at them. "And I love an unlimited credit card."
"Of course you do." Gray rolled his eyes and then looked down to his phone. "Juvia, we need to go."
"Sure." The blunette nodded and hugged Cana. "Sorry, we are meeting with the real estate agent. She said she has some options for us to look at."
"Of course." Lucy hugged Juvia. "If you see something that would be a fit for us, tell me." Lucy winked and Juvia smiled at her friend. It had been almost a month since they returned to Magnolia and like Juvia and Gray, Lucy and Natsu were finally in good terms again and eager to keep going with their lives. Just like them, the couple was looking for a place to finally live together. Juvia and Gray had moved to a furnished apartment just a week before and they were already looking for a house both liked so they could really feel at home.
"Will do." Juvia said and waved at Natsu while her boyfriend slapped him on the back and they went to wait for the elevator.
Once they were inside the elevator, Gray turned to Juvia: "There's no way we are going to live next to Natsu and Lucy. Besides having Natsu close, you and Lucy will gang up on us all the time. No, Juvia. Hell no."
"Tell me again why you separated these in two piles?" Gray asked while looking at the folders neatly separated that was on top of the nightstand next to their bed.
"The one on the right are our real options. The files on the left are the ones that are too pricy for the neighborhood they are in." Juvia said from the bathroom while she was drying herself after her shower. "There's no way Juvia will let you spend so much money on a house that has bad surroundings."
Gray snorted. "Thanks, I guess." He stayed in silence and Juvia assumed he was going through the files. Juvia put the towel around her and stepped outside the bathroom to get her clothes, but stopped when she saw Gray standing next to the bed with a folder in hands, seeming to be really interested in what he was reading and just wearing his dark underwear. "This one looks nice."
"I haven't really looked at the pictures, I really eliminated the options because of the locations first." Juvia said and Gray nodded without taking his eyes of the papers.
It had been a month, her pneumonia was gone, she was going to her sessions with Mirajane and even though she was nowhere near cured, her mind was much clearer. Even Gray had sessions with Mira after so much time undercover and every time he came home, his shoulders seemed to not carry the weight of the world on them. They were looking for a house together, FT would open again in two weeks, she had been exercising with Gajeel so she could be in shape, she also met with Lucy regularly to train her. Everything was on track.
Except one small thing.
Juvia bit her lip when she looked at him; he looked so handsome, always did, and she really missed being with him. It was the last step for her life become normal again. Gray was very respectful when she'd push him away when they were making out and things got heated; he would take deep breaths and just excuse himself to go to the bathroom take care of himself. She wanted to be with him again, she really did but she was waiting, she just didn't know for what.
"This one has a basement." He looked over his shoulder in her direction and smiled. "I never had a house with a basement before. And don't worry, this one was on the pre-approved pile but I won't be too attached to it."
"Juvia will make an appointment so we can visit them soon."
Gray nodded and his attention returned to the file. "Good. This apartment is nice but it's not ours. I just want to get our own home and settle there."
Then it was clear to Juvia what she was waiting for: all she wanted was for him to say those words with no pressure whatsoever, without him trying to impress her to make amends, trying to make it up to her.
Her stomach was filled with butterflies; her heart was beating fast and her eyes were suddenly stinging and she had to blink the tears away.
Juvia walked his way and hugged his waist from behind, her arms crossing on top of his stomach, her head resting between his shoulder blades.
"Uh..." She heard him. "Juvia?"
"Not that I mind, but what are you doing?" He asked and she could feel him moving, probably putting the file back to the top of the nightstand.
"I'm happy." The blunette whispered and tightened her hold on him.
"Oh. Good." He put a hand over hers on his stomach. "That's good to hear."
Juvia stayed hugging him for a moment before she moved one of her arms away so she could touch a scar he had on his right shoulder.
"Juvia hasn't asked about this before." Gray looked over his shoulder, confused. "There's a scar here." She touched it and kissed a moment later.
"Oh, right. I got that during my first week undercover." He shrugged. "There was this underground fight club I had to go to so my cover could be believable. I was winning but then this asshole gets a knife out of nowhere and stabbed me."
"You were stabbed?" Juvia asked, letting go of him and turning him around.
