Chapter Four
You, Peter, and the rest of the Guardians are joined by Ego and Mantis on a platform that disengages from the rest of the ship upon landing. It begins to float in the sky and below you are several trees of different colors. You stare at the beautiful planet in awe. Everything seems so bright and happy, almost as if every object is cheering with glee. There are no dark colors anywhere and the sun seems to shine brighter than you have ever seen. You take a glance over at Peter, who is gawking around him, same as you, with his eyes widened in amazement. You can't stop the grin that spreads across your lips as you watch the man be so joyful on this glorious, unknown planet. He meets your gaze and returns your smile.
"What?" he asks, stifling a light laugh.
"Oh, nothing. It's just that you're cute when you're looking at something this beautiful," you flirt, gaining a boost of confidence that you never truly found yourself having around Peter. He makes you so flustered sometimes it's impossible to compliment him without stuttering or blushing like a teenage girl around her high school crush. The man just has that effect on you.
Yet, to your surprise, Peter's cheeks seem to heat up a bit at your comment. He lets out a fake cough and replaces his shyness with his usual, cocky, smirk. "Then you should see me when I'm lookin' at you, darlin'."
"You're so sweet, Peter."
"I try," he mumbles. He takes your hand and squeezes it, and you take it as a hint that he is partially new to this. Peter has always been a womanizer and has gotten plenty of girls into bed, but he never has had feelings for one before. You love the way he flirts with you when it's inappropriate or crude, but this new romantic stuff is him really trying. He is trying to make you see how much he cares. He is trying to show you he loves you.
You think to yourself how thankful you are Groot and Rocket aren't here at this moment. You love the two goofballs, obviously, but if they witnessed the events from earlier today or you and Peter holding hands right now, their sarcastic remarks would be coming at you constantly. The others have been known to make their comments as well, but only with the initiation of Rocket or Groot. Besides, Drax and Mantis are too oblivious to anything going on around them, and Gamora cares for you too much to ruin the moment. The romantic, sexual tension between you and Peter is at its highest point right now, and you do not want to come down from this peak because of a few silly jokes.
Ego turns around to the rest of the group and puts his hands up in demonstration. "Welcome, everyone, to my world."
"Wow..." Peter breathes. "You have your own planet?"
"Come on, no larger than your Earth's moon."
"Humility," Drax nods. "I like it. I, too, am extraordinarily humble." You shake your head at his comment and share an eye roll with Peter.
As you continue moving forward to a large building, rainbow bubbles fill the sky. All of you take turns popping some of them and bursting into a fit of giggles as they explode into several, smaller bubbles. Everyone is happy here in this magical scenery, too happy. You still don't know Ego and you aren't entirely sure if he is truly Peter's father. So, you wonder to yourself if this place is honestly a paradise or if it is a cover for something much darker.
The platform connects to a building and stairs form for all of you to step off of the ship. While you're walking along, you pass a fountain with gracious, roaring waters. Gamora eyes the approaching building down cautiously. "You own a planet and can destroy two dozen spaceships without a suit," she states. "What are you exactly?"
"I'm what's called a celestial, sweetheart."
You all stop in your tracks. "Whoa..." you whisper.
"A a god?" Peter asks him.
"Small 'g,' son, at least on the days I'm feeling as humble as Drax," Ego laughs, entering the building with the three of you following shortly after. He holds his hands out and spins, showing off the big room with the high ceiling. It is full of color, just like the rest of the planet, and there are large objects that appear to be for demonstration purposes. Ego steps up to one to show all of you a brain that is floating in the stars and glowing with a blue light. "I don't know where I came from exactly. The first thing I remember is flickering adrift in the cosmos, utterly and entirely alone." As Ego speaks, the screen changes to adapt to what he is saying, visually explaining the story. "Over millions of years, I learned to control the molecules around me. I grew smarter and stronger."
