Chapter 2
Dusk pov
I stared at the tree and looked around at all the carnage around me bodies dust and blood surrounded me and the tree I stared at the blood on my new tendrils as they moved in fascination it seemed I could control them but they could also respond to my mood fascinating then I suddenly realized Dawn! I felt him panic through the bond I felt panic and dread fill me did the villagers find our house was my brother okay I felt so much fear and worry I flapped my wings and took off to the house it didn't take long to reach the house as I was flying at top speed I reached the house and slowed down and gracefully landed I run up to the door and open it and felt some of my worry and fear drain away but I was still pretty worried to see my brother collapsed in front of the door I slowly pick up my brother bridal style he snuggled into me and I couldn't help but smile I used one of my new tendrils to close the door behind me and I carried my brother back into his room I laid him on the bed in sitting position and used my tendril to grab his medicine I gently opened my brother's mouth and poured in the medicine and closed his mouth again I rubbed his throat encouraging my brother to swallow I let out a sigh in relief that he was okay I was a little worried how he would react to how much I've changed and what I did I continued to drown in my negative thoughts until I heard my brother let out and cute yawn and lazily open his sockets sill half lidded ready to fall back into slumber at any moment which was not unusual he made a confused hum. "Brother?" "Yes Dawn?" I said gently he yawned again. "What happened why do you look yawn different?" I let out a nervous sigh. "The villagers chased me to the tree and tried to kill me I ate my apples and killed them all." I looked away nervous how he would react. "That's okay they deserved it corrupted or not even if you did kill them they deserved it yawn your my brother I will always love and accept you no matter what." He trailed off clearly tired and about to fall back asleep I couldn't help but smile my brother truly was the sweetest. "Get some rest Dawn you need it." He grabbed onto my sleeve and looked at my with half lidded puppy eyes. "Will you cuddle with me?" I smiled my brother loved to cuddle all the time and I couldn't possibly resist. "Of course." I got into bed and my brother immediately gripped onto me and snuggled into my chest and let out a happy hum and immediately fell asleep I rapped my arms around my brother and aloud myself to fall asleep. I jumped up at a strange feeling inside me I glanced at the clock at saw that I had been asleep for eight hours I felt the strange sensation again and jumped out off bed at the realization that it was the tree off feelings someone was at the tree I rushed out the house and took off into the air with a mighty flap of my wings and took off into the direction of the tree wondering who the heck could be at the tree.
Nightmare pov
Me and the gang were in the living room I was on the couch cross and killer were fighting over chocolate and error was looking through his portals he suddenly made a small gasp and I looked over. "What's wrong error?" "Guardiantale it's open." "Well then open a portal come on gang we have a Au to investigate." Error opened a portal and we all stepped through we were in front of the tree of feelings and it was chaos there were dead bodies blood and dust everywhere it looked like a massacre the village had burned down though there was one thing that confused me greatly the tree itself was still alive although the black apples of negativity were gone the golden apples of positivity were still there I felt a sudden gust of wind and heard a flapping sound before something landed in front of us me and the gang were on guard until we got a good look at the new comer A skeleton covered in the same corruption eye lights a mix of blue and purple looking like the night's sky wings on his back a mix of black,purple, and blue as well as tendrils he wore a short sleeved shirt long pants and a long sleeved jacket that started out orange, gold, and yellow, and faded into black,purple, and blue his outfit looked like day turning into night and a moon grown sat on his skull this was clearly the nightmare of this Au he was glaring at me and the gang his tendrils sharpened and raised threateningly he was clearly guarding the tree but why is he the only one here where is the dream of the Au shouldn't he be here to guard the tree as well was he like my dream and didn't care or irresponsible and leave his brother to protect the tree I felt a little anger at that idea but decided to stay calm I needed to handle this carefully so I decided that the best thing to do was to talk with this nightmare. "Hello my name is Nightmare who might you be?" "My name's Dusk guardian of negativity I'm one of the guardian's that protects this tree." "Hello Dusk what happened here?" "The villagers tried to kill me so I ate the black apples and killed them." "Why didn't the other guardian help you?" "I'm not letting my brother out of the house let alone near the tree or the village." That was strange why didn't dusk want his brother leaving the house? "Why wont you let your brother out of the house?" I saw dusk tense his glare returning why was he being so defensive about this information what could be wrong with the dream of this Au before I could speak again and break the tension I saw Dusk's head snap to the side I followed his gaze to see a figure approaching us coming up the hill something was wrong though as they would stumble and sway it was a skeleton his eye lights were a mix of orange and gold like a sunset he also wore a short sleeved shirt long pants and a long sleeved jacket his outfit started out black,purple, and blue and faded into orange,gold, and yellow like night turning into day he also had wings they were also orange,gold, and yellow and he wore a sun crown this was clearly the dream of this Au I felt worry something was clearly wrong with the dream he reached the top of the hill before he coughed up blood and collapsed. "DAWN!!!!" Dusk rushed over to the skeleton he reached into his pocket and pulled out a vial he pulled Dawn into sitting position and helped the skeleton drink it. Me and the gang got closer. "Why are you here I told you not to leave the house it's not good for you in your condition." "I was worried about you I woke up and saw you weren't there so I came to find you I'm sorry." "It's fine just be more careful you shouldn't be walking around without me in your condition." I saw them smile at each other Dusk picked up Dawn bridal style Dawn just cuddled up to him and he turned to face us again. "Who's this?" "My brother Dawn guardian of positivity." "Is he okay?" "Yeah he's just sickly always has been it's why I don't let him leave the house cause off his condition." "What is his condition?" "He randomly collapses as well as coughs up blood and faints there were a lot of times where he cant walk on his own as his legs are to weak he cant use much magic as it would strain him to much it causes him to cough blood and faint he also cant walk around a lot cause of the strain it would put on his weak body he also needs medicine often there were many times were I would have to help Dawn take his medicine I also at times have to help him eat his arms sometimes to weak to move he also sleeps a lot." I felt worry from what Dusk was saying Dawn's health was really poor I had planned to take Dusk back to the mansion and avoid Dawn but with Dawn's condition I don't think that's an option plus I could easily tell Dusk would not leave Dawn with how protective he was being of him though he shared the information about Dawn's condition he did it reluctantly he clutched his brother to his chest protectively and made sure to watch their every movement his tendrils raised in defense it was clear with his stance he was ready to have to protect Dawn from them and with how he fussed over him he was clearly and overprotective brother I would have to approach this carefully I didn't want to set off the overprotective brother or stress out the sickly one. "If you like you could come with us to the mansion I could give you a room, food, and all the medicine you would need for your brother." He paused and looked at his brother who had at some point fallen asleep and looked back up at me. "Alright lead the way." Error opened a portal the gang went through and so did I Dusk following me with his brother I lead them to two empty rooms side by side. "These two rooms are your and Dawn's you can stay in someone else's room if you want but these will still be your rooms so you can have you own space I will let you rest and we can talk more in the morning." "Okay I'm going to turn in with my brother good night." Dusk still holding his brother slipped into the room to turn in for the night I walk away and returned to my room and also turned in for the night.
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