"Not as deep as it seems, don't worry." He frowned when he saw her eyes water. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"You were being stabbed and here I was, yelling at you for being left behind." She said in a low voice. "You were hurt."
Gray reached for her and put his arms around her in a hug. "Juvia, stop that. Look, I can handle physical pain because it goes away. This one on my shoulder wasn't life threatening at all. Do you know what hurts more? The scars inside and I know I left some in here." He pointed to her left chest, right where her heart was. "And I can't erase those just like my dad couldn't erase the ones in my own heart when he came back." Gray reached for her hand and kissed her palm. "But you know what, I actually like my scars." He pointed to his forehead. "This one was the day Lyon and I finally started to talk again after one hell of a beating." He pointed to his hip. "This is from Ultear from that day at Tenrou. I finally made her understand how much her mother loved her." He pointed to the round scars on his chest. "These ones are from the day I didn't lose you. I'm really fond of those, actually."
Juvia smiled and dried a tear while Gray was looking at her with such care she all but melted in his arms. "You really should take better care of your body." She mumbled.
"I don't care where I get hurt as long as my injuries are visible." He kissed her softly. "So don't get all worked up about me being hurt. It's in the past now." Gray was about to let her go when Juvia put her hands on his cheeks and pulled him to a kiss.
Gray looked surprised for a second but was quick to reciprocate the kiss as soon as he got his wits back. Juvia needed him to hold her, to touch her and to make her feel like the world was right again. She was finally ready to be with him completely.
Juvia stopped kissing him and pulled him by the hand towards the bed and Gray let himself be handled. She made him sit on it before she took a step back and took off the towel that was around her torso, letting it fall on the floor; she was totally naked in front of him.
She saw his eyes widen and then look up to her, but she lost no time and a moment later she was straddling him and kissing him with all the passion she was feeling, the passion that had been built up for months.
"Juvi-ah." He moaned when Juvia kissed a sensitive spot under his ear and felt her hand travel from his chest to his abdomen and lower towards his crotch. "Wait, wait, wait." He put his hands on her shoulder.
"What is it?" Juvia was breathing hard and looked at him with confusion.
"You- this-" Gray was struggling to get a coherent thought. "It's been a month since I came back and we haven't done anything... besides you taking off your shirt and me kissing you, we haven't-"
"Juvia is very well aware of that." She frowned.
"You said we shouldn't-" He took a deep breath and put his hands on her hips and pushed her away from his growing erection – he had been seven months without sex, he pretty much looked at her and was excited at that point. "You said you needed time before we had sex."
"Yes." Juvia agreed. "And now Juvia has had her time."
He studied her expression for a few seconds. "What changed?" Gray asked gently. "Just last night you pushed me away when we were kissing."
Juvia put a hand on his cheeks and smiled. "Juvia realizes you are really looking forward to this next step of our lives and... I don't know. It was what I needed to hear."
"You thought I didn't mean it?" He asked and Juvia shook her head.
"No, it's not that. I know you did." She touched her forehead on his. "I needed for you to say it when you were not trying to make it up for the time you were gone. I... wanted for you to be excited, to want this just like I do."
"I do too." He told her and Juvia nodded.
"I know. I know." She whispered. "But I just heard you call it our place, and you wanted to get home soon. I didn't know it was what I wanted to hear until you said it."
He narrowed his eyes and studied her. "Just like that?"
Juvia smiled. "I know it makes no sense, but yes, just like that."
One of Gray's hands went from her hip to the small of her back and pulled her closer to him and Juvia felt a rush of hotness through her veins when she felt his half-awake erection pressing on her and the only thing between them was his underwear.
"Juvia, if you are doing this because you think I-" He couldn't finish because she put a finger on his lips.
"Juvia is doing this because she wants you very much. I've wanted to be with you every time you kissed me, but I just needed..." She sighed. "I needed time for us to feel like us again."
"You feel it now?" Gray asked.
Juvia smiled and nodded, bringing him closer, their noses touching. "We are us again."
Gray was trying to fight a smile, but couldn't by the end. "Good to know." He said. "So, if I kiss you right now, if I touch you..." His hand caressed its way from her hips to her waist. "You'll let me go all the way?" His eyes darkened and Juvia could feel her heart beat faster.
