Time for a Q&A!
Welcome welcome my wonderful readers! So firstly I want to thank everyone who sent in a question, it means a lot so thank you so very much!
I also wanna thank you guys for getting me so many reads here! It's unreal and it makes me so happy to see the view count go up every day. So as promised, here's a panel style Q&A of all the characters in Guns And Roses!
Grim (me): Greetings awesome guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Grim here, and I'll be conducting the panel by calling on fans to ask their question(s) for the characters of Guns And Roses, and then the respective character will answer. Sound good, guys?
Rose: sounds good to me
Bakugo: what is this? Who the f*ck are all these people?
Rose: Someone seems a bit more family friendly-
Grim: Yeppers peppers, now if you're done, I'd like to continue with the questions.
Mei: Yeah!! Let's get this going! I can only imagine fans are dying to hear from the brilliant minds behind this!
Grim: aw thanks-
Mei: I was talking about me!! I'm clearly the star of whatever this is by my outstanding brain and skills! Of course the audience wants to know more about me and my companions!
Grim: well you're a little off there, Hatsume, but essentially yes, I think the readers would like to know more about you all.
Kirishima: Then let the Q&A begin! Let's go!!
Grim: Yeah alright! So for the first question...*points* uh you in the front- the gal I've definitely never seen before-
Peachy: hi Grimmy!!
Grim: dangit, Peachy, they can't know you know me
Peachy: oops! Sorry lovie
Grim: that's okay. Did you have a question?
Peachy: oh yeah! I got a bunch!
Grim: great! Go for it
Peachy: ok!! So peachy_cheeks_sweet here, and my first question is to Grim (my love úwù): how are you so amazing and perfect >:0?! NFKEN OKIE BUT ALSO where do you draw all your inspo for your ocs from??? they're just so creative!!!
Grim: aw love, you're too kind, to answer you question, I draw inspiration for my characters from really anything. Most I create loosely based on the people in my life, like Q was based around a great teacher of mind and Mickey, Rose, and Honey were based off good friends of mine. Lunchbox and Rocket came from the idea that I just wanted a side character with those names, so I developed fleshed out characters that I thought would reflect them. A lot of my characters have started out as flat ideas, but I'm glad to see them so evolved from how they started.
Lunchbox: wait you're telling me that I was based off an actual lunchbox??
Mickey: *laughing* oh man that's pretty heroic, don't ya think, Lunchie?
Grim: say what you will, but both of you are cannonically side characters, and I think our Lunchbox has come a long way from where he started. Anyways, I think Peachy has a question for him
Peachy: oh yeah totally!! So Lunchbox: aha what'd you have for lunch today broskie òwó (I'm so funny nfksndkw)
Lunchbox: *sighs* shoulda seen this question coming. I had a grilled cheese and goldfish snacks today; thanks for asking, Peachy
Mickey: *cough* whales are better
Rose: agreed
Lunchbox: no way! Goldfish are so much better! They're saltier than whales
Mickey: oh sorry I'm not so desperate for sodium that I have to pass up a snack with flavor to go search for goldfish
Grim: I mean...I side with Lunchbox on this one-
Rose and Mickey: boo
Grim: moving on! Keep up the questions, Peachy
Peachy: hmm, ok this one is to Huxley, yes ik he's not technically in this story but I still have to-
Grim: interesting. For those of you who don't know, Huxley Norman is an OC of mine that can be seen in my BNHA RP book. Let's drop him in for the answer, shall we?
*A dark haired boy drops through the ceiling of a portal of plot convenience*
Huxley: W-where am I? W-who are you guys!? Why do I feel so animated right now!?!
Grim: relax, child. I am just your creator who has brought you hear from your world that I constructed into a different one of my making to answer a question
Huxley: *blinks*......WHAT!?
Peachy: okie so what do you usually do for your dates??? are you more romantic or more adventurous??? you gotta tell me I'm nosey
Huxley: u-uh well I'm not sure I guess it depends. I personally like to be more on the adventure side so-
Grim: very nice, thank you for joining us Huxley. That will be all
*Portal of plot convenience opens up again*
Huxley: NO WAIT- where am I going!?
Grim: don't worry we'll see you later someday. Have a nice trip, Huxley
*The oc is sucked in and the portal closes*
Ross: are we just gonna ignore that whole thing??
Grim: next question?
Peachy: uhhhh yeah..so Jiro: do you sing for Hux?!?! Do you play for him?!?! Have you write a song about him?!?!
Jiro: *flushes red* oh gosh ok, well I mean I write songs about everyone in our class, whether it's completely dedicated to them or if they just inspire a small piece. Koda is a quiet piano piece while Bakugo's is a heavy metal song
Bakugo: that's pretty f*cking weird-
Mina: aww no it's so sweet!!! She sees us as music, how cool is that!?!
