"Who are you?" Athena asked.
Whoa, this'll be good.
"We are the Omega team." I stated.
Leo looked out of place as we formed our ranks.
"I am Commander Nightmare, Prince of Chaos. Master of Hellfire, Primordial of Family, Remembrance, Blind Love, Courage, Unity, Betrayal, Sarcasm, Heroes, Kindness, Depression, Darkness and shadows." I said.
"Dove, second in command. Primordial of True Love and Friendship."
"Rare, third in command. Primordial of Simplicity and Differences."
"Huntress, fourth in command. Goddess of Hatred."
"Lazuli, Army Rank, General One Alpha. Minor god of Loyalty."
"Angeli, Army Rank, General One Beta. Minor goddess of Sacrifice."
"Gillianne, (Call me Gilli) Army Rank General One Gamma. I'm mortal, Cheetos." We all snickered silently.
"Captain, Section Leader. God of Leadership."
"Blazer, Army Rank General One: Sector X."
"Tech, Army Rank General One: Sector Z."
"Anger, Army Rank General One: Sector 12.
"Heros, Army Rank General One: Sector 5. Minor god of choices."
"And I'm just Leo." Leo inputs.
The campers all laugh.
"Actually..." Gilli says.
"What she means is that actually, now that I'm here you are Leo Valdez, Prince of Chaos. Master of Flames, Primordial of Happiness, Life, Personality, Tricks, Memories, and Heat." I said, proudly.
"All that? Me?" Leo asked flattered.
"Hey! You can't do that!" Zeus shouted, raising his master bolt.
He was immediately closed off by rifts in the earth, smoking skeletons with misty figures aiming their flaming diverse weapons at him.
I glared at him with green glowing eyes lighting under my hood, "Can't I?"
He squealed and flinched away from flaming swords and arrowheads.
Blazer, Lazuli, Heros, and I all released our charms over the mirage.
The smoking, misty, heroes stopped aiming at Zeus.
"Dismissed." Heros told them, and they saluted and jumped back into the earth. Tech helped seal the rift with Heros by having Heros direct the reverse video flow at the rift.
I chanted in an indistinguishable language. Dove, Captain, Heros, Angeli, Huntress, and Rare chanted too.
The wind picked up as we closed around Leo.
My eyes glowed a ghostly green, while the the rest's eyes glowed white.
We ended our chant and closed closer, eyes still glowing.
I touched Leo's forehead. "Void."
Dove touched his shoulder. "Happiness.." Cap.
"Tricks.." Heros.
"Memories..." Huntress.
"Personality..." Rare.
"Life.." Angeli.
"Heat..." I said.
The wind picked up more, then died down quickly. Our eyes stopped glowing.
We backed away and waited.
Leo tittered. "Um... What you guys waiting for?" Be asked nervously.
Nobody answered.
He then began glowing. "Hey, what the -"
The light suddenly got brighter. Like, Apollo bright. Now he was just a glowing mass. The campers, even the gods, had to shield their eyes.
We didn't have to, we had seen brighter.
The light suddenly dimmed.
Now standing there was a happier seeming Leo. His hair seemed a richer brown, the curls were more wild. His eyes seemed to hold actual fire, the chocolate brown eyes glinting happily.
He gained a better build, which means be was leaner, more muscle. Probably some more abs. He probably already had some.
He was covered in flames, rich red and orange flames. His skin glowed slightly, like the teams and the gods.
"Oh man..." Leo smiled. "This feels great."
"I know." I smirked at him.
"Hey!" Someone said.
I whirled around on Jason, one hand glowing green.
"Hold on, hold on a second..." He raised both his hands. I glared at him.
I looked at Leo. He nodded.
"It's cool man. He's not a jerk anymore."
I looked confused.
"Long story short, Piper cheated on him with an Apollo spawn and he snapped out of it."
I lowered my hand as the light died.
"Man, that's harsh..." I felt sympathetic.
"Thanks, its cool..." He still looked spooked though.
"I just wanted to ask, If you guys are the Omega team, and you're ALL commanders... Then what exactly do you do, like assassinate people?"
Me, Cap, Anger, and Tech shared a look.
"And where are the... Uh, whatever you guys command?"
"Well, you see boy," Huntress started with a sneer. "We do not assassinate. We travel through many galaxies and dimensions, righting the wrongs and helping the innocent. We do not have to do anything to the guilty, there are others for that."
I looked at my shoes and pushed my hands deep into my pockets.
"As for our sectors, Jase," Gilli fawned, glaring at Huntress.
"They are on Choas, Still training." She smiled at him. "There is some room I Sector 12, if you want to join. Maybe you could even be on the Omega team.." She hinted.
"Okay! That's enough Gilli, Thank you! You're creeping him out!" Lazuli chuckled. Jason did indeed look a little creeped.
"Um, okay...Thanks for answering my question..." He then turned and retreated into the crowd, inching away from the people and looking dejected.
I sighed.
"Jason?" I called. He looked up.
I motioned for him, "Come here man."
He walked back up the hill and stopped a few feet away from me.
"I'm not gonna hurt you. I don't bite." I cracked a smile. "Hard..."
He smiled after that. "I had a friend who actually bit me once. I hugged him, he didn't like when people touched him..." He smiled wistfully.
I grimaced. I did not like biting him, it was weird. But I still smiled at the memory.
Leo tapped his head. "I saw that, kitten!" He laughed.
"Stay out of my memories, you creep! And stop calling me that!" I said. He shook his head.
I sighed and concentrated. Better.
"Come here." I told Jason. He looked at me warily.
Lazuli walked up and pulled Jason forward.
"Stop being such a wuss, Gracie." He smirked.
Jason's eyes widened. "What did you just say?"
I placed my finger between his eyes. "Disperse."
His mind cleared and he gasped.
"N-" I covered his mouth. I put a finger to my lips, smirking.
His eyes watered as his eyes scanned the rest of their faces, seeing Lazuli.
I removed my hand as Jason hugged my waist.
"I missed you so much...I'm so sorry for what I said to you, I don't know what was wrong with me.." He cried.
I hugged him back. "I understand."
Then he released me and launched himself at Lazuli.
"Thanks." He sniffed.
"For what?" Lazuli asked, bewildered.
"For being the best friend anyone could ask for.." He whispered.
Lazuli looked incredulous.
"What? All I did was call you a wuss!" He said confused.
I laughed. So clueless.
Gilli cleared her throat and smiled. "Guys, I love the Jercy and all," Jason looked at her like she was insane, "but I am so tired of standing on this hill."
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