"Yes." She muttered and Gray's lips were on hers in a desperate kiss. He was kissing her as if she would vanish at any moment. Juvia's arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders, one of her hands in his hair while Gray kissed her to an inch of her life for a few minutes, not letting her get a straight thought as he caressed his way from her waist to her ass, groping it. "Oh." Juvia said, breathless, but Gray kissed her again and she was helpless to say anything.
She was finally able to breathe when he started to kiss her jaw and down to her neck, her collarbone and the top of her right breast. Juvia moaned loudly when Gray's mouth found her nipple, her hands grabbing his hair even harder and her hips moved against his by instinct, feeling her blood start to boil. God, she had missed him.
"Fuck." Gray whispered and he put his hands on her hips, slowing her movements. "Slower, Juvia."
"Can't" Juvia said, rubbing herself on his erection harder than before and she felt his hands grab her harder. "Want you."
"Oh, god." He moaned and let her kiss him while moving, her sex sliding on his and the thin underwear did little to buffer the sensations. "No, no, no." Gray said after a few moments of indulgence and his hands finally stilled her, much to her frustration; she was really enjoying it. He took two deep breaths before speaking again. "Juvia, slow down. It's been seven months; my control is really slipping."
"I know." Juvia told him and kissed his jaw, then towards his ear. She bit his earlobe and felt him shudder underneath her. "Fast now, slow later." She whispered and Gray gasped.
"You are going to kill me." Gray groaned in annoyance and spun them around so Juvia was lying on her back and he was on top of her. His eyes were dark and full of promises, she had no doubt how much he wanted her. He kissed her lips and Juvia moaned when she widened her legs to accommodate him better and he started to move slowly, grinding himself on her in a much slower pace. Gray started to kiss her neck and Juvia had to bite her lower lip to not gasp out loud when Gray slid his hand between them and touched her sex, rubbing her for a few moments before slowly inserting a finger in her easily with her wetness.
Juvia's body arched when Gray's mouth enclosed on her breast, his teeth scrapping the soft skin of her nipple at the same time he inserted a second finger inside her while his thumb touched her clit lightly. "Gray-sama." She moaned his name. "More." His humming of agreement made her gasp, since his mouth was still on her breast. "This feels so good." She managed to say before Gray curled his finger the perfect way that hit the most amazing spot inside her and his mouth went to her other breast. "Oh, oh, oh."
"God, I missed the sounds you make." Gray said, his lips on her skin and moving his fingers faster, his thumb circling her clit and Juvia's brain was melting. "Juvia..." He said and she opened her eyes to look at him, his teeth closing in her breast and she felt another rush of wetness in her core. "I need you right now."
She nodded. "Yes. Yes, now."
Gray got up and took off his underwear so fast Juvia barely missed him; a second later he was kissing her and his hips were moving, his erection finally free and Juvia felt it sliding over her sex and she was feeling very impatient, her whole body was on fire and all she wanted was to be close to Gray again.
Sliding a hand between them, Juvia's heart beat a little faster when she curled her hand around his shaft and Gray had to stop kissing her to moan out loud. His forehead rested on her shoulder as she slid her hand up and down a few times, feeling incredibly powerful to know that even after all that time, he still melted when she touched him.
"Juvia." Gray said between gritted teeth and she stopped moving her hand, guiding him to her opening. The moment it touched her, Juvia let go of his shaft as Gray slowly slid inside her, filling her exactly like she remembered and she put her hands on his lower back, trying to hurry him up. "Holy-" He groaned but didn't stop until he was deep in her. "Fuck, you feel so good." Gray kissed her neck and his hips started to move so he could slide in and out of her, her nails dug on the skin of his lower back.
The blunette couldn't have hold on the moans even if she tried; she had missed him so much, missed the way he made her feel alive, everywhere he touched seemed to turn into fire. He kissed her lips and Juvia moved her arms to his upper back and tried to hold on to him, even if she wanted to touch him everywhere.
