Quote of the day: Give it time, love will always find a way.
"You are really cute I must say; your gray eyes, hair and everything about you is so gorgeous..." Davis said with a smile staring at the brunette who was pouting beside him. He knew she was definitely going crazy having to wait for the two detectives to get back from questioning the nuns again, but he was also feeling the same way, so was Nora beside him.
"But..." Chloe said cutting him off.
"You always know when there is a but right?" He asked chuckling.
"Obviously," she said with an eye roll.
"Well there is no but, I just find you attractive." Davis looked at the shocked look on her face that soon turned into a smile.
"You are such a flirt," Chloe said.
"Well its just harmless flirting," Davis said smiling. And it was indeed harmless flirting, he would never go pass the stage of flirting with girls, not when he had another girl in his heart. A girl whom he found so endearing to him, "but I know you also find me attractive so no need to ask."
"Obviously, I have this weak spot for hot guys," Chloe said and this had them both laughing. It was good that she was laughing, and he knew she was right about having a weak spot for hot guys, he could tell by the numerous wallpapers in her room.
"Its a pity Nora doesn't think the same way," he said glancing at Nora who was still brooding silently.
"I just don't understand why Ashley and Chloe keep on saying you guys are hot, I admire hot guys, but I just can't seem to fit you and Greg into the picture." Nora said with a matter of fact tone. He actually felt a little hurt at that.
"Really Nora?" He asked.
"The detectives are coming," Nora said instead pointing to the two Seville brothers who were walking to them with a frustrated look. They all stood up straight from the car they had been leaning on.
"How was it?" Davis asked going back to been serious. The detectives return had dumped the reason they were there back at his face.
"Still nothing, the nuns claim to haven't seen anybody, and we couldn't find them in the grounds." Cade said.
"But they are definitely here." Gage added.
"There has to be something, they have to be here," Davis said pondering on it.
"What if there is like a secret room or something in the church, maybe that is why we can't find them." Nora said. Davis thought it was unlikely for a church to have a secret room, but it could be true.
"I think it is unlikely." Gage said with a finger on his chin, "but it seems like the only explanation now."
"How do we know if there is a secret room now?" Nora asked. Her voice sounded so scared.
"Well you guys are the detectives, find out." Chloe said looking at Gage and Cade.
"We can't just go ahead and question the priest or nuns without making them feel uncomfortable, remember they still don't know what we are here for." Gage said trying to put some sense into Chloe. He could tell the detective didn't like her much.
"I have an idea," Davis said as an idea came to mind.
"What is it?" Cade asked.
"The evening prayer should be over soon, we can get one of the nuns," Davis trailed off as he saw two nuns coming towards their directions. "Let me handle this guys, do not say anything." He saw them look at him with questions, but he knew what he was doing.
Once the nuns were within earshot he called out to them. "Peace sisters." They both turned towards him and made their way to him with smiles on their faces. Once they had gotten to his front he smiled at them. "Good day sisters. I am Mr Castle, an archaeologist, I and my family are in this area searching for buildings that has a lot of histories and we came about this church."
"An Archaeologist?" One of the sisters who seemed to be more outspoken asked.
"Yes, these are my families, my wife, Mrs Castle," he said pulling Chloe closer to himself. "And my sister, Nora." He pointed to Nora beside him as he said this.
"And they are?" The second sister asked looking at the two brothers warily. He wouldn't blame her, they had this look of dominance.
"They are our bodyguards, you see we are a very influential family and my families safety is paramount to me, so I travel with bodyguards." The sisters seemed to agree with him as they started nodding their head. "So I and my wife found out that this church has being here for quite sometime, I think it has been about..." He trailed off wishing the sisters would take the bait, he turned to look at Chloe making it seem like he was searching for answers.
"Forty five years sir," the first sister chipped in. He breathed a sign of relief, he was glad the sister took the bait.
"Oh yes forty five years, don't mind me I tend to forget things. That is why I have my wife with me, she is the one who keeps tracks of things, I'm mostly particular about the buildings." He smiled at them as he said this. "We are here trying to see if there is something special about this church, like some outstanding features that it has that no other church in New York does."
The sisters looked a little bit lost, the first sister looked like she was thinking deeply about it but the second one looked totally uninterested. "Its just that we have been going around different countries trying to gather some info, we all just got back from Spain two days ago." He was lying in a church, but it was for a just cause, so God would have to overlook this.
"There is one thing though, that this church has that isn't in any other churches, and not just in New York but all over the world. The only churches that had this features have been long gone." The first sister said with a smile.
"What is that feature sister?" Davis asked quite eagerly.
