(1) Here we go
How do I tell a well-structured story when life is absolute chaos?
Well, there's a lot to get through so let's get to it. . .
I like to believe I'm a strong and capable person, you know? I can carry my own weight just fine. But here we are, first day at UA high! And I couldn't help but feel weaker than ever.
Believe it or not, I actually did pretty well on the entrance exams. I cleaned up on the villain portion with 44 points and scored 25 points on the rescue section. I ended up in the top ten and walked out feeling pretty good about it too. But because I relied on my own weapons, gadgets, and whatnot, the judges decided that I would be better suited for. . . the support course.
Don't get me wrong, I admire the people in there. Pro Heros probably couldn't stand on their own two feet without the upgrades they receive from them. They're talented kids, and I would get along with them just fine.
It's just not why I was at UA.
Now, there is nothing that I love more than making and using weapons. Everything I use I build myself, including my own prosthetic arm and leg. I've made knives, armor, anything with a trigger, and I adore every one of them. Even my current living quarters have been converted into a shop where I make and sell such devices for a fair price. The smell of welding metal and gunpowder is what I live for, but it's not why I applied to UA.
I applied intending to become a Hero as fast as possible with the hopes that it would please my family. That was the plan, and being put into the Support Department surely wasn't a part of said plan.
Okay, I had two options: I could stay at the gates and be bitter about it all day, or I can go inside and feel worthless. While both sounded lovely, class would start, and it looked like I would have to go with the latter.
The towering walls of the school looked like they were designed solely to intimidate new first years. I wandered the giant hallways for a while, admiring the effort that went into it. Everywhere I looked, there were little details that were put in to make the place comfortable for people with all sorts of quirks. Massive thresholds, smoke detectors, and bulletproof walls as far as the eye could see were all built for every possible student that could walk these halls. I roamed the school for so long that I forgot what I was doing there, and where I was going. What could I say? I'm a sucker for detailed crafting.
As I was shuffling my way through the hall, with no real destination in mind, I got rushed by and bumped into. "Hey, watch it—," I started to say before getting an explanation right away.
"Oh, I am terribly sorry, miss. That was my mistake. Guess it was that extra cup of coffee this morning!" I'd guess that this man hit his 'extra cup' eight mugs ago. The guy that bumped into me radiated hyperactive energy from the top of his wild pastel green hair to his mismatching shoes. His glasses were so thick that I almost thought they were fake. Then there was his lab coat that only added to his cartoon-ish looks.
"Again my apologies, it was my fault for running late," he explained.
I brushed it off. "Oh it's fine, I should've been paying more attention."
"Quinton Q. Qonstance," he reached out his hand while trying to continue to hold all of the papers and books he had in his arms. "Although most students call me Professor Q." He smiled and I quickly took notice of his missing tooth. This guy sure was an. . . interesting character.
"You're a teacher?" I asked after carefully shaking his hand.
He smiled more and nodded, "Yes ma'am I am! Speaking of, shouldn't you be in class too?" He raised a brow towards me.
"Yeah, I kinda got lost," I mumbled. "I'm in class 1-H."
"Well isn't that a coinkydink! That just happens to be my homeroom class! Come, and I'll show you the way," he tilted his head in one direction and started walking. Not being in any position to pass up the help, I followed.
While walking, I looked down at his jittery hands struggling to hold his things. "You need some help?" I asked.
Q nodded and handed me some of his books.
"Now you look awfully familiar. Did you happen to place on the entrance exams?" He adjusted his thick glasses to get a better look at my face.
"Uh- yeah," I answered. "Actually, I placed fourth. My name's Tallulah Rosemary, but people call me Ros—"
"Ah, yes that is correct! Tallulah Rosemary, competing quite well and placing fourth on the entrance exams" he exclaimed, holding a finger to his temple.
"Yes, I just said that."
What is he, a narrator?
"Well, that is mighty impressive. Not many people from the Support Course do so well. I am very glad to have you in my class! Very glad indeed," he said.
I sighed a little, "Yeah, but I was really hoping to get into the hero course."
"Oh, nonsense. This is a school for heros, and every course is meant to help make the world a better place. Some do it with Quirks, others do it with SCIENCE!" He raised a fist while talking like he was in the middle of a passionate lecture.
"So Support kids just build gadgets and stuff, right?" I asked.
"Yes, gadgets of SCIENCE!"
Oh, he's one of those professors.
We soon arrived at the 1-H classroom, and Prof. Q took his books and papers back into his jittery grasp. The classroom was just as you'd expect: large desks, a wall full of supplies, big and complicated machines in the back, and a whole bunch of wacky kids.