"Gray-sama." Juvia breathed when they stopped kissing and Gray's lips found her breast, and even though it felt really good, she needed more. "Oh. Faster. Please, faster." She managed to say and Gray looked up to her, his hips stopped and he kissed her lips lightly and then looked right into her eyes when he started to thrust into her faster. Juvia wished she could've stayed looking at him, but the sensation of him hitting her sweet spot made her close her eyes in delight, while being a little too loud to her liking.
"God, you are made for me." Gray groaned, his forehead resting on hers, their breathing mixing, lips touching occasionally. "I know it makes no fucking sense, but you are." He groped her chest, her nipple rolling between his fingers and Juvia didn't know she could be more turn on than she already was, but her body surprised her when she contracted around him and Gray moaned as result. "Fuck, I missed you so much. I dreamt about you, how you felt, your taste, the way you touched me. Dammit, I dreamt about the way you smiled and I would wake up almost bursting, Juvia." He told her, the words tumbling from his mouth and she knew he probably didn't even know he was speaking out loud. She crossed her legs over his ass and suddenly he slid a little deeper and Juvia gasped in surprise. "Made for me." Each word was emphasized with a hard snap of his hips on hers.
"Please, Gray-sama." Juvia could feel her climax approaching, apparently hearing him was a huge turn-on to her. "So close."
Gray kissed her hard on the mouth, sloppy but full of passion and she knew he was just as close as she was. "Juvia. Juvia. Juvia." He repeated her name as if it were a prayer. "You are mine. I'll never leave again." He told her and Juvia nodded, her nails digging into his shoulders... she just need a little push. Just a little something and she would fall from the ledge. He probably knew how close she was, because his rhythm faltered when he released her breast and his hand found her clit and the moment he touched it lightly, Juvia let out a loud moan, her eyes closing. "Look at me. Fuck, Juvia, let me see you."
Juvia had difficulty, but opened her eyes and she couldn't remember seeing him more beautiful than at that moment: cheeks rosy, some of his hair was glued to his forehead and he was looking at her with such beautiful dark eyes and behind all the lust, she could see his deep care for her, his feelings.
"Look at me." He told her, pinched her clit with his fingers and Juvia's world burned from within her.
From the back of her mind, Juvia knew she had keened loudly with her release, that she teared up, that she had held on to Gray so hard he'd have marks and that her whole body had bent his direction; but she didn't care at all, not when she knew Gray had just reached his pleasure as well by the way he stopped on top of her, not every cell of her body was in ecstasy, her mind was blank and she was just a bundle of feelings.
She could hear her heartbeats in her ears, Gray's hot breath tickled her neck since he had his face hidden on the juncture between her neck and shoulder, his weight on her and his seed, warm in her.
Gathering every fiber of will she had, Juvia finally relaxed her hands so she wasn't clinging to him too much and one of her hands went to caress his hair while the other moved around his back, just wanting to feel his warmth underneath her palms.
After a few moments, Juvia felt his lips on her collarbone, kissing it and he started to move slowly, first exiting her. He lifted his upper body, putting the weight on his forearms and when he raised his head to look at her, Juvia smiled at him and he did the same, such a ridiculous beautiful happy smile Juvia just had to put her hands on his cheeks and bring him closer so she could kiss him slowly, trying to pour her feelings into it.
During her bad days back when she was alone, she wondered if she would ever see him again, kiss him or just hold him. And there she was, Gray in her arms and completely happy after making love to him.
The moment they broke the kiss and they stared at each other again, Gray frowned and touched her cheek, worried. "What's wrong?"
"Huh?" She didn't understand why he would ask her that.
"You are crying." He told her gently.
"Oh?" Juvia didn't even realize she was crying until she touched her cheeks. She dried her face the best she could while Gray looked at her every move, looking anxious. "Nothing is wrong." She smiled. "Nothing at all."
"These are happy tears." The blunette told him, her smile even brighter. He was clearly hesitating to believe her. "Very happy tears. Juvia is happy to be here with you after all this time and sometimes people get so happy they can't bottle it up inside."
After a moment studying her expression, Gray relaxed and nodded. "I'm happy too." He kissed her lips slowly and then returned to his position of lying on top of her, his face pressed against her neck. Juvia knew they had to clean up before they slept, but they needed the proximity with the other.
"You were quite chatty tonight." She said and giggled when he groaned, probably in embarrassment of his words.