He drifts over to another screen to offer more of his history as it does the same as the last one did while he talks. "And I continued building from there, layer by layer, the very planet you walk on now. But I wanted more. I desired... meaning. 'There must be some life out there in the universe besides just me,' I thought." He continues droning on and on as he waltzes to yet another screen, one that exhibits how his body was created. "And so, I set myself the task of finding it. I created what I imagined biological life to be like, down to the most minute detail."
"Did you make a penis?" Drax interjects.
You, Gamora, and Peter all turn to him in horror. "Dude!" Peter exclaims.
"What is wrong with you?" Gamora questions disgustedly.
You raise an eyebrow. "That's not something you ordinarily ask people, Drax."
"If he is a planet, how could he make a baby with your mother? He would smush her!"
"I don't need to hear how my parents..." Peter trails off, cringing.
"Why?" Drax inquires. "My father would tell the story of impregnating my mother every winter solstice."
"That's disgusting!" Peter retorts.
"It was beautiful! You Earthers have hang-ups."
"Yes, Drax, I got a penis," Ego finally puts an end to the weird conversation.
"Ha!" Drax guffaws. "Thank you!"
"It's not half bad."
Drax raises an eyebrow at him in curiosity. "Oh..."
Peter groans and you lean into him trying not to giggle. "What the fuck is going on right now?"
"Hell if I know," he replies.
"I've also got pain receptors and a digestive system and all the accompanying junk," Ego continues, the screen following every word. "I wanted to experience what it truly meant to be human as I set out amongst the stars until I found what I sought: life. I was not alone in the universe after all."
There is a long pause for a moment until Peter steps forward. "When did you meet my mother?" he asks Ego. You can feel his hand shaking against your own and you know this is hard for him to discuss given the circumstances.
"Not long after," He smiles warmly. "It was with Meredith that I first experienced love. I called her my river lily. And from that love, Peter: you." Everyone turns to view the current presentation of Ego and Meredith, who is pregnant with Peter. You notice his eyes glossing over slightly upon seeing his parents together for the first time, even if it is only a demonstration. You pull his hand to move closer to him for comfort. He appreciates the gesture and really enjoys having you beside him at a time like this. "I have searched for you for so long, and when I heard of a man from Earth who held an Infinity Stone in his hand without dying, I knew you must be the son of the woman I loved."
"If you loved her, why did you leave her?" Peter demands boldly. Ego averts his eyes to the ground, mouth agape and unable to answer.
Your hand retreats from Peter's and you join Mantis among the other Guardians present. "We should give them a minute," you suggest, everyone nodding in agreement. On the way out, the two men send you looks of gratitude, heading outside the other way. You understand it is important for Peter to be alone with his father right now.
You leave Peter and Ego alone as they duck outside, leaving you, Gamora, Drax, and Mantis inside the building. Drax and Mantis exit the front door to rest on the front steps but you choose to remain beside Gamora. She strolls around the room, slowly, taking it all in. You can tell she is in deep thought about something.
"What's on your mind?"
"Y/N," she begins, looking straight into your eyes. "Do you trust this place?"
You take a deep breath, your eyes scanning the room, pondering about everything you've seen and heard today. "Honestly, I don't think I trust Ego and something seems weird about this place," you rant, sighing to catch your breath. "But Peter seems so happy to learn more about his father, or at least curious to explore his past. I don't want to take that away from him."
Gamora tries to smile in understanding, but she fails. "I think we should get out of here before something terrible happens."
"What do you think is going to happen? We might not trust Ego, but I don't think he would hurt his own son or his son's friends," you lie, the words tasting bitter in your mouth. You really are unsure about what Ego was capable of. "Would he?"
"I am not sure, Y/N. I only know we need to leave before finding out."
"How the hell do you expect to just get up and go when our ship is destroyed and we have no idea where we are? Besides, Peter wouldn't want to leave anyway."
