(27) Last of the Calvary Battle
As the glowing pink chains burst out of Rose's upper back, the gal screamed until her hypothetical lungs exploded. Mika rolled her eyes and stopped for a moment to let Rose breathe. "I warned you that you might feel mild discomf-"
"MILD!?" Rose held her head down while she desperately tried to hold up her teammate, who used her quirk to send the pink chains at their opponents. Mika and Rose's chains successfully grabbed eight headbands, and only at the expense of the horrible pain that was shooting out of Rose. Though the competition was far from over.
While everyone was focused on the ten million, team Quartz was staying low. Well, as low as they could get.
"Will you shut up?" Mika hissed, clapping her hands again and sending more chains to grab sashes. "It's not exactly easy to sneak up on people with your screaming. Geez, this team is a pain in the neck.."
"You don't know what pain is!!" Rose yelled back and tried to hold in the painful wails for a while. The feeling she was experiencing can be described as having a line of sharp, metal forks strung together and ripping out of her skin, pulling out. The horrible tearing agonized her for a long while, until it stopped.
"Huh...?..Ok- I'm fine-"
"Your discomfort may increase." Mika announced before moving the chains to fly around the opposing team and grab a headband that was on the neck of a competitor on the other side of the field. Then, Rose screamed louder.
But on the plus side, Rose's pain helped get Team Quarts to eighth place, but although, the top ten wasn't enough for Neito Monoma.
The group was running through, about to pass Team Bakugo and grab the headbands from Team Hagakure, when the arrogant extra reached up to rip the sash off Bakugo's head. This knocked Team Bakugo down to zero points, and into last place. The spiky blond was livid. "GET BACK HERE YOU DAMN EXRAS!"
Neito stayed confidently silent for a short moment, before treading the waters a bit more, saying, "Sorry your class is too small-minded. Think bigger." Monoma laughed and tossed the sash up to Mika.
"Oh shit.." Mika muttered as her teammates below her stopped a safe distance from Team Bakugo.
"Midnight said the obstacle course was just the first game, and we figured they wouldn't cut that many of us right off the bat, would they?" Monoma began monologuing, despite Mika's aggravated murmering. Rose didn't stop him, and instead, took a chance to feel her back again.
Monoma went on, "Assuming they'd keep at least 40 contestants for the next event, all we had to do was make sure we keept in that group as we ran. From our spots in the middle ranks, we could fully observe the quirks our rivals had, and judge their capabilities. Only a fool would obsess over winning the preliminary rounds, wouldn't you agree?" Katsuki growled in anger while his squad looked scared out of their minds at his rage.
"Stop provoking him, Neito," Mika warned, sending him, then Bakugo, raging glares. "No point to taunt someone so easily tormented." She knew her words would kindle the explosive temper in Katsuki, but this was a competition after all.
Monoma replied with the same, calm demeanor that knew exactly what he was doing. "I guess you're right; it isn't very heroic of me. But I guess heros are always being hounded by moronic villains desperate for revenge." He laughed while Mika stared, Rose still not sure where she was, the group had just signed their death warrants. Bakugo's eye twitches in rage while he clenched his fists, barking at Kirishima to "Take down these B-list bastards!" Kirishima, Ashido, and Sero were hesitate, but did as yelled to and charged at Team Quartz. Bakugo used his explosions as thrusters to launch the group forward, not giving Mika enough time to torture disoriented Rose and block his quick attack.
"I'VE GOT YOU NOW, BASTARDS!!--" Katsuki went quiet when an all too similar blast nailed him in the face. They were lucky Ashido and Sero didn't drop him then. Monoma stayed calm and smug while he smirked, his hand smoking with the sweet smell of nitroglycerin. "Hm, flashy quirk..I can see why you like it so much." Mika noticed what he did and knocked him on the head.
"Moron. He could've had us." 1B might have won that, but Katsuki refused to let extras like them beat him at his win. If it wasn't for the battle between Midoriya and Todoroki that took his attention, the blond bomb would've destroyed them right there. They got lucky.
There were 50 seconds left on the clock and Team Quartz was scraping by in sixth place. Most of their opponents had found a way to block against the chains, which meant they had to think of another strategy and fast. Teams Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki seemed to be fighting for the ten million points which meant everyone else was settling for their stop, and just keeping their guard up to prevent from losing more. Team Jiro, with 1A's Sato and Koda, stood facing the action, backs turned to our protagonist. Sato was in the back and was already victim to the chains once, which meant that the original plan would fail, and they only had time for one shot.
Monoma's eyes glanced over to the explosive student that was clawing his way to destroy the competition, which gave him an idea. "Hey, I have a plan-"
"No" the dark haired girl dismissed while holding onto her headbands that were around her head and neck. Monoma, of course, took her rejection as a joke, and went on, "It'll be fine and will get us to the top to beat those 1A kids!" He laughed under his breath before focussing back to his new plan. "I want you to jump."
Mika looked down at him, honestly wondering why she let these people, who obviously can't make a smart decision to save their lives, team up with her. "You want me to do what?" Her eyes narrowed to him making it clear she wasn't taking risks, and certainly won't hesitate to put him in the ground if they lost because of this. Monoma laughed and smiled, putting a hand on her arm. "Just trust me, Quartz." Mika quietly groaned and looked at team Jiro.
"Rose, I need you to run and stop a few feet away, out of range from that girls ear jacks."
