(26) Truely Heroic
"Oh not you.."
You've got to be kidding me- why her of all people!? If I wanted a cocky bitch I would have teamed up with Shouty Mcblast
The ice queen looked back at me, damn those cold eyes, and of course, was unimpressed to say the least.
"Can I help you?" Her voice was entirely toneless despite the confidence she usually had about. I internally groaned and shoved my pride deep down.
"You're Quartz, right?"
"No I am not," she swiftly answered, "My father is Quartz, and I am not my father. My name is Mika you will address me as Mika." Her tone shifted from flat and uncaring to offended like a switch just by calling her by her last name.
I rolled my eyes and spoke through a sigh, "Yeah got it. Look Mika, you placed seventeenth, right? So..I think we should team up since neither of us have one yet."
She looked at me for a good while, probably one second but lemme tell ya, it felt like a year. I stayed uncharacteristically up straight while she silently judged me, before asking a bunch of unnecessary questions.
"What did you place?"
"Support." Mika scoffed, I'm guessing because someone like her can't physically laugh. She gave me a look with barely any emotion that said, 'You are joking'. "Which means I have weapons and gadgets that can help. With me on your team you'll have a huge advantage, trust me."
She looked up at me again, up and down before landing on my eyes, I can assume taking my claim into consideration. "What's with the metal arm?" Shoulda seen this one coming.
"Long story, but I can take and serve pretty good hits with it. Probably not super useful in this contest, though."
I stopped talking when I noticed that Mika seemed fairly interested in my automail. Surprise surprise.
"What's it made of?"
"16 pounds."
"From my nervous system's pulses."
"Punch me."
"What?" I blinked a couple times and tried to remember if I heard her correctly cause there's no way I did.
Mika stayed serious and repeated herself, "Punch me in the face, right now." I heard her correctly.
"Mika I'm not gonna-"
"I'll give you five seconds."
"Oh real mature-"
"Wait I thought you said I had five!?"
"You know I'm not gonna do something just cause you count down-"
"One, goodbye." She turned to leave until,
"Wait!" Before I knew it, I quickly turned her back around and took a swing at her face. Mika somehow dodged effortlessly and in one motion, clapped her hands together, dodged my attack, and had my arm hanging in the air while she stood next to my clenched fist.
"Uhhh-" I stood there with my arm out like an idiot while she had the metal suspended in a tethering of dirt chains. She brushed her hair over her shoulders and finally took a second to look at me, well my arm. "Hm," was all she said while eyeing the machinery. I honestly think I could've broke free since the chains where dirt, or whatever the ground here was, but I wasn't sure how to react or if I was allowed to for that matter.
Mika stood in front of my fist and flicked her wrist to release me. "You're fast." She folded her hands together and looked up to me with that bored stare. Come to think of it she's actually kinda short too.
"Uh thanks I guess." I pulled my hand back and rubbed my fingers over the, now dusty, metal. She's good, and the guys told me to pair up with a hero to win so... "Does that mean we're teaming up?" Mika looked around, then back at me with a very faint and very tiredly nod.
"Very well, but we will need another. You're fast but the best plan would be to have two people cary one." I shook my head in agreement with her.
We both walked around the field in search of another kid without a team, when we heard a voice call to us from behind. "Well well well, if it isn't Ms Quartz alone without a team. Color me surprised, I expected better from a classmate."
Mika stopped dead in her tracks and held an irritated glare towards the ground. "Oh merciful God no...." Call me childish but if I'm being honest, seeing her reaction kind of made me want to team up with the guy more.
"You're alone too, Monoma." She turned back around to the taller blond guy who was clearly loving every second of this.
"Well that's only because Kendo got swept up with Tetsutetsu and Awase. They say fours a crowd, but that's alright. I can crush those 1A bastards with any team!!" Is he...crazy?
"Team up with me Quartz, and by using their own quirks against them, we can show those wannabes which hero class is the superior! They won't see it coming, oh can't you imagine their faces when we obliterate their pathetic little dreams before they even know it?? They think just because they fought a few villains means that we won't be able to hold our own... they'll see cause I'll make them see because they won't be able to take their eyes off us!!"
Oh yeah. He's crazy..
I could see Mika holding a hand on her head and rubbing her temples while Monoma ranted, and I tried to stifle my laugh. Yeah of course this kid was extreme beyond logic, but I didn't see the issue. He wants to beat out opponents, and won't let anyone get in his way. If you ask me, that's a solid reason to keep him in our side.
"He needs a team, and we could use a third." I looked at Mika because something told me she was a stubborn one.
She sighed and let her hand down, looking up at Monoma as if to tell him he's on thin ice. "Fine. But you better pull your weight. If I lose because you got too caught up in your little rivalry, I will end you." Mika had moved to poke her finger on Monoma's chest while her bright eyes glared a vengeful storm at him.
"You are very small, Ms. Quartz..but I am afraid of you." Monoma nodded, agreeing to her terms and very cautiously backed her away. Mika gave a silent 'Damn straight' glare at him and started thinking out our plan.
"Alright we have three people, and between us we should have exactly 355 points. Not a purely terrible start, but we have a long way to go before winning." She held her head down with her eyes slightly shut like she was thinking; her voice still that nonchalant melancholy that held so much depth with so little words.
I chimed in, mostly to keep Monoma from monologuing again. "Well that shouldn't be too hard. I mean your quirk was made for this because can't you just use your chains to grab all of the headbands?"
