Stopping Ronan
As the guardians were preparing to go stop Ronan,Rocket told Ruby to not die, which confused her like usual."Ronan's fleet has been spotted, and will arrive in t-minus fifteen minutes."A ravager navigator reported. "Remember, boy. At the end of all this, I get the stone. You cross me, we kill you all."Yondu threathened Quill,making Amber growl and Ruby frown. "This is a terrible plan."Gamora said. Ruby and Amber were with Quill,Groot,Drax and Gamora. "Hey,you're the one that said you wanted to die among friends."Quill said. "I mean its better than your 12%of a plan." Amber joked.
Eventually they got going and started shooting at the Dark Aster.
Yondu and Rocket made a hole in the ship after some time,but Yondu's ship was unfortunately shot down.
"Aw, hell! I'm going down, Quill! No more games with me, boy! I'll see you at the end of this!" Yondu yelled,as his ship spiraled down.
I hope he's fine. Ruby thought.
Thankfully for them,the Nova corps came,shooting at the Dark Aster. Apparantly they got Quill's message. I don't see how that works though.Ruby thought. The ship that the rest of the guardians were in crashed into the Dark Aster. "Yes! Yes!" Drax yelled,screaming like he was on a rollercoaster. Amber laughed heartily while Ruby chuckled.Gamora said to Quill,"we're just like Kevin Bacon." The fictional character you mean,not the actor. Ruby thought as she chuckled softly at Gamora's comment.
When they got out of the ship,Drax said,"I can barely see." "Same here." Amber replied while Ruby nodded her head.Then Groot releases glowing particles from his body to light the way. "When did you learn to do that?" Drax asked. "I'm sure the answer is 'I am Groot.' "Quill answered. Later Drax said something about them being his friends. Calling Quill Quill,Groot dumb tree,which was kinda rude.
He also called Ruby and Amber cats,which was fine for Ruby and Amber. But then,he called Gamora green whore,which prompted Gamora to shout,"Oh,you must stop!" Just then,Nebula came to intercept their progress.
" Gamora, look at what you have done. You have always been weak. You stupid, traitorous..."Nebula said,but was interrupted by Drax firing at her,sending her flying off.
"Nobody talks to my friends like that." Ruby flashed a sweet smile. It really is good to have friends....
"Head to the flight deck. I'll shut down the security doors." Gamora said to them.
Then Gamora had a battle with Nebula,which ended with Gamora winning,of course. Did you expect Nebula to win?(A/n:I don't hate Nebula)
Afterwards,they started battling Ronan's minions,with Ruby taking down and slaying her share effortlessly with just her sword. Amber managed to do the same with her Rapier sword. After a while,outside,Rocket told Saal to keep Ronan up there,which made Saal call Rocket a hamster(A/n:lol)
After a while,they used the Hadron Enforcer to shoot Ronan,and they thought they had succeeded,which Ruby thought,This isn't feels...too easy. Just then,Ronan rised up again. Yep,Ruby's hunch was correct.
Then,Ronan was intercepted and seemingly killed when Rocket ran him over with his spaceship and they began to plummet. Ruby saw that Rocket,Amber and Drax were uncomscious. They all huddled around Groot,as Ruby carried Rocket and Amber with her super strength.
Ruby's eyes were filled with concern.
She couldn't lose her sister and best friend like this. (A/n:best friend is Rocket)
Thankfully,Amber and Drax started to wake up. As they admired Groot's glowing particles in awe. Eventually,Rocket woke up and upon seeing Groot,starts to tear up. "'ll die..."
The only reply from Groot was.....
"We are Groot"
Then,afterwards,the ship plummeted,and Ruby hoped they would make it out in one piece.
After the ship crashed,Ruby opened her eyes to find them sitting in Xandar,surrounded by Groot's branches. It was official. Groot was dead. "I called him an idiot..."Rocket whispered softly as he continued to weep. As Ronan arrived at the scene,Rocket looked up angrily and yelled,"You killed Groot!" As he lunged at Ronan,Ruby yelled,"Rocket,wait!" However,Rocket was thrown off by Ronan's power stone-powered hammer. As he continued on with the evil gloating that every villain in a movie does, they suddenly hear....Quill singing?
"Ooh...child days of mine are gonna get easier....ooh child days of mine are gonna get brighter....and then bring it down hard!" Quill said as he danced,baffling Ronan.He gestured to Gamora for a dance,who declined the offer. "Subtle,take it back." He said as he continued dancing. "What are you doing!?" Ronan yelled. "I'm distracting you,you big turd blossom." Ta-da! It was a distraction all along! Rocket and Drax were reassembling the Hadron Enforcer with Ruby's help. Where's Amber, you may ask? Picking up a branch of Groot for memory.
As the Hadron Enforcer shot Ronan's hammer,the stone jutted out,causing Quill to reach for the stone, causing him to be in excruciating pain. Gamora yelled,"Peter,take my hand!" As the memory of his mother flashed in his mind,his mother whispered,"Peter,take my hand..."
Back in reality, Gamora was still yelling for Quill to take her hand. As the two held hands,they shared the pain. Drax also joined hands with them,putting his hand on Quill's shoulder,sharing their pain.Amber gripped Gamora's arm tightly,hollering in agony. Ruby reached for Amber's paw,holding it tight. As she made contact with her sister's paw,her thoughts ran like wildfire. Oh my goodness...its so fricking painful!!!!!!!!!
As Rocket was the last one....again,he reached out for Ruby's paw and held in,also sharing the pain. Soon,they all managed to hold the stone's power without being blown to bits.
"You are mortals! How?"Ronan bellowed in disbelief.
"You said it yourself,b**ch.We are the Guardians of the Galaxy."Quill replied to Ronan's face. Eventually,they concealed the stone in the orb,and Yondu tried to get it from Quill. Plot twist,Quill tricked Yondu! Ok maybe not plot twist cause it is in the movie. Ruby saw Rocket continuing to mourn Groot.
As he weeped miserably, Drax came to pet him. Rocket flinched for a bit,but to Ruby's surprise,was fine with it,seemingly comforted. Ruby also came to his side,clutching his paw. Rocket felt comforted,and started to blush,which went unoticed,because he has all this fur. So therefore,no one saw or can guess that he may have feelings for Ruby.
So,here they are. The new Guardians of the Galaxy. A bunch of A-holes indeed.
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