"Fine.." Rose shook her head and did as told, running head on to the distracted Sato, then coming to a sudden hault at a short distance. Mika swiftly got up and stepped on Rose's back the second she felt momentum mover her forward, launching herself off the girl and jumping at the team. It took Sato a second to notice her, of which he really wasn't expecting to be attacked like that. "Oh crap, look out!" He knew if he made Mika fall on purpose, they would risk disqualification. He tried to alert Jiro to duck and protect the headbands.
Monoma counted the timing perfectly, clapping his free hands together and lightly slapping Rose on the back. "Sorry about this."
"Oh come on-" Rose cut herself off by shouting, shouting that was in time with Mika's, Jiro's, and Sato's. The pink cuffs at the end of the chains grabbed Mika by the wrists and waist as her fingers curled around three bands loosely around Jiro's neck. Monoma pulled his arm back to reel his classmate in until she had landed safely, her legs on Rose's pained shoulders and her upper body held off the ground my Neito. The last second officialized their victory as Present Mic announced it,
"In a wicked turn of events, Team Quartz has, at the last second, had hauled their way to second place!!"
Thank God that's over.
Rose POV:
I had fallen to my knees the instant I heard the air horn that relieved us of the Calvary Battle. "Ugh, I can feel my atoms!" I wrapped my arms around myself and held my head down as my skin went back from the pink glow to it's normal tan brown. I had blocked out most of the chaos around me and tried to cherish this moment without those stupid chains. I did however, overhear my teammates conversation.
Mika got up off blondie locks and clenched her fist, bonking him on the crown of his head. "Moron. Have you lost what little sense God gave you?" A ray of sunshine, isn't she? Monoma rubbed his head, "Hey, we won, didn't we?"
Mika crossed her arms in front of her chest while narrowing her eyes up at Blondie. "You could've killed me."
"That's a risk I was willing to take- ow!" She had hit him again.
"My quirk isn't one to toy with. A wrong move and one of us is done for because if you had hurt me, I would have used every last bit of strength to make you regret it." Geez for a little gal, she was pretty intimidating sometimes. Mika bonked him again before walking away.
"Ow, what was that for?"
"Because I felt like it." She walked off in the separate direction as him, leaving me and my self awareness of how my molecules feel like they rub against each other.
I need a drink..
I walked up with the crowd to look at the scoreboard, staying quiet (I know right) and trying to rest myself before the final round, which can't be easy, considering everything else that happened. You know, I never noticed this before, but staying silent really gives you the opportunity to listen to the people around you.
"We made it in first, but it was too close for comfort," the busty gal from 1A complained, obviously never having to worry about losing in her life.
"Yeah we made it to the next round, which is pretty good!" Kirishima proudly told his teammates. "Although, I don't think our leader will agree with me.." Shouty Mcblast was raging to himself over their almost-loss. He held his sparky palms open while he glared down at the ground. "Bastards..how could we get second place!?!?"
Don't say it..don't say it... don't say-
"Actually, you got third." My dumbass turned back to him with a cocky smirk like I wasn't afraid of him murdering me right there.
"What?" Shit "WHAT!?" He repeated and looked up at the board as Midnight was announcing the scores.
"In first place, we have Team Todoroki with Yaoyorozo, Kaminari, and Iida! In second, after a dramatic comeback, there's Team Quartz with Monoma and Rosemary!"
"You!" Mcblast had just then figured out that I was apart of the team that taunted, then beat his ass. "DAMN EXRAS!!" He lunged at me with his palms open, ready to finish the fight right here. I held up my automail to shield myself, but if it wasn't for Kirishima holding him back, Blasty would've hit my metal. And I am not ok with that.
"Hey watch it, hedgehog! No wonder you lost if you get distracted every second trying to pick a fight." He clenched his teeth at me while I stayed ready to fight back if necessary. Kiri held his arms around Bakugo's waist, activating his quirk, but still struggling. "Come on, man, it's not that big of a deal- Crap, why are you stronger than me!?"
"Let me go, shitty hair!!" The little gremlin thrashed like a cat when you try to put it in the tub, and honestly, I had to try really hard not to laugh.
Midnight announced that third place goes to Team Mcsplode, fourth to Team Shinso, and fifth to Team Midoriya. Midnight then dismissed us to lunch before the round we've all been waiting for.
Bracket battle time.
⏸️Next time on Guns and Roses ⏭️
"Get those foam fingers in the air cause it's almost time for the last round! Kids put your morals aside, and don't be afraid to play dirty!"
"I'm gonna kick your-"
"That purple haired dude.....I said one word to him before it all went black. I wish I could tell ya what happened, but next thing I knew, I done finished the battle...."
"I was surprised to hear you're from support, but then again it wasn't like you did much to fight.
If you win against a real hero then you're up against me next
I'll beat him, there's no question about it. Just be ready to fight me when we're both done."
"You're on."
Yessir calvary battle done and done! Can't wait to find out more? Find out who all moves up into the bracket round on the next chapter of Guns And Roses
For the question, I ask you all if you have any guesses on who's going to have to fight in the next game
Character Spotlight: Mika Quartz
1-B original character
Quirk: Chains
Fun fact: she got into UA on a recommendation because of her father, but refused and asked to take the exams
Until next time, stay weird brothers, sisters, and nonbinary misters ~
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