"Rocket gave you that communication device which is how you'll know when our friends are ready to come to get us. We should take the opportunity when it presents itself." She begins to walk away toward the door where Drax and Mantis were just outside.
"And what about convincing Peter to come with us?"
"You should talk to him," Gamora conveys, opening the door. "He listens to you."
"What makes you think that?" you scoff. "He never listens to any of us."
"Because he is in love with you," she asserts, gesturing for you to follow her outside. You want to roll your eyes at her statement, but you can't. Instead, you skip behind her, not even trying to hide your grin.
"...something I must tell you." Mantis finishes saying to Drax, both of them jumping at the sound of the door closing behind you.
Gamora crosses her arms. "What's going on?"
"This gross, bug lady is my new friend."
"I'm learning many things like I'm a pet and ugly," Mantis beams.
"You're not ugly," Gamora affirms.
"Drax!" you glare at him. "How dare you say that? You're very beautiful, Mantis."
"What are you talking about?" He gestures to Mantis' visage.
"Mantis, can you show us where we'll be staying?" Gamora requests.
Mantis obeys, and you start trudging toward a new building. The journey is silent for a while until you decide to give in to your curiosities about Ego's planet. "So...why is there no one else living here?"
"What do you mean?" Mantis addresses.
"Why are there no other beings on this planet?" Gamora affirms for you.
"Oh, the planet is Ego. A dog would not invite a flea to live on his back."
"And you're not a flea?" Gamora asks agitatedly.
"I'm a flea with a purpose. I help him sleep."
Losing patience, Gamora halts in front of Mantis and swivels to face her. "What were you about to say to Drax before Y/N and I walked out?"
Mantis shudders in place, her face drooping because she knows she has been caught. "N-nothing...your quarters are this way." She enters a new building that looks almost identical to the last.
You and Gamora stay behind for a moment. She shakes her head at you to say she isn't buying it. "Please, just speak to Quill and I am sure everything will be fine." You nod in response and head off to Peter's room to wait for him.
You don't see Peter for a while and the sun begins to set outside. A gorgeous sunset lights up the balcony you are resting on as you try and figure out why the device that allows you to communicate with Rocket isn't working. You hope everything is okay and something with the system is just malfunctioning. You really wish they were here with you because things only feel right when you are all together. Although it's often hard for everyone to admit, you all miss your friends.
The weight of the day begins to upset you and you let out a groan of frustration, slamming the device onto a table. You hear someone clearing their throat behind you and you turn to see Peter. All of your anger and worry fades upon seeing his handsome face. He stands out to the edge of the balcony and glances out on the horizon. "So I guess this could all be mine someday," he states.
"Yup," you agree, hoping that won't actually end up being the case. You turn your attention back to the device and give it another go. "Rocket...Rocket are you there?" There's no response and you let out a deep sigh. "Where the hell is he?"
Trying to soothe you, Peter places his walkman down and begins playing Sam Cooke's "Bring it on Home to Me" and you are unable to suppress a smile. You love this song. He places his arms around you and rocks back and forth. "What are you doing?" you snicker.
"Dance with me," he whispers.
"Not right now. I'm trying to fix this," you argue. He isn't having it and yanks the device from your grasp and places it down.
"This is Sam Cooke, one of the greatest Earth singers of all time." Peter pulls you into him across the balcony, readying you both for a slow dance. He balances his forehead against yours. "You of all people should know that."
You sway with him to the beat as Peter stares down at you lovingly. "You say that about every singer..."
"I know." He spins you away from him, instantly missing the warmth. You spin back to him again, loving his strong arms around you as the two of you dance together for probably the millionth time.
The music continues as you dance with Peter, enjoying every single moment. You meet his gaze and find him still looking at you with nothing but desire in his magnificently green eyes. "When are we gonna do somethin' about this unspoken thing between us?"
"What unspoken thing?" you question, acting as if you don't know.
