Lazuli POV
The next day finally made it. Yesterday was the most awkward day of my life. Let's just say that there was a lot of thrown books.
When I first saw Lea, I thought, Whoa! He's a she!
But then I remembered that Leo didn't die. Oh well, I guess the sass can wait.
We were all waiting at the dock, by the way it is so freaking awesome, its like a hole in the wall that leads like right into the middle of the space-time thingy...Wait, off track.
Well, everybody was waiting at the dock. Almost everybody, I guess. Gilli was late. And Light wasn't there. Good. I didn't want to get hit by a stray book.
Nightmare was pacing back and forth. His heads gonna explode one day. It'll be cool, but bad.
"Where are they?" he muttered to himself. Just then, Gilli ran into the room.
We all started yelling at once but she held up the hand that wasn't holding the toaster cat.
We all shut up quick. A few seconds.
"Holy fish sticks, woman!! WHAT DID SHE SAY?"
I put my hands over my mouth as she aimed her cat toaster at me. "Sorry, sorry...You just take so long saying stuff, man I can't even..."
Nico facepalmed, and Gilli glared.
I winced. "Sorry."
"She's not coming."
Nico groaned and looked for something to smash his head onto.
When he picked up one of Dove's many suitcases, Blazer slapped it out of his hand.
"Come on Night, let just go. She'll cool down and we'll come back to get her. So lets just leave her, and escape with no further injuries." Sammy said.
Nico sighed and nodded.
"You're right. Thanks pops, I owe you one." He grinned.
"Shoosh yeah, you owe me. And we're the same age." Blazer commented.
"Kinda the same age....", Nico pouted.
"It is not!" Blazer shouted. They both started yelling at each other, using wild hand gestures seeing as Sammy is old and Nico is Italian.
"Hey!" Huntress interrupted. They both froze in their hand movements, Nico's hand scarily close to Sammy's face. They stared at her with doe eyes.
"Does it matter?!"
They both looked at her insanely.
"Uh, yeah!" They shouted. I rolled my eyes.
Angeli strode forward and grabbed both of their ears and twisted.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...." Night groaned.
"Aw, ouch woman! Come on, aaaHHH, OW!" Blazer whined.
I smirked. They will never grow up. (Sadly, literally never, like seriously)
Angeli huffed. "Cap?"
Beck shook his head. "Okay...Portal! Demigod, Thirteen. Open!"
Then right in the middle of the space-time thingy, opened a swirling vortex of stars. From the side, it looks as if it was a triangle with one point shooting way out into space.
Angeli let go of their ears and jumped through. She exploded into millions of stars and was sucked through the vortex.
Next Beck and Silena went, next Huntress and Rare. Heros and Gilli jumped in, or rather Heros got tackled by Gilli. She swore to the primordials that she would make him a hugger.
Next I jumped in. Just to say, turning into stars is fun, I don't know if Zoë had a different kind but I like this one.
It felt like how ADHD kids drinking coffee mixed with five hour energy while eating a five pound bag of powdered sugar felt.
Not that I know how that feels....Don't ask.
But all that energy bursts at the same time that you do. I exploded into sparkles and was sucked quickly through the vortex. All I could do was scream profanities happily in my head because my body was just glitz.
The vortex stopped and I swirled and came back together.
"Oh man," I beamed. "That was so..." I looked around and trailed off.
"Holy fucking..." I stated as the rest appeared behind me and the others.
Blazer gasped.
"I know."
Nightmare shimmered out of the portal and almost knocked me down.
"Hey! What's..." His mouth dropped open.
"Oh. My. Chaos."
Nightmare POV
"Oh. My. Chaos."
Camp was HUGE.
It looked as if they had joined Camp High-Hell and Camp Jupiter into one giant supercamp.
It was the same as before, only bigger. All the same cabins, besides the newer ones for the minor gods. But when I say bigger, I mean that they made every building giant sized. They looked the same as they were before, it's just that they made us look the size of ants.
The doors were humongous. The Poseidon, Artemis, and Apollo mansions were the brightest ones I could see.
So saying that they were big, even though we were like two miles away. Like across the road in that giant field that's there.
Then they must be big.
"Eh. I've seen bigger." Heros commented.
Everyone muttered and nodded.
True. Chaos castle is like eighty-seven billion times bigger than this, and that's not even counting the magical expansions...
"Hey, Night! Our mission suits are totally wicked!" Lazuli hopped up and down excitedly.
Every time we go on a mission, as soon as we came through the vortex, our mission suits appear. The suits are different every time, and thankfully there have been no embarrassing ones so far. Last mission, the one with the storage problem, everyone had black skinny jeans, with black T-shirts and an impenetrable hooded jacket that can summon all weapons. The best part is that we get to keep the mission suits after if we want.
But this time, it was better. The guys had thick pants, combat boots, and long sleeve galaxy shirts where the stars actually move, with a sleeveless jacket with a hood, and fingerless gloves.