Peachy: oh hi mina! I got a question for you too: Sorry if this is intrusive, but do you like women in any way??? (ie are you anything but straight or aro NDJNSJS) because if so, what's your idea of an ideal gf??? I- uh- I'm asking for a friend 😳
Mina: wow you're really brave to ask that
Rose: well we've all been wondering
Mina: honestly I'm not totally sure, and that's fine! I'm only a first year, so I'm not in any rush to label myself. But to answer your question, I don't know specifically, but I assure you I'm anything but straight!
Grim: aren't we all. Next?
Peachy: ok ok last question I swear!! To Kirishima 💕: how's it feel to be the most perfect person ever 🥺👉👈 (I'm such a simp gnekndkw) but srsly will you pls go on a date w/ me-
Kirishima: aw thanks man I'm happy to have such a sweet fan! I would say I'm far from perfect, but that's super nice of you to say. I think you're pretty great too
Grim: *facepalms* great work Kiri-shark you broke her
Kirishima: my bad man!
Grim: let's call on someone else with questions. Hmm *points* how about the guy in the back
T-Gen: Yo, I'm T-Generation2378 and I got a few questions
Grim: Great to hear that! Go for it
T-Gen: So for Rose: What kind of gear do you think would best fit Kirishima, or any of the other hero students for that matter?
Rose: Oh man, where do I start?
Well for Kirishima, it's a little tricky since the main idea of a hero costume is to be both flashy and practical. For Kiri, the idea is to have a costume that's warm enough with the upcoming winter, but also strong enough that he doesn't tear through it. A lot of heros have tested titanium fused silk fabrics that will keep him from ripping through with his Quirk, and also protect his skin from debris.
And it's the same for kids like Hagakure for example. I know support is working really hard to get her a hero suit that reflects her invisibility, and a lot of progress has been made on my opinion.
Q: That's exactly right, Rosemary. Nearly all of 1H is working to help out Miss Hagakure with her Quirk. She mentioned to us that she, like many Quirk users, is constantly using a gadget throughout her life. You see, we as people are able to see because light reflects off of an object, onto our eyes, then back on that object again. But Miss Hagakure's eyes aren't reflective as they are clear, so there is no logical way for her to be able to see without equipment. She does in fact, use transparent thermal goggles since she was a child, but those only go so far. Support has already designed smaller, more intricate thermal goggles for her, and we work towards bringing her full vision ones.
Hagakure: And they're doing great! Right now I can only see thermal blobs of people, but hey it's better than nothing at all, right?
Grim: I got a feeling they'll make good progress. In the meantime, do you have any other questions for us T?
T-Gen: yep, this one is for Q: How has Neon not eaten Atom yet? Did you do something to it? And have your pets helped you in any experiments yet?
Q: *gasp* oh how dare you, good sir! To use this Question and Answer for such a barbaric theory!
Grim: you'll have to excuse him, he gets very sensitive about Neon
Rose: it's a valid question though-
Q: it is nothing of the sort! Neon and Atom are the best of friends. My Neon is far too caring to sink as low as to eat a mouse; she is a vegetarian, not to mention
Grim: well that settles that, what about using your animals in experiments?
Q: well yes I do rarely, but only after I am 100% certain that it is safe for my dear pets.
Rose: yeah he mostly tests his experiments on us to figure out if it's safe for the animals yet
Q: oh that was only three times!
Grim: uhhh- let's keep it going with the questions
T-Gen: For Rocket: I understand that you're deaf due to your Quirk, so then how are you able to hear everything going on?
Rocket: *scribbles down his answer on his whiteboard* I don't.
Grim: um, if Rocket is alright with it, I'll take over his answering. So yes, Rocket is totally deaf to the living world. He can only hear the ghosts around him, and they do fill him in time to time. But along with that, Rocket can also read lips very well.
T-Gen: So does he know sign, or does he just stick with his whiteboard?
Grim: For Rocket's cannon character, he originally wasn't deaf but just soft spoken, so to write him now I did do some research. I found out that some deaf people read lips to understand or have a translator near by. Rocket does both and usually has one of his ghost buddies tell him what's going on.
Good questions so far! Any more?
T-Gen: Sure do! So for the Extras: if your group name was an acronym, what would it stand for?
Rose: crap that's a good question but I really don't know
Lunchbox: how are we supposed to find a word that starts with an x??
Rose: okokok we can do this. Hmm..... Easy... Xylophone...tacos... Did I get it?
Grim: you're about half way there
Rose: oh sh*t
Mickey: I got it!
