Yuya shifted awkwardly in his chair, "ok um well I" he stopped "what-I'm trying to say is" "are you alright Yuya" Yuzu asked "fine why hahaha" Yuya continued to chuckle nervously. "Yuya" Yuzu slapped him with her fan "thanks I feel better" he smiled "I can't tell if your joking or not" "ok well let's start you know those dreams of a war I started to have" "yeah" "ok well their not dreams their Yuto's memories and Yuto is the one person trying to protect me in my childhood dream" Yuzu waves her hands "hold on back up, your telling me that you could actually see his memories". Yuya nodded "that's-you- I'm at a loss for words" "Yuzu if this is to hard to believe I completely understand I wouldn't believe me either" Yuya stopped "Yuya I believe you but this is so sudden why now". The room filled with silences "I-I don't know, but Yuto thinks that it has something to do with recent events" Yuya said "what kind of recent events" Yuzu asked "the academia attacking my home" Yuya and Yuzu jumped to see Yuto walk up behind them. "Yuto what do you mean by Academia, and attacked your homeland" Yuto smiled "you know you remind me of a friend Yuzu" Yuzu blushed at Yuto "don't change the subject" "I'll tell you when the times right" Yuzu huffed out her cheeks in annoyance. "Well I have a feeling that you want some time alone with Yuya" Yuto nodded "I need to discuss something with him" Yuzu nodded "ok" she smiled and walked out. "You didn't want to tell her about your homeland did you" Yuto nodded "I see" Yuya put his hands behind his head "I know I haven't known you for that long but I have a feeling you wanted Yuzu to leave for another reason" Yuto nodded once more. "Need the goggles" he took off his googled and handed them to Yuto "no, I'm fine it's just that Yuzu reminds of Shun's younger sister, in fact I would have thought she was her if I hadn't come to my senses" Yuya frowned "I don't know what you mean". Yuto took a deep breath "it's nothing" he gave Yuya a half smile "let's go".
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