"Seven months, Juvia. Seven months."
If Juvia thought they were at it like rabbits after they started sleeping together two years before, she just couldn't find a good comparison for them now. At the beginning, they didn't share the bed for the rest of the night and there were nights they stayed apart. But living together and had just rekindle their sexual relationship, they just couldn't get enough.
Every surface in the apartment they had rented seemed just as much of a good place as any for one of them to throw the other and just have their way. Gray said they needed to make it up for the time they were apart and both were taking it very seriously. They almost lost the appointment with the real estate agent because Gray stepped in the shower with Juvia, slid in her from behind and didn't stop until she had come twice.
Really, Juvia was sure she was living the dream. She looked to her right where Gray was seated next to her in the car while the real estate agent drove and her intern sat on the passenger's seat. She just had been with him two hours before and yet just couldn't wait to get him alone again.
"This house fits all your criteria." The real estate agent, Harriet said while parking the car. She was a woman in her early fifties, greying hair up in tight bun, very expressive brown eyes and a charming smile. She looked to the backseat where Juvia and Gray were. "The owners' had to move, apparently one of the husbands got a better job offer and the whole family moved there. Beautiful couple, adorable children and the house is gorgeous. Shall we?" She asked and then exited the car, the intern following.
Juvia opened the door and was about to get out when she felt Gray get way too close to her and whisper: "I can't wait to get you home so I can taste every inch of your skin."
"Gray-sama!" Juvia hissed and looked over her shoulder to she could face him, but he was looking as angelic as he could. "How on earth did you become even worse than Juvia? We'll be alone in a few hours."
"I was sex starved for months. I'm just catching up." He shrugged.
"Well, behave yourself for two more hours." She hopped off the car and leaned when he put his legs out the car, but didn't get up. "If you do behave, Juvia will be the one tasting your skin." She looked at him very pointedly, she saw the moment he caught her meaning and his eyes darkened. Knowing she had just bought two hours of good behavior, she walked to where Harriet waited for them.
Knowing he was following, Juvia took a moment to look at the house in front of her and her eyes widened. It was such a beautiful home she couldn't help but to look at it in amazement. The house had two stores, it was painted in light yellow, the garden wasn't too big, but very well-kept. The windows of what seemed to be the living room were big and at the second store there was a balcony.
"This looks nice." Gray said, putting his arm around her waist. He looked down to her and probably saw how excited she was when she looked at him. "I take you like it."
"We need to look inside." Juvia tried to calm herself down. She had told herself that she would let Gray decide, since he was the one buying. She would give him her opinion only if required.
"Alright." Gray nodded and the couple followed Harriet, who had managed to get the door open and was waiting for them.
The moment Juvia stepped inside, she knew this was it. She didn't even hear Harriet's explanations about the house, like Gray was. If she could ever pick up a place to live with him, that was the house. Like she predicted, the large windows were located at the living room so it was very well illuminated and there was a large door at its other side. The kitchen looked really good as well, not too large but with enough space for two people cooking at the same time. The island in the middle was really a bonus, Juvia thought. There was also a guest bedroom, a bathroom and the pantry, all with good sizes.
When they reached the first floor and Juvia saw the master bedroom, she just wished to move in at that very moment. It was a large room Juvia could easily see in her mind what she would do with it if possible. There was a walk-in closet large enough so she wouldn't fight with Gray for space in case he got the house and the bathroom had a large bathtub Juvia just knew she would love to relax in. The balcony she had seen before they entered the house belonged to the master bedroom and it give the room a good touch.
There were two rooms more besides the master bedroom and they were in a considerable size, plus a bathroom and a small office.
Juvia noticed Gray's glances at her every time they saw a room and she was aware he was storing her reactions for later. She smiled, though, when Gray got really excited about the basement and tried to control himself.
Later, when Harriet left them in the living room so they could talk, Gray crossed his arms over his chest and raised his chin in Juvia's direction. "Tell me."
"It's... nice." Juvia tried to look nonchalant about it.
Gray raised an eyebrow and didn't look convinced at all. "Yeah, as if I don't know when you are lying. Try again."
"It's your money, Gray-sama, it's your decision."