"This Cheers, Sam and Diane, a guy and a girl on a TV show who dig each other but never say it because if they do the ratings would go down sort of thing."
"There's no unspoken thing."
Peter spins you around again before pulling you right back to his body. "Well, that's a Catch-22 because if you said there was, it would be spoken, and then you'd be a liar. So by saying there isn't, you're telling the truth, and admitting there is."
"You're such a complicated man," you laugh, earning a bright grin from Peter. "I know what we have. I just don't think it's as unspoken as we like to pretend."
Peter nods as a reply, agreeing that your feelings were clearly stated by Mantis only a few hours ago. "Fair enough, sweetheart."
You take a deep breath, your eyes searching his. "Peter?"
" it true?" you yammer, your nervousness trying to take over you. You push it aside, you need to know.
"What Mantis it true?"
Peter smiles softly down at you and the butterflies in your stomach are going insane. "Well, Y/N, ever since that day on Morag when I first saw you, the most beautiful girl of all time, dancing shamelessly to one of my favorite songs, I've been absolutely crazy about you. Then, as time went on, you truly became my best friend. I love falling asleep next to you and dancing with you and saving the galaxy with you and doing whatever else it is that we get up to when we're together. I'm always gonna want you by my side because life is better when you're next to me. I think you're the best damn thing in the whole galaxy."
You drink in his words, believing every bit of his statement. "Peter I..."
"Now can we have that totally hot makeout session I've been desperately craving for like two months?" he asks with a smirk.
"Hey, don't interrupt me while I'm confessing my feelings!" you mock him, causing you both to laugh.
"Okay, okay, go ahead and tell me how much you adore me."
You roll your eyes at him. "You're such a cocky son of a bitch."
"Hey!" Peter scolds, frowning playfully. "That doesn't sound like confessin' feelings."
"Peter," you giggle, thinking you're a lovestruck fool. "I've felt this way for so long. All of those times you saved my life and stood by my side showed me what a good man you are. I care about you so much. I always have. You've changed so much to prove that you truly want this and I think it's about time I told you that you're all I ever wanted. I adore you, Peter Quill, and you're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me."
He spins you around again, yanking you back to him very quickly, taking your breath away. "Hell yeah I am, baby. I'm fucking Star-Lord, legendary outlaw, the saver of the galaxy, man who is part GOD, could definite-"
You slam your lips onto his to shut him up. His body tenses up at the sudden contact, but he quickly gives in. The kiss is passionate and you feel as if there are millions of fireworks erupting around you two. You've never felt so right and put together. It's meant to be. You stop dancing as his arms fall to your hips and yours wrap around his neck. His hands roam, tugging slightly at your clothes as he grows hungry for more.
He pulls away for a second, out of breath. "I told you...totally hot makeout session."
You roll your eyes at the idiot you are so madly in love with and resume kissing him. This is exactly what the two fo you have been craving for months, desperately needing to touch each other and feel his lips on yours. Becoming infatuated with the kiss, you let out a moan, allowing him to slip his tongue in your mouth. Peter has desired to have you like this since the day you met and he isn't going to let another day go by where you aren't his. His large, strong hands find your ass and you almost let out a squeal at his grip. He pulls you up, allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist.
It is completely dark outside by now and Peter carries you into his quarters, slamming the door behind him. He places you down on the bed and throws his jacket to the ground. Barely giving you a second to catch your breath, his lips are on yours again with his entire, broad body hovering over you. You can feel his erection pressing against you through his pants and you're desperate to take his clothes off. His lips linger down the side of your face and he begins kissing your jawline lightly. You take this as a good time to peel his shirt off. You struggle to try and reach the hem, so he sits up and rips it off himself. He undoes his belt and removes his pants, disregarding them on the floor. Noticing you check out his muscular chest and abs, he wiggles his eyebrows. "Like what you see?"
You try and mock his classic, arrogant smirk. "I have a feeling I'm going to like what's in your boxers a whole lot better, Star-Lord."