Shinso: oh yeah right, and I sleep
Mickey: no actually I think I got it, man! I got it
Rose: 'ight let's hear it Mick
Mickey: ok picture it, the Ë×TRÃ$ *guitar intro*: Extra Trippy Assholes
Rose: I love it
Grim: yeahhhh that she's a tad bit problematic..
Mickey: it's genius! And unless anyone can come up with something different??
Grim: alright fine, you got me there. Let's keep the questions going. How about... *points* the girl on the front, got a question for us?
Maria: yeah hi, I'm -AngelMaria-
Grim: it's great to have you! For those of you who don't know, this is the great author that's helped me a lot with this book. So you got a question for us?
Maria: sure do. For Rose: So what would your hero name be? Have you thought of any ideas for one?
Rose: ah geez this is a little embarrassing; I haven't really thought of one
Shinso: you've been training for the hero course for like a year, how haven't you thought of one?
Rose: in my defense, I did not think I'd get this far
Midoriya: interesting, you work to be a hero but haven't thought that far ahead. Do you have any ideas?
Rose: well yeah a couple. I want something unique to me and has a cool meaning. There aren't that many latinx pro heros or ones with prosthetics in Japan, so maybe my hero name should showcase that
Grim: I actually do have one in mind for you that I think you'll love, but the fans will just have to wait and see what it will be. Any other questions?
Maria: Yep one more, this one for Q: Do you have any favorite heros? If so who is it? And do you have any heros you don't like? if so who is it?
Q: ah finally a question for little old me! As a UA teacher I get to meet all sorts of pro heros from all around. I would love to say that my favorite are from the Royce family seeing as we are good friends, but then again that would be biased...I guess the only logical way to answer this is with-
Rose: don't say it
* 3 h o u r s l a t e r *
Grim: finally..
Q: after a lot of thought, I would have to say that my favorite hero is Chiyo Shuzenji! Or better known as the youthful heroin, Recovery Girl!
Panel of characters: Seriously!?
Bakugo: that old hag!?
Denki: I hate to agree with him, but come on, professor, there are plenty of other cool pros out there
Q: I think you all underestimate miss Chiyo. Recovery Girl is a hero that has stayed loyal to UA and it's students for many years. Where ever there is trouble, you can count on Recovery Girl to be there to help. Not many pros these days stick around to clean up the after math; they all prefer to make a mess and then head out. But Recovery Girl always stays to take care of everyone! That is why she is the best hero in my eyes.
Grim: that's a really good point, Q. And did you find heros you don't like?
Q: well that wasn't easy either as I try to remain on good terms with all of the heros I meet. That being said, I don't think Gang Orca has taken a liking to me
Grim: You're not going to say Professor Database? From what I've seen, he really isn't too fond of you
Q: oh please, he acts mean, but I know that men of science stick together
Grim: very interesting, and I think that's a good question so I'll pass it around to the other characters too. What are all of your guys' favorite and least favorite heros?
Rose: it's weird I love super hero movies, but I've never been crazy about real pros. I admire heros like Gunhead and Power Loader a lot but...well I'd have to say Hawks is my favorite pro and Best Jeanist for my least favorite
Grim: I'll agree with you on Hawks, but come on Best Jeanist is cool!
Rose: he has a weird neck it freaks me out!
Shinso: well Eraserhead is my favorite, big surprise, and Mt. Lady would have to be my least favorite
Honey: oh Mirko or Rock Lock would have to be my favorite for sure, but I don't really care for Endeavor all that much
Shoto: much agreed. My father is my least favorite, and it would make him mad for me to say his rival is my favorite, so that's exactly what I'll do.
Bakugo: wow you're such a rebel
Kirishima: you say that like you don't agree with him- oh and Crimson Riot is the best to me and I don't care for Ectoplant
Midoriya: I agree with Kacchan that I like All Might the best
Grim: uh- Mika we haven't heard from you, what's you take?
Mika: personally I'm not a fan of any pro hero in specific. I do, however, admire the rescue hero Miss Infinity as she is one of few good of heart heros these days; my least favorite would be either The Bravo Huntsman or 420 for their morals and bad records
Midoriya: hey wait, those names don't sound cannon!?
Grim: hmm sounds like some new OCs. I guess we'll have to wait to hear more about them
Q: now wait, Grim, what about your choices?
Grim: Well I agree with most of you, Endeavor is my least favorite, and for my favorite I would go with Fat Gum or Ms. Joke since they're absolutely adorable and never fail to make me smile.
And I think that just about wraps this up. I would go on, but this has gotten pretty long enough. Hey maybe I'll do an interview next, so let me know what you, the readers, think!
Thank you again to all the people who have submitted questions; this Q&A would not have been able to happen without you.
Thank you again to all my readers for wayyyy over 5,000 reads, and I hope you enjoyed this 5k celebration
Keep up the great work for the final 2 incentives before I add more, and until next time ~
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