7-New Life
"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations."
Yurika squeezed into the warm, soft blankets that wrapped her. She opened her eyes perceiving a slight rustle beside herself. She opened her eyes and lifted herself, perceiving a slight pang in her lower abdomen. "You should avoid certain abrupt movements." Yurika moved her gaze to the vampire sitting not far away from her while her heart was beating frantically. "Where are we?" Asked the girl with atrembling voice. "At my house." He replied quiet smiling. Yurika threw a short look next to herself and then she returned to look at the vampire. She lowered her gaze, noticing that she still wore the uniform. "Do you think you can walk?" He asked. Yurika nodded and moved to get off the bed, but the uncontrolled tremor of her body didn't guarantee to her an excellent stability. Ferid immediately noticed all of that and approached her. Yurika tried to back. "Come on, Yurika. I don't have a whole day, I don't do anything to you." And, taking her in his arms, he walked. "W-Where are we going?" Asked the girl. "In your room, my dear... Here we come." And he put her down. Yurika tried not to fall. Ferid opened the door. "Come in as well..." And, reluctantly, she obeyed. The vampire lit the light in the instant when she crossed the threshold and Yurika for a moment forgot who she was, where she was and what she was doing. That thing didn't correspond at all to the imaginary she had of room. The sumptuous chandelier illuminated four red walls. In front of her stood a canopy bed with white-silver blankets. In the corner to her right there was a small table with two chairs and, next to the bed, a mirror was hung, but the most singular thing was the presence of three doors on the walls. Two were on the side of the table, one next to the other, while the other one was facing the other two, on the opposite wall. "Do you like it?" She shuddered hearing the vampire's hands resting on her waist as he whispered the question in her ear, but she couldn't avoid answering with a "it's beautiful" charmed by that place. "Good." And the vampire turned away from her closing the door behind them. At this point the mind of Yurika was able to analyze only three things: she was alone, in a bedroom... With a vampire. What was going on? What did that vampire want from her? The vampire approached one of the two gates. "Come." She told her. "Of course, I don't think you're going to go around with the uniform. I'm not saying it's ugly, but here you can find a lot of interesting things, I hope they are to your liking." And he opened the door revealing a large walk-in closet inside it. Yurika gulped, confused. Ferid seemed to laugh at her expression. "Here instead there is a bathroom, use it when and how you want it." And he opened that door, too. "Is it a bath?" Asked the girl. "I like nice things." Simply answered the vampire. Yurika analyzed the room: in the left corner there was a shower. A little earlier there was a white cabinet with a huge mirror. The right side was instead occupied by a tub dug into the floor, but the most surprising thing were the walls and the floor: all strictly covered with white marble. It gave her a feeling of peace and tranquility. Yes, it could be seen that Ferid appreciated the beautiful things. "Well Yurika, I'll show you one last thing before you leave." The girl was surprised at those words, she thought the vampire had other plans for her, but she would have been happy to stay alone. She needed it. Ferid opened the last door. Another bedroom, very similar to hers. She immediately understood who it belonged to. She threw a look at Ferid. He smiled at her. "This is my room. So we will stay closer and, if necessary, just cross this threshold. So if you need anything, feel free to come to me." Yurika instinctively brought a hand on the cross. She became pale realizing she wasn't having the cross with her. The vampire smiled at her, caressing her cheek. Yurika shuddered. "I don't like the idea of you being armed when you're here with me... You know, I don't want you to get any weird ideas." He sighed. "Now I have to go, I have a meeting with the Queen. I will probably be back late. Don't try to escape. That would be a bad decision." He closed the door and went away, abandoning the girl to herself.