"Its a room, yes a room, there is a room known as the 'room of..." The sister looked like she had forgotten and looked to the other uninterested one for help.
"Penitent, 'room of Penitent,'" the other sister provided.
"And what is this room used for?" Davis asked.
"It was a room used by priests alone, a priest who felt that he had too much sin would lock himself up in the room until God calls him back." The second sister explained calmly.
"One defining feature of the room is that it can only be opened from within if its locked from within, and it can only also be opened from outside if its locked from outside. This was a way to prevent the other priest from coming to check in on them out of pity. The priest of the early churches were very keen on sin, and would not eat nor take water while in the room. And the room is soundproof." The first outspoken sister explained.
Davis found the act a little disturbing, why would one subject himself to such a cruel thing, "what if a priest dies in the room?"
"That has only ever happened once and it was a very long time ago in Rome I think, but any priest who dies there wouldn't be able to be brought out unless the whole church is demolished. That is one reason the act was stopped." They all gasped as the second sister said this. Davis looked to the rest and knew what was going on in their minds.
"So where can we find this room?" Davis asked. The sisters looked a little reluctant about answering him so he thought to defend himself, "I want to perform a specific study on the way the room was built, we might actually get to learn a few things."
"Okay, this way," the first sister said leading the way.
They all followed behind the sisters, he could feel it within him that Greg, Ashley, and Greg's father would be there. He just prayed they would be alright. The sisters lead them across several rooms and halls, it was beginning to get a little tiring. Soon they got to a very quiet place, there were no rooms at this side of the church, only halls, and long corridors. After a long walk the sisters stopped in front of a door, the only door in the hall.
"This is the room," the first sister said. She looked a bit shocked though. "It seems a priest is in the room."
"Why do you say so?" Cade asked this time around.
"The keys, the keys are always at the door, if it isn't there it only means someone is in," the second sister said. She pushed the door in but when it didn't budge she turned to the first sister.
"It must be father Samuel, he wasn't at the evening prayer," the first sister said clapping her hands together.
"That means you won't be able to study the room today," the second sister said smiling at them for the first time. "We should go."
"No, actually we would still like to take a look at it from outside." Davis said smiling at them.
"Then you will have to do that alone, we have something to attend to. I hope you can find your way back?" The second sister asked.
"Yes we can," Davis answered eagerly.
"Okay. Sister Naomi let's be on our way then," the second sister said to the first and they both left. Once they were gone he turned to the detectives.
"I believe they are in here," Davis said.
"Yes, the signal from their phones are stronger here," Gage said staring at the phone in his hand.
"So how do we get in?" Nora asked. He saw the detectives make their way to the door inspecting it. After several long minutes they both came back to stand before them with a lost look.
"We can't get in," Cade said bitterly.
"What do you mean?" Chloe asked hysterically.
"Its locked from within." Gage answered with a cold voice.
"Can't we break down the door." As Chloe said this he looked at the door and knew it was pointless trying. The door was made of steel. "Or use explosives, or bomb."
"And how do you suppose we get this explosives and bombs James Bond, oh sorry Janet Bond?" Davis asked staring at Chloe pointedly. "We didn't come with any and we have no time."
"Actually getting explosives or bombs isn't the problem, we could call for back up now," Cade said.
"Then do," Chloe yelled.
"We can't," Gage said.
"Why?" Both he, Nora, and Chloe yelled.
"The way the door was created if we try to force it open it will explode, and not just this room alone, but the whole church and maybe some nearby buildings." Cade explained.
"What?" He asked bewildered. Those priest must have been hellbent on seeking forgiveness so much.
"So what do we do now?" Chloe asked with fear resounding in her voice.
"We pray," Gage deadpanned.
"For a miracle," Cade added.
"I thought we were too old to believe in miracles," he said with an angry tone.
"For now that is all we have. Thank the lord we are in a church, so let's just pray." Gage said bringing out his gun and cocking it, Cade also did the same.
"If we are praying for miracles why are you bringing out your guns?" He asked.
"God said 'watch and pray,' we need to be ready to welcome the miracle, Mr Davis Castle," Cade said.
Davis grew wary with fear, it was now starting to dawn on him, the danger that Greg was in. And there was Ashley and also Greg's father. He was a lot agitated, he wanted reasons, he needed to know why the so called Ashley's father was doing this. One thing he knew for sure was that life wouldn't be worth living without Greg, damn, Nora would practically die. He turned to look at Nora who had fear on her face, he could see that her eyes was clouded with tears.
"Oh lord, please create a miracle." He prayed silently.
Chapter forty four.
Mary Aden.
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