After reviewing the seating chart at the front of the room, I took my seat at one of the front desks next to a girl with pink hair just like me, big goggles, and bright, yellow eyes. She was busying herself with fixing a glove-like device that looked more advanced than anything I've designed in a long time.
"Did you build that?" I asked. Even if she didn't, it was still pretty impressive that she knew what she was doing.
The peppy girl jolted up at the sound of a voice other than her own mumbling. "Yes, I did! This is baby number 138: a proton-firing enhancement glove!" She pridefully held up the glove and cackled like a madwoman. "Don't mind me here. I have to fix up all of my babies to prepare them for the new year!"
I laughed a little at her energy. She was so excited and giddy. "Well it's really cool," I looked down at the invention in awe.
"Why thank you! I take a lot of pride in all of my magnificent babies!" She smiled big at me and hugged her glove close to her.
"I can tell, I'm Rose by the way," I said and held out my hand to her. She eagerly took it and shook, "Mei Hatsume! It's great to meet— ohh.." Her attention quickly bounced from out conversation to focusing my robotic right arm.
About a year ago, I lost my right arm and left leg to a villain attack and replaced it with my own metal prosthetic. The leg was a piece of cake, but building and attaching an arm with one hand was certainly a challenge.
Hatsume was now focusing all of her attention on my arm. "This is impressive craftsmanship. Although, the attaching of it onto the upper part of the shoulder is pretty loose."
"Yeah I did it myself, and that part isn't easy to reach," I explained. She sure was comfortable poking around on me.
"If you want, I have a screwdriver right here. I could tighten the attachment for you."
"Oh, really? Yeah, that would be great." She nodded and picked up her tools, and before you knew it, my arm felt much better. It felt more like a part of me instead of just hanging there.
"Wow, thanks!" I smiled and tried moving it around.
"No problem!" She grinned and saluted me. "Anything for a fellow inventor!" Before we could talk more, our teacher finally quiets us kids down.
"Alright students settle down," Q instructed and stood up in front of the class. He adjusted his slightly tattered lab coat and "straightened" his loose tie. The guy looked like hell, but he was peppy as can be and ready to go.
"My name is Prof. Q and I will be teaching you all intro to mechanics as well as physical science. And, if you're lucky enough, we can even dabble in-" Don't say it. "SCIENCE!"
A few kids were taken back by his— enthusiasm, myself included. He laughed and clapped while going over this year's syllabus. For a guy who looks like he thrives under two hours of sleep, he was shockingly excited to be teaching a bunch of first-years how to put things together.
We went through class going over every form of safety manual. Hatsume pretended to listen while she scribbled down ideas and doodles for new gadgets. Meanwhile, Q continued to go over the lesson while also getting distracted every few minutes.
"Now it wasn't on fire. It was just blown up. But that's no reason to put me under house arrest! What was I saying? Oh- right! Now be sure to always wear safety goggles, because if something were to blow up, you want to be prepared," he rambled.
Q took a look around at the zoned-out kids who were all clearly bored out of their minds. The professor sighed and sat on top of his desk, looking at the students in front of him.
"Kids, I get it. This isn't the flashiest or most exciting class. You're not way up in the spotlight getting all the fame and glory, but that doesn't mean this can't be fun. You all have a little bit of 'I want to save the world in you'. That's why you're here, at UA. I want you to know that it's okay to only save one person, and it's okay if that person is you.
"Look, we all come from different backgrounds, and you might not think you can make a difference based on where you came from. You cannot change your past, believe me I know. But you can change your future. Children your destiny is all yours, so please go with it! Take your life by the horns, and go after what you want. You can be whatever you want, do whatever you want, love whoever you want, anything you want! My job here is to make sure you achieve your dreams, and dagnabbit I will! Help me help you be your own hero. That's all I ask from each of you."
And class pretty much went just like that. In all honesty, being in the Support class could be worse. I was excited to see what this school had for me.
Wow, okay thank you so much for reading the first chapter of Guns And Roses! This book is a big deal to me and I'm so glad to share it with every single reader here. So after every chapter, I'll be checking in with an author's note and a Character Spotlight.
So Rose wasn't having the best of times on her first day, but things seemed to be turning around! Let's see how long it lasts. Seeing as this is the first book to receive any hype on my page, I would like to get to know my lovely readers by asking a question in every chapter!
To start: I'm curious what would you do on your first day at UA?
Character Spotlight: Professor Q!
Original character
Quirk: Blueprint
Fun fact: Q goes through about a gallon of coffee a day and stays alive by the power of anime logic
That's all for now. Until next time brothers, sisters, and nonbinary misters ~
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