(28) Round 1
Quick AN: so yes as you can tell the pair ups are different from the cannon story, but that's for a reason. You see I don't want the bracket to be directly cannon with the exception of Rose because if you guys wanted to see cannon material then you would've watched the anime. This is a fan fiction which means it's my job as an author to provide new things you won't get anywhere else. I want this story to be different and I want you guys to have a unique story to read! So I changed the brackets to fit my story and I hope you all like it
Thank you, stay safe, and back to the story
Rose POV:
Midnight had dismissed us to go eat lunch and take a break before the real action started. It was actually nice, to say the least. I ate with Mickey and Rocket which meant I got to hear Mickey talk for an hour straight. I'm glad I had gotten a chance to chill before my big fight. The brackets would start soon and everyone was prepping in their own way.
I gotta say some of these pairings were... interesting to say the least. But the weirdest part was what happened beforehand.
Apparently something went down during the Calvary Battle that made two kids from 1A, Ojiro and Aoyama, withdrawal from the next round. Aoyama didn't want to at first, but saw all the attention Tail Boi was getting and caved in. That left the only two other members from Team Shinso to move on, our fellow extra and a chick from 1B. Midnight asked the girl if she wanted to drop out to but she said,
"Heck no! No disrespect to you two but..I may not know what happened back there, but dangit I'm still gonna win this and prove I deserve to be here too." She wasn't too phased about the whole not remembering what happened thing and seemed determined to win.
Mei actually dropped out too, which I was surprised at. I tried to convince her to stay but she said that there was just nothing left for her to do. She didn't want to use her gadgets and have her investors see them be used on the losing opponent, so she dipped. Gotta say, I was kinda disappointed. I mean I didn't want to fight her, but it still would've been cool to see her take on one of the other guys.
Oh well I guess..
That left sixteen of us to compete in the one on one challenge. Most were easy fights to just knock out the weaker kids- oh no offense Sero we all loved you- but some actually out on a good show.
Let's recap, shall we?
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"Get those foam fingers in the air cause it's almost time for the last round!" Mic announced to everyone in the stadium, calling them back to their seats after lunch. "Kids put your morals aside, and don't be afraid to play dirty! Although stay away from that life or death crap. Real heros take villains to jail not kill them, remember?" Cementoss filled the area with a large slap of concrete for us to fight in and waited in a rock chair to make sure things don't get too rough.
"You can win by getting your opponent out of the ring or by immobilizing them, you can even win by getting them to cry uncle and forfeit the match!" Mic went over all the dos and don'ts of the round then let it all begin.
1st up: the pink sweetheart going by the name Mina Ashido vs. our background boi Hitoshi Shinso
It was one of the quicker fights, but that's not to say miss dark-eyes didn't put up a hell of a fight. She was getting him pretty good with her acid, but for whatever reason she just stopped and walked out halfway through the match. She was in the middle of saying, "I'm gonna kick your-" then just stood up and froze, walking away.
Second: Mika Bitch vs. Kiri-shark
Gotta say, seeing her completely yeet him out of the ring in the first four seconds and barely giving him a chance kinda made me dislike her a little bit more. I mean come on he just wants to show off his manly power
Third: Todo-Elsa vs. Tape arms
Much like the previous match, Todoroki did Sero dirty and destroyed him in a matter of seconds. Poor guy. His ice froze half the stadium which took a while to thaw out. But it was a quick fight, going to IcyHot by a landslide
Fourth: Robo Legs vs. our favorite Emo Bird
Finally a match where something happened. Iida ran to try and confuse that shadow and Tokoyami did his best to block his opponent. After a while of Iida running in a circle, I got board.
"Save my seat." I stood up and looked at Rocket who nodded before looking back down at the repetitive match. We were seated by class with walls blocking us off from each other, which I didn't mind. Although I did wish I could've seen Monoma smack talk 1A. Gotta love the crazies.
I walked out and through the halls to try and clear my head before my match began. I wasn't sure who exactly my opponent was at first but I picked up that she was the future hero Creati. I wasn't afraid though, I mean how could I be? I made it this far, and it certainly wasn't just to lose on the first match. I had a lot of people counting on me: Q..Mei...Rocket.....my family...her..
I gotta stop thinking.
I walked the empty halls until hearing a soulful and silvery voice talk to me, "Hey soul sister! Wassup?" It was the girl on Shinso's team who didn't drop out. I smiled and turned around to her. "Hi, and I'm cuban, actually."
"Oh my mistake," she held her hands up to apologise before reaching one out to me. "I'm Mercedes but everybody calls me Honey." I wasn't sure what the nickname refered to, yet, but she was sweet like honey. She had dark chocolate skin and carmel eyes, also sharing the same eyebrow piercing as me, so I knew she had taste. I took her hand and shook it, introducing myself too. "Rose, I'm guessing you're the Mercedes that placed fourth in the obstacle race?"
"The one and only!" Honey boasted with her hands on her hips all sassy like. "And you're the lil miss that cheated death on that. Gotta say hun you got some spunk to phase through that there bot. You better win these next two rounds, so I can have a swing at you." She sent me a wink that, I will admit, made me blush like a fucking dork.
"O-oh thanks," I looked down and rubbed the back of my head, freakin moron, before looking back up to her. "That, uh, glitch phase wasn't on purpose though. But yeah, if- when I win I'd be happy to fight you."