He pushed her words aside. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you said that two hundred times and my answer the two hundred times was: don't care, tell me your opinion." When she didn't say anything, he helped her. "You really liked, didn't you?"
Juvia thought about dodging the question, but knew it would be for naught. "Yes. This house is... amazing. Close to perfect, really."
"That's what I thought." Gray snorted. "I liked too, the owners repaired every damage they could find to sell it in great condition and it is. I'm actually surprised with the quality of the work." They stayed in silence for a few seconds. "Should I put an offer?" She opened her mouth. "Don't say it again. Just give me your opinion, you'll live here too if I get it."
The blunette looked around the living room. "Do we really need this much space? There are three rooms upstairs plus the office and there's another one down here."
"I told you I like space." Gray shrugged. "We had our altercations during these past couple of years, thank god it's not too frequent, but if we get into a fight, at least I'll have a place to sleep other than the couch."
Juvia rolled her eyes. "Juvia wouldn't make you sleep on the couch."
"Not with three other bedrooms, you wouldn't." Gray shrugged and tried to hide a smile. "Look, we will probably have guests from time to time and if not, we'll give Snowball her own room." Juvia snorted at that. "You can have the office upstairs to do whatever you want with it, I'll get the basement."
"You'll turn the basement into a man-cave, won't you?"
"Absolutely." Gray didn't hesitate to answer. "I'll even add some mats on the floor to have a training area. You are invited to join me."
Juvia chuckled and stepped close to him, wrapped her arms around his middle. "Thank you, very gallant of you."
"There is a garden, like you wanted." He pointed towards the front of the house. "I can see it from here. You can grow your buttercups there. We'll have to find if there are holes in the fence that Snowball can escape, but I think that if we keep the gate closed, she's fine."
"You really thought about all that?" Juvia was surprised.
"I told you I like the house." He shrugged. "I just want to know if you liked as much as I did."
Juvia couldn't help but to smile. "I really did."
"Good." Gray nodded. "The others we saw were fine, but I feel good about this one."
"I do too." Juvia agreed with him and she rested her chin on his chest so she could look up to him. "If we end up living here, Juvia will need to get a car. The bus stop is too far and walking is not an option, the firm is quite far and Juvia won't get a ride on your motorcycle every day, no matter how hot you think I become."
"Makes sense, when we lived nearby we walked to work. Good thing the garage was space for two cars." He agreed. "But let's worry about this later if we get it. I'll put up an offer, since we both felt so strongly about this house." Juvia laughed and he frowned. "What?"
"God, we are so grown up talking about buying houses, and cars." She told him. "Three years ago I had a one-bedroom apartment, lived alone and never dreamed of living with someone."
"I can relate to that." Gray chuckled. "I ate a lot of take-out between missions, the only thing I enjoyed other than work was taking care of my motorcycle. Really, before you she was the woman of my life."
Juvia laughed. "You traded it up, then."
"I'm still in doubt about that." Gray said and Juvia faked offence, hitting him on the chest and he laughed. "Fine, I traded it up."
"Good." The blunette laughed and tip-toed to kiss him. "Congratulations on growing up, Mr. Fullbuster."
"And you too." Gray told her. "Now let's talk with Harriet about money." Juvia agreed and she grabbed his hand,
"Hey, did you see there's a house a street down that's on sale too? Should we tell Lucy-san?"
"Dear god, no."
The day they found out Gray got the house Juvia was so happy she couldn't believe it. Gray looked so proud of himself it was so cute, like he had won adulthood, and Juvia couldn't stop giggling when she remembered his expression when Harriet called telling him he needed to sign a few papers and the house was his.
Even though he could've gone on his own, Gray insisted Juvia went with him to sign the papers and she was actually very excited about it.
"Hello!" Harriet greeted them at her office and told them to sit down. "Just a few signatures and the house will be in your name in a few days."
"Great." Gray nodded. "How long do you think we need to wait? We really want to move in as soon as possible."
"I'll see what I can do. Perhaps in a couple of days you can move it." Harriet told them and put a pile of documents in front of Gray. "Yes, I know it's a lot, but at least you'll have an amazing home after we are done." She pointed to a line and Gray signed, then she gave it to Juvia. "Here, Miss Lockser."
"Me?" Juvia frowned. "You need witness or something?"
