(24) Determinate
That's the amount of feet Rose and all the UA first years had to cross in order to make it over the second to last obstacle, The Fall.
Twice the size of the Eifel Tower...
Roughly 164 times Rose's height....
1,960 feet too deep....
And the exact number of times our dear protagonist has swore since this contest began.
After an eternity of running, Rose made it to the far, far drop that stood between her and the run to the finish line. She took a good look at the thin rope now cut from a previous competitor and hanging down the abyss below and sighed, knowing this would be tough and she didn't come this far not to use her gadgets.
Rose lost out on the entrance exams because she relied too much on her inventions yet she truly believed they would get her to victory.
Honestly some people just never learn
Nonetheless, Rose turned to her duffel bag and pulled out some wacky creation that will save the day. A pair of knives stuck together she named Dýo and their corresponding sheath, a harpoon-like gun, a sheild, down rope, and a pair of steal spiked cleats. She used the rope to tie the sheild to her front and laced on the cleats, throwing her boots into the duffle bag. Our gal looked down and took a breath as another piece of Q's advice popped in her head.
"If you ever can't bring yourself to act on something you want to do, mentally count to three then go! Don't give yourself time to think or doubt just count to three then move!"
Well he hasn't failed me yet..
After firing the gun and watching the harpoon spear land and stick against the side of the canyon, she tied the gun barrel to her waist. Rose shut her eyes and gripped the knives, still sheathed in her hand.
With that final count, she jumped off the cliff and held onto the wire attaching her to the spear for dear life.
Shit I'm gonna die...I'm gonna die..I'm gonna die. I'm gonna- OW!
With a painful thud, she hit the side on the canyon and dangled from the wire, grateful for the shield protecting her from hitting rock and only hitting the equally hard metal plate. She didn't have time to celebrate cheating death once again, so she quickly took out the thick knives then dug them each into the dirt. After doing the same with her cleats and sticking them into the wall, Rose began to climb.
Alright...it's just like rock climbing..but with real rocks...and over a two thousand foot drop....yeah..just like rock climbing..
How she managed to get to the top with only the strength in her body and the training in her childhood at parks was beyond realism. But hey, this is a fan fiction. You didn't come here for a realistic story.
Rose took another breath, her arms, or well arm, feeling like Jell-O but her fight still going strong. She took off in another sprint and passed a few more kids. Her dirty tricks got her up all the way to roughly in the top twenty placements, which was an accomplishment to say the least.
She was picking up speed when Rose made it to the final obstacle and the perfect opportunity to test her and Q's newest invention. UA's state-of-the-art minefield stretched out fifty yards between Rose and the finish line. Lucky enough most of the bombs have been detonated, oh but the winners left plenty untouched for the middle group to find. She knew how this worked, now it was time to pick the gadget.
You see, back when Rose was assigned to build a support item for 1A's Ejiro Kirishima, Rocket had wrote her about his assigned hero, the blond ticking time bomb with an ego louder than his explosions, and mentioned his quirk. Even though Rose was still salty about his whole- well really everything about him, she had to admit his quirk was pretty cool and interesting. Bakugo was easily one of the best of the first years and Rose knew to eventually beat him, she had to have a plan.
She took to her lab and fiddled around with Q ranting about every kind of explosive chemical on the periodic table until she made what they in the nerd biz call a break through. A motion, heat, and radar detecting bomb disabler. The metal cube would activate once she pressed the red button then instantly scan the area for high levels of nuclear activity and gunpowder. Once the cube has an idea of the explosion's approximate volume and speed, it would use hit the area with what Rose assumed was dry ice, but truth be told she just used what ever the hell was in Q's cabinet at the time. Q helped her make a bunch of those cubes along with the manufacturing district of the support course and Rose packed up as many of these little guys, calling them Utsusu.
The mine field stretched across her as she sprinted through, occasionally stepping on a bomb but quickly throwing Utsusu to freeze the blast. One perk of the gadget was that it would only temporarily freeze the explosion, leaving Rose five to ten seconds to run away before the blast resumed and hopefully took out some opponents. Rose made it through the field with relative ease, thankful Q had trained her for this by constantly bombarding her with explosives.
The contest was almost over..
Rose POV:
I could see the tunnel leading back into the stadium. My whole body ached with exhaustion but I couldn't feel more pumped to finish. I don't think there was a moment in the race where I stopped or slowed down while sprinting; it was like I felt all of my motivation from the entrance exams, training, and building from the whole semester come rushing into me and push me forward.
I was so close
I was in a small group in front of a blond kid who had a whole bunch of quirks, a ginger girl to his side and a literal man of steel, and we were all close to the top twenties or so. I moved faster and faster until the lights of the stadium grew brighter and cheers louder.
"And rushing in after a wicked comeback we have 1-H's Tallulah Rosemary in twenty-first place!"
I heard Present Mic yell out my score while I bursted through the entrance, wanting to fall to fall to my knees right then and there. Fuck was I tired, but damnit I can't believe I did it!! I made it through the first course and I'm near the top at least! Not bad for an extra if you ask me. Still didn't know what that glitch was back at the robo rumble but I made it so cool!
But then again, I wasn't even in the top ten, or twenty for that matter. I might not even make it up. They may cut it off and send the losers home.
Waiting by the bench for everyone to make it out until I heard if I was moving up or not was easily the hardest part. I sat by myself and tried to distract myself by reading the scoreboard.
First place: Izuku Midoriya...the green haired boy who partnered with Mei once. No offense but how did he manage to get first?? I haven't even seen him use a quirk
Second place: Katsuki Bakugo..aka shouty mc-blast your face off...more like Bakuhoe...he paired with Rocket and has a showy power... probably the reason he came in second..
Third: Shoto Todoroki.... Todoroki, oh Endeavor's kid..he was the one to freeze the ice over our feet, so we know he's determined to win..
Fourth: Mercedes Jackson, the highest ranking outside of 1A. I remember seeing her take off while the rest of us were frozen. She's fast that's for sure..
Nineth place: Ejiro Kirishima, our lil shark boi didn't do half bad
Seventeenth place: Mika Quartz, the cold chick from earlier. Man, for such a confident bitch she didn't make it very far
Eighteenth place: Hitoshi Shinso. Good for him, glad to see some extra represent
Twenty second place: Neito Monoma. I saw him use like ten quirks out there so why is he so far down??
And the list went on. Gotta say I'm not totally bummed about my placement but I'm glad to see how everyone else did. Looks like I got some decent competition here
Bring it on main character biotches
⏸️Next time on Guns and Roses ⏭️
You know this whole teamwork bullshit can honestly fuck off
"And your next challenge will be.......A calvary battle!" Shit
"Take him down"
"The heros play into our benefit and in exchange, we make them look good by losing to them in a stupid contest.
".....you can't rely on extras to help you out."
"Oh not you..."
Yay our gal made it past the first round of the sports festival! She's in a victory now, but the challenges have only begun for her
Rose definitely put in a workout here today, so you question for today do you do any sports?
Character Spotlight: Rose!
(1-H) original character
Quirk: Weapon (gauntlets)
Fun fact: her automail's energy.comes from her nero pulses so if she's exhausted, they can wear down just like muscles
Thanks for tuning in geeks, peeps, and nonbinary creeps and I'll see you soon ~
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