"You are so fucking hot, Y/N, holy shit," he groans, crawling above you again. He goes back to kissing your jawline and working on your neck, sucking harshly at the delicate skin and certainly leaving a few marks. You whimper as his lips travel, begging him for more. You need him.
Peter reaches his hands down to the bottom of your shirt, pulling it off of you in a fast maneuver. He wastes no time and immediately unclips your bra as well, standing back to admire your bare breasts. You can feel him growing even more in his boxers by just looking at you like this: half-naked, your hair a mess, and with the desire to have him fuck you. A sudden darkness shines in his eyes, illuminating lust.
Noticing his need, you sit up and kiss him forcefully upward until he is standing up off of the bed. This time, you're feeling around his neck with your lips for a sweet spot, and a low moan from Peter tells you that you found the right place. You start kissing him again for a split second, only to pull away and leave soft pecks with your lips all the way down his chest, sinking to your knees. Once your lips reach his boxers, you slowly inch them down his legs and he steps out of them, now fully exposed to you. You find yourself face to face with his cock, and not to your surprise, he's huge. Peter loves the way your eyes widen at seeing his size, giving him confidence.
You kiss down his shaft slowly, teasing him. Peter exhales and runs his fingers through your hair, pulling it away from your face. "Fuck, you're such a tease."
At his words you take him into your mouth, using your hand to stroke whatever your mouth can't fit. Releasing his member from your mouth, you swirl your tongue around the tip, earning a loud groan. You look up at Peter, in complete euphoria, and never fail to break eye contact as you continue pleasuring him. His hands pull your hair tighter as he moans loudly with pleasure. His grip causes you to let out your own hums, loving the way his fingers feel through your hair.
"Y/N, if you keep doing that...I...I'm not gonna last," he whimpers between moans. You remove him from your mouth and wipe your face with the back of your hand. Standing back up, Peter walks you backward until you stumble against the bed. His hands fall to your sides as he slams you onto the mattress, finding his place above you once again.
Peter smashes his lips hard onto your own, pulling down your pants and reaching a hand into your panties. "You're so wet, darlin'. Tell me who you're so wet for."
"It's all for you, Star-Lord," you mutter, slamming your eyes shut as he rubs his fingers in circles around your clit until your writhing with pleasure. He loves watching you fall apart because of him.
Peter starts kissing you again, retreating his hand and delicately wrapping it around your neck as he kisses you passionately. He starts peppering kisses down your chest, stopping at your breasts as he envelops one of your nipples in his mouth. As he caresses your other breast with his rough hand, you can't help but moan loudly. He continues kissing down your stomach, stopping at the waistline of your panties. He strips your pants off of you completely now and tosses them across the room. They hit a lamp, knocking it over and you can't help but laugh, covering your mouth.
Peter's cheeks heat up and even in the darkened bedroom, you can see their redness. "Heh, sorry, I was tryin' to be sexy."
You place your hands on the sides of his face and pull him back over you to plant a kiss on his soft lips. "Oh, please, anything you do, Star-Lord, is sexy," you whisper, keeping your voice low. He growls at you and drags your legs toward his face. He kisses your inner thighs slowly, wanting to tease you as you did to him.
"Peter...please," you moan.
He looks up from between your legs and smiles devilishly. "Only if you call me Star-Lord again in that pretty voice of yours."
You roll your eyes at how goofy the man you love is. But, damn it if you don't find a little pleasure in calling him Star-Lord at a time like this. "Please, Star-Lord, I need you."
He groans against your panties upon hearing his name, the feeling of his hot breath hitting you causing you to jerk your hips forward. Finally, he strips your panties off of you, ripping them in the process. "Now that was sexy," he mumbles against your pussy. You almost start to roll your eyes again but he starts licking your folds as he finds your clit, which only allows your eyes to roll to the back of your head in pleasure.