Harriet looked confused. "I need the signatures of both of you, since the house is in both of your names."
Juvia took a moment to understand the words. "The house is what?" She looked in Gray's direction and by the way he was staring at the document he was going to sign so intently; he was more than guilty. "Gray-sama, what is she talking about?"
"Well," he cleared his throat "you are going to live there with me, why not have your name on the papers too?"
"Because it's your money-"
"My dad's money."
"-so the house is yours!" She pretended not to hear his interruption.
"Yes, it's mine and I decided half of it is yours. And it's not like I'm poor, I wasn't even supposed to have this money. Now sign, there are a lot of papers left."
"Wait, wait, wait." She stopped him. "You can't just do that, put my name on your house-"
"Our house."
"-and say it's mine too."
He pointed to the pile in front of him. "All these papers say I can."
"Oh, god." She moaned in annoyance. "Gray-sama-"
"Juvia." Gray said serious. "Look, I did this because I wanted to show you I am committed, that you and I are in for the long haul."
The blunette shook her head. "Juvia doesn't need papers to-"
"Well, but I do." He told her. "I know you believe the best you can in my word that I am not leaving, but I just wanted to give you a formal proof and this is it. This is gonna be our house, with both our names on the papers so it's a promise or whatever. I told you I am not leaving again and I won't. Just sign the papers so Harriet can stop looking confused to why we are arguing." He looked back to the paper and signed his name. "Just sign."
Juvia couldn't believe her ears. Gray... he wanted to give her physical proof of their commitment to each other and his way was both of them owning a house, the place they would really start their life together.
The ridiculous adorable man, just when she thought she couldn't love him more.
She dried some happy tears and turned to Harriet. "Can you lend me a pen, please?" The older woman gave one to Juvia and she signed her name on one of the papers Gray had already signed. "Juvia will buy all of our furniture since you bought our house and I know you won't let me pay for my half." She said casually and by the corner of her eye she saw his body relax, as if he thought Juvia was going to reject his idea. Was that why he didn't ask her? Was he afraid she'd say 'no'? Oh, they really needed to talk.
"Sounds fair." He signed another document and she saw him trying to hide a smile.
"And we are so arguing about this later." Juvia told him.
Gray nodded and signed a paper. "Wouldn't have it any other way."
"Thank you for all the help." Juvia hugged Lucy and waved good-bye in Natsu's way before closing the front door. Everyone from FT had helped them move in and even though most of their things from storage were sold since Juvia decided to buy new furniture, there were a lot of small things from their old apartments they would keep, so there were boxes all around the house. And their luggage.
At least the store had delivered their furniture so they wouldn't sleep on the floor that night. Instead, they would spend the night at the queen size bed Juvia bought. Well, Gray said he liked his space.
"Are they all gone?" Gray asked when he reached the last step of the stairs. Juvia nodded and wrapped her arms around his middle. "I'm so tired."
"Me too." He rested his chin on the top of her head. "Please, tell me we won't be doing anything else tonight. I really think we deserve to eat the rest of the pizza, take a hot bath and then sleep for twelve hours." Juvia chuckled.
"We don't need to do anything else tonight. If I start, god knows when I'll stop." She kissed his lips. "Thankfully the microwave is already in place and there's enough pizza for us." Juvia walked towards their kitchen and started to go through the boxes, getting the forgotten pieces.
As payment for their help to move in, Gray and Juvia had bought pizza and beer to the helpers and it was quite a good evening, everyone laughing and helping one another. Really, one of the best days she had since her return.
Juvia heard Gray stop behind her as she put the food inside the microwave and set the timer. "Did you hear that Lucy-san and Natsu-san are thinking of getting that house one street over?"
"Hooray." Gray's voice was so dry Juvia had to smile, he really wasn't enjoying the idea of living so close to the couple.
"Don't be like that." She looked over her shoulder. "They are our friends." He groaned in agreement and Juvia chuckled. "Oh, and the picture we took earlier is so getting printed!" Juvia beamed in happiness while Gray rolled his eyes.
They had arrived quite early at the house and when they were about to get in, Lucy, who had come with them to help clean up, told them to wait. Confused, the couple watched as the blonde took her phone and said: "You two need a picture of your first day here!" Juvia agreed it was a great idea and even though Gray was really annoyed with it, he agreed.
