11 - Fall Back
Since she was at Ferid's, Yurika's sleep wasn't peaceful at all, very often she woke up and then listened carefully to every little noise and knowing that the vampire could enter at any time wasn't comforting. She felt lonely and abandoned. She would have liked to have a window in her room to watch the world outside. She would never have said so, yet she lacked sunlight. Perhaps Ferid would have allowed her to go out in his presence, but the girl was too afraid to ask so much of him. For the time being, it would have been appropriate to settle for what she had. Also, because she knew that, sooner or later, she would have to settle her score with the vampire. She put her hand on her neck and shivered. Maybe it wouldn't have hurt so much. What was she thinking about? She sighed. Maybe it was true, in certain situations the human brain can only think about survival, but Yurika didn't want to give in, not so easily.
She prepared herself for the now habitual piano lesson. After Ferid's kind advice the week before about the way she dressed, the girl had started wearing less 'anonymous' but strictly long clothes. Ferid meanwhile was eagerly awaiting the girl, and today he had something new in store for her. He heard the door open and saw the girl produce a half smile. He replied. "Hello, little sheep." "Ferid." By now Yurika had learned to get used to the nickname that the vampire often referred to her by. In other circumstances she might have thought it was nice, but there it would only remind her of the role she played for him. The same role the sheep played in relation to the lion. The only difference was that the sheep would be killed by the lion, while she would have the grace to live, but it was only a temporary matter and in the end she would end up like the sheep. As they descended the stairs to the salon where they practiced, she noticed that something was different. At first she didn't understand what it was, but then she got it. The curtains at the large windows were moved and they let the light into the room making it brighter than usual. So, as if she had been attracted by a magnet, Yurika approached the glass windows and looked at the view outside. What she saw didn't surprise her, she now knew that she could expect anything from Ferid. And a beautiful garden full of flowers was obviously part of it. She almost laughed in front of so much beauty, who could have imagined that this earthly paradise belonged to a monster?
The vampire had watched her as she set off to observe the landscape, observing her for a long moment, and then decided to join her. He also looked at the landscape, but almost immediately turned his head in the direction of the girl. Yurika turned and blushed, seeing the vampire observing her. She hurried to turn around again, but the redness did not leave his face. Ferid smiled. She was so pretty. "Today I have an alternative to the piano." The girl swallowed. What would he propose to her? "It's a beautiful day. We could take a walk in the garden." Yurika smiled. "Should I take that as a yes?" "Y-yes, yes, please." She hurried to answer him. "Then follow me." As soon as she found herself outside, the girl closed her eyes and tasted the warmth of the sun on her skin. The two of them set off, while the vampire explained the names of the flowers and plants to her. In a corner of the garden, in the middle of the grass, there was a marble bench and she asked the vampire if she could go there, but she forgot to wear heels and, being used to walk on a solid surface, she was surprised by the change of consistency under her feet and staggered for a moment. Before anything could happen the vampire moved and wrapped her in his arms, supporting her. The girl found herself against the vampire's chest and felt her heartbeat increase, she lifted her face, seeing the vampire's face a short distance away from hers. For a long moment the two continued to look at each other. The vampire freed the girl from his grip, but still offered his arm to her. "Maybe you'd better hold on while we're on the grass." Yurika blushed again, but then decided to accept his help. Part of her was happy to somehow hold on to him. It made her feel good. She broke away from the vampire to take her place on the bench. She looked around at the garden around her. Meanwhile Ferid sat beside her. "It's a beautiful garden, and it feels so good out here." "Is it?" Ferid asked as he got closer to the girl. "Yes." Whispered Yurika, sensing the vampire's movement. She stood still for a long moment, just listening to the sound of the wind. Then she took courage and turned towards him, and Ferid was looking at her too. He raised his hand and caressed her cheek. The girl felt her heartbeat increase, Ferid also felt this change. He wondered if it was fear or something else. He lowered his face to the girl's face. Yurika felt a strong warmth in her cheeks and lowered her head, but the vampire's hand moved under her chin forcing her to lift her face towards his. She swallowed. "Yurika..." Whispered the vampire. There was another moment of silence, of waiting. Suddenly Ferid heard the gate opening in the distance and walked away from her. "We have visitors!" He said as if nothing had happened, while Yurika felt a little shaken and upset. The closeness to the vampire had made her feel something strange, something she had never felt before. What did it mean? Why did the vampire do this to her?
Ferid had seen the figures advancing in the entrance avenue, but his interest was all turned to Yurika, she seemed confused. And he knew very well why, it was useless for him to deny the evidence. He had tried to kiss her. He didn't know what was wrong with him, this was not his usual behavior. Not at all. The thing that annoyed him most was that he would have succeeded if that distraction had not occurred. He turned his head towards the three vampires and waved his hand at them, letting them know that he had seen them. Yurika in the meantime had raised her eyes to the vampire, noticing the sudden change from a few seconds earlier and part of her was saddened. Ferid reached out again towards the girl. "Thank you." Whispered Yurika.