Honey hummed to herself, "Liking the confidence on ya, Rose. Best of luck to you, you're going against a pretty tough crowd. Not to mention myself which will probably be your biggest obstacle." She shrugged like her own strength was no big deal.
"Really? Well who's your first match?"
Honey replied, "Denki Kaminari from 1A-"
"Yeah?" By call, Kaminari walked up to us with Tape Arms and Pinky with him. Honey smiled at them with that same sweet, slight southern accent in her charmful voice. "Well speak of the devil, hey there brother! Name's Honey, and I'll be moping the floor with you in just a few." She had a cocky attitude, yes, but just something about her happy smile while saying she's gonna kick you ass made it sound ok.
Great Value Shazam smiled back, trying to mirror her confidence. "Well good luck, cause you're going against one of the best in his class!" Pika Pika grinned and pointed a thumb at himself pridefully.
"Oh really, where is he?" Honey looked around the room before looking back at Thunderbolt and punching his arm. "Don't worry, brother, I'm just joking. I bet you'll put up a great fight!"
He mustered a laugh and rubbed his arm. "Yeah..ow..but don't think I'll hold back on you, even though I didn't do super well on the race. I kinda short circuit my brain if I use too much and.....I realise now I probably shouldn't say that.." his dark haired friend hit Phone Charger upside the head and shook his own.
"Seriously, man?"
Their pink alien sighed to herself. "Well if you lose its not the end of the world. I guess you'll just join the quick loss club." The gal pouted about her loss and I honestly felt a little bad for her. Damnit these heros are making me soft.
Now I ain't gonna lie, I used to not like hero course students. Mostly because my only encounters with them, Mika and Bakugo, don't end on a happy note. And I was comfortable with that seedy anger for them. It was just one of those many many flaws that I refused to work on. You know, hero material. But kids like Honey and Kirishima make it so damn hard to dislike them and that's just not fair.
Ugh I guess I was gonna have to be not hateful towards them. Great
"Aw sister don't feel bad," Honey instantly tried to reassure her. "It ain't your fault, that kid just has a freaky quirk."
"Who, Shinso?" Come to think of it, I honestly wasn't sure what his quirk was. I assumed it wasn't anything flashy since he was stuck in the background but he also beat Ashido without moving a muscle.
"Yeah the purple dude. He saw how well I did in the race and talked to me before the team battle." Honey started and looked down, her arm crossing and wrapping around herself. "I said one word to him before it all went black. I wish I could tell ya what happened, but next thing I knew I done finished the battle. Not gonna lie to y'all I was a little disappointed to placed fourth, but hey if someone wants to help me to the next round, I ain't complaining."
"Good for you," I said, "I mean I respect those other guys for sure but..if someone wants to use you to get to the top, might as well prove you deserve to be here. I mean we all gotta prove ourselves someway.." Honey nodded while the others stayed quiet.
"Well I'm glad to hear that from you," a new, familiar voice talked to me while walking up to us. I looked back to see Monoma's pale blue eyes filled with moxie and determination. I sense a monologue ahead "I was surprised to hear you're from support, but then again it wasn't like you did much to fight. You were pretty much our tool to help us win, lucky that we brought you up to the next round with us." You know I used to like that guy, mostly cause he annoyed Mika, but once he found out I was in support, he turned a full 180 against me.
Honey rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "Geez, brother, do you have to pick on everyone outside our class?"
Monoma smiled and shrugged. "Guess it's just in my nature."
"Well that's great, but if you can remember, I worked just as hard as you two, and I'm certain I can kick your ass any day." Damn I gotta stop that. Monoma seemed rather amused while Duck Tape, Pinkie, and I Ran Outta Nicknames just watched. Honey was annoyed with Blondie, but I could tell she was too invested into this to stop him.
He smiled, less happy and warm and more unhinged, but a grin nonetheless. "You better be a person of your word, Rosemary, because if you win against a real hero then you're up against me next," he said, somehow even a tiny bit intimidating despite being nearly a half a foot shorter than me.
"That's only if you win, too. And you're going against a 1A kid so watch out." I honestly had no fucking reason to hype up that class, but come on if this little dude was gonna smack talk me then I'll make a bitch angry. I saw Monoma's expression almost crack into one filled with more of that crazy look he gets when talking about 1A.
"Well no offense Support, but you're way off you're game if you think for a second that I would lose to 1A, much less one without a stable quirk to use." He looked down and chuckled like the mere thought of losing to Midoriya was killing him. Monoma looked up with a freaky smile and an even more crazy glare in his eyes. "I'll beat him, there's no question about it. Just be ready to fight me when we're both done."
"You're on."
⏸️Next time on Guns and Roses ⏭️
No matter what...I'm gonna win..
"Just shut up and fight me already."
"My class isn't a charity to make kids feel like they're accomplishing something. It's real work that will leave most of them crushed in the end."
"Sounds like a job for the therapist."
"No offense Q, but you're crazy-"
"Sure am!"
So the start of what you all have been waiting for: the bracket round!
For the question, who do you think will move up to round two? (The ones mentioned excluding)
Character Spotlight: Mercedes Jackson (Honey)
(1-B) original character
Quirk: Honey Bee
Fun fact: Honey isn't the greatest singer, but this gal can rap and beatbox like hell
Until next time kings, queens and royals in between ~
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