Mika looked up, though her green orbs not directed towards anyone. "Well yes I should be able to. Only one problem, my quirk only works if I clap my hands and touch the surface I want the chains to be made of. If I'm on top of you two I can't touch the ground, and if I'm below I won't be able to bend down to reach the ground without dropping one of you."
"Well that's a shame.." Monoma seemed pretty disappointed to hear that we won't have an easy win. The group stayed quiet for a short second until a very...very stupid idea popped into my head.
I looked up and said, "Well....what if you used me..?" Both Mika and Monoma looked at me with confusion playing on their faces, well more Monoma than Mika. They didn't say anything for a while, making me feel more like a dumbass for even saying anything. I of course, did what I always do and kept talking until I didn't appear stupid. You can imagine how often that works.
"I mean if you can turn anything into chains than why not..me?" I clarified, trying to hold my head up but it was getting tough. Mika once again, would've laughed if she wasn't dead inside. "Because you would die, and we would get disqualified."
Glad to see her priorities are in check
I sighed to myself. I would be offended if it came as any sort of surprise. "My body is made of tangible light that can shape shift. If you can somehow touch me while me and Monoma hold you up, you can send chains made of my light to grab headbands." Monoma's face lit up hearing this.
"I say that sounds like a plan. Those 1A bastards won't see it coming if we hit them with our own teammate!" He laughed under his breath with that deranged look in his eyes. "That's pretty crazy of you, I'm almost impressed. What do you say Quartz?"
"Mika." She corrected, peeved.
I know that feeling all too well
She watched me and hummed to herself while thinking. "Well...I'm not saying it isn't impossible. Reckless for sure, but still possible. Alright, I'll give it a try. Worst case scenario, I tear you apart by each atom. But that is a risk I am willing to take."
"Ok well now that you say that-"
"Perfect!" Monoma cut me off and left me to stew in my own worry. I figured there was a 50/50 shot at either winning or dying in front of the whole world, and I didn't not like those odds.
Our team talked through the plan a bit more and decided that I would be in the front with Mono-psycho behind me guarding our back, and we'd both hold up Mika who's gonna be in charge of taking headbands. Mika explained that she would need direct access to my skin to use her quirk so I wore my uniform jacket around my waist with a black tank top underneath.
Me and Mika stood on our spot while we waited for Monoma to join us after he left to go take a few quirks. I still wasn't certain what his power was but I could tell it involved stealing other quirks. The upside was duh he can copy any quirk which means he's just as powerful as anyone here. The downside, I'm guessing, is he doesn't know the drawbacks of the quirk, making it easier for him to overuse it and hurt himself. Though I'm sure that's a risk Mika is willing to take.
"Alright boys and girls, take your places! The second challenge of the sports festival is about to begin!" Midnight yelled out to us while she stood showfully on her podium like a statue. Me and Monoma lifted Mika up, which was way easier than it should be, and got into position.
"You're sure this is safe?" I asked looking over my shoulder to the timid chick. Mika nearly laughed but stayed deadpanned, "Of course not. This is the single most ignorant plan I could think of. Best case scenario, you're tore apart and have a quick death."
"That's very comforting..."
3rd person POV:
With a blaring air horn telling the kids to move, the remaining first years were off and running. Most targeted the team of ten million points, Midoriya, Uraraka, Hatsume, and Tokoyami. The group was quickly ambushed by kids desperate to win and the rivaling, team Bakugo. Lucky for them that the marvelous Mei Hatsume went in with a plan to win.
"This is my moment to steal the spotlight from these wannabe heros! Everyone, observe what my brilliant gadgets can do!!" The girl boastfully cackled in madness while activating her state of the art hover shoes. That combined with Uraraka's antigravity, the group floated through the course.
Meanwhile, 1B was doing what they always did and laid low. Class 1-B does appear to be slightly behind in terms of head-on combat, but they excell in strategic ability and quick thinking. Monoma started by copying the quirk of 1A's Fumikage Tokoyami, Dark Shadow, something he had trouble controlling but helped protect the teams headbands.
"Don't go for the green kids sash," Monoma advised, "You'll be the target of their attacks. Just steal a bunch of other sashes and we should be able to move up. Be quick Quartz." He directed to his classmate while running and blocking with the vicious shadow.
"Like you have to tell me.." Mika's glowing, lime colored eyes scowled at the targets while she abruptly hit her palms together. Rose, hearing the warning clap, braced herself for the plan to take action.
"You might feel some mild discomfort.." Mika cautioned before touching Rose's shoulder as the girl put her head down and shut her eyes.
I'll be fine..I'll be fine..
She won't.
⏸️Next time on Guns and Roses ⏭️
"Geez this team is a pain in the neck.."
"You don't know what pain is!!"
"No point to taunt someone so easily tormented."
"Take down these B-list bastards."
"Oh shit..."
"You could've killed me."
"That's a risk I was willing to take- ow!"
Thank God that's over
Teamwork at it's finest ladies and gents
So we got to see Rose put her skills to use, and I'm curious if any of you have any unique skills
Character Spotlight: Neito Monoma
1-B cannon character
Quirk: Copy
Fun fact: he is the only one in 1B to hate 1A. The rivalry is really only his thing no one else cares all that much
Until next time ladies, men, and nonbinary friends ~
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