My suit was classic black and purple, with black pants, black boots, black shirt with purple galaxy print, black fingerless gloves and black jacket.
Lazuli had forest green pants, black boots with green laces, navy blue jacket, black galaxy shirt with green and blue galaxy print.
Blazer had black pants, red boots with black laces, black shirt with red galaxy print, red jacket with red fingerless gloves.
Tech was decked out in sky blue boots with black laces, black galaxy shirt with green galaxy print, with an electric blue jacket and sky blue fingerless gloves.
Anger had black pants with emerald green combat boots with black laces, emerald green jacket and gloves, and black galaxy shirt with white stars.
Rare had purple boots with black laces, black and grey camo pants, blue fingerless gloves and a white jacket, and a purple galaxy shirt with blue and white galaxy print.
Heros had tan combat boots with green camo pants, with a dark brown jacket and green fingerless gloves with a normal galaxy shirt.
Captain had grey pants and navy blue boots with black laces, a navy jacket and black fingerless gloves with a black galaxy shirt.
The girls had combat boots with leggings, a skirt, and long sleeve slimming galaxy shirts, with a crop top jacket with a hood and fingerless gloves.
Huntress had black leggings with navy blue boots with purple laces, a navy blue skirt, a black galaxy shirt with blue and purple galaxy print, covered by a navy cropped jacket.
Angeli was wearing a white crop jacket and purple skirt, black leggings and white boots with purple laces, white fingerless gloves and a black galaxy shirt with white and purple galaxy print.
Dove wore pink leggings and white boots with red laces, a pink skirt and a white crop jacket and pink fingerless gloves. Her galaxy shirt was red with pink and purple stars.
Gilli wore a red crop jacket and red fingerless gloves, black leggings, combat boots with red laces, red skirt and a black galaxy shirt with red galaxy print.
"Oh, yeah. We look hot." Heros said.
"Smokin..." Blazer said and made himself turn into smoke and teleport around.
"Hey, why are our hoods down?" Lazuli asked.
I frowned. Hmm. All of our faces were showing.
"I guess this isn't an incognito mission." I shrugged.
"But I don't want Annabitch to see my beautiful face! SHE IS NOT WORTHY!!!" Lazuli screamed.
Angeli snickered.
"Can I get shades or something, I want to still look badass while not letting Annie's face melt my eyeballs." Heros yelled.
"No shades. Everyone just put your hoods up."
They all did as told. I cast a temporary shade charm, so that there will be a shadow covering all facial features except the mouth.
"My charm will make it so they can't see your face. It'll be cool to freak them out later with the undead..." I mimicked zombie moves.
"Oh, this'll be soooooo much fun." Cap smirked.
"Let's get this prank fest started!" Heros screeched.
"YEEEAAAAHH!" Gilli screeches also.
Blazer and Cap cheered. Rare and Lazuli high fived. Anger, Captain, and I laughed, while the girls tsked and rolled their eyes.
I turned to Lazuli and Tech.
"Be my team?" I ask. Tech shrugged. "No pro."
Lazuli huffed. "I would..." Oh gods -" But I'm not your type. I'm sure you can find somebody else." He pouted.
I growled. "Fine. I can, and will."
I turned to Anger. "Join my side of the prank war?"
He grinned. "If I get Captain, totally."
"Done." I say. " Yo, Cap!" I yell. "You're on my side! And Gilli's got your back."
Gilli took a running leap and launched herself onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck in a choke hold.
He shook his head sadly. "I am surprisingly cool with that."
Dove raised her hands. "Surprisingly, me too."
"Coolio!" Gilli cheered.
"I was kidding!" Lazuli pouted more.
So its Me, Percy, Michael, Ethan, Gilli, and Beckendorf against Blazer, Heros, Angeli, Huntress, Dove, Rare, and Light.(When she gets here)
Gilli counts as two prank people. She's crazy af.
"Alright, last prank team standing wins. Elimination, one by one. If one of your team is taken out, their equipment cannot be used. Once eliminated, players are subject to pranking, no retaliation." I stated.
"Got it?" I asked.
My side quickly barricaded Gilli inside our circle.
Heros' side quickly closed around Huntress.
They both glared at each other past all the shoulders.
"Your going down. Completely cheeto free." Zoë hissed.
Gilli gasped. "How dare you! I can guarantee that you will be taken down by one of these males!" She spat.
Zoë growled. "You're the first."
"But we cannot survive without her equipment!" Percy said to me dramatically.
"I know. We go full suicide. She's the last to go." I tell my team quietly.
Just then Gilli's phone rang. The Nyan Cat theme blared loudly from the iPhone.
Anger and I shared a look.
"Prank?" He asked. I shook my head. It hasn't started.
She answered it.
"Hello?......Who?........Kill who?....Who IS THIS!?....WHAT TYPE OF STUPID NAME IS HERMES?" She yelled.
Then her phone exploded.
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