"Is that Ferid's new toy?" Whispered Horn to the muscular vampire. Crowley watched the seventh progenitor for a long moment as he helped the girl walk through the grass. "Yes." He whispered. "It's not fair that he can do what he wants!" Whispered Chess. "I want my own human being too." "He is Ferid after all." Replied Crowley simply, as if that were enough justification. He noticed how the girl hastened to leave the vampire's arm as soon as they reached the avenue and how, however, she maintained a certain closeness with Ferid, perhaps intimidated by the presence of other vampires. The closer they approached, the more the vampire sought the marks he thought Ferid had left on the young girl's neck. Therefore, he was surprised when he didn't notice any. He glanced at the other vampire, but he didn't see anything strange in his eyes, even though he couldn't say that he could understand Ferid. That vampire was and remained a real mystery to him. He would have challenged anyone to try to understand what was going on in his head. "Hello Crowley! What a pleasure to see you here!" Yurika observed the three vampires in front of them. The one Ferid turned to was the vampire who was with him when he abducted her. He looked much more muscular than Ferid, but Yurika knew that this was just an appearance. Most likely Ferid was the stronger of the two. Then her gaze shifted to the two vampires next to each other. One was blonde and gave her a strange feeling of kindness and goodness, but the other one had purple hair and looked much more restless. Who knows what they were thinking of her. Maybe they pity her, or they just saw her as an animal. "Ferid, always a pleasure to see you." Yurika wasn't sure, but she seemed to notice a certain note of sarcasm in the vampire's words. She looked at Ferid in subtext to see if he noticed it too but saw no change in the vampire's expression. Perhaps it was just a feeling, yet from the looks of the two vampires she realized that Ferid was not a vampire whose presence they liked very much. "And it is a great pleasure to see you too, my dear Crowley, I presume you remember Yurika." Crowley looked at the girl again. He saw her looking at him a little intimidated. He tried to smile at her. He could only imagine what it would mean to that poor creature to have to deal with Ferid. He was a little disappointed. After all, the girl was there because of him. He couldn't deny that, but he also knew what Ferid looked like. If it hadn't been her, it would have been someone else. "Of course, I remember her, but I thought I came all the way here to discuss serious matters." Ferid looked at Yurika for a moment and then at the vampire again. "Yes, you're absolutely right, Crowley." He took a short break. "Yurika, could you escort our guests to the library?" The girl looked at him confused for a moment, then nodded.
At first Yurika was terrified of the two vampires, after all she was a human and had nothing to defend herself with. Nevertheless, the two were quite nice, even though Yurika was convinced that their attitude was dictated by her position: they probably didn't want to have problems with Ferid, but, from a certain point of view, she had to admit that having the opportunity to exchange a few words with someone other than that vampire had done her good. After meeting Crowley, Ferid told her that he would have to go with the other vampire to settle a matter. So Yurika found herself alone in that house again.
When she returned to her room she decided to take a long bath, it would certainly do her good and help her relax. She remained immersed in the hot water thinking about how much her life had changed in just one week. It all seemed so surreal to her. As if, opening her eyes again, she discovered that it had all been a dream, but unfortunately it wasn't and she knew it perfectly well. When the water started to cool down, she decided to go out, put her hair in her usual bun and wrapped her body in a bathrobe. She noticed with disappointment that she hadn't brought her clothes into the bathroom and sighed on her way to her room.
"Yurika, you are finally..." The girl was frightened, but fortunately she managed not to scream. And she would have reassured herself if only she hadn't noticed how the vampire was looking at her. She looked down and tried not to move. Ferid's eyes were pointed magnetically at the girl's body. He stood up and approached her with a strong desire. From the desire to drink her blood and sink his canines into her soft skin, but not only that. His body was making him understand that he needed something else. He wanted her. He wanted her body and he wanted it all. Yurika closed her eyes feeling the cold hand of the vampire caressing her cheek and coming down, touching her exposed skin. Continuing to get down on the bathrobe he lingered on her breast, then the vampire pushed the girl against the wall, joining their lips in a kiss. The girl was too upset to do anything but feeling Ferid's hand caress her thigh by moving the fabric of the bathrobe triggered something inside her. She managed to free herself from the vampire's grip and, without thinking about the consequences of such a gesture, slapped him. She remained with her hand raised in mid-air as soon as she realized what she had just done. She saw the vampire smile and, for the first time, she was truly afraid of him. Her body began to shake. "No one had ever dared to slap me." He whispered softly to her. He wrapped his arm around the girl's waist and brusquely approached her. "Perhaps you'd better remember who's in charge here." "Ferid... I..." Sobbed the girl, but the next thing she knew, she was thrown on the bed, the vampire's body on his. She tried to push him back, but Ferid grabbed her wrists tightly as he pushed them against the mattress. He started kissing her neck, coming down and passing her lips on the fabric of the bathrobe. "Ferid, please..." Moaned the girl as his lips came down, but in the meantime the vampire had freed the girl's wrists from his grip and she had taken the opportunity to move further back. The vampire growled, wrapped his hands around the girl's legs and drew her back to him. He caressed her thighs with his hands. "Please... d-don't..." Yurika couldn't stop shaking and sobbing. Ferid looked at the girl's tear-stained face and growled again. He brought the girl's face up to her face, moved her head to the side and plunged his canines into her neck. Yurika screamed in pain, tried once again to fight, but she felt her strength was slowly giving up. Ferid, too, was abandoning himself to the sweet taste of her blood and, after a considerable effort, managed to move away from her neck. Seeing the girl's face lined with tears and her body in the grip of uncontrolled trembling made him come to his senses. He suddenly moved away from her and left the room, abandoning her. Yurika curled up on herself without being able to calm down, continuing to cry and tremble, unable to push out of her mind the thought of what the vampire had almost done to her.
Hello! It's been a long time since I've updated this story and I'm very sorry for it. But I'll swear I'm going to give you all the new chapter from now on! Anyway I hope there's someone who's still interested in reading my story <3
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