What Juvia didn't expect, though, was for him to sweep her from the ground, bridal style and wait for Lucy to take a picture. When Juvia asked what he was doing, Gray just shrugged and told her "The guy carries the girl inside, right? Oh, hey Lucy's trying to get your attention, let's do this."
Juvia had smiled so widely she was afraid to have pulled something, and then when Lucy was satisfied with the pictures, Gray had carried her inside.
The whole day had been a dream coming true.
"Just don't put up pictures of me looking ridiculous." Gray told her.
She gasped in fake outrage. "I would never." He snorted and she giggled. Juvia's attention went to the microwave when it beeped, but Gray stopped her before she could move. "Gray-sama?" She asked, confused.
Gray was looking at her, his eyes really focused on her and... were his cheeks getting pinker? That made no sense.
"Just listen to me, okay?" He asked and Juvia nodded. Gray cleared his throat and his voice came out low, as if he was ashamed. No, not as if, he was really being shy. "Last time we moved in together wasn't because we really chose to, we didn't think about it, it just happened. It was nice and all, but then I got scared and took the first opportunity to leave to try to figure out what was happening to me. I have no idea what my plan was, really. I just chickened out and left.
"You know me, you know I don't do this kind of crap, I don't like talking feelings because I assume you already know. This time, though, I really need to say it because I won't do that again, if I get cold feet I know I can talk to you because we are on the same page about that." Juvia nodded, a few weeks before he had told her she was the most important person in his life. "And, well, since today we are officially starting to live together for a long time, I'll just tell you because you should hear it so there are no doubts whatsoever about my intentions here.
"I don't want to say this when one of us is in the field, dying in the other arms. I don't want for you to hear it if something bad happens, as if I hadn't realized before that moment. Because I didn't, you know? I realized it a while ago but just didn't want to admit to myself, much less to you. You have so much power over me, you don't even know." He snorted. "Anyway, what I am trying to say is that I love you. I've loved you for a while and I intend to keep it that way for a long time."
Juvia's eyes widened and her world stopped. Did he just...? Did he say...? He couldn't. Did he? No. It couldn't be. She was dreaming, that was for sure.
"You..." She managed to whisper, her eyes watering. "Don't say that if you don't mean it."
"If I hadn't meant it, I wouldn't have said it." He shrugged, trying to be nonchalant about it, but she saw his cheeks become even redder. "And you knew this, Juvia. I told you how important you are to me."
Of course, she knew deep down exactly what he meant, instinctively she was aware of her role in his life, she knew his feelings were much deeper.
But hearing him say those three little words...
The next thing Juvia knew was that she had thrown her arms around Gray's shoulders and kissing him on the lips. Gray held her and kissed her back. Juvia could feel her tears fall while they were kissing, but she was so happy, so happy she couldn't keep it together.
"I love you too." She kissed him again. "I love you so much." She gave him a peck on the lips. "You have no idea how much I love you."
"Stop crying." He told her. "I hate when I make you cry."
"I can't." Juvia laughed through her tears. "Juvia is so happy..." She cried harder. "I've waited for so long to hear that."
"Sorry I-"
"No, no." She shook her head. "Juvia loves you just like that. You had your own time to figure it out and I'm so glad you did." Juvia kissed him again. "Oh, god, you just made me the happiest woman alive."
Gray just held her as she laughed and kissed him again and again. She would need a while to convince herself she wasn't dreaming, and if she were, she hoped she wouldn't wake up.
She was living her dream.
AN: You have no idea how long I've been waiting for him to say those words to her. I feel so accomplished! Lol I hope the fluff was okay, they had been through a lot and needed a break. HAHA
So, guys, about the Alvarez arc: I really need to read it all again to see if I can incorporate it to the story and even if I do, I will have to diverge from the canon more than I already did. This story has about 3 or four chapters left (it depends on the sizes) and I truly intend to finish it in December *crosses fingers* and I don't think the arc will be finished at the manga by then. So, I'll take even more liberties with the plot, but trust me, I have planned Juvia's "death" already, so there's a spoiler for you. lol
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