Peter is extremely talented at this and knows exactly what to do, eating you out stretegically as you moan his name over and over again. He keeps you in place as his arms wrap around your thighs with a harsh grip. As your breath hitches in your throat, your orgasm hits you suddenly without warning. He presses his tongue against you harder and your entire body shakes with pleasure, pushing you over the edge. "Holy shit, Peter, I need"
Peter proudly laughs to himself as he presses his lips to yours once again. Your hands roam each other's bodies, feeling the hot, sweaty skin and craving each other so desperately. It feels like the first time you're being touched but also the last time ever, and all you need at this moment is each other. You break away from the kiss and meet his eyes. They're full of lust and love and you know he is right there with you. "Fuck me, Star-Lord," you smile up at him innocently, not being able to wait another second.
"Anything for you, sweetheart, especially when you call me that," he whispers, his voice low and hoarse. He lines himself up at your entrance and pushes all the way in. You shriek with desire at the feeling of him inside you, and he gives you a moment to adjust to his size before he starts moving. He starts out slow, trying not to hurt you, but he can't help himself from quickening the pace until he is roughly fucking you into the bed.
The two of you are a moaning mess, and his desired alias falls off your lips with almost every thrust. He loves the way you say scream Star-Lord while you're experiencing so much pleasure. Peter's lips find yours and he kisses you tenderly, never wanting this moment to end.
"You are so fucking beautiful, Y/N," he breathes, his voice tired out from groaning.
"I'm almost there, Peter." He can feel your walls clenching around him and he is almost at his peak as well. You're nearing another orgasm, a familiar knot building up in your core, then you're done, legs quaking and unable to take any more. He starts pushing faster and faster until he buries himself deeply inside of you as cums, filling you with his warmth. He gives a few more, slow thrusts then pulls himself out of you.
Peter lays on top of you for a moment before he rolls over to your side as not to crush you. You both try and find a steady breath after the experience that has been lingering on your minds since you first laid eyes on one another.
"That...that was awesome," Peter laughs, pushing a hand through his sweaty hair. You look at him and smile at his grinning face, you have never seen him so happy and in such bliss. "That was the best sex I've ever had."
You sit up to rest on your elbows and glance down at him. "What? I'm the best you've ever had?" You ask in surprise. Peter has a long list of women he has been with, practically deflowering half the galaxy. It's hard to believe you're the best out of such a large group of different, beautiful women. You think you're just a girl from Terra.
He chuckles deeply, wiping his face with his hands. "Darlin' called me Star-Lord."
"I thought everyone called you that."
Peter plants a delicate kiss on your lips. "Y/N, you know I have strong feelings for you that run deep. You're unlike anyone I've ever met. Of course you're the best."
"Well I guess, you were the best I ever had too," you add honestly, turning your gaze to the messy sheets that are wrapped around your legs.
Peter scoffs. "Yeah, uh, I know. You were moaning my name like crazy and you had what? Two? Maybe three orgasms? Trust me, I'm the fucking best."
You grab the pillow next to you and smack him on the face with it. "Shut up!"
He laughs, grabbing the pillow from you and placing a hand behind your neck to pull you in for a deep, loving kiss. You place a hand on his extended arm and give yourself away to the kiss.
Peter pulls his lips away slightly and lays the two of you down against the pillows. "I care about you so much, Y/N. I'm absolutely crazy about you."
He presses a kiss to your forehead and pulls you into him. "I care about you too, Peter," you say, meaning every word.
With that, you drift away to sleep in his arms, smiling as you dream. Peter starts falling asleep as well, running his fingers through your hair as he watches your chest fall and rise in your deep slumber. He thinks of how much he loves you and how you are for sure the love of his life. He is way beyond done with one night stands and you are done searching for the one. You guys have found each other in this gigantic galaxy and finally made it official.
You're Star-Lord's girl, and you're perfect. But, are you perfect enough to persuade him to leave this place?
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