Yurika thought of what the vampire had just told her, he was right: she couldn't escape because, if she had tried, she would surely be dead. She approached a wall, leaning pn it. She slipped into the ground. She couldn't do anything, she was stuck there. The tears began to descend without she could stop them. Now she understood what it meant to be in a cage without any hope. Especially without knowing what would happen to you, surely that vampire hadn't brought her there for nothing. The only idea she could think of was that she had become a kind of personal "meal" and maybe not just that. She shuddered. For a moment she wondered if someone was worrying about her, if anyone was thinking about her. She drove back those thoughts and took a deep breath. It was useless to think of certain things in her situation, because the best thing she could do was try to get used to her new condition or, at least to try. She lifted herself towards the bathroom. Ferid had told her that she could use it so, theoretically, nothing bad would have happened to her. Although the idea of having to remain naked with the risk that the vampire entered at any time didn't reassure her much. But he'd be back late, right? She closed the door before throwing herself under the hot jet of the shower, she knew that a closed door wouldn't have definitely stopped him, but, this way she felt safer. She managed to relax and for a few moments also to forget where she was. It surprised her to find everything she needed: from soap to towels. It was hard to think that all this had been prepared by that vampire. She wondered why he did it. In the end if he wanted her blood he could very well beat her in a moist and dark cell, maybe binding her with chains and instead... He had arranged her in a luxurious room, with a bathroom and a walk-in closet full of clothes. And not some miserable rags, those were beautiful clothes. She was a little surprised in front of that vast assortment. She didn't understand why. She had been surprised especially by their variety, long, short, elegant, of all kinds, but she let loose the shorter ones and pointed to the longer ones. The choice fell on a long blue dress, very simple, with a silver band in life to make it more elegant and with a round neckline. Yurika discovered that there were only heeled shoes. She sat on a small stool observing an inaccurate point in front of herself. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She lifted a hand caressing her neck. All the clothes were undressed. "Make it easier for you to work..." She whispered as a tear descended down her cheek. She quickly recovered from that short moment of despair and put her shoes on. She stepped out of the walk-in closet, observing the room more carefully. The light emanating from the chandelier wasn't brilliant, but subdued and this created a strange sensation in her: on the one hand it made the place gloomy and the other calm, a strange contradiction.
"I knew that without that uniform it would be another story." The girl jerked, closed her eyes and took a deep breath while a shiver crossed her back. "Did I scare you?" Asked the vampire. Yurika didn't answer, restricting herself to turn in his direction. She noticed that he wasn't wearing his strange cloak, but a simple black shirt. "Anyway I just walked in." She laid her gaze upon her and approached her. Yurika back inadvertently lowering her gaze. She was forced to stop against the wall. Ferid laid a hand on the wall, near the head of the girl and, with the other hand, he lifted the chin of Yurika, who found herself looking in his eyes. She gulped. "Yurika, your blood is truly delicious." "Is that why I'm here?" She asked him with hesitation, as if she was afraid to hear the answer. Ferid smiled. "I presume so..." Yurika would have wanted to calm down, but she clearly perceived the frantic beats of her heart and was certain that she wasn't the only one to hear them. The vampire walked away from her. "Don't worry about it Yurika, it doesn't hurt that bad." He lingered for a moment observing the eyes of the girl. "And I think I'll wait a few days, I wouldn't want you to get any weird ideas about me and then, you see, I'd like you to ask me to drink your blood. Yes, that would be beautiful, isn't it?" Yurika looked at him shocked, without understanding whether he was serious or making fun of her. How could he think she would ask him to drink her blood? It was the last thing she wanted. "Don't look at me like that. Now we have some time and I would like to show you something." Yurika looked at him worried and intrigued. "What?" She tried to ask. Ferid was already heading towards the door. "You'll find out. Follow me." The girl followed the vampire for the sumptuous corridors. His house was huge and beautiful, it looked like a palace more than a house. The vampire stopped in front of a huge wooden door, turned a moment to observe Yurika, made her a half smile and turned around opening the door. Then he came back from the girl, took her hand and dragged her into the room. Yurika shuddered to the cold contact, but what was presented to her under her eyes made her forget that little particular because, in front of her, it extended the largest library she had ever seen in her life.
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